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Although I don’t think she’s been particularly childish in this case. I have to agree with what you’ve said Miranda. And this is backed up by her past behaviour. But as your post mentions (and I’ve said this before) the times when she’s been responsible for the most part have been at work (when she’s in Senior Constable/cop mode). Things are different with her personal life however, such as the threatening text messages she sent Morag, the hissy fits with Roman and the way she was so eager to jump into bed in her previous romances. Again as I mentioned previously it’s almost as if she doesn’t know how to act when dealing with adults sometimes or behave like an adult in certain situations.

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Its just that Charlie seems a bit old to be getting into boyfriend/girlfriend problems like that :unsure: It seems a bit odd to me. But then I suppose I'd been married for a few years at her age, so she would seem young. She has just been so sensible and responsible lately with all the situations she has been in at work- Jack's death, the Robbo situation etc- that her suddenly acting like a lovesick teenager doesn't ring true.

I think Charlie has always been quite immature when it comes to relationships. Look at how she behaved with Roman - she was so needy and made a drama out of everything. And obviously the fact that she's in a relationship with someone of the same sex for the first time must make things a lot more difficult for her.

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I'm interested to see that some of you are also baffled as to why Geoff acted the way he did. It is not so much hypocritical, as so far out of character as to be way beyond credible. How could be persuade Claudia by saying that they also have a history, when he hadn't seen her for, what, 10 years? Why did it make it feel right for him with someone he had met such a short time ago? What were the scripwriters thinking?

Slade, I agree with you that it was unlikely he was reacting towards Nicole's unpleasant remarks; he wouldn't use a girl like that. but i can't see how this will make us appreciate his character more.

Red Ranger, I can't see how this makes Geoff more believable and in character by sleeping with Claudia rather than with Nicole. I just can't imagine that he would fear to lose another girlfriend if he did not sleep with her. He's too rational for that.

Sorry I did not include your quotes, but i don't know how to put 2 different quotes into one reply.

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I'm interested to see that some of you are also baffled as to why Geoff acted the way he did. It is not so much hypocritical, as so far out of character as to be way beyond credible. How could be persuade Claudia by saying that they also have a history, when he hadn't seen her for, what, 10 years? Why did it make it feel right for him with someone he had met such a short time ago? What were the scripwriters thinking?

Slade, I agree with you that it was unlikely he was reacting towards Nicole's unpleasant remarks; he wouldn't use a girl like that. but i can't see how this will make us appreciate his character more.

Red Ranger, I can't see how this makes Geoff more believable and in character by sleeping with Claudia rather than with Nicole. I just can't imagine that he would fear to lose another girlfriend if he did not sleep with her. He's too rational for that.

Sorry I did not include your quotes, but i don't know how to put 2 different quotes into one reply.

You click on the "Quote" tab at the botom of the posts and then click on "Add Reply".

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, I wasn't saying that Geoff sleeping with Claudia made him more believable, I was saying he was more likely to sleep with a girl in those circumstances than to suddenly turn round and change his mind with Nicole.He stuk to his guns when he was with her and was himself with her and they ended up breaking up because she didn't get him.He's not going to want to go through life with a line of failed relationships so I can see why he'd want to do things different this time.I don't think rationality really comes into it, there did seem to be a lot of desperation in his assertion that he was serious about her and he was going to prove it.(If he knew Claudia all the way through primary school, it's probably about 6 years since they last saw each other.I think he thinks he's got more of a chance with her since they come from the same background.)

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Nah I think Charlie is just kinda immature in regard to relationships overall. She was clingly and naggy with Roman and then when he dumped her she was in a huge sulk about if for a few episode. She is always sensible and responsible at work but unfortunatly that doesn't seem to transfer over to her personal life. There are times when I think Ruby is more mature than Charlie. Still Joey shouldn't be so hasty after all she lucked out in getting Charlie and a nice place to stay, under what normal/ non bizzaro circumstance would Charlie ever be interested in Joey?( not because she's female but because she's a kid)

Geoff is just a massive idiot, he's clearly being manipulated by Claudia. If he is to stupid to see it them tough on him.

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I'm glad Joey was annoyed with Charlie. I would have slapped her face if I'd been Joey. :rolleyes: Charlie is behaving completely childishly and not how I'd expect someone her age [26 or so?] with a responsible job to behave.

