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Does it really matter how many episodes Alf or Xavier were in this week? But then it wouldn't be as much fun reading what you guys write!

The whole how many episodes is Alf in a week thing started because Red Ranger didn’t like Aden’s absence (or should I say didn’t like the lack of consistency) when Roman was hospitalised by Brendan several weeks ago. The reason why Aden was absent was because with most characters they have a three episodes per week rule and presumably he’d already reached this tally. To counter this I mentioned that Alf was in five episodes a while back when the stuff with Bridget came to a head (I think it was around the time Rachel outed her). Red Ranger then retorted that he felt that this rule didn’t apply to Alf so I assume his reasoning for listing Alf’s episode count every week is to prove that emphatically that he is exempt. It is worth noting that Red Ranger gave episode tallies for Charlie and Geoff last week and with Xavier and Annie’s count this week so he’s obviously not just counting Alf. I’d like to think that he’s going to produce some sort of Bar Chart at some point over x amount of weeks that show the number of episodes each character was in the week.

TBH I think that’s just the way his mind works. A while back he was tallying the rooms in each of the dwellings of the various Summer Bay residents and these seemed to change also (I think) or at least Irene’s and Leah’s did.

Slade, you noticed!I started off just counting Alf's episodes then I sat down to have a think about what episodes everyone else was in just in case someone asked, expecting it to always be two or three.I think it was at first but recently there's been a few fours and ones creeping in.I haven't been keeping a record though.I'm not that far gone yet.

On the subject of Claudia's pregnancy, it's possible that she slept with Geoff and Lachie close together but things supposedly weren't good between her and Lachie for a while, four break-ups in six months, so maybe there just wasn't much bedroom activity.Either that or they always took precautions.(Which Geoff's never been particularly good at.)Anyway, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt when she says it's Geoff's until proved otherwise.

On to this episode!I found it a lot better than some of the other more recent episodes, possibly because all the more irritating elements had been taken out:No Irene's still in jail, no everyone still hates Angelo, no Aden and Belle are still having the same conversations they've been having for the past year.It did have Trey and Gardy but at least they were bearable.And at least we can be fairly certain Roman's got the point that Gardy's dodgy...

I'm agree, Zetti, I'm actually rather liking the idea of Martha and Hugo together, there's a good chemistry between them.Might be a bit soon after Jack but grieving periods never last long in soap. She's probably right that he only went on the trip to avoid her.Alf, Miles and Hugo are hardly the best set of shark hunters.Admittedly Miles had the sense to invite Roman along but shouldn't they have contacted Angelo, the police and a lot of men with harpoons?In fact, what are they planning on doing when they find the shark?Did Alf bring his fishing rod?

Jai really does seem to have inherited Miles' ability to steal scenes.(Or maybe Jordan's been watching Josh?)Loved his little wave when Martha wandered through the room upset and his "She dragged me into it" when Ruby was doing her rant at the quayside.Ruby also seemed back to her quirky best.I loved the scene where she was babbling about Xavier to Nicole in the bar and she quite obviously wasn't listening to a word.And another nice cute moment with Ollie's checklist.

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It's official: I hate Angelo and everything to do with him. Don't get me wrong, I was not a Jack fan and I'm more than happy he's gone, but the way Angelo's character has changed really bugs me. When he first arrived he was great, but ever since he got involved with that development thing he's become this awful quasi-villain. It's almost as if the writers don't know whether they want us to like him or hate him - yes, he shot Jack, but it was an accident so really we shouldn't blame him for it. But then why is he so smug and self-righteous all the time? Whether it was accidental or not, he still killed somebody and anyone else in his position would be trying to make amends for it, but not Angelo. I just don't see where it's going at all. :huh:

I find it interesting you see it that way as the way I see it Angelo's been walking on egg shells around Jack's family since he came back. He walked out of the diner when Martha looked at him and left the surf club when Tony told him to. As for killing Jack, yes that was wrong and so was leaving him but he shot in self defence and left because he was scared and in shock. Yes he was hard on Hugo but Hugo basically told him where to go when he tried to get him to talk about the shark attack, which is a big part of the investigation Angelo is supposed to be conducting, if anyone else did that to a police officer looking for assistance with enquires, threatening to impound their boat wouldn't be seen as too harsh but because it was Angelo it was. Ditto Belle slapping him, if anyone else had slapped any other police officer in a police station, in full view of all the other cops they'd be charged, but because it was Angelo he supposedly 'deserved it'. There seems to be a very hypocritical sense of 'justice' in Summer Bay :huh: . (This wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you Claire Louise :) I actually do find it interesting that so many people can see the same things so differently to each other.)

In regards to the newspaper editor cutting a deal to only portray Irene in a sympathetic light I actually found it pretty annoying. I mean journalism is supposed to impartial and objective and yet he was prepared to let those ethics go in a nanosecond. I love Irene, I really do, but suppose the cop she shot dies and all the coastal news do is present her sympathetically, I'm pretty sure the victim's family would not be too happy about it. For instance if this was Angelo and the victim was Jack there would probably be mass demonstrations in Summer Bay if Angelo was to be portrayed in a favourable way.

