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I thought Geoff was just a bit hypocritical, he kept resisiting Nicoles advances, even though he had been her with for months, because he was staying true to his faith, then suddenly Claudia comes along and he just decides to sleep with her :rolleyes:

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I thought Geoff was just a bit hypocritical, he kept resisiting Nicoles advances, even though he had been her with for months, because he was staying true to his faith, then suddenly Claudia comes along and he just decides to sleep with her :rolleyes:

I thought that too. I really want to know why the writers did that to him. Ever since he first arrived I think it's been great how Geoff has changed but still stayed the same person with the same beliefs ( if you get what I mean ) but now they have ruined that.

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Yes, I was a bit shocked by Geoff's behaviour. He seems to have suddenly turned completely opposite to how he used to be i.e. sensible and determined not to have sex before marriage. Maybe he thinks that now he's done it once, he is beyond saving and might as well just carry on :unsure:

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Geoff IS hypocritical. When Jai first started going out with Annie he was one of the people that was for banning them from seeing each other even though he went through the same thing during his relationship with Melody. When Jai called him out about it he had the cheek to act as if he had no right to do that. Again Nicole mentioned in that episode he was being hypocritical copping off with Claudia on school premises but I'm trying to remember a time when he has called someone out about that. I know he wasn't too happy with Eliott but I don't think he actually visited Nicole on school premises. The whole having sex with Claudia thing just proves maybe he wasn’t as into Nicole as she was into him. Or another explanation (unlikely) was he was reacting towards her attempts to be unpleasant to him (I hated her remark about him being unable to satisfy him and it was so below the belt). So it was maybe an attempt to get over her but I can’t see Geoff using someone like that. In saying that I’m quite pleased the writers seem to be sticking to trying to explore another side to him. Hopefully this will make me appreciate his character more. Sleeping with Claudia was a great idea because if this comes out I would like to see some sort of fallout. The first time with Nicole was under very exceptional circumstances but he can’t really make any excuses to Annie this time around. Furthermore it’s shown a slightly selfish side too because Pippa travelled to Summer Bay of her own accord simply to help him and Annie out but he was more interested in getting his leg over than actually saying goodbye to her.

Roman came across a lot better in this episode. Seemed back to his usual calm self. I really liked his conversation with Jai offering good advice. The way he was kind of smirking implied that he knew Jai was referring to his circumstances i.e. the fight. Again, I liked the interaction with Nicole and the joke he pulled when asking her for a hug, after consoling her.

I’m glad Jai featured more heavily in this episode (when he’s actually got some thing to do he’s not too bad). Good stuff with Annie too firstly when she was speaking to him about Geoff in the Den and he wasn’t interested then when he walked pass Trey and she thought he’d turned the other cheek (that brought a smile to my face). I have to agree with Brian though. No way could Jai take Trey in a fight. However I did feel even though Trey was the one that offered to fight him, he didn’t actually want to fight him. It was almost as if his intentions were to try and humiliate Jai or get him to openly say that he would stop hassling him, or make out he was the superior one.

No surprise that Joey discovered Charlie was cheating on her. I felt really sorry for her because she seemed so happy in the episode. The fact that she asked her if she was in love with Hugo means she could forgive her. In hindsight Charlie probably should have come clean because I can now see Joey saying if it hadn’t been for losing the earring she would have simply kept quiet about the whole thing, which I guess hurts.

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Poor Charlie, I guess its her own fault to be honest but she seems a lot less moody with Joey around and Ruby seems pretty happy about it now. There is no way around it for Charlie, Joey sees the world in black and White. cheating is cheating and she won't forgive her or understand that she was upset at the time.

Jai is lam, that is all.

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Alf's episode count this week:None.Maybe Ray was in panto as well.

