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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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And there was me thinking that we were going to see more of Angelo.

Anyway as someone already mentioned the Belle Liam thing is reminiscent of when Aden was in the clinic. When she thanked him it reminded me of the way Melody was with Aden shortly before he left.

After getting on so well last week (well sort off) I really didn’t like Aden’s attitude towards Charlie and was kind of glad she told him to get out of her face. I felt she actually did well to remain calm as the expression she had suggested she was restraining herself. I also think she did well to not react after Aden practically stuffed up the police catching Russell conducting a drug deal red handed. But it’s all good now and she went to the trouble to find him and tell him that he had been arrested.

I’m still preferring Geoff’s attitude at the moment but still think he’s being played. I hope I’m wrong and that Claudia wants to go out with him and only him.

I’m starting to get sick and tired or Roman’s attitude, particularly his wallowing in self-pity. Firstly there was the way he was at the counselling session. Considering he never gave up on Nicole after she was kidnapped by Elliott I’m a bit surprised he’s decided the throw in the towel like that, not even prepared to consider what the counsellor had to say. Don’t even get me started with his behaviour towards Miles. Every time someone said something to him he took it the wrong way and interpreted it as them having a go at him. It was almost as if nobody could do anything right. And I’m now really starting to think whether he’s actually worth it at the moment and they should just leave him to his own devices (although I did find the way he kept reacting a bit funny but at the same time at the dinner watching air of uneasiness every time he snapped a bit uncomfortable). I too was glad Kirsty gave him a serve as he so deserved it and hopefully it will be some kind of wakeup call.

Was today's episode so uninteresting that noone can comment on it? Well I have a question for you Slade. Why does that rather rude message appear at the bottom of all your replies?

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Well I have a question for you Slade. Why does that rather rude message appear at the bottom of all your replies?

Its his signature. Alot of people on forums have them and it is a quote from Home and Away. If i remember rightly, its Morag telling off Nicole?

Tonights episode was good. Am begining to like Trey. Can't stand his Dad though and thought it was funny that he's head lifeguard!!! I love Miles, but wish Charlie had told him off for blabbing about the shark. Martha sure does look good after her cancer and surgery, I think my Dad quite enjoyed that scene! My favourite scene was the ending! It was great and i cheered when Angelo appeared in the door looking all cool and sexy!!

One thing i have noticed is that i would hate to work in Summer Bay. Whether it be on fishing boats, Garages, Newspaper offices or even diners, everyone is always quite mean and nasty to each other!!!

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Yes, that episode was a better one.I found it very hard to think of anything to say about Monday's.

Gosh, Miles sucks at keeping a secret, doesn't he?Charlie tells him not to tell anyone about the possibility of sharks so what does he do?Let it slip to Leah and then go and tell Alf.Charlie was right that the welfare of the town people has to be her priority rather than the tourist business but she should probably have been upfront from the start.So much for Gerry's new regime, he's quickly turned into as big a sheister journalist as his predecessor.

Martha hears the phone ringing in the shower...so she wanders out in her underwear with a towel on her head?!Does she normally shower like that?!Nicole and Trey...oh boy, Geoff to Aden to Trey, talk about demotion.Not so much "out of the frying pan and into the fire" as "turning the oven on full and shutting yourself inside."Having said that, he did seem less objectionable in that episode. Obviously a schizophrenic.Either that or inconsistent writing.How come he's suddenly the town outcast? If it's about him lying about Kirsty, how come he hasn't seemed short of mates the last couple of weeks since the news broke?Still not convinced his stepdad's a bad 'un.He's a bit overbearing and has some curious priorities but he falls far short of the abusive category and he does have a good reason for being angry with him.

And...Angelo's back!Again.Wish I knew what Marine Area Command was.I'm assuming it's "marine" as in "water" and he's still in the police.Because I'm having all sorts of weird mental images of the Royal Marines here.

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I hated Miles in this episode, hated, hated, hated. Urgh he was the one who started the "shark rumours" by blabbing to Alf then John Palmer then he goes and starts telling Charlie how to run things. Oh and Charlie totally did not like that damn muffin at all.

