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This is my personal opinion so please don't flame me for it. I really do feel that Hugo took advantage of Charlie when he knew she was going through a rough time. There were a few moments where it almost seemed like he was bragging about getting Charlie in the sack. Like he managed to "de-gay" her. What grates me the most is that he isn't a bloody teenager. He knew that he should have pushed Charlie away and taken her home to sleep off the drink. And even when she told him it was a mistake, he was still cracking jokes.

As for the end of Jarlie, I found it believable. Actually, I found the whole thing believable because it really did feel like Charlie awakening to her sexuality and Joey finding a true love for herself. It was awkward with little moments of sparks that just kept you wanting to see a little more. Like that scene on the boat where they touched hands and Charlie held her breath for just a moment. It would have been cheesy if Joey had just gone in for a kiss!

I am going to miss Jarlie because it was semi-innocent.

Roman pissed me off in todays episode. The way he just assumed Charlie was there for him was horrible but I did like when he asked her if he turned her to women.

Was it my imagination or did anyone else see that little spark ignite between Charlie & Aden? When he was being a little cheeky and she smiled? That would actually be a nice way to carry the storyline on.

(And to think that I thought Charlie was horrible before :o)

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Was it my imagination or did anyone else see that little spark ignite between Charlie & Aden? When he was being a little cheeky and she smiled? That would actually be a nice way to carry the storyline on.

For sure and I thought it was just me. If she can date Joey she can date Aden I guess. Then again I think Aden has chemistry with everyone, Belle(urgh), Nicole, Charlie and I even though him and Joey would have been a cute couple at the start. I like Charlie with the older "kids" better than with the rest of the adults for some reason. It's kinda weird but it works.

Hugo is a smarmy asshole but you know Charlie is an adult and she's responsbile for her own mistakes. I can't recall if I have mentioned this before but what annoyed me as well in all this was Martha. Alright she figured that something was right about Hugo/Charlie but why oh why was she talking to Hugo about it (he clearly did not give a damn one way or the other), one might have thought she might have gone and talked to Charlie instead. They were friendly in the past and clearly even Martha could see that it her than was having some issues and not Hugo. I really did not get why she was being sympathetic towards him and not Charlie.

I really liked the Roman/Charlie scenes because for the first time he seemed genuinely relaxed and more at ease with himself, who would have thought it would be Charlie that would have that affect on him. I think it would good for him to have someone else problems to focus on to take things away from himself. Although I wonder how did her get to Leah's on his own.

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*This is my personal opinion so please don't flame me for it. I really do feel that Hugo took advantage of Charlie when he knew she was going through a rough time. There were a few moments where it almost seemed like he was bragging about getting Charlie in the sack. Like he managed to "de-gay" her. What grates me the most is that he isn't a bloody teenager. He knew that he should have pushed Charlie away and taken her home to sleep off the drink. And even when she told him it was a mistake, he was still cracking jokes.*

Apparently according to all the magazines Hugo was wracked with guilt over it too. LOL

Also whats funny too is that, I read somewhere some weeks ago that, news of this same sex relationship was going to send shock waves around the Bay. What!...apart from one episode where some school kids were titillated over the whole thing, there has been zero reaction. Not even a -- no doubt -- hilarious remark from Coleen, making me feel robbed.

Man even Charlies colleagues were in full support of her right away.

It all kinda makes charlies legendary freak outs look to be an overreaction - with hindsight.

Really bad writing me thinks.

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Also whats funny too is that, I read somewhere some weeks ago that, news of this same sex relationship was going to send shock waves around the Bay. What!...apart from one episode where some school kids were titillated over the whole thing, there has been zero reaction. Not even a -- no doubt -- hilarious remark from Coleen, making me feel robbed.

Man even Charlies colleagues were in full support of her right away.

It all kinda makes charlies legendary freak outs look to be an overreaction - with hindsight.

Really bad writing me thinks.

I know right, in hindsight I'm sure Charlie would agree that she over-reacted. None of her friends/colleagues reacted badly at all. Leah, Roman, Aden, Xavier and Martha were all totally cool and the folks down at the station were OTT understanding in a way that was a little unbelievable but then again Watson has always struck me as gay so maybe I can see her being alright. Ruby had a little freak out by a few hours later she was supportive and a few days later she was all for them being together. Let this be a lesson that nothing is so bad that a good night sleep won't solve, so don't go home with creeps you meet on the beach.

Oh and I am so dissapointed that we didn't get to see Colleen's reaction especially after her comment to Joey about their picnic.

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Slade and Charlie, sitting in a tree.

K.I.S.S.I.N.G :lol:


Perhaps I should watch that episode again because I really don’t think Charlie was particularly drunk and I certainly would engage with someone that was plastered. In saying that I still think Charlie has to take a bit of responsibility as she still came onto him. And being a police officer (a Senior Constable no less) if he’d done anything wrong she would have had him up on charges (although that too would have been difficult considering she was in a relationship with another female at the same time).