Geoff's the troublemaker and Nicole's the responsible one:Welcome to Bizarro Summer Bay.You know what?I don't have a problem with Geoff sleeping with Claudia.In fact, I think it was more believable (maybe even more in character)than him sleeping with Nicole.Just beforehand, he said he wasn't going to make the same mistakes with her as he did with Nicole.Given that she'd just been needling him twice about how he couldn't satisfy her, I can well imagine him thinking that he doesn't want to lose another girlfriend and if sleeping with her was what he needed to do to hang on to her he was willing to do that.

Loved that scene with Jai asking Roman for advice and Roman handled the situation well.Nice to see Annie getting a bit more to do, shame it involved Jai hiding things from her.Loved Miles' casual "Hello" to Claudia and it seems it's rubbing off on Jai:His "He's not that smart" had me in stitches.Not sure what to make of Ruby suddenly turning up at the fight:I know she heard Trey mention the time to Jai but how would she know where to go?Was it just a coincidence?Possible Trey was holding back with Jai although he did seem to slam him around a bit and have no qualms about pushing Ruby over.

Joey was really cute in that scene where she was telling Charlie about her friends knowing she was gay.Loved Ruby teasing Charlie about where the earring was.Frankly it's a bit of a leap from "Charlie's earring was at Hugo's" to "Charlie and Hugo slept together":Why couldn't Charlie have just gone round to see Martha or even Hugo himself and lost it?Joey getting Hugo to fess was a bit sneaky but I'm sorry, her getting mad with Charlie("Don't touch me")was faintly laughable, it's just not her at all.

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Joey was really cute in that scene where she was telling Charlie about her friends knowing she was gay.Loved Ruby teasing Charlie about where the earring was.Frankly it's a bit of a leap from "Charlie's earring was at Hugo's" to "Charlie and Hugo slept together":Why couldn't Charlie have just gone round to see Martha or even Hugo himself and lost it?Joey getting Hugo to fess was a bit sneaky but I'm sorry, her getting mad with Charlie("Don't touch me")was faintly laughable, it's just not her at all.

That was exactly what I thought. If Joey had already been suspicious for some reason then I could understand her attitude, but there was nothing to suggest that Charlie and Hugo had slept together. The earring wasn't even in his bedroom! Then she made out like she already knew something had happened - imagine how annoyed he would have been if she'd assumed wrong!

To be honest I thought yesterday's episode was ridiculous all round. The Jai/Trey thing was bad enough, but Geoff seducing Claudia?! Please! :blink: It was almost as if the writers suddenly realised that Geoff's celibacy was going to limit his storyline potential (or else just his half naked scene potential) and thought 'let's get him in the sack with someone as quickly as possible!' But if it was going to happen it would have been much more credible if it had been with Nicole. Despite Geoff seeming to have fallen for Claudia already I do believe that he genuinely loved Nicole, and after everything they'd been through together I would have bought it it if he'd decided to change his views on sex before marriage to be with her. But with a girl he's been seeing for a matter of days? It just didn't wash.

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I'm glad Joey was annoyed with Charlie. I would have slapped her face if I'd been Joey. :rolleyes: Charlie is behaving completely childishly and not how I'd expect someone her age [26 or so?] with a responsible job to behave.

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I agree that Joey has every right to be annoyed with Charlie (as she was blatantly in the wrong) but I don’t necessarily think Charlie is behaving childish. As she said to Hugo at the Den when she came onto him she wasn’t thinking straight. After their night together she was faced with quite a difficult decision and rather than coming clean she decided to try and cover it up because by then she’d decided that she wanted to be with her and obviously didn’t want Joey to get hurt and she wasn’t sure what it would mean for their relationship if the truth came out. How many people have been in a situation like that before? She’s only doing what a lot of people would have.

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Its just that Charlie seems a bit old to be getting into boyfriend/girlfriend problems like that :unsure: It seems a bit odd to me. But then I suppose I'd been married for a few years at her age, so she would seem young. She has just been so sensible and responsible lately with all the situations she has been in at work- Jack's death, the Robbo situation etc- that her suddenly acting like a lovesick teenager doesn't ring true.

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