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Sleeping with Claudia was a great idea because if this comes out I would like to see some sort of fallout. The first time with Nicole was under very exceptional circumstances but he can’t really make any excuses to Annie this time around.

My thoughts exactly, Annie only just about forgave him last time, cos as you said Slade it was exceptional circumstances. And goodness knows how Nicole is going to react!! :o I know they are not together anymore but one of the reasons they broke up was because of his reluctance to have a physical relationship which she accepted but now he comes on to Claudia, someone who has only just come back into his life and the last time they knew each other they were children! Only problem is Claudia still has her ex (or not so ex) hanging around so it's not as if she a free agent.

Joey was really cute in that scene where she was telling Charlie about her friends knowing she was gay.Loved Ruby teasing Charlie about where the earring was.Frankly it's a bit of a leap from "Charlie's earring was at Hugo's" to "Charlie and Hugo slept together":Why couldn't Charlie have just gone round to see Martha or even Hugo himself and lost it?Joey getting Hugo to fess was a bit sneaky but I'm sorry, her getting mad with Charlie("Don't touch me")was faintly laughable, it's just not her at all.

That was exactly what I thought. If Joey had already been suspicious for some reason then I could understand her attitude, but there was nothing to suggest that Charlie and Hugo had slept together. The earring wasn't even in his bedroom! Then she made out like she already knew something had happened - imagine how annoyed he would have been if she'd assumed wrong!

It was a big jump to make, as you say, the earring was in the living room, pretty sharp of Joey, perhaps it was Hugo's guilty look, did Charlie ever say where she was that night? I did feel sorry for Joey though. If this is Joey's first relationship she is bound to have high expectations of her partner.

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It was a big jump to make, as you say, the earring was in the living room, pretty sharp of Joey, perhaps it was Hugo's guilty look, did Charlie ever say where she was that night? I did feel sorry for Joey though. If this is Joey's first relationship she is bound to have high expectations of her partner.
Ha Joey should have really dated Ruby instead.
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Why not, its not like she's got any better offers. I'm not a fan of Joey, but you know I think a problem for her is not so much Charlie cheating on her as the fact that she's suddenly realised that Charlie isn't this perfectly wonderful person she thought she was, turns out she's just a normal person. This doesn't fit in with Joey's childish imaginations of the world in monotone. You know the best of it was, that is wasn't even Charlie's house.

I don't think that's a very realistic view. She isn't just going to stay because being with Charlie gives her a place to live. I do agree that she idealised Charlie too much, but she's a naive young woman with no real experience of relationships so it's hardly surprising.

Tony and Rachel's age difference is less of a problem because they are both older. Rachel is in her mid 30's and Tony in his mid 40's so by this point they are both mature adults so it's less of an issue than Charlie dating Joey who is still a kid. The older people are the less the age difference become an issue. There is probably a similar age difference between Rachel/Kim and Rachel/Tony but because Rachel is dating someone who is also a mature adult there isn't the same conflicts and problems.

Actually Rachel isn't as old as that, she's around 30 now I think, and Tony only turned 40 about 2 or 3 years ago. I also don't think Joey is as young as she appears to be - I'd say she was about 20, but with her looking young and being quite immature it's hard to tell.

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Well early 30's to early 40's, I think the point still stand in regard to the reason why the age difference between Rachel/Tony isn't as much an issue as it was between Rachel/Kim and anyone who has an age difference in a younger age range. I figured Joey for 19/20 as well but Charlie must be about 27/28 which is for me an age difference that is significant because there is alot of changes in peoples lives in that age range and when people do alot of their growing up (although with Charlie thats up for debate).

I don't think that's a very realistic view. She isn't just going to stay because being with Charlie gives her a place to live. I do agree that she idealised Charlie too much, but she's a naive young woman with no real experience of relationships so it's hardly surprising.

I know, I'm just being overly mean towards Joey. I think she's probably a good kid but she has no idea how the world works and no idea of what Charlie was like at all. She should find someone closer to her age, Nicole would have been a better choice.

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He's not going to want to go through life with a line of failed relationships so I can see why he'd want to do things different this time.I don't think rationality really comes into it, there did seem to be a lot of desperation in his assertion that he was serious about her and he was going to prove it.(If he knew Claudia all the way through primary school, it's probably about 6 years since they last saw each other.I think he thinks he's got more of a chance with her since they come from the same background.)

