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They've all got long blonde hair? Melody. Nicole and now Claudia. And in Claudia and Melody's case they're both really annoying too? :wink:

Aden didn't really have much choice when he got out of the clinic as Belle was with Angelo then, Aden isn't in a relationship with Nicole.

I totally agree about Pippa, it was just daft that she came to look after Geoff and Annie but then left before Belle was even released from rehab!

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They've all got long blonde hair? Melody. Nicole and now Claudia. And in Claudia and Melody's case they're both really annoying too? :wink:

Well done Louise - told you it wasn't hard. Not sure if it is just a coincidence or a cunning plot by the writers.

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I completely forgot that because Belle was in the drug clinic she hadn’t heard that Angelo was back in Summer Bay and so wasn’t expecting her to be a shocked as she was. That looked like it really hit Angelo hard. I was really impressed with Miles. When he went up to him I thought he was going to deliver a similar speech as Charlie did at the Surf Club (but just a little bit more diplomatic) but he actually tried to told him he felt he deserved another chance - Wow.

Aden’s pretty much hinted in no uncertain terms that he’s still in love with Belle and the feeling’s probably mutual. Now that they aren’t together anymore I just hope they don’t start going out again. It would just be Drew revisited. It didn’t bother me Aden throwing that guy’s Camera into the water because I’m not a fan of photographers to be honest.

That was a very smart move by Miles getting Leah to ask for Roman’s help regarding VJ. I think he knew that if Leah practically begged him there’s no way he would have said no (no person with any ounce of decency would). It also had the effect that if they both spoke about their problems it would effectively serve as a two way counselling session. I think that did help Roman as he picked up the phone and called Gardi right after. It also brought out his softer side. I really liked it when she thanked him and asked if there was anyway she could repay him. I was thinking there were quite a few ways (He’s still in there).

Why was Angelo the only person from Command participating up until this episode? Surely if they were conducting an investigation they would have had other officers to assist him sooner. Obviously Irene shot one of the other officers but the question is why?

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Aden’s pretty much hinted in no uncertain terms that he’s still in love with Belle and the feeling’s probably mutual. Now that they aren’t together anymore I just hope they don’t start going out again. It would just be Drew revisited.

I disagree - for a start Drew slept with Belle's mother and there's no way she should ever have forgiven him for that. I thought that reconciliation was totally unbelievable. Plus Drew was an idiot and completely immature, whereas Aden has really grown up lately (camera destroying aside!). Belle and Aden have only ever broken up because circumstances have forced them apart. They've never stopped loving each other and to me it would make perfect sense for them to get back together now that Belle's sorted herself out. You could tell that Aden was regretting ending the relationship right from the word go, and the only reason he did so was because he was worried he wouldn't be strong enough to support her.

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I completely forgot that because Belle was in the drug clinic she hadn’t heard that Angelo was back in Summer Bay and so wasn’t expecting her to be a shocked as she was. That looked like it really hit Angelo hard. I was really impressed with Miles. When he went up to him I thought he was going to deliver a similar speech as Charlie did at the Surf Club (but just a little bit more diplomatic) but he actually tried to told him he felt he deserved another chance - Wow.

Aden’s pretty much hinted in no uncertain terms that he’s still in love with Belle and the feeling’s probably mutual. Now that they aren’t together anymore I just hope they don’t start going out again. It would just be Drew revisited. It didn’t bother me Aden throwing that guy’s Camera into the water because I’m not a fan of photographers to be honest.

That was a very smart move by Miles getting Leah to ask for Roman’s help regarding VJ. I think he knew that if Leah practically begged him there’s no way he would have said no (no person with any ounce of decency would). It also had the effect that if they both spoke about their problems it would effectively serve as a two way counselling session. I think that did help Roman as he picked up the phone and called Gardi right after. It also brought out his softer side. I really liked it when she thanked him and asked if there was anyway she could repay him. I was thinking there were quite a few ways (He’s still in there).

Why was Angelo the only person from Command participating up until this episode? Surely if they were conducting an investigation they would have had other officers to assist him sooner. Obviously Irene shot one of the other officers but the question is why?

