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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm really not liking Nicole at the moment. She gave Geoff a hard time with her moods, so that he couldn't put up with her any more. "It shouldn't be this difficult", he said. And she's obviously jealous of Claudia. She comes on to Aden, when he is vulnerable and won't leave him alone until she gets him to sleep with her. Good for him, sending her away from the caravan. And she doesn't give her father much support and TLC. Sure, he's difficult to live with at present, but it's at times like this, when someone is recovering from a major injury, that those who love him should be there for him, try to do little extras that please him and be prepared to be pushed away a hundred times. A little spoilt madam!

Hang on, how come Nicole's the bad guy in all this?Geoff was being just as moody as her, acting jealous of Trey when she wasn't even interested in him and throwing a strop because she voted against him over the memorial fund.And maybe she came onto Aden the third time but he'd already slept with her twice so it's not like he's not giving out mixed signals.Far as I can see she was as vulnerable as him:Her own relationship had just split up and her father had been in a coma for ages, been left with a possibly permanent disability and was taking his frustrations out on her.(Plus, as she suggested to Roman, she was obviously insecure about Geoff sleeping with Claudia when he wouldn't sleep with her and needed to know someone found her attractive.)

On Roman kicking Aden out, he might, under normal circumstances, have decided he didn't want him and Nicole under the same roof when they were sleeping together.But he would have made sure he had somewhere to go and maybe even given him a few days' grace to find somewhere.He wouldn't have deliberately made him homeless, which seems pretty harsh justice.Given how annoyed he seemed about Miles giving him somewhere to stay, it sounded as though he actually wanted him on the streets.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.Makes up for not being in last week.

So we get some insight into Hugo and Brendan's relationship.Have to say, it's a bit harsh for Xavier and especially Gina to still be holding a grudge over something Hugo did nearly a decade ago.Was that what Gina was referring to when she talked about Hugo at Xavier's age?Certainly explains why Brendan seems a bit mistrustful of him.Glad Martha stood by him when everyone else had him tried and sentenced.Hugo handled Xavier well, I thought, and again was spot on in his assessment.(Don't forget, however good he is with Brendan, a few weeks ago Xavier was refusing to even speak to him on the phone and hiding him from his friends because he was embarrassed.)Seems Brendan's gone for the foreseeable future.I have to say, I don't think he was really sustainable as a long-term character. I'm not saying people like that don't exist but they did give him a very extreme form of autism that would make it almost impossible for him to lead a normal life or be fully integrated into the show.It would be nice if they had him make occasional visits though.(By the way, never mind Hugo, why didn't anyone make the connection between blue cars and the accident?)

Loved Kirsty's panic when she thought Miles was going to propose, someone needs to knock Colleen out.Loved Martin's expression when Miles asked to borrow the props as well.(Did anyone else spot a double entendre in Miles' comment about...no, actually, I won't go there.)And...Angelo's back!Good to see him although first instinct is he must be mad to come back.Half the town'll be forming a lynch mob soon as they see him.(Maybe he's lucky that the potential ringleader can't...)Be interesting to see how Martha and Tony in particular react.Not sure what that expression was, he actually looked quite bitter.

I think/hope Jai and Ruby are going to stay just friends.Wouldn't mind seeing Ruby and Xavier apart but I like Jai and Annie as a couple, even though it would be nice if someone actually remembered they were a couple!!It's not that long since people were making similar noises about Ruby and Geoff.(Maybe she should have an affair with Hugo.That'd set the cat among the pigeons...)

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I'm on Roman's side about kicking out Aden, it doesn't matter if he was blind or not, Aden went behind his back and broke his rule about not sleeping with Nicole. I know she was a willing partner, but that is beside the point. It certainly shows how much Aden has matured by the way he accepted that he had done wrong. In regards of the fact the door was open when Belle caught them and she said they should have made sure the door was shut, didn't seem to matter last night when Miles knocked on the door then proceeded to open it!

I agree, there was no way Roman could let Aden stay after he slept with Nicole. But I do think he was too harsh in kicking him out straight away like that, not knowing where he was going to go. He could at least have asked him if he had a place to stay, or given him some money or something so he'd have a roof over his head for the night. But I guess he reacted how any dad would, and his personal circumstances undoubtedly made him come down on Aden even harder than normal.

