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After that episode I would have to say poor Nicole I guess.

It would appear that Gardi’s theory was correct and his method does seem to have cured his comrade in arms. I disliked him even more tonight though especially after he was rude to Miles again, refused to let him see him and then lied to Roman about who knocked the door. It almost seems as though he really wants to control Roman, although I’m curious as to his motives. I don’t think Roman has a lot of money so it can’t be that. I’m wondering if it’s more likely that is just the way he is because of the effects the war they fought in Afghanistan and maybe subconsciously there’s a dependency for Roman to need him.

So he cracked onto Nicole again. Part of me he feels that he has very little respect for Roman but the other part thinks of Nicole’s remark to him yesterday about being seriously disturbed. I can see this turning really ugly eventually considering that Roman now feels in debt to him for getting his sight back. Nicole’s already told Ruby and Xavier about Gardi so now she’s under a bit of pressure to come clean. But how can she now, she’s probably thinking. If she does tell Roman, Gardi will probably deny it and she might come out looking like the bad guy. Or judging by his behaviour at first he would probably say that it’s all in her head or maybe she misjudged his actions. I think Roman would believe her eventually which is what worries me. He will no doubt go ballistic then presumably Gardi will remind him of their secret putting Roman in a extremely difficult position.

I wasn’t really sure what to make about getting his site back but immediately we saw a change in attitude and for the first time in a while he seemed happy.

It’s a good thing about Trey’s secret getting out or at least among the inner circle because it now allows Nicole to address the problem and get past it. I was glad Xavier stuck up for him. I really wasn’t expecting that. I have to say though I really didn’t like it when they were talking about Trey’s weight and they all started laughing about it. That was so not cool and uncalled for. Annie was actually ill with a cold but had she been there I don’t think she would have taken too kindly to the way they were acting.

Again unsure what to make of Liam and Belle. He practically emotionally blackmailed her. Well I suppose at least it’s not Aden and Belle which is something I guess.

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It's interesting that Nicole's basically in the same position Annie was when she first came in and spent all her time with people four years older than her:The only characters her age are Geoff and Trey and she's left hanging out with characters with a two year age difference.I'm hoping Annie's exclusion is because she's involved in Irene and/or Belle's storylines, I'm reminded of a couple of years ago when someone pointed out Ric and Lucas hardly spent any time together anymore, it was always Ric and Drew.Given that Annie's finally been given a peer group, it'll be annoying if they suddenly break it up again because they need a friend for Nicole.I've actually got used to Nicole and Ruby as friends but I wish we'd actually had an episode of them becoming friends, it reminds me of last year when Martha and Charlie were suddenly best friends as if we'd missed six episodes.

As someone mentioned on another thread a while back, the posh/interim Diner has completely vanished.The door that used to lead there from the kitchen now leads into that store room we saw today.Interesting that Alf stuck up for Angelo when Xavier was badmouthing him.He was wrong anyway, it was the court that denied Irene bail and the whole thing seems to be in the hands of a separate prosecution service.

Really not sure what to make of Belle and Liam, it seemed to come out of nowhere a bit.It seemed that Belle had a shock when she thought Liam had done something stupid and maybe that caused her to realise she had deeper feelings for him than she thought.She did seem genuine about it so I'm really not sure.

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So much for Angelo keeping it low key with Hugo. He could hardly have been more intimidating! He certainly goes about things the wrong way and he's never going to get the truth out of Hugo. I suppose sooner or later we'll find out where his cut came from. Best suggestion yet has been from Trey's father : on a coral reef.

Good prison scenes with Irene. Be intersting to see how that develops.

Is Jai's and Annie's relationship completely platonic now?

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I loved that scene with Angelo and Charlie, there just seems to be so many unresolved issues there, and there also seems to be a lingering bond which is interesting.

Martha annoyed me with claiming that Angelo was solely to blame for Irene being in prison. Right because, he, and not the court, decides whether or not Irene gets bail. I feel for Irene, but she did shoot a police officer. It's pretty ironic that Irene shot a police officer and yet they all want her free and yet hate Angelo for a similar crime and detest that he's not in prison. Hypocrisy much?

