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I think that Aden/Nicole have a more solid friendship than Charlie/Angelo had. I don't even think Charlie liked Angelo all that much. They certainly shared more of emotional connection and they bonded over their pain in regard to what had happened to Roman. Aden/Nicole ended up sleeping together because of the close friendship they already had. Angelo/Charlie were just unhappy after being dumped and weren't great friends before that.

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In saying that I didn’t like the way she had a go at Hugo though. I just didn’t see the point. What’s done is done. I’m going to come right out and say it but if I was in his position I probably would have done the same thing *ducks*

Agree with all you say Slade. A good analysis. But who are you referring to in your last sentence "in his position"?

I was referring to when Hugo saw her on the beech. You see to me Charlie is like a goddess. At times I completely mesmerised by her beauty.

Oh Gawd. Nicole and Aden again. This whole attraction is purely physical and derived from loneliness, desperation and they are both almost certainly on the rebound. It is destined for disaster. I did like how Roman remains completely oblivious to their previous indiscretion.

Even though I don’t particularly like his character I do like they way they’re portraying Geoff at the moment. Liked the scene in the class room where he was daydreaming and Bartlett asked him a Chemistry question and his response was “I guess so”. At the moment I’d say his mind’s not really with it but I really hope he goes one step further and goes off the rails. Cracked a smile when Nicole called him out about sleeping with Claudia particularly with her “rebound” remark. Talk about double standards. She did seem to be more like a friend to him when Claudia turned up though. Rather than threatening to report them to Bartlett she helped her to avoid him. I still think Claudia’s playing him and her boyfriend. She basically admitted that her sleeping with Geoff was some sort of payback for Lochie being unfaithful.

I was disappointed that Joey decided not to give Charlie another chance as I really liked her character and thought the relationship with Charlie was at least something different. It also surprised me a bit considering how besotted Joey was with her but in saying that I really liked their goodbye scene.

Some good stuff with Liam and Belle and he seems like an ok kind of guy. I really hope Belle doesn’t decide to sell the photos but I get the feeling she’s already considering it.

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I agree with Oscar about Hugo being no gentleman. It seems that chivalry is dead, it used to be an unspoken rule that a man wouldn't take advantage of a crying, tipsy woman. And another thing: wouldn't he have let Charlie escape from his bedroom without his family seeing her, IF he was a gentleman. Roman is far more chivalrous.

Slade and Charlie, sitting in a tree.

K.I.S.S.I.N.G :lol:

I can't believe Belle gave Annie the photos of Liam to take to be developed outside somewhere! My recording went funny and stopped after Aden found the pictures of Liam in the surf club, what happened after that? Bloody technology :angry:

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I can't believe Belle gave Annie the photos of Liam to take to be developed outside somewhere! My recording went funny and stopped after Aden found the pictures of Liam in the surf club, what happened after that? Bloody technology :angry:

Annie came back and collected the photos and took them to Belle, who gave the photo of Ash to Liam. Aden went home and had a ten second conversation with Nicole about Belle and Geoff moving on then they got down to some serious kissing(and probably more...).Elsewhere, Charlie went to Brett's looking for Joey and heard she'd taken a job on a boat and would be gone three months.She rushed down to the wharf and she and Joey had an emotional farewell.

So...Someone shoot me now.I quite liked the rehab stuff last week but now it's just boring me.Belle's back to her irritating worst, wallowing in self-pity, acting as though the world revolves around her(Liam's having a bad day so she decides to stand in a corridor shouting that he's a jerk because he won't talk to her...)and thinking the rules don't apply to her.People have bent over backwards to get her out for the day but instead of going back she decides to go and have another row with Aden.Glad the nurse gave her a hard time.As for Liam...I thought he was quite an interesting character at first but now he just seems like Aden on valium.(Taking Belle's camera and snapping off shots of her...hmm, where have I seen that before.)Nicole really seems to be getting into her...thing with Aden, she deliberately initiated that encounter.And despite acting like a jerk towards her once he'd got what he wanted(and seemingly doing so a third time, judging by the way she looked on the wharf), Aden was the one that went in for that kiss.Either he doesn't love Belle as much as he thinks/says he does or he's just got no willpower.(I wonder if he'd have behaved like this in the past if he hadn't been essentially impotent:After all, the last time he dumped Belle he went out and found someone else as well.)

