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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I didn't see the word 'queer' on the car on the 6pm showing, perhaps TPTB thought it shouldn't be seen which is strange considering they show Joey and Charlie kissing! Who was Charlie trying to convince by telling Hugo she isn't gay?

Looks like Charlie's decision to take Joey home to for her protection has come back to bite her on the bum, even if it had been totally innocent it was still a wrong choice. Brett hadn't changed his opinion over Joey being gay after all, he thinks that it is all in her head and can be cured as a lot of people do. Ruby is struggling with it, but at least she doesn't think it's an illness.

As you said Miranda once Joey tells the police her side that she has always been gay and Charlie didn't corrupt her all they have against Charlie is the rather unwise move to take her home. Not sure her pulling rank and insisting she was Senior Constable was a good move.

I can understand Charlie not wanting to tell Leah about her and Joey in the Den being a public place, especially as VJ was there, much better to do it at home, and tell her before Leah could have caught them in bed together. Just unfortunate that Brett came round shouting his head off and yes Leah has taken it well and quite rightly wants to tell VJ in her own way.

There was I thinking Trey would have changed after his talk with Miles and confessing he lied - how wrong could I have been! What Xavier said was so funny :lol: certainly shut him up.

It was good that Hugo opened up and explained how he felt around Brendan and your'e right Brian he should tell Xavier how hard it is and let Xavier help him after all Xavier has years to adjust (BTW I have a feeling Xavier is older than Brendan). Yes, Miranda, I was surprised to see Hugo's paunch, especially as he is supposed to be so fit what with all that diving.

Going back a few weeks there is still the mystery of what Hugo could be up to (I'm sure it will raise it's head again just when They think we have forgotten about it).

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God, is it possible for anyone in HA to be platonic friends?! Here was I thinking how good it was that Nicole and Aiden were friends supporting each other through hard times, almost like brother and sister, and then they go and jump into bed :-/ Talk about cheap story line, I'm getting a bit tazzed off with the script writers just lately :-(

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God, is it possible for anyone in HA to be platonic friends?! Here was I thinking how good it was that Nicole and Aiden were friends supporting each other through hard times, almost like brother and sister, and then they go and jump into bed :-/ Talk about cheap story line, I'm getting a bit tazzed off with the script writers just lately :-(

I know, thats what I thought to. I can't see how Aden & Nicole's friendship is ever going to be the same again, after this :angry: Feel like a perfectly good, opposite sex, just good friends relationship has been ruined. The writers don't seem to think any teenagers/young adults, of the opposite sex, can be "just good friends" and nothing more.(sigh)

Roman's is being a pain, he really should go & see a counsellor, but he seems in complete denial that there can be anything but a physical disability with him. Wonder how long he will be blind for? :unsure:

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Interesting episode.

So Charlie sleeps with Hugo, I guess that takes her tally to four, if anyone likes to keep track of that sort of thing. The scene at the beginning was so funny when Xavier was telling Martha about Charlie and Joey and she said that she never thought that she was gay with Xavier then retorting that she wasn’t her type. Hugo then emerged from his room with Charlie and just their reactions almost had me in stitches. I loved the way he causally threw in the remark about the charges being dropped.

I also liked Ruby’s reaction too when Xavier told her. And I also liked that she wanted to have it out with Charlie because she thought she was out of order the way she had been carrying on. I’m not sure I agreed that she was playing Hugo but certainly as far as Joey is concerned does seem more like a phase. She’s in love with her. Yeah, right. Xavier gave good advice telling her it was no her place to say anything and that it wasn’t really fair on Joey.

There was a brilliant line that Hugo made to Charlie in the Den when she said she wasn’t thinking straight and he replied “You were thinking straight that’s the problem”.

I’m not sure I like the idea of Charlie trying to keep this quiet and continually lying to Joey although I don’t really see any alternative. If she comes clean and tells Joey I feel she will be quite devastated and I’m not sure what it would mean for their relationship. A bit of irony in their conversation when Joey made a remark about them completely forgetting what happened the day before (obviously referring to the police investigation) and Charlie agreed (obviously referring to Hugo).

Poor Roman and poor Nicole. It’s an extremely difficult situation for both of them. Roman’s become moodier, he’s snapping at people, he’s in denial (i.e. when he cancelled his appointment with the councillor) and I felt there was an element of self-pity too. Nicole was very upset, obviously because she didn’t want to see her dad like that and for someone who I felt for the most part has been reasonably laid back is acting out of character, although you can’t really blame him.

Nicole and Aden. Oh boy! I didn’t really like Belle and Aden together but for me this seems even worse. The whole thing was far too rushed and although they both liked each other when she first came to the bay, I remember the conversation they had on the beach when he got out of the clinic when they agreed that they weren’t right for each other. I feel that Charlie and Joey’ relationship has been slightly rushed too but at least there were scenes that allowed them get closer. This just came about in literally one episode. Furthermore I thought Aden was still hung up on Belle (he even said he wasn’t ready to let go) but the only reason he finished with her was because he didn’t want to go through what he went with Larry and like he was previously, it was better for Belle’s recovery. Similarly even up till last week Nicole was still hung up on Geoff, you could tell by the way she was when Claudia was around and after her chat with Martha. I like both characters and what I liked most about their scenes was the fact that they were platonic but feel that any romantic involvement would be disastrous.

