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So...Roman doesn't have a problem with Aden sharing a house with his daughter when he's just tried to kill someone but he doesn't want him there if he's sleeping with her.I never thought I'd say this and I know waking up blind's no fun but Roman's acting like even more of a jerk now than he was at the beginning of the year.I get the feeling his decision was less about what Aden and Nicole did and more about him needing to prove he's still the alpha male around the place, as well as his pride being hurt by not noticing it earlier.(Aden's attitude last episode might not have helped either.)If this had happened before the accident, I'm not saying he'd have been happy but he'd probably have sat down and discussed it reasonably instead of just kicking him out.Then again, if Aden and Nicole had been upfront it might have been different too.Liked Nicole sticking up for Aden and I'm glad Miles gave it to him straight as well.Aden meekly leaving was probably part guilt, part wanting to avoid Nicole.Seems things are over between them, at least for now.I suppose if Aden really doesn't want to be with her it's best to be honest.(Course it would have helped not sleeping with her in the first place but hey, spilt milk.)I actually think Aden and Nicole would be good together because they're friends and there's already a bond between them although they didn't exactly go the right way about it.Aden slept on the beach?He usually goes to the Diner when he's homeless.And yes, Miranda, I haven't liked any of Belle's relationships since Lucas either.She's so lousy at picking the right one.

(By the way, not really seeing any chemistry between Aden and Charlie.Or Aden and Belle, for that matter.Did think there was something between him and Joey, in fact when she first appeared I thought they were going to...well, do what he and Nicole did basically.Aden and Charlie having coffee just seemed weird frankly and I think he only did it to avoid Nicole.As Slade said, it's barely six months since he was storming into the police station to shout at her and she was bawling him and Belle out in that very kitchen.It's not even as though they socialised when Joey was around, it was all business.)

Hugo's really not handling Brendan.It's a vicious circle really:They're both uncomfortable around each other so Brendan acts up, Hugo gets angry and they feed each other.Liked Martha giving him a serve, what she said was spot on and it's not like Hugo's an expert either.How exactly did Hugo injure Brendan?It looked as though he just started bleeding spontaneously.Which is actually possible, I'm just not sure if that's what's meant to have happened.(And on the Hugo subject, I missed the bit where Charlie was drunk when they slept together as well.It's not as though she even had a hangover the next morning and throwing herself at guys is practically a way of life for her.)What was with Xavier glaring at Jai and pushing past him when he came up to him and Ruby?Is he meant to know about the fire and we just haven't been told?

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That Brendan & Hugo scene was very awkward to watch but I do see both sides of the problem. It is hard to know how to react to an autistic person when they are in a funk. But Hugo should know that one of the main traits of autism is not being able to handle being touched. Yet he used physical force to take the stick away.

On a little different note, a friend of mine has an autistic boy about to go into his teens and he is one hell of a strong boy. For the first time I witnessed him at his semi worst, where he kept shouting in his brothers ear, pulling his mothers hair and calling someone else a 'little c***', and yes it was the worst c word.

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I must say I'm quite shocked at you saying that Slade. Maybe I was imagining it, or maybe it was years ago that it wasn't done for a totally sober man to [trying to be polite here] with a woman who'd had a few to drink. I agree with Pierced Musie about Hugo taking advantage of Charlie- she's right, he isn't a teenager anymore, he is actually a grown man.

Anyway, it is good that BTTB isn't dominated by female posters, it is interesting to get male views <_< [not sure what that smiley is meant to mean but it looked right].

That definitely wasn't what I meant. It was early in the morning and I had over a two hour drive to go to meet a customer for work so I didn’t really have time to proof-read. I would NOT, I repeat WOULD NOT engage with someone if they were absolutely s*** faced. I honestly didn’t realise that I typed that until I saw your reply. So it’s quite embarrassing to be frank. And apologies if it came across as though I would.