Yes I'd forgotten that and considering what had happened before between them no wonder it was a such a shock for her.

Miles is really a nice guy, hope his gesture doesn't alienate him from others though.

Did seem strange that all of a sudden all the other Command personnel turned up, I can only think perhaps there wasn't room for them at the cop shop, it's not exactly huge is it?

I believe we find out today why Irene took a pot shot at the cops (they hadn't announced themsleves as police before it happened if you remember). Pretty lucky (or unlucky from the cops point of view) that Irene managed to hit the cop from that distance.

I know people have been having a pop at Annie for being judgemental about various things, Geoff sleeping with Claudia, Charlie and Joey being gay, but don't forget she was the first out of Geoff and her to forgive Belle. I think the reason why she was so upset at first was more because Belle lied to her and she doesn't like people telling lies.


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Aden’s pretty much hinted in no uncertain terms that he’s still in love with Belle and the feeling’s probably mutual. Now that they aren’t together anymore I just hope they don’t start going out again. It would just be Drew revisited.

I disagree - for a start Drew slept with Belle's mother and there's no way she should ever have forgiven him for that. I thought that reconciliation was totally unbelievable. Plus Drew was an idiot and completely immature, whereas Aden has really grown up lately (camera destroying aside!). Belle and Aden have only ever broken up because circumstances have forced them apart. They've never stopped loving each other and to me it would make perfect sense for them to get back together now that Belle's sorted herself out. You could tell that Aden was regretting ending the relationship right from the word go, and the only reason he did so was because he was worried he wouldn't be strong enough to support her.

Thinking about it again I kind of agree with what you've said. It’s debatable whether Belle should have forgiven him but without going too much into it the whole reason she came to the bay was to find her birth mother so they had to have a resolution to that. They were bound to reconcile her with Amanda eventually to conclude the storyline (and because they were such bitter enemies beforehand). There was no way the writers could make her forgive Amanda and not Drew. Whether she forgave him or not, she probably shouldn’t have gone back out with him. What I meant previously was the breaking up. They’ve already broken up twice so if they get back together again I personally feel that invariably they would break up again because I don’t see what other people see with this couple. I agree that they love each other but we’ve seen how they’ve brought out the worst in each other ie. “skank”, the kidnapping, Angelo and most importantly the co-dependency as shown when they were both in recovery. So in the breaking up sense it’s like Drew but I’m opened minded enough that if Belle has completely recovered and the writers can present storylines to convince me that they are rock solid then I will take back what I said.

Anyway, I could have swung for both Aden and Belle in today’s episode and even apart they managed to annoy me.

Liam actually came over to apologise and Aden showed his smugness which I thought he'd abandoned recently. I’m glad Liam put him in his place (well sort of).

I knew after Angelo interviewed Irene he would receive the old - What right do you have to question her like that after what you did – argument. I really shouldn’t be surprised at Alf’s attitude. After all he was one of the people who thought Angelo bashed Belle a while back (unless I’m mistaken). Again it didn’t really surprise me Belle going off at him but slapping him was out of line. And I really didn’t like Charlie going up to Irene and Belle and apologising afterwards as that implied that Angelo was in the wrong when he was simply doing his job. That was a bit disappointing because I felt she was doing ok up until then. You could see by her face that she had a great deal of sympathy for Irene but she didn’t get involved. She stayed out of the interview and even stepped in when Alf started arguing with Angelo. I understand her mentioning that Irene wouldn’t have done it but what was Angelo supposed to do? He can only act on the evidence that is presented in front of him. Whether he deliberately shot Jack or not and how he acted afterwards as far as I’m concerned is totally irrelevant regarding this investigation. And any other police officer would have done the same thing. When Ross Buckton was investigating Sam’s death he initially suspected that Jack and Martha were involved because of the evidence and treated them as suspects in spite of the fact that he and Morag went way back.