Alf saying to Angelo that he wouldn't give him a glass of water if he was on fire was pretty low, I know he probably didn't mean it literally but does he actually think that makes him a better person, on second thoughts in the warped world of Summer Bay regulars can't do much wrong huh?

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Yes I know Hugo was being uncooperative (which I didn’t like) but Angelo seemed quite smug afterwards and ended up being incredibly petty. Firstly threatening his livelihood by impounding his boat and then when Hugo came to the station he wouldn’t take his statement.

It’s funny because Alf kind of stuck up for him again i.e. when Martha blamed Angelo for arresting Irene he said that any other police officer would have done the same thing (And incidentally Martha Angelo wasn’t the one who refused bail, it would have been the judge). But before when Angelo was asking about for advice he made a comment about not giving him a glass of water even if he was on fire which was a bit harsh. I’m glad Kirsty gave him a serve though regarding his accusation towards Jai and called Charlie afterwards because this attitude is not doing him any favours.

As I thought it appears as though Charlie is starting to warm to him again or at the very least she wasn’t anywhere near as annoyed with him as she was last week. I liked his remark to her about Belle spitting in the coffee. And I thought it was funny how Angelo made a remark about Charlie sticking up for Hugo because she was sleeping with him, which had a slight element of truth in it.

It was good to see Xavier and Hugo getting along and obviously Hugo’s learnt that he would make progress actually being a brother to him rather than a dad. I’m guessing Xavier slashed Angelo’s tires. And it’s funny how he did something and Jai got the blame again. If he did do it I wonder if he’s going to fess up this time.

Annie and Jai are still going out Brian (even though at times it doesn’t seem like it) but what I found interesting is that Alf referred to Annie as Jai’s best friend when Angelo was asking him about his attitude earlier on.

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I found it very hard to get into that episode, which could basically be summed up as "Everyone still hates Angelo and Irene's still in jail."Nice to know Angelo still knows how to handle unco-operative idiots and, let's face it, smug is pretty much the default mode for Summer Bay officers.And everyone blaming him for Irene being denied bailed when I doubt he was even in the room at the time is just ridiculous.I thought it was probably Xavier that slashed his tyres as well.Alf's attitude is the most interesting:It seems as though he defends Angelo when people talk about him behind his back but is rude to his face.Hope Charlie keeps her promise to be professional because she's been somewhat inconsistent so far.

Nice little caravan park scene at the start with Annie worried about saying the wrong thing.Are Geoff and Annie meant to be staying there now or are they just spending time there because of Kirsty and Jai?Alf did refer to Geoff and Annie as two of Jai's best friends, he probably thought it was simpler than calling them his girlfriend and her brother.Nice to see Geoff and Claudia talking about things after seemingly being cut out last week.Not sure what to make of her encouraging him to pray:Is she meant to share his beliefs or was she just telling him what he wanted to hear?Ironic that last year Aden was saying Larry didn't have a choice about drinking in prison and here Irene's practically having it forced on her.Are we looking at another corrupt guard storyline because if not how did they get past the security camera?Shame Irene's last big storyline also involved her being locked up and someone trying to drive her crazy but then that was three years ago.

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I know I'm at the age when I have senior moments, but did I really miss the controntation between Angelo and Jai? :confused:

The way Angelo was talking about was as if we (the audience) had witnessed it.

Alf and Hugo's attitude towards Angelo made me so angry :angry2: He was only trying to do his job, it could be looked at as obstructing the police in their enquiries. If it had been Charlie or anyone else they would have given them the info. Can't blame Angelo being officious towards Hugo. Although as we know he can't give a description of the shark can he? :wink: Also whoever did slash the tyres on Angleo's car obviously forgot it was a police car (not Angelo's personal car) and therefore could be viewed as causing damage to such. Good to see Charlie taking Angelo's side, at least professionally. Quite agree why does everyone think it was down to Angelo that Irene didn't get bail, he isn't that high up the chain of command to make that decision. That flashback definitely confimed that when they first came upon the Eagle Rock all Angelo did was to call out 'anyone aboard'. It wasn't until the cop was shot they announced themselves as cops. I thought at first the cop wasn't that seriously hurt, but by the time he got to hospital he was in a life threatening condition.

