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Oh and regarding Ric and Cassie look how that turned out.

Personally I think Aden and Nicole's relationship is much worse than Ric and Cassie's, as they got together before they lived in the same house if I remember rightly? Agree with everything everyone has said about A and N sleeping together being a rubbish idea. There was always a bit of will they/won't they going on with them when Aden first moved in, but I thought that had been resolved ages ago and it seemed as if a really solid friendship had come out of it. But no. :( Personally I don't see how anyone can complain about the Charlie/Joey storyline being too sexualised when at the same time we get two teenagers who live in the same house randomly having sex.

Mind you, I don't know why I care anymore.

As Belle is apparently about to die, there's no hope of a happy ending for her and Aden. With that on top of Jack's death and KK's split, it seems like TPTB don't give a stuff about what the viewers want with regard to couples anymore.

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I think the Aden & Nic relationship is exactly like how the Aden & Belle SL started out, build up, running round each other, pretending it didn't happen etc. Really I think they make a better couple as they have completely ruined Belle's character now anyway, I hated all the drugs/trauma SL, found it SO boring. I really wanted A&B to get together when they first started out, but it seems like as soon as they get a partnership together the writers go and ruin it. IMO Aden and Nic have way more chemistry.

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I agree, I really wanted Aden to get together with Nicole instead of Belle when they first met because their chemistry is so much better and I haven't changed my opinion since.Regarding Ric and Cassie, they might have been attracted to each other before they moved in together but they didn't get together until afterwards, I remember Sally and Flynn being a bit uncertain about what would happen if they broke up.In fact, when Cassie was first with Macca, she said Ric was like a brother to her...and then got back with him!For that matter, Matilda said Ric was like a brother to her when he was with Cass and that turned out okay.On the other hand, Aden and Nicole have never referred to each other as anything more or less than friends.I found it very instructive that Nicole referred to Aden as her housemate when talking to Freya.

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I wouldn't say they were like brother and sister, but I did like the close friendship they had. As others have said, it was nice to see a male/female relationship that was purely platonic. Jai and Ruby seem to be developing that kind of relationship too, although I wouldn't be surprised if they got together somewhere along the line as well. It's a shame they can't give out the message to young viewers that opposite sex friendships are possible.

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I don't think Aden and Nicole have ever been completely platonic, there's always been a bit of tension there, but I can see why some people would want them to stay friends and be a bit upset.I like Jai and Ruby's friendship and I can't really see them getting together, I think him and Annie are a bit too tight for that, although you never know.

Anyway...I thought Aden was a bit of a jerk towards Nicole at first, seeming to put all the blame on her when he pretty much made the first move, but I was glad he apologised.Also liked that Nicole wanted to tell Roman, shame Aden wouldn't let her.Guess Aden isn't wiping it out of his mind that much, what with all the flashbacks.If nothing else comes out of this, at least he won't be able to give any more speeches about never being with anyone but Belle.(So much for "Once you sleep with someone it all changes", huh, Aden?)

Belle at the clinic...Glad she opened up in the end but when Craig asked her if she felt better than everyone else and she was just sitting there with the attitude, it really did feel like someone had just taken Aden and Belle's scripts from six months ago and swapped them around.Interesting to see how she reacts to Liam, given that he helped get her hooked in the first place, and we finally get an explanation for that line about his marriage.Wonder if we'll see any more of Zoe as well, seems to be a bit of a friendship building there and she gave her good advice.

Roman still seemed a bit moody but it was nice that Miles was able to bring him out of it a bit.And he did seem to realise the effect he was having on people when Aden and Nicole started avoiding him. Loved him joking about driving to the house but did any of them seriously fall for it?Miles and Kirsty were really cute at the start, loved his hasty "No" to her when Tony was talking about honeymoons.

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I’m glad Nicole and Aden (in particular) felt guilty about what happened. And it did seem as though he was kind of acting like he had slept with his sister (well almost). When we caught a flashback of him and Belle which switched over to him and Nicole, I thought they were going to be more dramatic and make him throw up or something. Although I didn’t like the way he was behaving towards her afterwards (being cold, abrupt and effectively blaming her for the whole thing) I preferred them today. Their bickering was sort of how things were pre-last episode. I loved his reaction when she said “I’ve been thinking”. I do feel they have to talk about what happened else they will continue to feel awkward and uncomfortable around one another and it will only be a matter of time before Roman senses something blind or not. I remain undecided whether they should come clean.

