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See what you mean about Belle's hair Louise - when did she have that done - in rehab? :huh:

I'm not sure if she's had it done since but the first time she was stuck in her room going through withdrawal.Maybe she knows someone who does house calls...

So, it was "Forget about it, you're free to go."Seriously, Belle launched an unprovoked attack on a police officer carrying out his lawful duty in front of several witnesses.And then showed no remorse, instead sitting in her cell saying he deserved it.It was worthy of at least an official caution, maybe even a fine or community service.You're right, H&Alover, if that had been any other officer, Charlie would have been on their side.She was probably within her rights to let Belle go but she was effectively undermining a fellow officer and arguably giving the town a green light to take a pop at him whenever they got annoyed with no repercussions.Mind you, if Angelo just left her in a cell and didn't do anything, he's only got himself to blame.Interesting that he opposed the decision to charge Irene, it seems to be another case of an officer having to arrest someone that deep down they know is innocent.

Aden was a bit of a jerk towards Liam once again, even if he may have a point.I'm in two minds about it:A fellow addict isn't exactly the best company for Belle when she's far from recovered herself but helping someone else can take your mind off your own problems.Are we meant to have forgotten Aden's good behaviour bond?Barely an episode goes by without him getting physical with someone (Russell, the photographer, Liam, even Gibbsy a few weeks ago).Really impressed with the way he handled Angelo, given that he's never liked him I expected him to be first in line with the abuse but that was probably the politest he's ever been to him.Then he spoiled it by saying how much he want to smack him.Not so sure about his advice to Tony:"One thing I learnt from that business with my dad is sometimes you have to hold your anger in or you hurt the people you love."Er, yes, Aden.You held your anger in for years until one day you snapped and tried to kill him.Maybe not the best thing to do... Bit of a cop-out that he's suddenly "I've been practising all year and my knee feels all right" when his playing days were meant to be over.Tony suddenly coaching the town team as well as the school team is something else to file under "Since when?"

Belle really doesn't know many people, does she?The first four names on her contact list were Aden, Annie, Geoff and Leah.She doesn't even have Irene on there!Still doing better than Charlie who seems to have no friends at all;she really cut a forlorn figure playing pool by herself.Actually really liked her giving advice to Tony.Nice also to see some interaction between Belle and Irene, even if they have to be locked up together for it to happen.

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I just felt so sorry for Angelo today, he had to arrest Belle, she hit him in front of the whole station because she disagreed with the way he was doing his job. What if Aden went and hit Charlie because he didn't like like the way she was doing hers, I'm pretty sure people would want him to feel the consequences. I'm usually a Charlie fan but it was pretty low of her to undermine Angelo like that.

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Didn't Belle get her hair dyed just before the Tony/Rachel wedding. I'm sure she had the new style during that episode.

The way I remember it, in the episode where she's in her room throwing up and Kirsty and Annie are looking after her and Aden turns up near the end, she's got her old dark hair.The next time we see her is in the episode where she goes back to the Diner and "collapses"(ie, has to sit down for a bit)and at the end Annie overhears Aden calling her a drug addict.And I'll swear in that episode she's suddenly got blonde highlights.Even though we're told she hasn't left the house in between.

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I see Belle remains unrepentant about slapping Angelo. I think her saying that he deserved it annoyed me just as much as when she actually hit him in the episode before. I was actually quite shocked at the lengths Aden was prepared to go to get her released from custody. I never thought I’d see the day when he begged Angelo. When he first went up to him I was expecting fireworks.

I really didn’t like it when Charlie released her before Angelo got the chance though. It almost felt as though Belle got one over on him. And I didn’t like Charlie’s tone or attitude either. In saying that I did feel a tiny bit sorry for her regarding Tony. By the way she reacted I think what he said to her in the gym genuinely hurt her. However I can’t blame Tony for the way he’s acting. He’s the one person that has every right to behave the way he is. Nobody else does as what happened is nothing really to do with them even though they were Jack’s friends. I quite liked their conversation later on and Charlie gave good advice which Tony began to be following.

I don’t know if it’s just me but when Charlie was saying she was angry with Angelo, I got the impression that she was almost saying it to try and convince herself more than anything and I wonder how angry with him she really is.

I see Aden’s being an idiot for the second episode in a row. When he grabbed Liam I was just hoping that Liam would deck him but I’m not sure if he’s really got it in him to be honest.

