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I did notice that Charlie was in four episodes this week, or rather there was only one episode I don’t recall seeing her in. I think it’s been established that Alf is pretty much exempt from the three episodes rule (if there is such a thing) but I also feel occasional certain characters are exempt if they feature in any major storylines such as Charlie who is involved in the investigation being conducted by Area Command. Either way Alf is very rarely heavily involved in any episode he’s in (aside from the stuff with Bridget a while back). He’s effectively been relegated to a support role for some of the other characters e.g. Martha, Hugo, Tony etc. Much like Irene and Leah.

I’ve decided that at the moment I don’t like Gardi although he does humour me at times. I think he genuinely has Roman’s best interests at heart and he’s trying to help him albeit his methods seem unorthodox. My main problem with him is the disregard he’s shown towards other people such as Miles, Nicole and even Charlie. I did actually think it was funny with her at first when she pulled him over but looking at the rest of his behaviour I’m not to keen.

It would appear that Nicole can’t stand the guy and Miles has raised concerns about the effect he’s had on Roman’s behaviour. I agree that the way he was before, lying on the couch all day feeling sorry for himself was counter-productive but this seems out of character for him. I don’t blame him for getting involved in the fight as I don’t feel he had any choice but the getting drunk and staying out all night is not really a good example to be setting considering he was trying to discipline Nicole. He said that he owes Gardi but is that any reason to go along with him and not stay true to his actions.

I found the conversation with Miles and Nicole in the Diner about Gardi’s and Roman friendship interesting. One person’s responsible, almost settled down is part owner in a successful business and the other is not really doing anything and as already stated seems socially inept and unable to know how to act towards people. If it hadn’t been for the time they served together in Afghanistan, I not sure they would even be friends.

I’m pretty sure Martha likes Hugo now. She’s been spending a lot of time with him. I’m guessing something’s bound to happen at some point but I’m not sure how far it will go considering that he’s Jack’s cousin.

Wasn’t Irene’s solicitor the same woman who Kirsty went to see about trying to secure an early release for Kane last year?

And Annie seemed to have the same concerned expression on her face throughout the entire episode.

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Wasn’t Irene’s solicitor the same woman who Kirsty went to see about trying to secure an early release for Kane last year?

She was, yes.I wasn't sure where I'd seen her before until I saw it mentioned on another thread.If she was responsible for that, she must be a better lawyer than she appears.(She probably wasn't since Kirsty stopped paying her.)

On the subject of who was in what episode, unless I'm mistaken poor Jai not only got relegated to one episode, I can only remember him being in one scene, when he and Xavier were talking about Trey on Thursday.

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Does seem strange they are using Irene's violent (distant) past, though I suppose the fact she was drunk when she was violent back then may have something to do with it? :unsure: I thought they had moved Irene out of the poice station cells, yet she was back again. Must say it is a pretty modern cell, sliding doors, glass. Do they still have the 'old fashioned' ones which I know we have seen? Re the lawyer RR Kirsty had to stop paying her because she couldn't afford her any more. As for the new will, I'm sure Donna realises the police will check with her solicitor to clarify when it was sent. It certainly puts the onus on Irene to prove she didn't know Lou had changed his will. Depending on where Irene and Lou were and how long it took to reach his solicitor could be a big factor. As for the HAND I'm sticking with my pirate theory. I missed what it said on the note, what was it? Good to see Nicole caring so much about Roman, was funny the way she had a go at him for staying out all night and not ringing her to let her know he was OK. :) I thought Roman's white stick (with the ball on the end) was an Australian thing then I saw Lizzy in Emmerdale using the same thing. Are they like that now?

Quite an unorthodox method of getting someone to regain their sight, I must admit, how high was that bridge BTW and how did Gardy know about it, he's never been in the bay before??

I guess in any group of fighting men there is going to be one who is on the edge and as far as it goes here it's Gardy.

Not sure either about Laim's offer to pay for a lawyer for Irene, what would he want in return (don't be so cynical H&A).

I dind't notice till you pointed it out RR that there was no sponsor, well at least they have got rid of that awful pair, not sure who was more irritating.

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It certainly puts the onus on Irene to prove she didn't know Lou had changed his will. Depending on where Irene and Lou were and how long it took to reach his solicitor could be a big factor. As for the HAND I'm sticking with my pirate theory. I missed what it said on the note, what was it?

Unless I've read my law wrong, I think the onus would be on the prosecution to prove that Irene did know about the will, seeing as how there's no evidence and they seem to be building their entire case around it.If I remember, the note just said "Don't wait up."

I did notice that Charlie was in four episodes this week, or rather there was only one episode I don’t recall seeing her in. I think it’s been established that Alf is pretty much exempt from the three episodes rule (if there is such a thing) but I also feel occasional certain characters are exempt if they feature in any major storylines such as Charlie who is involved in the investigation being conducted by Area Command.

Hmm, maybe but it seems very strange that Charlie would get an extra episode while Irene, Belle and Angelo, who would all seem to be more heavily involved, still disappeared for two.

