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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I don't know what you were like at 15, but as far as I can remember it was a very big issue on a lot of people's minds by that point! Not me of course... :rolleyes:

Me at 15, me at 18, me at 29...not really an issue.But then I'm strange.It might be an issue in real life at that age but probably not in Summer Bay World.They tend to be good kids.

I was glad that Belle didn't seem to have any resentment towards Liam, I was worried she was going to blame him for giving her the drugs.And he seemed to give her the strength to talk about what she'd done.He seemed a fairly decent and down to earth guy until he went a bit crazy.If he was taken straight there after he collapsed, he's probably still in withdrawal.(And at least we got a sort of explanation for why someone that high profile isn't in the Australian equivalent of the Priory.)Liked Belle trying to help him...oh god, I've just realised, they really have just swapped over the scripts from six months ago, haven't they?It's Aden and Melody all over again.Liked that Belle apologised to Rachel. Not sure why Rachel's beating herself up over what happened, twice she offered to help Belle and had it thrown back in her face.I'm going to assume she was just being nice because if she really does blame herself I'd be a bit worried about her.Even less sure about what she said to Tony.I can understand her wanting to focus on the positive parts of her wedding day but I can also understand why Tony would be upset that it ended badly.It reminded me a bit of her attitude after Jack's death, where Tony's way of coping actually ended up working.She needs to realise that people handle things in different ways and just because someone does it differently to her that doesn't make them wrong. (And he didn't make the ambulance joke to Martha, she was out of the room at the time.Unless he made it twice...)

Is that going to be the last we see of Pippa?If so, what was the point of bringing her in for just four episodes, with her only real contribution being smoothing things over between Belle, Geoff and Annie? It felt like someone wanted her there but didn't know what to do with her.Loved Annie's nonplussed reaction to Jai getting macho with Trey.I can understand why he'd be annoyed about Trey getting away with his lies and his behaviour on Monday didn't really scream "fresh start".Wonder if Trey was expecting him to take him up on his challenge.

Geoff discovers his inner rebel!Surprisingly, I actually rather liked him and Claudia together, it was rather sweet.And he does seem to be completely over Nicole, at least for now.(So is that the way clear for Nic and Aden..?)Although it seems Claudia's got a few unresolved issues with her ex...

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I think Jai and Annie are pretty tight.In fact I think they're probably the strongest couple on the show! They've been together about nine months and haven't really come close to breaking up whereas Aden and Belle, Geoff and Nicole and Miles and Kirsty have all split up twice in that period!Ruby and Xavier didn't even meet till the end of last year and they've split up at least once already!Having said that, I agree it would be nice for the writers to actually remember they're a couple and give them some scenes together.I don't think the sex thing is that much of an issue, certainly at the moment, I think they're still only 15(Jai definitely should be).I think Annie could end up changing her mind on that one, especially since Geoff hasn't stuck to it.

I agree with you, Red Ranger. It seems strange that both couples, Jai/Annie, Xavier/Ruby, haven't really had much time together in the last few weeks to develop their friendship, although Ruby has been there for Xavier & Brendan. It would be good to see those 2 couples, either separately or together, spending time alone and doing things that they just like doing and getting to know each other better. Rather like Geoff and Claudia on the farm. Jai and Xavier seemed to be getting on well together, especially when Jai gave Xavier "creative help" with that e-mail and Ruby & Annie are supposed to be best friends.

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I have to say Jai was definitely the instigator of the trouble in that episode (taking a dig about Trey's weight and barging into him and even saying that he wanted revenge) but you know what? I didn’t have a problem with it simply because Trey’s showed that he hasn’t really changed as was evident when he was making his snide remarks to Charlie about her sexuality earlier on in the week. And the fact that he offered him out makes me believe that possibly the main reason he did the right thing regarding Kirsty was out of obligation to Miles because he was sympathetic towards him and his earlier days. It’s funny how after one day he said he was tired of Jai when he was hassling him (and others) for how long. It made me smile when Trey blocked Jai’s path and Jai retorted “Move moron”. I liked that Annie was definitely acting more Christian prepared to give Trey another chance and questioning Jai’s course of action towards him. Although I don’t understand why he would want to fight him at the Caravan park (unless he’s got something up his sleeve). It would have made more sense to do it somewhere secluded.

I wasn’t particularly interested in the stuff with Belle and Liam but did end up feeling quite sorry for him.

Again good to see Geoff acting “rebellious” and deviating from his normal behaviour. Interesting that he decides to get involved with Claudia when at the very least knowing she’s on the rebound. The end of the episode would suggest otherwise so I’m not sure what she’s up to. I wonder if Martha will say anything considering that she told Hugo she wouldn’t have told anyone about him sleeping with Charlie, although she is quite close to Geoff.

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I really wasnt interested in any of the Belle stuff today, other than seeing Rachel's HUGE bump when she got up from the chair, she is massive now! Doesn't look all that realistic though! Another highlight was Tony's body, lovely! I thought Jai was unnecessarily agressive towards Trey, even though he is a complete pig - why should it make any difference that he used to be fat?? I'm still quite bored of the teens at the moment really to be honest, I don't think there's really any of them that hold my attention now, Annie is ok but needs more backbone.

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I'm still quite bored of the teens at the moment really to be honest, I don't think there's really any of them that hold my attention now, Annie is ok but needs more backbone.