I like Charlie, I think she had good intentions for the most part but she is kind of a disaster area as far as relationships go. In regard to her position the police force I have a question. How is it that both Kirsty/Rachel got into so much trouble for having dubious relationships with people they had some authority over and Charlie got away with little more that telling off for allowing that person to stay with her? Kirsty almost lost her job and Rachel lost her job and her license to practice psychiatristry. There was no external investigation into the matter unlike with Rachel/Kirsty and then nobody at the station said a word about her having a inappropriate relationship with Joey. I'm not saying she should have been fired because it would have been a pointless loss for the police department but at least they could have been fair in how they dealt with it.

Charlie was unprofessional the way she invited Joey to stay with her but regarding Kirsty and Trey, Trey is a minor, Joey is an adult. I don’t think it’s a sackable offence to go out with someone she met on the case but I think one of Charlie’s colleagues said that the minute she started going out of her she should have removed herself from the investigation (obviously implying that she wasn’t really doing anything wrong in the first place). Bartlett had no choice but to notify the department as he had a duty to protect the minor regarding Kirsty.

So...Roman doesn't have a problem with Aden sharing a house with his daughter when he's just tried to kill someone but he doesn't want him there if he's sleeping with her.I never thought I'd say this and I know waking up blind's no fun but Roman's acting like even more of a jerk now than he was at the beginning of the year.I get the feeling his decision was less about what Aden and Nicole did and more about him needing to prove he's still the alpha male around the place, as well as his pride being hurt by not noticing it earlier.(Aden's attitude last episode might not have helped either.)If this had happened before the accident, I'm not saying he'd have been happy but he'd probably have sat down and discussed it reasonably instead of just kicking him out.Then again, if Aden and Nicole had been upfront it might have been different too.Liked Nicole sticking up for Aden and I'm glad Miles gave it to him straight as well.Aden meekly leaving was probably part guilt, part wanting to avoid Nicole.Seems things are over between them, at least for now.I suppose if Aden really doesn't want to be with her it's best to be honest.(Course it would have helped not sleeping with her in the first place but hey, spilt milk.)I actually think Aden and Nicole would be good together because they're friends and there's already a bond between them although they didn't exactly go the right way about it.Aden slept on the beach?He usually goes to the Diner when he's homeless.And yes, Miranda, I haven't liked any of Belle's relationships since Lucas either.She's so lousy at picking the right one.

This is a turnaround. Who would have predicted about a year ago that you would be defending Aden over Roman? Anyway I remember very vividly when he first moved in he was told not to pursue Nicole and to leave well alone. I remember Morag giving him the pep talk. Roman’s gone out of his way to help him. He gave him a roof, a job, stuck by him when he tried to kill his dad as you say and even defended him against his own girlfriend, when he was blatantly in the wrong (i.e. Angelo). I can understand things aren’t great for him at the moment as he doesn’t have any friends, split up with his girlfriend but I always thought he had a lot of respect for Roman. And yes it must have been difficult but he should have put up more resistance to her, I felt. In saying that as I said yesterday it’s very hard to defend Roman when he’s being particularly unpleasant to people who have tried to help him. Leah, Martha, Charlie (initially yesterday), Aden, Nicole and Miles, who I thought had the patience of a saint.

Hugo is really struggling isn’t he? That was disastrous. I actually felt that he was trying to look after Brendan but he just doesn’t get it. You can’t discipline him like normal kids. And Martha made a very good point about Brendan maybe doing it to get a reaction out of Hugo. I actually wonder if Brendan even likes his older brother. When he forced the stick out of his hand and accidentally hit him it was just ridiculous. It was almost as if Hugo didn’t want Brendan thinking that he’d won. He needs to try a softer approach as his heavy handed tactics clearly aren’t working. I’m assuming Xavier has got the wrong end of the stick and will go after Hugo. Ruby also made a good point about the laying off him. I’m starting to think that maybe if Xavier was more supportive of him he might eventually end up being a lot better with Brendan.

I’m sure someone’s said this already but I am really starting to wonder if there is something between Jai and Ruby.