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I think/hope Jai and Ruby are going to stay just friends.Wouldn't mind seeing Ruby and Xavier apart but I like Jai and Annie as a couple, even though it would be nice if someone actually remembered they were a couple!!It's not that long since people were making similar noises about Ruby and Geoff.(Maybe she should have an affair with Hugo.That'd set the cat among the pigeons...)

Ruby won't touch Hugo with a ten foot barge poll. I think the problem with Annie/Jai is they have no way of advancing them as a normal teen couple because of the way they have written as Annie as santimonous self-righteous shrew who seems to exist to harp on at everyone and whine alot. She's really immature compared to say Ruby who is the same age. They just can't write certain stories with her, they couldn't have had Jai talk to her about his issues with Trey or have Jai as her to lie for him like he did with Ruby, they couldn't have had Ruby talk to Annie about the Charlie/Joey situation. It's not wonder that there is some bond between Jai/Ruby that totally goes over Annie's head. She just doesn't understand the world and isn't growing up the same way as the rest of the kids. I can see in future he kind of getting left behind.

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Really nice today to see the three brothers sorting things out. Seems to bring a closure to the whole sorry storey. But now Brendan goes back to live his mother again, I hope that it does not mean that we won't see Brendan again. He was a fascinating character and deserves to be featured again. But it will give Xavier and Hugo some space to sort things out.

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I think/hope Jai and Ruby are going to stay just friends.Wouldn't mind seeing Ruby and Xavier apart but I like Jai and Annie as a couple, even though it would be nice if someone actually remembered they were a couple!!It's not that long since people were making similar noises about Ruby and Geoff.(Maybe she should have an affair with Hugo.That'd set the cat among the pigeons...)

Ruby won't touch Hugo with a ten foot barge poll. I think the problem with Annie/Jai is they have no way of advancing them as a normal teen couple because of the way they have written as Annie as santimonous self-righteous shrew who seems to exist to harp on at everyone and whine alot. She's really immature compared to say Ruby who is the same age. They just can't write certain stories with her, they couldn't have had Jai talk to her about his issues with Trey or have Jai as her to lie for him like he did with Ruby, they couldn't have had Ruby talk to Annie about the Charlie/Joey situation. It's not wonder that there is some bond between Jai/Ruby that totally goes over Annie's head. She just doesn't understand the world and isn't growing up the same way as the rest of the kids. I can see in future he kind of getting left behind.

I can soooooo see Annie becoming the next Melody once she hits 16. Especially now that Geoff has succumbed to the 'flesh'. LOL..

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I think/hope Jai and Ruby are going to stay just friends.Wouldn't mind seeing Ruby and Xavier apart but I like Jai and Annie as a couple, even though it would be nice if someone actually remembered they were a couple!!It's not that long since people were making similar noises about Ruby and Geoff.(Maybe she should have an affair with Hugo.That'd set the cat among the pigeons...)

Ruby won't touch Hugo with a ten foot barge poll. I think the problem with Annie/Jai is they have no way of advancing them as a normal teen couple because of the way they have written as Annie as santimonous self-righteous shrew who seems to exist to harp on at everyone and whine alot. She's really immature compared to say Ruby who is the same age. They just can't write certain stories with her, they couldn't have had Jai talk to her about his issues with Trey or have Jai as her to lie for him like he did with Ruby, they couldn't have had Ruby talk to Annie about the Charlie/Joey situation. It's not wonder that there is some bond between Jai/Ruby that totally goes over Annie's head. She just doesn't understand the world and isn't growing up the same way as the rest of the kids. I can see in future he kind of getting left behind.

I can soooooo see Annie becoming the next Melody once she hits 16. Especially now that Geoff has succumbed to the 'flesh'. LOL..