Something else that bothered me was when Roman came into Aden’s bedroom to apologise for the way he was acting and was so sincere about it and Nicole was sitting there with a guilty expression on her face. It just reminded me of when Morag first warned him off her and not to take advantage of Roman’s hospitality. For me the whole thing felt like it was bordering on incest.

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Argh my eyes, my eyes! :o I thought Aden and Nicole were friends forever, a kind of brother/sister relationship. But no, it seems not!

Although I've never believed men and women can be just friends, its not possible. But even so, Aden and Nicole :o Geoff will have a fit when he finds out, so will Belle.

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Another young lad giving good advice! First Jai, now Xavier, telling Ruby how she should react to Charlie. She's lucky to have good friends to talk to. But where was her friend Annie, or wouldn't Ruby dare tell her because she might be so shocked. But Charlie couldn't be more indiscrete than coming out of Hugo's room at that hour, when he knew that the rest of the family would be there. Why didn't she just hop out of a window (like Aden used to do from Belle's room), but then it would not have been such a good storey.

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Well, I really like the idea of Aden and Nicole being together even if that wasn't the ideal way for it to happen.Shame they didn't seem too happy about it but it did sound as though they enjoyed it...Don't really blame them for lying to Roman, would have been a bit difficult to casually drop into the conversation the fact that they'd just slept together.Maybe they could have mentioned Nicole was there but left out the part she was half-naked.I don't think it's particularly sudden, I think for all the friends talk there's always been a spark between them and you get the feeling it could happen if the circumstances were right.And no, it's not incest in any way, shape or form.For goodness sake, Ric and Cassie switched back and forth between being lovers and quasi-siblings on an almost weekly basis.

Absolutely loved Hugo and Charlie casually wandering through the kitchen.Xavier and Brendan seemed to think it was really amusing, Martha...less so.Was that disapproval or jealousy on her face?I was willing to give Hugo the benefit of the doubt yesterday about sleeping with someone else's girlfriend but I wasn't happy with his comment about it being Charlie's business and not his.Although I did think he handled it well in their scene together at the Diner("straight thinking" comment aside, although at least he realised it was inappropriate this time).He seems to be a bit better with Brendan, he's still stern and a bit stiff but at least they're not constantly at loggerheads and he seems more comfortable leaving him with Martha.Interesting that no-one seemed to think of the possibility of Brendan mentioning Charlie was there, wonder if that's how it's going to come out.Although at what point did Ruby turn into a high maintenance drama queen, relying on Xavier to point out the obvious to her?

Not too happy with some of Roman's behaviour.Even though he apologised to Aden, I doubt that's going to be the end of it.I'm not sure if Aden and Nicole being awkward around him when he was trying to be normal was the best way to handle it either.From the way he cancelled his appointment with his counsellor, it sounds as though he's not even trying to get better, he's just decided the doctors are wrong.

On the Austins' ages, I remember Hugo saying that he didn't know how Gina coped looking after Brendan on her own for 20 years.Given that Xavier's about 15, that would make Brendan older.

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I don't think anyone has mentioned incest Red Ranger. I just think it didn't serve the storyline and gives younger kids who watch the show the wrong message. There does seem to be a lot of sleeping around now that you mention it, we all know that anyone who has a one nighter in a soap has to get pregnant it's the rule lol

And no, it's not incest in any way, shape or form.For goodness sake, Ric and Cassie switched back and forth between being lovers and quasi-siblings on an almost weekly basis.

I think if I woke up blind I'd be a little upset and grumpy, so I sympathise with Roman. I don't get that his blindness is psychological though :-/

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I don't think anyone has mentioned incest Red Ranger. I just think it didn't serve the storyline and gives younger kids who watch the show the wrong message. There does seem to be a lot of sleeping around now that you mention it, we all know that anyone who has a one nighter in a soap has to get pregnant it's the rule lol

And no, it's not incest in any way, shape or form.For goodness sake, Ric and Cassie switched back and forth between being lovers and quasi-siblings on an almost weekly basis.

I was the one that made the "incest" term but perhaps it was the wrong choice of wording as I really didn’t mean it in a literal sense so apologies for any offense caused. What I meant to say was that although they could have hooked up during Nicole’s early days in the bay, I always felt they moved on from that and shortly after he was released from the clinic following the stuff that happened with Larry and they took her car for a spin she made a comment about how they would have made a terrible couple (I can’t remember the exact wording). I always felt from that moment onwards they writers were trying to portray them as brother and sister with Roman obviously being the parent to Aden. One of the things I liked about the relationship was that it seemed as though it was platonic and I liked the bickering at times. Although I do like romance with certain people I agree it now feels as though they are making characters sleep with each other just for the sake of it and as I saw them as adopted siblings for me them sleeping together just didn't feel right.

Oh and regarding Ric and Cassie look how that turned out.

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