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I'm really not liking Nicole at the moment. She gave Geoff a hard time with her moods, so that he couldn't put up with her any more. "It shouldn't be this difficult", he said. And she's obviously jealous of Claudia. She comes on to Aden, when he is vulnerable and won't leave him alone until she gets him to sleep with her. Good for him, sending her away from the caravan. And she doesn't give her father much support and TLC. Sure, he's difficult to live with at present, but it's at times like this, when someone is recovering from a major injury, that those who love him should be there for him, try to do little extras that please him and be prepared to be pushed away a hundred times. A little spoilt madam!

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So...Roman doesn't have a problem with Aden sharing a house with his daughter when he's just tried to kill someone but he doesn't want him there if he's sleeping with her.I never thought I'd say this and I know waking up blind's no fun but Roman's acting like even more of a jerk now than he was at the beginning of the year.I get the feeling his decision was less about what Aden and Nicole did and more about him needing to prove he's still the alpha male around the place, as well as his pride being hurt by not noticing it earlier.(Aden's attitude last episode might not have helped either.)If this had happened before the accident, I'm not saying he'd have been happy but he'd probably have sat down and discussed it reasonably instead of just kicking him out.Then again, if Aden and Nicole had been upfront it might have been different too.Liked Nicole sticking up for Aden and I'm glad Miles gave it to him straight as well.Aden meekly leaving was probably part guilt, part wanting to avoid Nicole.Seems things are over between them, at least for now.I suppose if Aden really doesn't want to be with her it's best to be honest.(Course it would have helped not sleeping with her in the first place but hey, spilt milk.)I actually think Aden and Nicole would be good together because they're friends and there's already a bond between them although they didn't exactly go the right way about it.Aden slept on the beach?He usually goes to the Diner when he's homeless.And yes, Miranda, I haven't liked any of Belle's relationships since Lucas either.She's so lousy at picking the right one.

This is a turnaround. Who would have predicted about a year ago that you would be defending Aden over Roman? Anyway I remember very vividly when he first moved in he was told not to pursue Nicole and to leave well alone. I remember Morag giving him the pep talk. Roman’s gone out of his way to help him. He gave him a roof, a job, stuck by him when he tried to kill his dad as you say and even defended him against his own girlfriend, when he was blatantly in the wrong (i.e. Angelo). I can understand things aren’t great for him at the moment as he doesn’t have any friends, split up with his girlfriend but I always thought he had a lot of respect for Roman. And yes it must have been difficult but he should have put up more resistance to her, I felt. In saying that as I said yesterday it’s very hard to defend Roman when he’s being particularly unpleasant to people who have tried to help him. Leah, Martha, Charlie (initially yesterday), Aden, Nicole and Miles, who I thought had the patience of a saint.

I think it's the fact that Roman's gone out of his way to support Aden when he's clearly been in the wrong(which I'm not convinced he was here)that made it seem like such an overreaction.Okay, Aden was told to stay away from Nicole when he first moved in but a lot of water's flown under the bridge since then.If things were "normal", there's no way Roman would have reacted the way he did.It's not even practical:With Aden gone, Nicole's left looking after Roman on her own which she's obviously not going to be able to cope with.

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I’m sure someone’s said this already but I am really starting to wonder if there is something between Jai and Ruby.

I hope not. I think that Xavier and Ruby are good for each other and I would like to see their relationship develope. But Jai and Annie seem different lately; no kisses goodbye. What happened to "we've done a lot of kissing lately"?

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I’m sure someone’s said this already but I am really starting to wonder if there is something between Jai and Ruby.

That might have been me, although I didn't say I thought there was something there already, just that I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into something in the not-too-distant future. To be honest I'd never thought of them as a possible couple before and I don't think they have any romantic chemistry, but the writers keep insisting on giving them scenes alone together, whereas Ruby and Xavier and particularly Jai and Annie have virtually no screen time together. If the two of them were good friends but still spent time with their partners I wouldn't mind, but the set up at the moment seems fishy IMO. :huh:

I'm really not liking Nicole at the moment. She gave Geoff a hard time with her moods, so that he couldn't put up with her any more. "It shouldn't be this difficult", he said. And she's obviously jealous of Claudia. She comes on to Aden, when he is vulnerable and won't leave him alone until she gets him to sleep with her. Good for him, sending her away from the caravan. And she doesn't give her father much support and TLC. Sure, he's difficult to live with at present, but it's at times like this, when someone is recovering from a major injury, that those who love him should be there for him, try to do little extras that please him and be prepared to be pushed away a hundred times. A little spoilt madam!

