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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Why didn't Roman question how Gardy got into the house, he must have been in a real deep sleep not to have heard anything? Not liking him at the moment, he will probably try and talk Roman out of doing the right thing. I was trying to remember what Roman had told Eliott what had happened wtih his brother, I recall he said he had shot Mark to stop him surrendering, then the Taliban caught him and they killed him (correct me if I am wong). I don't think Roman intended to actually kill him, just wanted to stop him driving off. I'm not sure if was a suppressed memory more that when more or less the same thing happened to him it brought it all back. Wouldn't Mark's body have been autopised at the time in which case it would have been discovered that he was killed by an allied bullet?

Everyone else is not believing John Palmer doubting Hugo's 'shark attack', but we (the viewers) know he is not wrong. That's probably one of the reasons he is not keen on Xavier's idea. Also why he was uncomfortable when that guy at the surf club praised him.

Shame that Charlie beat Angelo to the punch by releasing Belle, hope she was cautioned about the assualt. I suppose the reason it was Angelo's arrest was because it happened off shore and as he is Marine Command the clue is in the name. He really didn't want her charged but was overruled by his bosses.

Just because there were only Lou and Irene's fingerprints on the boat doesn't mean a thing. My theory - Lou could have been on deck by himself that night, another boat could have coasted up and threatened him. He told them where to go, they fired and he fell overboard. Not knowing anyone else was on board they panicked and fled.

So it does seem that Morag won't be able to help Irene if Ross isn't too good, he should come first.

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I've decided I don't like Gardy.More to the point, I've decided I'm not actually interested in Gardy.He insults Miles and starts a brawl.Someone wake me up when it's over.Roman's apparently too stupid to notice how unsavoury his friend's acting.Would Roman and Gardy really be jailed for a friendly fire incident or was that just Gardy being melodramatic?Odd that Roman's blaming Gardy for the cover-up when he previously said he arranged it to protect Mark's reputation.(To recap, the official line is that they were split up and Mark never turned up at the rendezvous [hence his body was never recovered so no autopsy], the story Roman told Elliot was that he shot Mark in the leg when he turned his gun on another trooper [as Gardy did here] but he went running to the enemy anyway and they killed him.) Why didn't Alf call the police when a bunch of idiots started trashing his bar?More to the point, why did they stop?Did the morons just get bored and stop hitting each other?

Why didn't Trey make any attempt to retrieve his shirt, which was only a feet away, before going upstairs(especially if he thought it was Roman, who was unlikely to leave soon)?Did Miles really not realise Nicole wasn't alone?(When I have this many questions, you know there's a problem with the episode.)Ruby says she and Nicole haven't been great friends long.Rube, it's been less than a day.Mind you, she fell for Xavier in a similar time scale and was chatting about her personal life to Annie within seconds of meeting her so maybe she really would consider someone a good friend if they'd hung out for a few hours.(Although they've been getting on all right since Nic got together with Geoff, they really didn't like each other when they first met.I can even remember Ruby describing Nicole as "princess on the outside, psycho on the inside.")Surprised to find myself saying this, but a simple, uncomplicated relationship with Trey might be just what Nicole needs right now.Except(a)he's probably going to have a deep, dark secret and(b)she'll probably have decided she's in love with him by the end of next week. Odd he was ready to badmouth John to Xavier, he's always seemed very loyal to him.(More evidence that this is going to end with "It's all Dad's fault", sigh.)Interesting that the script implies we should consider John a jerk but also from earlier episodes implies he's actually right.

And it did look as though Belle just got away scot free.

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So Nicole wants to take things slowly with Trey…interesting considering that she said that she wouldn’t refer him as her boyfriend. I had to laugh when she called him down and Ruby started laughing and joking about him when she saw him bare chested. His reaction probably stems back to his bullying in his last school for being overweight. I was actually surprised when he apologised to Xavier and said he was wrong (even though I wasn’t sure he actually was). Perhaps what Ruby said hit him a lot harder than I thought. Again I liked the stuff between Nicole and Ruby.

John Palmer cracked me up with some of the remarks he made towards Hugo. He was blatantly looking for a reaction, labelling him an attention seeker and looking at him in a provocative manner. Considering how strict he is with Trey I’m a bit surprised he was acting like that. When John just went up to him and had it out with him I think that was better than the snide remarks. Had Hugo followed Alf’s advice and simply gone home his anger wouldn’t have built up so much and the situation wouldn’t have escalated like it did.

Gardi was just plain rude to Miles and for no good reason too. He just seemed to have a problem with him because perhaps he thought he was a bit of a wimp. Still remain unsure although he seems quite unlikeable at the moment.

The fight was absolutely hilarious. I was laughing through the whole thing. Gardi can handle himself can’t he? Alf really made me laugh. I loved his remark to Miles about keeping well away and the way he told them off at the end and they should be ashamed of themselves.

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The fight was absolutely hilarious. I was laughing through the whole thing. Gardi can handle himself can’t he? Alf really made me laugh. I loved his remark to Miles about keeping well away and the way he told them off at the end and they should be ashamed of themselves.

:lol: I especially liked the end of the fight where miles was covered in food! And when Gardi would just push "hardcore" into the others! it was soo funny!

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If Mark's body was never recovered how did Roman and co get rid of it? Gardy obviously has his own issues judging by his behaviour. It was a good scrap, not that I am condoning violence at all. John was pushing for a fight the moment he walked in with his cronies. I reckon if Hugo had still been on his own it would have just finished with each of them staring each other down. At least it was a bit more balanced with three on each side, even Roman managing to hold his own.

I wondered that RR as to why didn't Alf call the cops, anybody else and he would have! :huh: Notice Gardy and the rest sloped off leaving Hugo and Miles to do the cleaning up. I do think Martha was being pushy trying to get Hugo to talk when he obviously didn't want to. Couldn't be a guilty conscience could it?

