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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Again I really didn’t like the way Angelo came across during the interview and afterwards when he asked Hugo to take him to the spot where he claimed the shark attack happened. The way he was when he saw Martha giving him the evil eye in the Diner afterwards was much better.

I also liked the scene with him and Charlie on the beach and agree about her still caring about him and feel that maybe under different circumstances she would want to be friends with him or even more.

Martha’s not having a very easy time of it is she. This obsessional hatred towards Angelo could have the potential to be self-destructive as Rachel warned her and as HA Lover said she is acting irrational. But you can’t really blame her she was trying to get on with her life so she used Jack’s life insurance to buy the farm and finally had a goal. She’s recovering from the cancer, been in remission thus far, everything seemed to be going alright and then Angelo turns up and turns her whole world completely upside-down. I did also feel she was a bit overprotective because it was Hugo and maybe if it was someone else she would have been more calm and rational about the situation.

Although I didn’t like it, I didn’t really blame Tony either for the way he acted towards Angelo.

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Martha's claim that Angelo was out of order and her idea to write to his bosses was stupid at best. What exactly is is out of line for? OK so she doesn't want him in town but he was sent there to do a job, as for what he's done since he got back, he's led to Irene being put in prison, but she did shoot a police officer. He threatened to impound Hugo's boat, but that was because he refused to cooperate in a police investigation. The people of Summer Bay seem to forget that the more they assist him in his investigation the quicker he'll be done and gone (not that I want him to be gone :huh: )

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Alf's episode count this week:Five!(And which genius gave Xavier four and Annie one?)

Finding it really hard to get into the show at the moment, nothing much really seems to be happening. Seems that Aden's good behaviour bond hasn't been forgotten about entirely but bringing it up just underlines the fact that he's not taking any notice of it.Interesting that the idea of Gerry being the new, enlightened editor of the Coastal News has now completely gone out the window, if anything he's even worse than Gavin, who never let the truth get in the way of selling papers but never resorted to this sort of blackmail.Nice little bit of Belle asking Rachel for help, she seems to have recovered a bit from her terrible advice giving last episode, she was spot on with Roman as well.

Claudia being pregnant could be an interesting twist and it'll be good to see how Geoff reacts to it.She did seem pretty certain and I hope she tells him soon.Nice to see Belle acting as his confidante again. Martha and Xavier must be pretty dumb not to notice Hugo's behaviour.Remember a while back I said that everyone Martha confided in(Angelo, Bridget, Roman)turned out to be hiding something and Hugo would be next?Seems all the guys that comfort her are secretly in love with her, or accidentally killed her husband [maybe].

H&A Lover, I think that door leads into a sort of entrance porch.There used to be a door into the old Diner at the other end of it but whether it's there anymore is anyone's guess, like I said the store room seemed to spring up out of nowhere.

Best bit:Melody got a mention!

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Just like to say that I had an Australian chap for a "roomie" in a Welsh youth hostel last night; doing the rounds of our great country, Mount Snowdon included. Told me that Home and Away was nothing like life in Australia and it was just escapism. I thought as much and wonder why we get so worked up over little things in the soap. Maybe we should just sit back and enjoy it. Does it really matter how many episodes Alf or Xavier were in this week? But then it wouldn't be as much fun reading what you guys write!

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How can Claudia be so sure the baby is Geoff's, as I'm guessing she was sleeping with Lochie at around the same time? :unsure: Knowing Geoff he is going to want to marry her the same as he did when Nicole thought she may have been pregnant. Which as before is not a good idea for the sole reason to marry someone.

I think someone else has already mentioned that Martha is slow on the uptake about the way guys feel about her (she never twigged that Roman was in love with her till Hugo told her) and ironically now he is the one in love with her. Was it a slip of the tongue when he said she was Jack's 'wife'?

Liked your comments there Brian, visitors to our land always seem to imagine Britain is like Agatha Christie, Midsomer and other TV programmes they have watched. I know we do get very involved, perhaps it's because sometimes it's so convincing we actually start to believe it's real. If the acting wasn't so good (sometimes) we wouldn't get so into it.

