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On the subject of Kane and Kirsty getting a divorce, it occured to me a while back they could just get the marriage annulled.Of course that would probably involve contacting Rhys which is obviously not going to happen.And with a child involved, I doubt they'd want their marriage erased from history anyway.Of course, if they do want a quickie, Kirsty could just admit adultery.

I suppose that could have been an option (I'm not very hot on legal stuff, it might be that it's too late for that now), but I don't think it would be the right one. For a start it would be completely out of character for either of them to want to deny the marriage ever happened, as it isn't like they regret getting married. They genuinely loved each other for a very long time and having a child together means they will always have a connection. Plus getting the marriage annulled would be like proving Rhys and the rest of the Sutherlands right, and I don't think Kirsty sees it like that. Must admit I'm still gutted over this whole thing, but I'll restrain myself from ranting about it yet again. :(:angry:

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On the subject of Kane and Kirsty getting a divorce, it occured to me a while back they could just get the marriage annulled.Of course that would probably involve contacting Rhys which is obviously not going to happen.And with a child involved, I doubt they'd want their marriage erased from history anyway.Of course, if they do want a quickie, Kirsty could just admit adultery.

I suppose that could have been an option (I'm not very hot on legal stuff, it might be that it's too late for that now), but I don't think it would be the right one. For a start it would be completely out of character for either of them to want to deny the marriage ever happened, as it isn't like they regret getting married. They genuinely loved each other for a very long time and having a child together means they will always have a connection. Plus getting the marriage annulled would be like proving Rhys and the rest of the Sutherlands right, and I don't think Kirsty sees it like that. Must admit I'm still gutted over this whole thing, but I'll restrain myself from ranting about it yet again. :(:angry:

Yes I'm displeased about the whole thing but they are both different characters to when they left in 2005 (particuarly Kirsty). In addition to what has been said I also don’t think she would do this for the simple reason that Kane would be up on fraud charges and because he has form will almost certainly go back to jail so again I don’t think she could do that to Ollie.

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(By the way, never mind Hugo, why didn't anyone make the connection between blue cars and the accident?)

Loved Kirsty's panic when she thought Miles was going to propose, someone needs to knock Colleen out.Loved Martin's expression when Miles asked to borrow the props as well.(Did anyone else spot a double entendre in Miles' comment about...no, actually, I won't go there.)And...Angelo's back!Good to see him although first instinct is he must be mad to come back.Half the town'll be forming a lynch mob soon as they see him.(Maybe he's lucky that the potential ringleader can't...)Be interesting to see how Martha and Tony in particular react.Not sure what that expression was, he actually looked quite bitter.

I had the light bulb moment just before Hugo, if Brendan was there with the rest of the family as Gina said they were of course he would always equate a blue car with the accident that hurt Hugo. It explains why he got agitated when ever he saw one, and why he fired the stone to stop Leah's car to stop it hurting anyone. But you are right RR noone else had made the connection so so there was no need for Hugo to blame himself for not spotting it. It also answered Hugo's question as to whether Brendan loved them as he can't express himself as others can. Brendan is older than Xavier, which meant Dad hang around for a while at least. As much as I sometimes don't like Hugo, the others were being unfair on him, naturally assuming he had hit Brendan deliberately just because he had done it once before when he was 17! That's just about the age Xavier is now. Good talk between the two brothers and once they hugged Brendan joined in which I suppose shows he has no capacity for holding grudges. I'll miss him now he has gone.

Know exactly what you mean RR about Miles' comment and he said it twice, it made me laugh. :D Wonder if the scriptwriters did it deliberately or just didn't realise until it was too late!

Why is Angelo watching Martha (or is he watching Hugo)? I imagine he doesn't have much choice in coming back to the bay due to his job. It could be TV Times got it wrong, but they did say in last Friday's epsiode that 'Martha gets a mysterious phone call' which didn't happen???

BTW where did Hugo get the money for that boat? Also why has noone mentioned anything about Jack's boat since Martha grounded it after the storm, did Tony manage to repair it? I see Martha's 'hair' is geting longer so it probably won't be long before she will be able to show her real hair. I may have my facts wrong here but I'm sure if you have had cancer (especially breast cancer) you have to be careful when you go out in the sun and and cover up to make sure you don't get stung, also there is all the heavy work Martha has ben doing at the farm. Unless that is only why you are having chemo?