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Can someone tell me if the episode where

Hugo tells Martha he's in love with her

has happened yet in the UK? I'm going back to watching UK pace after getting very behind and don't fancy watching 2 weeks worth of Home and Away on YouTube in like a day to catch up :(

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Can someone tell me if the episode where

Hugo tells Martha he's in love with her

has happened yet in the UK?

No, it hasn't.Looking at the listings, I think that's Friday.

So...Great to see Aden and Nicole back working as a unit again, any hard feelings between them seem to be completely forgotten.And she seemed to be equally concerned for both him and Belle which is nice to see.Liam's assessment of Aden and Belle's relationship is, frankly, 100% accurate and spot on: They tried, a lot, it didn't work, whatever feelings they've got for each other they need to forget about it and move on because it's obviously not going to work out.Anyone reckon they're actually going to listen?(No, me neither.)Not sure why Aden somehow jumped to the conclusion that Belle and Liam are together, Liam said nothing to suggest they were and I'm not even convinced he was trying to make Aden believe that, he just genuinely thinks she's better off without him messing her about.Having said that, Liam's not really helping either, as Belle thankfully seemed to realise, turning him down and telling him to go back to rehab.His sudden obsession with her is rather worrying, it feels as though he's just fixated on her because there's nothing else in his life.

My opinion of Gardy remains that he's trying to be a good friend to Roman but he's at least halfway round the twist and a complete ass to everyone else.Loved Alf getting him to pay for the damages. Nicole and Ruby's friendship...is still a bit weird, it's somewhat telling that Nicole still can't get a girlfriend who isn't two years younger than her.And was it me or was Ruby looking dreamily at Miles again when he came into the Diner?I wondered at first if Trey would have talked to Nicole if Ruby hadn't been with her, since he was fine when it was just the two of them, but then he pretty much blanked her at school.Miles continues to steal episodes he's hardly in, I loved him refusing to let the extra take his order because he was dodgy.Especially since the guy pretty much looked like Miles.

Have we seen that wall at Roman's place fully before?I wondered where he was for a second.Nicole is looking increasingly forlorn, alone in the kitchen at the start and having to deal with Roman and Gardy at the end, hope things get better for her soon.

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Ok so Gardi wanted to help Roman but anything could have happened when he pushed him off the bridge even though it was into the water. I don’t think I’ve seen him that angry before. I have to admit though he made me laugh when he asked Roman how his hair was and again I laughed when Nicole came home from school and found them both completely wasted. He seems to have a very warped sense of humour like when he went to the bar, gestured as though he was getting ready to fight then Alf asked him to fork out for the damage and he offered double and said in case he lost his temper and made out it was a joke. And with Nicole when he made suggestive remarks and stroked her arm that was out of line but I still think in his own funny sort way he was joking.

Aden made me smile too. When Liam went up to him in the bar (did anyone notice how Gardi was watching them) it was just his whole attitude through the entire conversation. It reminded me a bit of the old Aden . And when he saw Belle and basically said to her that it didn’t matter if it got with Liam, it was so obvious that he wasn’t being entirely honest.

Interesting how they had a scene of him and Trey training at the gym in the same shot. I’m guessing Trey’s going to tell Nicole eventually about how he was picked on because of his weight, she’s going to have a lot of sympathy for him and they’re going to get back on track.

Oh and I’m really liking this friendship between Ruby and Nicole. I know Nicole throughout her time has had very few (if any) girl friends but she’s changed quite a bit since she first came to the bay and she isn’t as much of a b*tch like she was before. And I find it hard to believe that someone like her doesn’t have any friends at all (as she’s not so much the spoilt brat anymore) so it makes sense to pair her up with Ruby as the only other person at the moment is Annie and because of Geoff and the fact that they don’t have anything in common, I’m not sure how that would turn out.

And it’s funny that Colleen is still referring to Angelo as Constable “Risotto”.

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Very perceptive of Nicole to say that perhaps Liam was just comforting Belle when Aden told her what he had seen between them on the beach. Who would have thought it possible of someone who when she first arrived was just concerned about herself. I had to blink when Liam said to Aden that Belle didn't need anyone with baggage (meaning him) - excuse me who has the (possibly soon to be ex-wife) and a son! :huh: The phrase pot, kettle and black sprung to mind. Shame Aden assumed Belle had sent him round and had a go at her, probably that which decided her to tell Liam to go back to rehab. She definitely doesn't need him confusing her and putting on extra pressure. I've said it before but I think Aden and Belle are one of those couples who thrive on the type of relationship they have.

I noticed that as regards Trey and Aden both working out at the gym, the pair of them geting rid of their frustrations in a healthy way. I hope Trey does eventually tell Nicole, she will be sympathetic as we know she can be now. It certainly is a reversal of parent and child and shows she loves Roman as a dad, probably reminds her of her mum when she used to get drunk. I'm not so sure about Gardy 'joking' when he made that move on Nicole, we don't know anything about his history.

Perhaps RR TPTB decided to shot the interior on a different angle, happens sometimes.

Do they still have the 'posh' part of the diner, we never see it anymore?

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