Yes RR, Gerry does indeed seemed to have morphed into Gavin, creep!!! :angry: Don't believe the I'll give Irene's story a sympathic angle for one moment! I do not trust Liam, has he moved from one dependency (drugs) to another (Belle)? Had to smile when Aden called him Pop Princess again. :)

Re Hugo and his feelings for Martha and noone else realising - Brendan saw it weeks ago remember?

Felt sorry for Miles when yet another guest cancelled, as Kirsty said the shark isn't his fault, even Sally couldn't have been prepared for that. Did I hear him making a remark about the shark in Jaws being mechanical?

Astute of Belle to spot what is wrong with Irene and wise enough not to mention it to her directly, (Isuppose now she has been an addict herself she can spot the signs). I know Rachel said she would have a word with the prison authorities but now they found the bottle they would already be aware she has a problem and be onto it wouldn't they?

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Re Hugo and his feelings for Martha and noone else realising - Brendan saw it weeks ago remember?

He did?

Yes, before he left he was saying 'Hugo loves Martha', obviously thinking it was hysterically funny, but you could tell from Hugo's face that he wanted him to shut up. :lol:

It's official: I hate Angelo and everything to do with him. Don't get me wrong, I was not a Jack fan and I'm more than happy he's gone, but the way Angelo's character has changed really bugs me. When he first arrived he was great, but ever since he got involved with that development thing he's become this awful quasi-villain. It's almost as if the writers don't know whether they want us to like him or hate him - yes, he shot Jack, but it was an accident so really we shouldn't blame him for it. But then why is he so smug and self-righteous all the time? Whether it was accidental or not, he still killed somebody and anyone else in his position would be trying to make amends for it, but not Angelo. I just don't see where it's going at all. :huh:

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Does it really matter how many episodes Alf or Xavier were in this week? But then it wouldn't be as much fun reading what you guys write!

The whole how many episodes is Alf in a week thing started because Red Ranger didn’t like Aden’s absence (or should I say didn’t like the lack of consistency) when Roman was hospitalised by Brendan several weeks ago. The reason why Aden was absent was because with most characters they have a three episodes per week rule and presumably he’d already reached this tally. To counter this I mentioned that Alf was in five episodes a while back when the stuff with Bridget came to a head (I think it was around the time Rachel outed her). Red Ranger then retorted that he felt that this rule didn’t apply to Alf so I assume his reasoning for listing Alf’s episode count every week is to prove that emphatically that he is exempt. It is worth noting that Red Ranger gave episode tallies for Charlie and Geoff last week and with Xavier and Annie’s count this week so he’s obviously not just counting Alf. I’d like to think that he’s going to produce some sort of Bar Chart at some point over x amount of weeks that show the number of episodes each character was in the week.

TBH I think that’s just the way his mind works. A while back he was tallying the rooms in each of the dwellings of the various Summer Bay residents and these seemed to change also (I think) or at least Irene’s and Leah’s did.

Anyway Friday, I had to crack a smile when Xavier told Hugo off for the way he’d been acting towards Martha and Hugo just took it.

Irene really made me laugh the way she spoke to her solicitor. The way she told her to “put a sock in it” and said “What the hell am I paying you for”.

Roman’s so much more likeable when he’s happy Roman. I’m glad he apologised to Miles and Kirsty but I’d still like to see him apologise to Leah. I liked the way Miles slipped in that he was a “jerk”. It’s still worrying that he won’t have a bad word said about Gardi.

Awwww so Mr Jeffries is in a strop because he’s toys are out the pram. TOUGH! Although in saying that he does make me laugh when he gets like this.

I agree with what’s been said regarding Jerry. He seems to have had a personality transplant. I thought it was very selfless of Liam to offer a story to spare the Costal News printing anything unsavoury about Irene and to keep Aden out of jail for breaking the terms of the good behaviour bond. I can’t see Aden showing much gratitude though.

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Hugo and Martha; I never ever thought I would say this but I want these two to get together, because I absolutely think Martha is good for him and Hugo is good for her. More Xavier, it would be almost bearable if he actually did something.

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