I may be a lone voice here but I cannot stand all this shortened names thing e.g. Adelle, Tachel, etc it makes me cringe.

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This might be a bit off topic, but is it just me or does Neighbours get more promotion on five than Home and Away? I started watching Home and Away on five a few weeks ago when Ireland took a week break, and it seems that everyday there is an add for neighbours. I have only ever seen one add for Home and Away, which was on friday. I dont know, maybe its just the timeslot I have the channel on from (Between 6 and half 6.)

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I haven't really been counting up who gets the most trailers but you might be right.Home and Away does tend to get a trailer if there's something big coming up that week.I only watch Neighbours and Home and Away on Channel 5 so I don't really know how often they get trailed.I guess there aren't going to be that many trailers for HA during the actual programme, people are gonna be watching it already.

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^Yeah thats what I was thinking. I was just wondering, I noticed that I always see Neighbours ad's and only once saw a Home and Away. Its probably because I only ever watch Five when Home and Away is on. Thanks for your help anyway. :)

I watch both and there have been several ads for Neighbours during Home and Away recently, but I have never see a HAA ad during Neighbours.

By the way, the "divorce" between underage Kirsty and Kane reminds me of the same story a while back between underage Janine and Boyd in Neighbours. Same ending.

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By the way, the "divorce" between underage Kirsty and Kane reminds me of the same story a while back between underage Janine and Boyd in Neighbours. Same ending.

I can see the similarities, but Janae and Boyd were only married for a very short time and didn't have any children together. Plus I think Boyd was unfaithful if I remember rightly? So that's grounds for a quickie divorce, whereas Kirsty's relationship with Miles began after she and Kane had separated so she'd be unlikely to admit to adultery. Did Janae and Boyd get a divorce or an annulment? I tend to dip in and out of Neighbours so I probably wasn't paying attention at the time.

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I think Boyd and Janae did get an annulment, same reason, although it was covered in about one line. And there was a trailer for HA during Neighbours today!

Aden's definitely rediscovered his inner jerk, twice going toe to toe with Charlie when she hadn't done anything to deserve it and acting as though he hadn't done anything wrong, whilst wading in with his fists because he's having a bad week.And twice acting dismissive of Nicole when she wasn't around to defend herself.Nice to see both Annie and Belle standing up to him at last.Something tells me it won't last long though.

Roman's visit to the counsellor was a waste of time, he obviously wasn't willing to open up and he doesn't seem to be ready to make a return appointment.Glad Kirsty gave him a serve and it actually seemed to have an effect on him.Ruby and Jai winding Geoff up was a great moment, they haven't had much interaction with him lately.Glad he and Claudia have patched things up because I do actually like them together.

That last scene...At the moment, my reaction's "So what?"It's a hand.It probably doesn't belong to anyone we know, since they all seem to still have two, so it's hard to see how it affects us.

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And there was me thinking that we were going to see more of Angelo.

Anyway as someone already mentioned the Belle Liam thing is reminiscent of when Aden was in the clinic. When she thanked him it reminded me of the way Melody was with Aden shortly before he left.

After getting on so well last week (well sort off) I really didn’t like Aden’s attitude towards Charlie and was kind of glad she told him to get out of her face. I felt she actually did well to remain calm as the expression she had suggested she was restraining herself. I also think she did well to not react after Aden practically stuffed up the police catching Russell conducting a drug deal red handed. But it’s all good now and she went to the trouble to find him and tell him that he had been arrested.

I’m still preferring Geoff’s attitude at the moment but still think he’s being played. I hope I’m wrong and that Claudia wants to go out with him and only him.

I’m starting to get sick and tired or Roman’s attitude, particularly his wallowing in self-pity. Firstly there was the way he was at the counselling session. Considering he never gave up on Nicole after she was kidnapped by Elliott I’m a bit surprised he’s decided the throw in the towel like that, not even prepared to consider what the counsellor had to say. Don’t even get me started with his behaviour towards Miles. Every time someone said something to him he took it the wrong way and interpreted it as them having a go at him. It was almost as if nobody could do anything right. And I’m now really starting to think whether he’s actually worth it at the moment and they should just leave him to his own devices (although I did find the way he kept reacting a bit funny but at the same time at the dinner watching air of uneasiness every time he snapped a bit uncomfortable). I too was glad Kirsty gave him a serve as he so deserved it and hopefully it will be some kind of wakeup call.

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