Roman cracks me up when he gets stroppy because he’s not really that sort of person. Again following on from yesterday, he was generally a lot moodier than usual. I liked Nicole’s “boot camp” description of the way things were around the house and Miles’s remark about him having a foul mouth. Well I suppose at least he’s still got a sense of humour. I liked Tony, Rachel’s, Leah’s faces when he casually said he was driving and almost ran into trouble and then the reaction when Kirsty came confirming he was joking. I really liked Leah’s concern for Roman going after him like that (despite being very weary of being around him). I loved that they both said they missed each other. As someone that was disappointed when he dumped her I would really like to see them give things another go but I think he’s to stubborn at the moment. As an aside when she asked how he knew it was her and he replied because of her perfume it made me think if Nicole still had her’s on at the time they would have been caught out for sure.

Onto Belle. I really didn’t like the way she was rolling her eyes initially at the clinic when that girl was telling her story and refused to contribute in the group discussion. She came across as quite arrogant and stuck-up which is so not her. As her councillor identified it was a defence mechanism because it almost resembled her situation. I agree regarding her predicament though and it’s quite interesting seeing a role of reversal, as Aden was the one pining after her previously. Back then I said that she was no good for his recovery so I was glad to see that Rachel and her councillor came to the same conclusion regarding Belle’s recovery this time round. I thought that guy at the end (Liam?) was the one who offered her drugs when she was supposed to be interviewing him for the Costal News.

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I really, really don't think that Aden thinks he's slept with his sister, I think he was just horrified that he'd slept with someone other than Belle.He told Rachel about it without mentioning Nicole's name and she didn't seem to think anything was suspect.And Nicole did ask if they could go back to being friends, suggesting that's how they see each other.Interesting too that Nicole was still trying to persuade him to go and see Belle:Still trying to run his love life even when she's a part of it.

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I don't think Aden and Nicole have ever been completely platonic, there's always been a bit of tension there, but I can see why some people would want them to stay friends and be a bit upset.I like Jai and Ruby's friendship and I can't really see them getting together, I think him and Annie are a bit too tight for that, although you never know.

Actually I get the impression Jai and Annie's relationship isn't as strong as it seems. They don't have much screen time together, he's always with Ruby and Xavier and she's always with the beach house people. Plus there was the suggestion not long ago that sex might be an issue (ie. he might want to in the near future and she doesn't). I do like them as a couple but it would be nice to see more of them together, maybe a storyline focused on the two of them without the other teens? I think Annie is a character with loads of potential, and particularly

now Belle is leaving

she could really come into her own and take a more central role in the show. I also like the idea of her developing a friendship with Aden, as what little I've seen of them together has been great.

Maybe she could be a shoulder for him to cry on after Belle's death? She seems like the sort of person who would be good to have around in tough times.

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I don't think Aden and Nicole have ever been completely platonic, there's always been a bit of tension there, but I can see why some people would want them to stay friends and be a bit upset.I like Jai and Ruby's friendship and I can't really see them getting together, I think him and Annie are a bit too tight for that, although you never know.

Actually I get the impression Jai and Annie's relationship isn't as strong as it seems. They don't have much screen time together, he's always with Ruby and Xavier and she's always with the beach house people. Plus there was the suggestion not long ago that sex might be an issue (ie. he might want to in the near future and she doesn't). I do like them as a couple but it would be nice to see more of them together, maybe a storyline focused on the two of them without the other teens? I think Annie is a character with loads of potential, and particularly

now Belle is leaving

she could really come into her own and take a more central role in the show. I also like the idea of her developing a friendship with Aden, as what little I've seen of them together has been great.

Maybe she could be a shoulder for him to cry on after Belle's death? She seems like the sort of person who would be good to have around in tough times.

I think Jai and Annie are pretty tight.In fact I think they're probably the strongest couple on the show! They've been together about nine months and haven't really come close to breaking up whereas Aden and Belle, Geoff and Nicole and Miles and Kirsty have all split up twice in that period!Ruby and Xavier didn't even meet till the end of last year and they've split up at least once already!Having said that, I agree it would be nice for the writers to actually remember they're a couple and give them some scenes together.I don't think the sex thing is that much of an issue, certainly at the moment, I think they're still only 15(Jai definitely should be).It kind of reminds me of when Kirsty was going out with Nick and one of Dani's man-hating speeches got her worrying he wanted her to sleep with her when, as with Jai, he actually wasn't even thinking about it.I think Annie could end up changing her mind on that one, especially since Geoff hasn't stuck to it.

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I don't think the sex thing is that much of an issue, certainly at the moment, I think they're still only 15(Jai definitely should be).

I don't know what you were like at 15, but as far as I can remember it was a very big issue on a lot of people's minds by that point! Not me of course... :rolleyes:

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