As the guy whose hand they found, could he be an illegal and by that extension could Hugo be involved in people smuggling?

The forensics reckoned it happened about 10-12 weeks before, when were Nicole and Geoff back on the island with Derrick?

Nicole was so happy to see that Roman has his sight back, not so pleased to hear that Gardy had a hand in it. If he does come onto her again he is going to have to be a lot more careful because however Roman owes him Nicole is a lot more important to him.

Poor Irene, she is being hailed as a heroine because she shot a cop. Certainly will be interesting to know how that bottle got in her cell.

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The so-called confrontation between Angelo and Jai was about three seconds near the beginning of the episode:Angelo asks Alf if he knows where Hugo is and Jai sarkily asks if he's going to lock him up as well.Anyway, Angelo's back getting it in the neck again here and we see something of a shift in his attitude, twice walking out of a room when Tony and/or Martha objects to his presence.But you can still feel the testosterone levels rising when he and Hugo are in the same room.Nice little scene between Angelo and Charlie, showing that she does still care for him on a personal as well as a professional level.Perhaps the most interesting thing is that for those few seconds before Hugo changes his mind and refuses to help him, Angelo actually seems perfectly pleasant towards him.You get the feeling he'd actually like to be friends with Hugo, Tony and the others but he's not going to spend the rest of his life apologising and he's not going to tread on eggshells if it gets in the way of doing his job.As he points out, he's the one trying to make sure people aren't in danger while the others engage in petty one-upmanship(or try to impress a girl...).Alf is the voice of reason again, amusingly echoing my reversal of Aden's advice last week:Bottling up your anger will only harm you and cause it all to spill out when it gets too much.Rachel tries to be the voice of reason but ends up giving a patronising lecture:A classic example of how to make the right thing sound like the wrong thing.Martha acts like a crazy person: Being angry with Angelo or hating him is understandable, if, as Rachel says, incredibly self-destructive, but she actually seems to think he's dangerous and possibly even that he killed Jack on purpose.It's as if she refuses to accept Jack's death was something as senseless as being in the path of a bullet fired in self-defence [if that's actually what happened...].

I suspect Irene is still feeling the after effects of her previous drinking binge.Her turning to the bottle was probably less to do with the taunts of her fellow prisoners or the situation she's in and more an addict being reminded of what's she missing out on and getting a craving for more.Was it a coincidence that her room was searched?It's hard to fathom the motives of a bunch of old lags giving her a free drink and where did they get it from anyway:Was it thrown over the wall or are they brewing it in the prison gym?It seems likely there's more to this than meets the eye.

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As someone mentioned on another thread a while back, the posh/interim Diner has completely vanished.The door that used to lead there from the kitchen now leads into that store room we saw today.I

There is another door that people seem to walk in and out of, like Angelo did yesterday, didn't that use to lead into the posh diner? If it isn't used anymore what's the point of having it. :unsure:

I must have blinked and missed that RR (the confrontation that is)

Martha was so over the top last night, she is completely losing the plot. The way she was carrying on anyone who didn't know would think Angelo deliberately shot Jack in cold blood instead if it being a random shot in the dark(maybe). Her idea to write to Angelo's bosses isn't going to work, Charlie has already tried that. If she really feels that strongly (and in such a small town she can't avoid running into him) why doesn't she go out to the farm? Also she is not doing Tony

any favours, he is struggling with it enough. Liked Alf's talk to him about how Jack would have responded, though it is a complete turn about from his own reaction to Angelo a couple of days ago, did give Tony pause for thought though. Does the term the whole day have a different meaning in Oz to the rest of the world? I only ask because Hugo was meeting Angelo at 5pm yet when Martha found out she ranted on about Hugo spending 'the whole day' with Angelo alone on a boat and Angelo had a gun!! I reckon Angelo suspects Hugo is being economical with the truth, it was quite a reasonable request for him or someone from Marine Command to see the site. But of course because it was Angelo he objected, which would naturally arouse suspicions.

Be interesting to discover the meaning behind Irene's dream/flashback to what happened on the boat. Obviously more to it than first appears. It's still confused in her mind so far. As for the booze (which was probably smuggled in) could Donna be behind it? Would certainly help her case to prove Irene killed Lou whilst drunk.

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