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The muffin!God, I forgot the muffin.I actually really liked that bit, it reminded me that, as usual, we've hardly seen anything of Miles and Charlie together since they got back from Melbourne.Should Kirsty be getting jealous?

Oh and the new police officer.Constable Avery?It's getting hard to keep track, it's a shame they got rid of most of them last year.

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I seriously doubt Charlie would go for Miles while she in her right mind. What is with Miles trying to feed every woman in the Bay. I swear he's one of those "feeders" you see on those weird reality shows on Five.

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I seriously doubt Charlie would go for Miles while she in her right mind. What is with Miles trying to feed every woman in the Bay. I swear he's one of those "feeders" you see on those weird reality shows on shown on Five.


Is that why kirsty is lookin big?

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I seriously doubt Charlie would go for Miles while she in her right mind. What is with Miles trying to feed every woman in the Bay. I swear he's one of those "feeders" you see on those weird reality shows on shown on Five.


Is that why kirsty is lookin big?

There was an episode (I forget which one) where Miles made breakfast for Kirsty and there were about 8 plates of food on the table for just the two of them. It was like he had set up a mini buffet for her, it seemed a little excessive. Sorry the documentary "Fat Girls and Feeders" was actually on Channel 4, boy have they gone downhill in the last few years.

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The muffin!God, I forgot the muffin.I actually really liked that bit, it reminded me that, as usual, we've hardly seen anything of Miles and Charlie together since they got back from Melbourne.Should Kirsty be getting jealous?

Oh and the new police officer.Constable Avery?It's getting hard to keep track, it's a shame they got rid of most of them last year.

Does any one know what's happened to the funny walking and ridiculously tall cop who looked like Lurch? He seems to have disappeared into thin air..

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Well I have a question for you Slade. Why does that rather rude message appear at the bottom of all your replies?

Its his signature. Alot of people on forums have them and it is a quote from Home and Away. If i remember rightly, its Morag telling off Nicole?

One thing i have noticed is that i would hate to work in Summer Bay. Whether it be on fishing boats, Garages, Newspaper offices or even diners, everyone is always quite mean and nasty to each other!!!

Yes it was a quote from Nicole’s first episode when she immediately started being rude to Morag and then Morag put her in her place. I loved Nicole’s reply too – “You I like. We’re gonna get along just fine”. I was actually expecting some sort of comeback. And forget about working in Summer Bay would you want to live there. Stalker’s, earthquakes, landslides cancer etc. It’s quite a dangerous place to be.

Was tonight the beginning of Trey turning good? I agree that he seemed more likeable. And I actually didn’t mind him in his scenes with Nicole. Does she like him just a tiny bit perhaps? Or is this just her feeling lonely or a rebound thing with Geoff. They did seem to find common ground in the Den i.e. homelife/dads aren’t great at the moment. If she started going out with him at least she wouldn’t be with Aden.

Regarding the muffin Charlie must really like them considering that she apologised to Miles (I didn’t think she did that very often). I actually don’t think she was that rude to him on the beech. I just thought she was asserting herself. And it did seem like they almost had a moment like in the city several months ago. When Hugo was trying to get a date with Joey she was a lot worse with him and she didn’t apologise at all although she did end up sleeping with him and I honestly believe that if Miles wasn’t with Kirsty and he played his cards right he would be in there with a shot too.

I thought Hugo liked Martha but I didn’t think the feeling was reciprocated. I assume by the way she was around him when he caught her half naked and worrying about him they are trying to give the impression that maybe the feeling’s mutual. We saw how she defended him last week

I have to say Angelo coming back as the lead investigator for a “Area Command” is unrealistic. It’s as ridiculous as Kane being released a while back. For starters who would want to work with him after he shot a fellow police officer and even if there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute him surely he would have had to lose his job for the way he handled the whole thing, leaving Jack there in the first place? Loved the look on Charlie’s face when she saw him.

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