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Thinking about it again I kind of agree with what you've said. It’s debatable whether Belle should have forgiven him but without going too much into it the whole reason she came to the bay was to find her birth mother so they had to have a resolution to that. They were bound to reconcile her with Amanda eventually to conclude the storyline (and because they were such bitter enemies beforehand). There was no way the writers could make her forgive Amanda and not Drew. Whether she forgave him or not, she probably shouldn’t have gone back out with him. What I meant previously was the breaking up. They’ve already broken up twice so if they get back together again I personally feel that invariably they would break up again because I don’t see what other people see with this couple. I agree that they love each other but we’ve seen how they’ve brought out the worst in each other ie. “skank”, the kidnapping, Angelo and most importantly the co-dependency as shown when they were both in recovery. So in the breaking up sense it’s like Drew but I’m opened minded enough that if Belle has completely recovered and the writers can present storylines to convince me that they are rock solid then I will take back what I said.

Anyway, I could have swung for both Aden and Belle in today’s episode and even apart they managed to annoy me.

Liam actually came over to apologise and Aden showed his smugness which I thought he'd abandoned recently. I’m glad Liam put him in his place (well sort of).

What I should have said was that Belle should never have got back together with Drew after he had the affair with Amanda. I think it would have been reasonable for her to forgive them both, but for her to have a romantic relationship with him after he'd slept with her mother (behind her back!) is just mind boggling. :blink:

I agree about the breaking up/making up thing, but it happens with nearly all the couples on the show. Look at Miles and Kirsty, who have split up twice I think already. I think Robbie and Tasha hold the record, but that can easily be broken! I also agree that Aden and Belle's relationship has become slightly co-dependent, but unfortunately that is a result of bad writing and nothing to do with the chemistry between them. Ultimately I think they work brilliantly together given the right material, and I really, really hope they're together

for Belle's exit

. Although yes, I am glad Liam gave Aden a serve - he was being a hypocrite. The two of them both annoyed me actually - I was kind of hoping Belle would bash their heads together but she went for Angelo instead (not that he was a bad choice either).

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Personally, I don't think Belle's relationships with either Drew or Aden should have gone on as long as they did.I don't think she should have got back with Drew after he slept with Amanda and I don't think she should have got back with Aden after he took her hostage.It should have been obvious from that point on that they weren't right for each other and in my opinion neither pairing was particularly happy subsequently.

Anyway...hmm, Angelo.Hard but fair just about covers it.He was basically doing his job by carrying out a thorough investigation and not allowing himself to be influenced by the fact he knew the people involved.All the same, I can't help wondering if he'd have taken such a strong line with Irene in the past.Perhaps his recent experiences have hardened him.At the end of the day, though, he was just following the evidence even if he personally believed the person to be innocent, something we've seen Peter, Jack and Charlie all do in the past.Good on him for arresting Belle, she assaulted a police officer who was carrying out his duty and after the way she treated him she has absolutely no right to take the moral high ground.Hope they at the very least caution her next episode instead of the usual "Forget about it, you're free to go."

When Irene asked Angelo if he knew what it felt like to have your future snatched away and he said he did, was he talking about Belle or killing Jack or something we don't know about?Doesn't take a genius to suspect Donna in all this.Not sure if it's too obvious or not.Irene drinking...I was a bit suspect at first, given that she's stayed off the booze for over fifteen years, but actually I buy it.She was alone and frightened and she was tempted.Although it's a bit odd that she wasn't tempted when, say, Corey was driving her mad with mercury poisoning.

Couldn't you just smell the testosterone between Aden and Liam?Can actually see both their points-Belle really doesn't need Liam putting pressure on her when she's not fully recovered herself, yet Aden is leaving it a bit late to be supportive.Liked Aden thanking Leah after she offered to listen to him, the old Aden would have just told her to get lost.Also nice to see him finally express some sort of emotion at being estranged from Roman, I wasn't keen on the way he just brushed it off.Liked Geoff and Annie's little hug at the station and, of course, that little Gelle moment when he tells her he's worried about her.Whilst wearing nothing but his boxers.(Maybe he's noticed Aden does it and he's trying to get Belle's attention...)

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