The shark hunt idea is stupid as well as cruel, Hugo and Alf I'd expect to act all macho but I really expected better from Miles. Ruby was spot on in what she said, I mean sharks are a danger when you go out into there homes, they'll inevitably see you as their next meal, it's not like they're seeking out humans specifically, but if a human happens to wonder into the home then maybe they'll take a bite. What Alf, Hugo and Miles are doing is going into the sharks' homes and deliberately aiming to kill them. Not for sustenance, but to prove a point, which I find more twisted and cruel than a shark gobbling one of them up.

Hugo and Martha bore me, why is it that every guy within 10 miles of her has to fall in love with Martha?

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I'm with you princess.sparkle as regards Angelo, I suspect H&A viewers are pretty much in two camps either with him or against him.

I think the idea was to keep the police out of the shark hunt, Alf did try to get money from the council for an official hunt, but were turned down. I thought Hugo had experience hunting sharks, but I could be wrong and it is obvious he is only doing it to avoid Martha. That confrontation between them certainly was something :o The look on her face once he had finished was priceless. Agree with you again princess what is this power Martha has over men? :unsure:

Don't you just know though something is going to happen to someone while they are out on the boat. :wink:

Guessing they won't be needing a bigger boat. :lol:

Re Gardy kidnapping Roman where did the mad idea of robbing the bottle shop come from and who is driving the truck? Roman knew he was off the wall but this is something different.

Is this going to be the start of the story line of him leaving the show - and what happens to Nicole?

I felt a bit sorry for Trey last night, he was trying to apologise to Nicole who probably wasn't in the best of moods considering Gardy is back in town, but he is trying to make amends.

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I guess I’ll add myself to the list of people that could possibly like Hugo and Martha together. I don’t know why I just do. Hugo said he found it hard being around her but Martha seemed quite frantic to hang onto their friendship. It was almost bordering on…desperation. Interesting how she was looking at a photo of Hugo and Jack. A while back she said she liked spending time with Hugo because he would talk about the times when he and Jack were kids so in a way he was a constant reminder of her late husband. I actually wonder if subconsciously she sees him as some sort of replacement or substitute for Jack.

I’m pretty sure Nicole still likes Trey. All he has to do is a bit more grovelling and he’ll be back in her good books in no time.

I was a bit surprised Roman didn’t want to get back to normality as soon as possible initially as he seemed to spend most of his time doing nothing but I’m was glad he changed his mind. Still would have liked to see him apologise to Leah though. It was good to see him spending time with Miles. I have to say though Gardi seriously needs help. It wouldn’t surprise me if he drugged Roman. The way he was looking at him when he woke up did make me wonder if there were psychopathic tendencies. His ultimatum has effectively put Roman between a rock and a hard place. I bet he wished he had gone on the shark hunt with Miles after all.

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It's official: I hate Angelo and everything to do with him. Don't get me wrong, I was not a Jack fan and I'm more than happy he's gone, but the way Angelo's character has changed really bugs me. When he first arrived he was great, but ever since he got involved with that development thing he's become this awful quasi-villain. It's almost as if the writers don't know whether they want us to like him or hate him - yes, he shot Jack, but it was an accident so really we shouldn't blame him for it. But then why is he so smug and self-righteous all the time? Whether it was accidental or not, he still killed somebody and anyone else in his position would be trying to make amends for it, but not Angelo. I just don't see where it's going at all. :huh:

I find it interesting you see it that way as the way I see it Angelo's been walking on egg shells around Jack's family since he came back. He walked out of the diner when Martha looked at him and left the surf club when Tony told him to. As for killing Jack, yes that was wrong and so was leaving him but he shot in self defence and left because he was scared and in shock. Yes he was hard on Hugo but Hugo basically told him where to go when he tried to get him to talk about the shark attack, which is a big part of the investigation Angelo is supposed to be conducting, if anyone else did that to a police officer looking for assistance with enquires, threatening to impound their boat wouldn't be seen as too harsh but because it was Angelo it was. Ditto Belle slapping him, if anyone else had slapped any other police officer in a police station, in full view of all the other cops they'd be charged, but because it was Angelo he supposedly 'deserved it'. There seems to be a very hypocritical sense of 'justice' in Summer Bay :huh: . (This wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you Claire Louise :) I actually do find it interesting that so many people can see the same things so differently to each other.)

I agree, I was disgusted with the way everyone acted as though Belle had done nothing wrong and the rest of the police basically ganged up on Angelo to get her off.(Charlie even went down to the lock-up to say they were trying to get her out.What happened to upholding the law and protecting her fellow officer?)It's as if Angelo has no rights.And you just know that even if the guy Irene shot had died, everyone would still be saying it was a disgrace she was in prison while simultaneously saying Angelo should be punished without a hint of self-consciousness.