I agree Slade it was probably because of his earlier teasing about his body that Trey got so uptight. It's not a bad bod actually, not too muscular, suits his height. It was funny when Ruby was chatting on about just because their boyfriends didn't like each other didn't mean they couldn't be friends and Nicole was trying to act normal. I liked Miles' crack earlier to Nicole about him having a bad hair day as well. :)

Certainly threw Xavier when Trey apologised about his dad just when Xavier was ready to have a go at him.

Is it just me or do the characters seem to mumble sometimes so you can't make out what they are saying?

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The fight was absolutely hilarious. I was laughing through the whole thing. Gardi can handle himself can’t he? Alf really made me laugh. I loved his remark to Miles about keeping well away and the way he told them off at the end and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Yeah. I laughed so much when Alf told Miles that they would have him for breakfast, though it looked more like lunch seeing as he got covered salad at the end. LOL @ Gardy too for throwing Roman into it and for when he bear hugged that guy whilst laughing like a maniac.

It was so random and daft yet so funny. It was brilliant.

Hugo showed some good moves that Five cut out it seems, from watching it again on You Tube.

'Hardcore duck' :lol:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.I am wondering if they're doing some sort of trade off at the moment, Charlie got four this week while Geoff only got one.(Although he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance.)You actually wondered where he was while everyone else was at the hospital with Irene in that episode, although since they couldn't manage the characters they had(I can only remember poor Annie speaking once)maybe it's just as well.

I'm tempted to get back onto the fence concerning Gardy.The guy comes across as a borderline sociopath but his one redeeming feature is that his friendship with Roman actually seems genuine. Although his method for curing hysterical blindness is unlikely to be approved by the medical board. When did he have time to scribble the note for Nicole?It's interesting to remember Nicole's relationship with Natalie when it seemed like she was the parent.It's getting that way with Roman.I'm guessing since they were behind enemy lines, Roman and the others just left Mark's body behind.If anyone found it, they'd be unlikely to contact next of kin.

Really glad they had that little scene between Aden and Nicole, it's the first time we've seen them together since she was storming out of his caravan.I'm glad there seems to be no hard feelings between them and they're taking responsibility themselves instead of blaming each other.Aden really needs to learn to modify his behaviour:It's ironic that he can control his temper with Angelo but not with Belle.If he'd calmly and quietly pointed out to her that she's not the best person to help Liam, just as he wasn't the best person to help her, she'd probably have understood but instead he acted like a jerk and put her on the defensive.Liam offering to get Irene a lawyer reminded me slightly of Josh West getting a lawyer for Nick when he was interested in Hayley.

I can handle Irene being charged, Irene being denied bail...Seriously?On the basis of a few black marks from nearly two decades previous(for which, as I recall, no criminal charges were ever laid)and a theory about the most incompetent murder in history?She was clearly in a fragile mental state when she shot the police officer, couldn't Rachel have whipped up one of her magic psych reports?There are times when it seems only the innocent go to jail in Summer Bay.Mind you, Angelo was denied bail as well, maybe they get fussy if your victim was a police officer.Unless you're Belle, when they apologise and let you go.If Irene gets cleared of this(which we can probably take as read), if Lou really is dead and if the will is genuine and not just a fake Donna's cooked up, it sounds as though she's going to be a millionaire.So let's get this straight:The police think that Irene killed Lou in such a way that(a)it looked as though they were the only ones onboard, making her the only suspect, and(b)there was no body so proving he was dead and getting his money would be problematic.Love to hear them argue that one in court.Although he's probably going to get the blame, it seems as though Angelo isn't making any decisions at all now, he's just collecting evidence and passing it on.Not sure if Donna's actions make her more or less likely to be behind things.If she's only just received the letter(and her solicitor could presumably confirm it), she wouldn't have known about the will change when Lou disappeared.On the other hand, Lou might have called her informally to tell her about it or she might have been afraid it would happen so decided to kill Lou and frame Irene anyway.(Lawyer Woman said Irene gets half...who gets the other half?)The hand belonged to an Asian in his 20s.Guess that rules out Lou and Derrick(Island Guy).And pretty much everyone who's ever been in the show aside from Aaron Welles.Unless I've forgotten someone really obvious...

Was Hugo's guilty expression around Martha because he feels bad about lying to her, Xavier and the others or because he has feelings for her?And I've been meaning to mention it all weak:No sponsor! They'll probably get a new one soon...

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Is it just me or do the characters seem to mumble sometimes so you can't make out what they are saying?

I agree. I find it with all soaps. It's the usual way that people speak casually to each other. As I'm hard of hearing, i find that I miss lines at times, so I put the subtitles on at the bottom of the screen. Then, if I get a chance, I watch it again later without them, so that I can watch the actual characters.

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Really glad they had that little scene between Aden and Nicole, it's the first time we've seen them together since she was storming out of his caravan.I'm glad there seems to be no hard feelings between them and they're taking responsibility themselves instead of blaming each other.Aden really needs to learn to modify his behaviour:It's ironic that he can control his temper with Angelo but not with Belle.If he'd calmly and quietly pointed out to her that she's not the best person to help Liam, just as he wasn't the best person to help her, she'd probably have understood but instead he acted like a jerk and put her on the defensive.Liam offering to get Irene a lawyer reminded me slightly of Josh West getting a lawyer for Nick when he was interested in Hayley.


What the betting that Aden and Belle get together again? May take a few weeks and the departure of Liam. When they are together for a few brief minutes, there is still that deep chemistry between them - well, I sense it anyway. It's just that they never say the right things that could bring a smile to one of their faces and break the barrier between them. Why can't Belle just shut up abiout Aden not being there for her!

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