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Regarding the muffin Charlie must really like them considering that she apologised to Miles (I didn’t think she did that very often). I actually don’t think she was that rude to him on the beech. I just thought she was asserting herself. And it did seem like they almost had a moment like in the city several months ago. When Hugo was trying to get a date with Joey she was a lot worse with him and she didn’t apologise at all although she did end up sleeping with him and I honestly believe that if Miles wasn’t with Kirsty and he played his cards right he would be in there with a shot too.

oh please no. Sorry but dating Miles would just be desperate, mind you Hugo could have been Miles on the beach and she probably would have slept with him. Urgh. Charlie didn't need to apologise to Miles, the whole problem was caused by him running his big mouth off in the first place.

Oh and wasn't Angelo a probationary constable when he arrived? He hardly even has the experience/rank to be in charge of a major investigation especially since he has been out of action for a while now with being in prison and all.

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I can just about accept Angelo still being in the police, at least in Home and Away world.If you overlook the whole accidentally shooting a colleague dead thing, he didn't really do anything that most of the other Summer Bay officers have done.He was never a probationary constable, since he'd been in the police several years previous when Jack dredged up that report of him using excessive force at a protest.It does, however, seem a bit odd that he'd suddenly outrank Charlie, although maybe that's a departmental seniority rather than him actually having a senior rank, since he's there as a kind of "mission specialist".

I assume/hope there's an explanation coming up for why Angelo was in town last week, before the hand was discovered.I understand his reasons for going to see Tony and my only criticism of it was it was a bit premature, since Charlie may still have succeeded in getting rid of him quietly.(But maybe he knew she was on a hiding to nothing.)Hanging out at the bar and going to see Martha screams "Death wish" and was a bit less necessary.I'm assuming Martha's sleeping at the farm in order to avoid him. He should probably just keep his head down and do his job and I was impressed with his behaviour at the station, aside from buying Charlie a coffee like nothing's happened.(Did he really expect her to take it?)The rest of them...I can see them not wanting him there, even though they were supposed to be his friends, but are they twelve?!Throwing his stuff on the floor and scribbling rude messages on his files?What, we're back in the playground now?Thank goodness Charlie belatedly discovered some professionalism and told them to behave.

In a fairly Angelo-centric episode...Is Ruby the worst girlfriend ever or what?She actually makes me feel sorry for Xavier sometimes.He's worried about his brother and she's babbling on about eagles in China and phone reception in the bathroom.Interestingly, I'm not sure that's the first time Xavier's worried about Hugo, he seemed fairly concerned last time he was missing when they hit his boat with Freya.And nice to see Geoff and Claudia getting on, I'm really hoping she's genuine and they're not going to turn round and reveal she's lying to him again.

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Regarding the muffin Charlie must really like them considering that she apologised to Miles (I didn’t think she did that very often). I actually don’t think she was that rude to him on the beech. I just thought she was asserting herself. And it did seem like they almost had a moment like in the city several months ago. When Hugo was trying to get a date with Joey she was a lot worse with him and she didn’t apologise at all although she did end up sleeping with him and I honestly believe that if Miles wasn’t with Kirsty and he played his cards right he would be in there with a shot too.

oh please no. Sorry but dating Miles would just be desperate, mind you Hugo could have been Miles on the beach and she probably would have slept with him. Urgh. Charlie didn't need to apologise to Miles, the whole problem was caused by him running his big mouth off in the first place.

Why not? She kissed him when they shared a room in the hotel in the city when they were looking for Melody but I have to agree with what you’ve said to a certain extent. And I do wonder if Charlie is the sort of person that would go for almost any half-decent male (or should that be person) that she knows. I don’t think it’s desperation but I certainly think there’s an element of loneliness. I have to say though she seems to have gotten over Joey a lot quicker than I thought she would so perhaps she wasn’t in love with her like she claimed.

Interesting at the beginning of the episode the recaps with Angelo were several months old. I know they are totally relevant but I didn’t think they usually went back further than a few weeks at most.

As I said yesterday how Angelo was able to keep his job is beyond me and what person in their right mind would send him there knowing the situation. Why couldn’t they have sent someone else instead? In saying that already his presence has made things kind of interesting with some of the other characters. I can sort of understand why he went to see Tony and I presume he wanted to have a similar conversation with Martha but as Charlie said he should just stay out of everybody’s way. He has a moral obligation to let Tony and Martha try and move on with their lives. It’s funny though because I ended up feeling sorry for him. He must feel like he’s being fed to the sharks being posted there. It will be interesting to see what happens when Martha does come face to face with him and how people react to him if and when he goes into the Den.

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Why not? She kissed him when they shared a room in the hotel in the city when they were looking for Melody but I have to agree with what you’ve said to a certain extent. And I do wonder if Charlie is the sort of person that would go for almost any half-decent male (or should that be person) that she knows. I don’t think it’s desperation but I certainly think there’s an element of loneliness. I have to say though she seems to have gotten over Joey a lot quicker than I thought she would so perhaps she wasn’t in love with her like she claimed.

Oh I don't doubt she would sleep with Miles I just think the whole idea of it is gross. Although I disagree that Miles even comes up to the level of "half-decent", he's lower than that in both the looks and personality stakes. As for that Joey thing, I really don't know to be honest because we only really see Charlie in work mode at the moment and she's hardly going to be crying about it work.

Yes it's beyong ridiclous that Angelo would be assigned to this case for a number of reason and why has has more authority than Charlie, even if he's a team of some special team I don't know.

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I'm not saying Charlie and Miles should be a couple by any means but I would like it if they could be friends.They got on well when they were in the city, even aside from the kiss, but since then we've barely seen them together.I really liked the way she smiled at him and took him aside for a private chat when he got her the muffin and I'd like to see more of that sort of relationship.

It sort of makes sense that they'd send Angelo, given that he knows the area and knows the people.Of course, it sort of doesn't make sense given that they all want him strung up in the town square.

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*It sort of makes sense that they'd send Angelo, given that he knows the area and knows the people.Of course, it sort of doesn't make sense given that they all want him strung up in the town square.*

I makes no sense to me that he's still in the Police force, after indiscriminately firing a weapon when NOT on duty and leaving the scene of a serious crime, let alone him being back in summer Bay.

And why is he leading such a large investigation, when he's not even a middle ranking officer? I know it's a soap, but even this is a bit far fetched. Perhaps he's got a relative high up in the forces or in government?

Still I can't really care that much, cos the show has got more interesting again - partly down to his return IMO.

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And why is he leading such a large investigation, when he's not even a middle ranking officer? I know it's a soap, but even this is a bit far fetched. Perhaps he's got a relative high up in the forces or in government?

I know that bothers me too. Also wouldn't someone assigned to the marine police need to have some extra training for that, when did he find time for that when he's been in jail for the last few months?

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Can anyone tell me what was the point of Xavier going to the farm in today's episode. I know that Tony and Rachel went to his house to collect Martha, but why wait for Xavier to get ready? He's not been before (apart from the wedding) and didn't seem to do anything when he got there. And how late does school start in the morning, if there is time to go there and back first?

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Can anyone tell me what was the point of Xavier going to the farm in today's episode. I know that Tony and Rachel went to his house to collect Martha, but why wait for Xavier to get ready? He's not been before (apart from the wedding) and didn't seem to do anything when he got there. And how late does school start in the morning, if there is time to go there and back first?

Dunno really either. Perhaps Martha wanted to chop him up for some wood...

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