Liked Roman going to see Charlie, they seem to be building a decent friendship.("Did I put you off men?")Nice to see some more interaction between Belle and Annie although I wasn't too keen on Annie claiming it wasn't her fault when she left the photos lying around.Okay, as it turns out it wasn't her fault but she didn't know that then.

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Nicole really seems to be getting into her...thing with Aden, she deliberately initiated that encounter.And despite acting like a jerk towards her once he'd got what he wanted(and seemingly doing so a third time, judging by the way she looked on the wharf), Aden was the one that went in for that kiss.Either he doesn't love Belle as much as he thinks/says he does or he's just got no willpower.(I wonder if he'd have behaved like this in the past if he hadn't been essentially impotent:After all, the last time he dumped Belle he went out and found someone else as well.)

I love how everyone sees in scenes exactly what they want to! Watching at Aus pace but my interpretation of Aden pausing and then kissing Nicole wasn't that he doesn't love Belle or has no will power it was that he really did love her and that was why he stopped himself at first but the thought of her with Liam was literally killing him and he was using Nicole for comfort.

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Annie came back and collected the photos and took them to Belle, who gave the photo of Ash to Liam. Aden went home and had a ten second conversation with Nicole about Belle and Geoff moving on then they got down to some serious kissing(and probably more...).Elsewhere, Charlie went to Brett's looking for Joey and heard she'd taken a job on a boat and would be gone three months.She rushed down to the wharf and she and Joey had an emotional farewell.

Thanks for that. I was amazed today when Aden and Nicole were talking about 'it' happening twice, so I worked that bit out, but really! They are both slipping back into their old selves :rolleyes: I can't believe they were having it off on the sofa with the front door open: they could at least have gone upstairs.

I also liked the bits with Roman saying 'did I put you off men' to Charlie. And him turning up just as Aden was saying he'd had sex with Nicole. A bit like a carry on film.

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I know, I'm just being overly mean towards Joey. I think she's probably a good kid but she has no idea how the world works and no idea of what Charlie was like at all. She should find someone closer to her age, Nicole would have been a better choice.

I think Joey actually showed real maturity in her decision to leave. Her experience with Charlie seems to have taught her a lot about life and has probably helped her to grow up, which makes me really want her to come back so they can start afresh with their relationship. I was never able to warm to Charlie until Joey came along and, whilst it was far from perfect, I think it was a really good storyline and still has loads of potential left in it. I wonder what will happen if Joey doesn't come back - will the writers conveniently forget the whole thing and have Charlie go back to being straight? I do worry that they were scared off by all the bad publicity in Australia and decided to back-track just at the crucial moment.

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Joey's problem was she thought Charlie was so perfect in every way and of course she was dissapointed that she turned out to a regular jerk just like everyone else in her life. I know she wasn't too pleased with Charlie but I thought she might have stuck around Summer Bay because she was making friends there, with Ruby and Aden plus she seemed to get on well with Nicole when they first meet. It's not like Charlie was her only reason to stay in the bay.

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Joey's problem was she thought Charlie was so perfect in every way and of course she was dissapointed that she turned out to a regular jerk just like everyone else in her life. I know she wasn't too pleased with Charlie but I thought she might have stuck around Summer Bay because she was making friends there, with Ruby and Aden plus she seemed to get on well with Nicole when they first meet. It's not like Charlie was her only reason to stay in the bay.

I agree. I said earlier in the character discussion thread for Joey's character that I thought Joey, Nicole and Aden would make a good group of friends.

Personally I couldn't give a toss if she hooked back up with Charlie or not on her potential return, cos let's face it Charlies useless in relationships. she'd be better off with someone her own age. I would bet that most prospective girlfriend's around Joey's age would still be more emotionally mature than Charlie.

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