I'm kind of hoping for a sort of halfway stage, that they'll give Annie more adult storylines(or even any storylines)whilst still keeping the core of the character intact.I do agree that having Geoff put aside a few of his values leaves the door open for Annie to do the same.(If she was 14 when she first appeared, she must turn 16 by next month at the latest.)I don't really think of Annie as sanctimonious or self-righteous and she seems to have fitted in in the Bay well, doing normal teenage things like going to concerts or parties on the beach.She was the only person who was really there for Jai when he first turned up and when Axel died(and she didn't seem to have any difficulty keeping any of his secrets)and I seem to remember she was okay with Ruby when her father got ill.It'd just be nice if the writers remembered she was actually there more often.

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No worries Miranda.

Well after everyone seemed to gang up on Hugo in that episode I actually ended up feeling sympathetic towards him. As expected Xavier squared up to him and I really didn’t like his whole attitude during that. I thought Hugo did very well to not lose it. I quite liked Martha sticking up for him like that in spite of the telling off she gave him a couple of days before hand as it showed loyalty. As RR mentioned we got an explanation as to why Brendan was like that towards Hugo and the blue car thing. Hugo revealed that he used to look after Brendan and bailed out because his girlfriend died. If because of this he understood why Xavier went of the rails (i.e. Freya, the drugs etc) then why despite offering to look after him was he so harsh with Xavier to start off with? I agree with Brian that it was good to see them sort things out but it just seemed resolved way too quickly. After being at loggerheads for weeks we have one conversation (which I actually quite liked) then everything is ok between the three of them which just happened to be timed perfectly with Gina well enough to take Brendan home.

As an asside not sure if someone's already asked this but does anyone know how old Brendan is?

I’m disappointed that Kirsty and Kane are getting divorced but it’s not unexpected. I wonder if this means that Christie will become a permanent cast member now. I can actually see her ending up like Leah. Not having any major/dramatic storylines like some of the other cast members but still part of the furniture (a term I quite frequently use).

I agree regarding Angelo. Several weeks ago when Charlie told Tony they didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute so they had no choice to release him it was obvious he was going to return (else why bother even having that scene). I can’t wait to see what happens. I quite liked him and felt he was an unfairly sacrificed for the sole purpose of Adelle. Yes I know he shot Jack but after Belle and Aden reunited what function did he serve? Now that they aren’t together hopefully the writers will have a different agenda for him. I have to say though it was a bit of a worry him watching Martha like that. I hope he hasn’t returned bitter and twisted as I’d like to think he’s gonna stick around for a little while at least (and I liked his good side e.g. the date with Charlie on the beech). Again agreeing with Red Ranger, what person in their right mind would come back knowing how everybody feels about him

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As an asside not sure if someone's already asked this but does anyone know how old Brendan is?

Hugo made a comment which I'm interpreting as meaning Brendan's 20.(He may have been referring to when their father left home, which would seem to make Brendan considerably older.I don't think they've actually said so but Brendan seems to be younger than Hugo, who, despite Bernard Curry being in his 30s, seems to be the same age as Jack, ie 26.)

On the subject of Kane and Kirsty getting a divorce, it occured to me a while back they could just get the marriage annulled.Of course that would probably involve contacting Rhys which is obviously not going to happen.And with a child involved, I doubt they'd want their marriage erased from history anyway.Of course, if they do want a quickie, Kirsty could just admit adultery.

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[quote name='Red Ranger 1' date='May 16 2009, 10:08 PM' post='1017460

On the subject of Kane and Kirsty getting a divorce, it occured to me a while back they could just get the marriage annulled.Of course that would probably involve contacting Rhys which is obviously not going to happen.And with a child involved, I doubt they'd want their marriage erased from history anyway.Of course, if they do want a quickie, Kirsty could just admit adultery.

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On the subject of Kane and Kirsty getting a divorce, it occured to me a while back they could just get the marriage annulled.Of course that would probably involve contacting Rhys which is obviously not going to happen.And with a child involved, I doubt they'd want their marriage erased from history anyway.Of course, if they do want a quickie, Kirsty could just admit adultery.

I thought that you could only get a marriage annulled if it had not been consumated, but with their child Ollie there, that could not be, surely? Who is Rhys? (Perhaps I have missed something from the past?)

Rhys is Kirsty's father.The marriage technically wasn't legal because Kirsty was 17 at the time and her family hadn't given permission.(Kane forged Rhys' signature on the marriage license.)

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