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I agree, anyone-who-talked-about-the-Fiver-episode-in-the-wrong-thread, Nicole and Ruby suddenly hanging out seemed completely random.The frustrating thing is they could have fixed it so easily, by having them meet up by chance and hang out because everyone's occupied elsewhere(it seems reasonable Annie wouldn't feel up to a trip to the beach with Irene in jail and the episode implied she was hiding out at Jai's)instead of it being arranged in advance.It feels a bit as though Nicole's fallen out with everyone she normally talks with(Roman, Aden, Geoff)so they stuck her and Ruby together even though they've had next-to-no interaction.They had a bit when Roman was taken into hospital but even when they had a scene together last week, Nicole and Jai did most of the talking while Ruby just stood there.On the plus side...two hot girls in bikinis, never a bad thing.And their high-pitched screaming at Gardy was hysterical.

Gardy.Not really sure what to make of him yet.He doesn't quite seem deserving of Nicole saying he weirds her out but his behaviour with Charlie certainly suggests he could charitably be described as a character.Not sure about the retcon concerning Mark since it means Roman lied to Elliot to get him to help Nicole and Geoff.Actually, that doesn't sound unreasonable.His actions don't really seem that out of line and it's hard to imagine him getting into trouble if he did come clean.(Nice production values in the flashbacks by the way, it almost looked like they went to Afghanistan to film it.)Gardy's warning to Trey before leaving him and Nicole alone was funny.I'm assuming Roman was either referring to Ruby or talking figuratively when he said they weren't old enough to drink;if Nicole was 17 when she first appeared, she must be 18 by now.Nicole and Trey...I don't really object to them but ironically making Trey less of a jerk has just left him wet and dull and there's a thudding lack of chemistry between the pair.It means we're left with a dull couple in a show that's got a few too many dull pairings(Aden and Belle, Ruby and Xavier).Trey and Xavier squaring up to each other was faintly laughable:They couldn't have been any less macho if they tried.

Given that I'm expecting them to turn him into a moustache twirling villain any episode, I was surprised by the way John Palmer was written.His argument to Alf and the others at the surf club was actually perfectly reasonable and logical.Liked the way Alf, Martha and Hugo obviously hated Xavier's idea but didn't have the heart to tell him.Interesting that Hugo stuck up for Angelo when Alf was blaming everything on him.

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I'm already not loving Gardy, letting himself into Roman's place the way he did. Ruby and Nicole throwing soft, squidgy cushions at him was rather amusing, though. :lol: Still confused about their "sudden" friendship.

It also seemed a bit odd that Xavier should suggest shark-diving trips to Hugo, especially when he was besides himself with worry when Hugo "went for his dive and got attacked by a shark". :huh:

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It is quite random Nicole and Ruby hanging out. I don’t think they’ve been at logger heads before but I don’t believe they were particularly close either. I can even recall a comment Ruby made a while back whilst she was competing with Freya for Xavier about even Nicole liking her despite not liking anyone. I do recall another time on the beach where there was a party and Ruby saw her smiled and held her hands which would suggest perhaps they got closer as of late. Anyway I actually quite liked them together and in the Diner. And it was funny seeing their reaction when they encountered Gardi for the first time.

Still quite liking Nicole and Trey together. Let’s face it Aden’s still hung up on Belle so why shouldn’t she try and give things a go with someone else, especially as she’s effectively been band from seeing him and Geoff is going out with Claudia so the only person left is Trey. I’m glad Roman didn’t have a go at him this time round.

I’m not sure what to make of Gardi either, especially the way he just let himself into Roman’s but he seemed ok with it. I quite liked the scene with him and Charlie when he told her she was hot and she simply replied “License please” and just carried on being professional. He seems like the loyal type. As he appeared to have kept quiet about what happened with Roman. So was that an unlawful killing or was he trying to save Gardi? Either way he seems have been a lot better since his chat with VJ. Even when he was speaking with Nicole he was a lot calmer than he was as of late.

Regarding the previous comment about Charlie having no friends she had two in this episode. She sort of caught up with Martha (and they used to hang out before she got with Joey and Martha started working at the farm) and she was chilling out with Miles at the Surf Club.

Alf made me laugh in the scene with John, acting like he made up a c*ck and bull story but again as mentioned he made some very valid points regarding Hugo and you could tell by the expressions of Charlie and Miles that they couldn’t really disagree.

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