Anyway regarding the way Roman acted when he woke up and heard Charlie, he had no reason to assume that she wasn’t there to see him. I don’t think she and Aden have been particularly close and apart from the stuff with Joey I don’t think they were getting particularly well. Remember the stuff with Angelo when she called him and Belle out about going behind his back. I even remember one time how apprehensive she was when he had to serve her in the Den and she even said “I don’t want any trouble”.

In saying that I really enjoyed the stuff with Roman and Charlie afterwards and I’m glad Roman was the one who decided to go and see her. At the moment it’s difficult to defend him because he’s becoming unlikeable again (such as the way he practically bit Aden’s head off and when Aden wouldn’t stand for it accused him of having an attitude). As already mentioned I really wasn’t expecting him to open up to Charlie as there was too much baggage there but it was really good. And I felt they those two were due a scene together as I don’t recall seeing one in a while. And for the first time since…whenever, they actually seemed like friends. I still feel she has a soft spot for him and if the time ever arose and he played his cards right he would still be in with a chance. I felt sorry for Leah when she came home and Roman couldn’t wait to get away from her. She looked a bit hurt. I think he’s obviously still feeling awkward.

Nicole and Aden. So yes that’s three. I laughed when Belle caught them together, even though I felt sorry for her too. When she went back to have it out with Aden I felt it was interesting that she mentioned Nicole looked miserable when she saw her. I wonder if she or Aden or both of them feel….dirty after sleeping with one another. Belle was an absolute mess when she returned to the clinic. She obviously went out for the day to find out how the photo’s ended up in the hands of the Costal News but it was probably an excuse to see Aden and this emphasises exactly why she should have steered clear and why he is no good for her recovery process.

BTW – I’m glad this thread has become a lot more active recently. It’s really good reading different points of view.

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In saying that I didn’t like the way she had a go at Hugo though. I just didn’t see the point. What’s done is done. I’m going to come right out and say it but if I was in his position I probably would have done the same thing *ducks*

Agree with all you say Slade. A good analysis. But who are you referring to in your last sentence "in his position"?

I was referring to when Hugo saw her on the beech. You see to me Charlie is like a goddess. At times I completely mesmerised by her beauty.

Now "goddess" is not a word I would use to describe Charlie, Slade. Good looking, maybe and I wouldn't have taken advantage of her on the beach. Shame on you! But are you referring to Charlie or Esther Anderson? Esther maybe, but Charlie has caused so much misery for both guys and a girl, as well as herself, that she is best steered clear of. Especially as she is a senior figure in the local police force and expected to set some sort of standard.

By the way, where is Xavier lately? Wouldn't Ruby have confided in him about her problems this week. "No more secrets" she said.

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I like Charlie, I think she had good intentions for the most part but she is kind of a disaster area as far as relationships go. In regard to her position the police force I have a question. How is it that both Kirsty/Rachel got into so much trouble for having dubious relationships with people they had some authority over and Charlie got away with little more that telling off for allowing that person to stay with her? Kirsty almost lost her job and Rachel lost her job and her license to practice psychiatristry. There was no external investigation into the matter unlike with Rachel/Kirsty and then nobody at the station said a word about her having a inappropriate relationship with Joey. I'm not saying she should have been fired because it would have been a pointless loss for the police department but at least they could have been fair in how they dealt with it.

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Nicole and Aden. So yes that’s three. I laughed when Belle caught them together, even though I felt sorry for her too. When she went back to have it out with Aden I felt it was interesting that she mentioned Nicole looked miserable when she saw her. I wonder if she or Aden or both of them feel….dirty after sleeping with one another. Belle was an absolute mess when she returned to the clinic. She obviously went out for the day to find out how the photo’s ended up in the hands of the Costal News but it was probably an excuse to see Aden and this emphasises exactly why she should have steered clear and why he is no good for her recovery process.

I thought Belle finding them together was heart-breaking. Particularly when she assumed that Aden had jumped into bed with Nicole as a reaction to seeing the photo of her and Liam, when we all know it had already happened before then. Everything that happens between Belle and Aden has a new resonance for me now

knowing that she's going to die soon

. I wish they'd just get their act together and work things out - it's blindingly obvious that Aden regrets ending the relationship and the way he can't seem to help himself when it comes to Nicole makes me want to strangle him in frustration!

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I certainly would engage with someone that was plastered.

I must say I'm quite shocked at you saying that Slade. Maybe I was imagining it, or maybe it was years ago that it wasn't done for a totally sober man to [trying to be polite here] with a woman who'd had a few to drink. I agree with Pierced Musie about Hugo taking advantage of Charlie- she's right, he isn't a teenager anymore, he is actually a grown man.

Anyway, it is good that BTTB isn't dominated by female posters, it is interesting to get male views <_< [not sure what that smiley is meant to mean but it looked right].

Its a shame Aden and Nicole didn't EITHER: remain just good friends OR start off as a couple. In my experience it never, ever works if you start off as friends but end up in bed on some emotional occasion, it all just gets too complicated :(

I thought how up and down Liam is. I suppose he is the artistic musical type and has been taking drugs but he did seem volatile yesterday. Not any good for Belle, but then again she likes that type: Drew, Aden. Why couldn't she stay with Lucas, he would have been much better for her.

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