Anyway...If Roman and Gardy weren't looking at a stint inside before, they certainly are now.I guess Roman had to do something, although if I'd been him I'd have whacked Gardy over the head when he had his back to him and his gun slung harmlessly over his shoulder.Guess old ties break hard.Had to laugh at Gardy's story about having a sick kid that needed an operation:Did Roman actually believe it for one second?

Told you.Donna and a corrupt guard.Obvious.Does that mean Donna's behind Lou's disappearance or is she just trying to get Irene found guilty so she won't get the money?I'm sorry to say that I'm finding Irene's scenes in prison rather dull.I liked her interaction with Geoff, Annie and especially Kirsty, who I was expecting to say the wrong thing but actually handled things brilliantly, she's shown a lot more maturity of late.But as for the rest of it...It's nice Lynne's getting more acting to do rather than just handing over coffee but to be blunt she doesn't really seem like Irene.It sort of makes sense that she'd be that broken, and it's pretty gut-wrenching to watch, given that she spent days stuck out at sea alone and then was locked up immediately afterwards so she hasn't really had a chance to recover.But we're so used to Irene being strong it's fairly hard to accept her being reduced to a gibbering wreck because she's being barracked by a bunch of idiots.The end result is we've got a storyline with a completely inactive central character who's wallowing instead of doing anything to help her situation. And no-one else seems to be doing anything to get her out of there either.

Nice, if somewhat cliched, scene between Geoff and Annie.Discussions of their faith often smack of tokenism but at least they're there rather than it just being ignored and them joining the homogenised mass.Nice that Nicole didn't give Trey an easy ride but I wish she'd kept it up for more than one scene. It seems to have become traditional for strong female characters to hook up with semi-reformed bad boys and automatically forgive them whatever they do or however bad they treat them(Belle, Ruby, now Nicole).Nicole holding Trey's hand was obviously for Geoff's benefit:Was she trying to make him jealous or just making the point that she'd moved on?Interesting that he was completely fine beforehand, even with Trey right there, but seemed pretty annoyed:Residual feelings, thinks she could do better or just sick of gameplaying?Liked the way Annie just cut in while he stood there stammering. Not sure about Nicole's reaction when Roman sprung them either, it almost felt like she wanted him to be annoyed, as if he's hanging around with someone she doesn't like so she wanted him to know how it felt.

I'm guessing Alf went to the cockpit at the end because he had the fish detector thing and he needed to give Hugo directions.Otherwise leaving Miles on his own seemed a bit odd.

Look away now if you don't want to be spoiled but, H&A lover,

from what I hear Roman leaves in a couple of weeks and it does involve Gardy and Nicole goes to live with Miles after.

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I think Martha has grieved and maybe she's sees something in Hugo that she hadnt had before... and I loved the way that Ollie did the checklist, such a cutie!

Awww, Ollie is so cute :wub: And Martha/Hugo - boring!

I was hoping we'd see Belle and Aden in todays episode but at least we saw Nicole, (even though I do not like Trey) my third favourite character!

I wonder if the others notice Miles fell off the boat or if the shark gets him. Hope not!

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Not sure if anybody has covered this...long replies above. BUT, when Hugo was prepping up the boat, and they were leaving, did anybody notice the whole group of yachts that were sailing in the top left and right corners....not sure that anybody BUT the main residents are actually bothered about sharks in the bay...thought it was quite amusing, and not too well thought out! Haha

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Wow they actually did it. Part of me was hoping this was some sort of sick game by Gardi but nope he was for real. And although Gardi didn’t do it for kicks he did seem to come across as though he actually enjoyed it, as was indicated by some of his remarks. The thing is I honestly don’t see what Roman could have done to get out of that situation. If he refused to go along then the kid behind the counter or that old woman who collapsed for that matter could have died. As mentioned if Roman tried to take him out when Gardi came to, he would have simply let the cat out about Mark. I honestly believe Roman will probably have to come clean about him (and perhaps the robbery) eventually because who’s to say Gardi won’t just keep blackmailing him. And we’ve seen how destructive it’s been for him keeping secrets so he probably also has to do it for his sake more than anything else.

I knew if Trey did a bit more grovelling Nicole would forgive him for his treatment of her before (and I did mention previously about him revealing his past too). I actually really liked the way he came across during that scene. It almost felt a bit sorry for him. When they bumped into Geoff and Annie at the Surf Club, Geoff’s reaction suggested he was a bit hurt when she held Trey’s hand. At least they’re being civilised to each other. I almost cracked a smile at the part when Roman and Gardi came home, caught them copping off, Nicole then declared that Trey was her boyfriend and was expecting her dad to kick off (and maybe kick Trey out) but he simply said “That’s great” and gave them $50 to get rid of them.

If Hugo was lying about the Shark attack then Miles has got nothing to worry about.

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