If Geoff is such a strongly committed Christian that they make him out to be, then he wouldn't mind having some failed relationships to stick to his principles and wait for a girl with similar views to come along. I agree that he would stand more of a chance with Claudia, because they come from the same background and so I don't think that he had to prove anything to her. I still don't understand why he felt that he had to sleep with her.

And yes, I am waiting to see what Annie's reaction will be. We never saw her discuss it with Geoff after Nicole announced that they had slept together.

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Oh, hang on, I've just realised what I was trying to say(I phrased it so badly even I didn't understand it...).I thought Geoff sleeping with Claudia was more believable than Geoff sleeping with Nicole, ie than when Geoff did sleep with Nicole.Not the idea so much as the execution was completely out of character in that case.They shared their first kiss and then they just had sex as though it was something Geoff did all the time.In this instance, I think that he did it in a way that, at least for me, didn't make him suddenly seem like a completely different character.

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Oh, hang on, I've just realised what I was trying to say(I phrased it so badly even I didn't understand it...).I thought Geoff sleeping with Claudia was more believable than Geoff sleeping with Nicole, ie than when Geoff did sleep with Nicole.Not the idea so much as the execution was completely out of character in that case.They shared their first kiss and then they just had sex as though it was something Geoff did all the time.In this instance, I think that he did it in a way that, at least for me, didn't make him suddenly seem like a completely different character.

So I have to take back everything I wrote yesterday. I never thought that Geoff would go against his principles and sleep with a girl, because it hadn't done him any good so far. And Annie was horrified, pointing out how he had stuck it out with Nicole. Interesting to see how the future plans out for Geoff, now he thinks that he is with Claudia and doesn't care what anyone thinks.

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I can't condone Lochie's violence towards Geoff but I can understand it. Geoff preyed on his vulnerable girlfriend and slept with her. He didn't consider Lochie or anyone elses feelings and betrayed his own beliefs, his previous relationship, Claudia and Lochie's relationship and upset Annie with his sleazy caravan antics. Geoff and Claudia almost payed for their behavior with their lives which shows just how dangerous their union is.

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Even though it was partly his stupidity that started it in the first place, I thought Jai handled the fire well, keeping his head, organising everyone and going back in to rescue Geoff.(Karma for Geoff pulling him out of a burning building at the start of the year?)I know I had a go at Xavier for lying to the police in similar circumstances a while back but I didn't really mind this time.Normally, I'd say it was bound to come out but I'm not so sure.Jai and Ruby made a good case for keeping quiet, neither Miles nor the police are bothered about what happened, no-one was hurt(well, apart from Claudia being in hospital overnight but we'll ignore that...).And most importantly of all, it let Jai get one over on Trey (who ran like a girl...).

Well, Geoff certainly paid the price for his indiscretion, nearly burnt to a crisp and then beaten up. Guess that's what they call aversion therapy.I hope they don't go too far with this new attitude of his. Geoff in a sexual relationship I can handle.Geoff as a bad boy...No.Just no.If only because every teen goes off the rails soon or later.Mind you, looks like he might have another damsel in distress to rescue. Claudia really doesn't seem happy with her boyfriend and he really doesn't seem the most stable of individuals.One day he's going to find himself a girlfriend who doesn't have a crazy in tow...

Charlie and professionalism once more parted company, as she wanders off from an official investigation to have an argument with her girlfriend and needed Ruby to pull her back into line.I thought Ruby came off quite well in that episode, aside from having a go at Hugo(completely uncalled for)and being a bit catty towards Annie(cos she handled her sibling's latest relationship really well to start with...)and I'm not sure she had the right to tell Annie about Geoff and Claudia either...Okay, maybe not her finest hour but I liked the way she comforted both Charlie and Joey without taking sides.Liked Hugo's scene with Charlie and his attempt to take the blame with Joey.Joey's anger seemed to be handled better today.Bottom line, Charlie cheated on her and while you can argue she could forgive her, it's a bit hard to argue that she should.

And Alf's back!(And, er, didn't Miles and Kirsty have Ollie with them when they left?Did they forget him?)

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