I agree, they aren't making the most of the teens at the moment. Annie could be great but is criminally underused and - dare I say it - comes across as a stereotype a lot of the time. They need to give her better storylines and hopefully her character will develop more depth. I love Jai but he's yet to have a major storyline. Ruby I thought was fab when she first arrived but now she gets on my nerves, particularly when she's with Xavier who is a waste of space IMO. She's very immature for her age and comes across as a whinging brat a lot of the time - which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing if it's done well (for example, the way Kirsty was back in the day), but with her it's just irritating.

I'm dreading the storyline where Charlie turns out to be Ruby's mum, not just because it's a ridiculous idea but because it will give Ruby even more opportunity to whine and moan

. On the whole I find this lot quite disappointing in comparison with the previous teen group (Ric/Cassie/Matilda/Belle/Lucas etc).

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I am disappointed with them too - I think it might be because they seem to act a lot more immature than the previous set of teens, and I couldn't agree more that Ruby is the most awful whinger, this whole upcoming storyline will see her as the centre of attention which she'll love no doubt, she'll milk that one forever more. Jai and Annie both need a major storyline either together or individually as at the moment all the seem to do is pad out scripts and scenes rather than having any proper point to them at all.

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As I haven't been able to get online since Tuesday I am probably going to be going over old topics.

I personally saw Aden's and Nicole's sleeping together as more of a comfort bonk (if I'm allowed to say that). She was still missing Geoff and he had just broken up with Belle. What started off as a comfort snog (like Miles and Charlie) escalated into the ineviatable. When Roman walked in it may seem awful but I imagine they both had a fleeting thought of thank goodness he can't see! On the subject of Roman is he just being macho by refusing to see a counsellor or is it he is scared? We have seen from the flashbacks (and when he was at Miles') the accident has more of an effect on him than he is willing to admit. Which is a bit strange because if it had been any of his men how had suffered similar he would have encourged them to get help.

When Aden finally told Roman he and Belle had broken up and Roman snapped at Nicole as to why she hadn't told him, it wasn't down to her, if Aden had wanted to tell him he would have.

That was an amusing moment when Roman walked into the hose at the caravan park and made the 'I drove here' comment.

As for Leah worrying about being there with Roman there didn't seem to be that much contact between them anyway.

So it turned out Charlie was testing herself by sleeping with Hugo, good that he was able to take it so well. Interesting that Ruby seemed to be more upset that Charlie had cheated on Joey and not wanting her hurt. We all know that when people say 'she/he must never find out' they always do!! So Xavier, Hugo, Martha and Ruby have agreed not to say anything, but supposing Brendan says something that makes Joey suspicious?

I think I mentioned before Trey doesn't seem to have changed much after all, but Jai was definitely winding him up, by 'accidentally' bumping into him and goading him at school.

Agree there Red Ranger it does seem strange that Pippa is going back already, I thought she was there to look after Geoff and Annie till Alf or Irene came back? (BTW was it just me or when she mentioned that Sally ws missing the Bay like crazy was that a subtle hint that she was coming back?)

I never thought I would see Geoff bunking off school! :o I hope Claudia isn't going to be shuttling between her ex and Geoff though, he didn't like Nicole chatting up other guys even though there wasn't anything in it.

Belle did seem very snooty and 'I'm better than than them' at the group meeting, but as usually happens admitted how she felt to the counsellor. I thought it was because she didn't want to have treatment because she had nothing to go home for now she and Aden aren't together.

I was wondering how she would react to seeing Liam, though he can't be blamed for her getting hooked on pills she already was and it was her choice to take them or not.

I understand Rachel going to see her, partly because she had been her doctor and is also her friend, again as you said Red she had no reason to blame herself for the state Belle was in, she offered her help, but she couldn't force her to take it. Why, did Tony go to see her, when all we saw was him smiling at her, then it moved to the next scene? :unsure:

Now this is going to sound soooo sad, but do you realise that on Monday that is the FIRST time we have actually seen the outside of the front of Leah's house!! Which got me thinking we hardly ever see the outside of any of the characters homes, we just see people opening the door and coming in or going out. Even sadder - is it just an Australian thing or is it usual for people only to use the back door (including the police) as in the caravan park & Leah's. Even Brett used the back door when he first went to see Joey. It appears that Martha and Tony don't have a back door unless it is off screen?!

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Yes, I thought that I'd never seen the outside of Leah's house. I didn't imagine it looking ANYTHING like that though :o

Also I agree that Aden/ Nicole's 'night of passion' [as the TV guide called it], was definitely two hurt people turning to each other after breaking up with their loved ones. Its the oldest story in the book: hurt boy and hurt girl crying on each other's shoulders and ending up in bed. It must have happened to so many people [not me of course :whistle:].

I wonder how many months pregnant Rachel is now. Her bump didn't look huge to me at all: it will get so much larger!! But I agree it didn't look realistic. She leapt up from Aden's bed so easily, she couldn't do that if it was real, even though he was helping her up. :rolleyes:

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Rather a strange episode today. Jai would never had stood a chance in a fight with a big lad like Trey and wouldn't have lasted more than a few minutes, unless he knew some karate (or similar) moves, which he obviously didn't.

And then Geoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems so completely out of character for him to actually suggest himself to Claudia that he wanted to be with her properly and then taking her clothes off. How would he have known to say and do that? He wasn't even seduced by Claudia; he made all the running. For someone who had resisted Nicole's advances and maintained his vow of celibacy for months; I know that teenagers can fall in love very suddenly and fully, but it is a huge stretch of the imagination that he would have wanted to make love with a girl he had only known such a short time. Did Nicole really hurt his pride that much; I doubt it.

Should be some interesting sequences to that when they get recused from that place!

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