I think that's a little harsh, but I do see where you're coming from. Particularly yesterday in the caravan I was willing Nicole to leave Aden alone, but to be honest I think I feel sorry for her more than anything. She isn't coming across very well, but think of what she's going through. She was obviously in love with Geoff and misses him badly, and then on top of that he goes and sleeps with someone else five seconds after they split up. And what with Roman's blindness (which I actually think she's handled quite well) and his behaviour towards her, she must be feeling really lonely. It's no wonder really that she turned to Aden for comfort.

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This is going to be in no particular order as I have been unable to get on system since Sunday.

So glad that Martha had a go at Hugo last night, she's right it's her house and he had no right to talk to her like that. His jibe that she had only known Brendan for five minutes and thought she knew how to look after him was uncalled for. Some people just have a knack of being able to handle people with problems. Her saying perhaps Brendan plays up when Hugo is around is probably right, just because he is autisic doesn't mean he can't sense how people feel about him.

He has no idea how to handle Brendan, instead of just snatching the stick away from him by force, he should have let him hold onto it for a while (as Martha suggested) then when he was involved in something else then take it away. BTW whete does he keep getting them from, is he growing them in his bedroom? :unsure: Was it by chance that Brendan found Xavier at the Den?

Was Gina thinking what I think she was thinking - she has said herself that Brendan is getting bigger and stronger - could it be time that she lets professionals look after him?

I think people who had a go at Annie being judgemental over Geoff and Claudia were a bit harsh, she and Geoff had been brought up with a certain belief and she looks up to Geoff, so when he first slipped up she was able to forgive him because of the circumstances as it wasn't planned, but this time round he deliberately set out to sleep with Claudia. When she tackled him about it he just dismissed all the things she (and previously he) had held dear. Nicole took it a lot better than I thought she would, she seemed more hurt than angry.

I'm on Roman's side about kicking out Aden, it doesn't matter if he was blind or not, Aden went behind his back and broke his rule about not sleeping with Nicole. I know she was a willing partner, but that is beside the point. It certainly shows how much Aden has matured by the way he accepted that he had done wrong. In regards of the fact the door was open when Belle caught them and she said they should have made sure the door was shut, didn't seem to matter last night when Miles knocked on the door then proceeded to open it!

Good scene between Roman and Charlie (I did like the 'I didn't turn you off men, did I' line) it seemed he was able to open up to her more than anyone else, who knows if they had been able to talk more (before Leah) came back, he may have agreed to get help. How did he get there and home again does he call a cab each time?

Good resolve between Jai and Trey - though you can see keeping quiet is still bothering Jai.

Could understand Liam's reaction to seeing the photos and thinking Belle had given them to the paper, it most come with the territory when you are a pop/soap/film star and something like that happens. So Belle's old boss (can't remember his name), signed himself in as editor of The Bay News did he, otherwise how else did Liam know who he was. It was a foregone conclusion that it was going to be someone at the photo shop. Annie definitely wouldn't have and Aden didn't have time.

I know Belle did wrong by not getting back to the rehab place on time, she hasn't betrayed their trust as she didn't take any drugs. As I and someone else have asked WHERE IS IT EXACTLY?? Annie and Geoff first went there by bus is that how Belle got to the Bay and back?

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That definitely wasn't what I meant. It was early in the morning and I had over a two hour drive to go to meet a customer for work so I didn’t really have time to proof-read. I would NOT, I repeat WOULD NOT engage with someone if they were absolutely s*** faced. I honestly didn’t realise that I typed that until I saw your reply. So it’s quite embarrassing to be frank. And apologies if it came across as though I would.

I'm very sorry to have judged you wrongly Slade and caused you embarrassment. It is just one of my soap box issues that I go off ranting about if people talk about it, I do tend to see red sometimes :rolleyes: I think I just know too many males who would take advantage of females: its definitely time I left my job!

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