I've said this before, but I think now more than ever they really need to clarify Charlie's age. Not only would it would be really helpful to know what the age gap is between her and Joey

but also what age she is in relation to Ruby, seeing as she's now got to be old enough to be the mother of a 15 year old and many people, myself included, will find that hard to swallow

. Like you I assumed she was about 26/27 but now I'd say she must be at least 28, probably slightly older.

Still Joey shouldn't be so hasty after all she lucked out in getting Charlie and a nice place to stay, under what normal/ non bizzaro circumstance would Charlie ever be interested in Joey?( not because she's female but because she's a kid)

Are you serious? :huh: I agree that the age difference makes their relationship less credible, but why on earth should Joey forgive Charlie for cheating on her just because she should feel 'grateful' that she wants to be with her in the first place? And staying in a relationship just because your partner has a nice house doesn't seem like the sort of thing Joey would (or should!) do. :P

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Agree with you Claire. But what difference does age make? Well, Tony & Rachel have their age difference and it's not stopping them to be couple (that's great ofc!). Why should Charlie be bothered with Joey's age? :D

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Are you serious? :huh: I agree that the age difference makes their relationship less credible, but why on earth should Joey forgive Charlie for cheating on her just because she should feel 'grateful' that she wants to be with her in the first place? And staying in a relationship just because your partner has a nice house doesn't seem like the sort of thing Joey would (or should!) do. :P

Why not, its not like she's got any better offers. I'm not a fan of Joey, but you know I think a problem for her is not so much Charlie cheating on her as the fact that she's suddenly realised that Charlie isn't this perfectly wonderful person she thought she was, turns out she's just a normal person. This doesn't fit in with Joey's childish imaginations of the world in monotone. You know the best of it was, that is wasn't even Charlie's house.

Tony and Rachel's age difference is less of a problem because they are both older. Rachel is in her mid 30's and Tony in his mid 40's so by this point they are both mature adults so it's less of an issue than Charlie dating Joey who is still a kid. The older people are the less the age difference become an issue. There is probably a similar age difference between Rachel/Kim and Rachel/Tony but because Rachel is dating someone who is also a mature adult there isn't the same conflicts and problems.

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Slade, I agree with you that it was unlikely he was reacting towards Nicole's unpleasant remarks; he wouldn't use a girl like that. but i can't see how this will make us appreciate his character more.

Actually I was referring to myself. I think the writers showing a different side to his character will make me appreciate him. Geoff’s been a person that I’ve disliked for a lot of his time during the show and although he wasn’t really annoying me when he was with Nicole, I was starting to find this whole hardline devout Christian thing that he adhered to a bit tiresome (as it didn't generate too many interesting storylines in my opinion). I think the writers have finally realised (as someone already mentioned) that he needs a bit more drama to explore different sides to his character, hence the reason for the rebellion which although is a bit sudden in my opinion is realistic.

Nah I think Charlie is just kinda immature in regard to relationships overall. She was clingly and naggy with Roman and then when he dumped her she was in a huge sulk about if for a few episode. She is always sensible and responsible at work but unfortunatly that doesn't seem to transfer over to her personal life. There are times when I think Ruby is more mature than Charlie. Still Joey shouldn't be so hasty after all she lucked out in getting Charlie and a nice place to stay, under what normal/ non bizzaro circumstance would Charlie ever be interested in Joey?( not because she's female but because she's a kid)

Geoff is just a massive idiot, he's clearly being manipulated by Claudia. If he is to stupid to see it them tough on him.

Yeah when she first started going out with Roman and he was kind of neglecting her I remember on at least two occasions where Ruby was giving her relationship advice. And to be honest it did seem a little bit odd a fifteen year old girl giving her older sister tips on dating (I always assumed she was 25 but on Wikipedia her profile says 26-27).

To be honest there's times where I've also thought Geoff was an idiot. Period.

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Yeah when she first started going out with Roman and he was kind of neglecting her I remember on at least two occasions where Ruby was giving her relationship advice. And to be honest it did seem a little bit odd a fifteen year old girl giving her older sister tips on dating (I always assumed she was 25 but on Wikipedia her profile says 26-27).

Ruby's a smart kid, but she can be kind of clingy/naggy like Charlie as well. I always put it down to Ross being a neglectful father to both of them.

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