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Agree with you absolutely Red re. Martha's treatment of Tony and Angelo and Angelo's reaction. He has done what she asked, kept out of her way and has held his tongue when she has slammed into him before. It certainly shut her up. I can understand her feelings towards him but why doesn't she just ignore him like Tony used to? I also have my doubts as to Tony's sudden turn around with Angelo. BTW when did Tony ever say to anyone he'd forgiven Angelo? I don't suppose he could ever do that.

Irene was right when she told Annie she couldn't do anything about Geoff and Claudia, the baby and him doing a disappearing act. As I said in my previous post how would have Irene being at home stopped them sleeping together, unless she meant Geoff going off. I think Irene feels Annie is too young (at 15)? to visit her. Or does she mean it's too hard for her? She did seem a bit more together last night, so hopefully she is off the booze.

It is so obvious Belle and Aden both want to get back with each other (especially after Aden's chat with Rachel), but are scared to say anything to each other in case the other one doesn't feel that way.

Yes, Ruby has got her savvy head back on. :D She was spot on about Martha and the reason why she likes Hugo more than she is letting on. Not a very good reason though, it's not good for either of them.

Going back bit to the house invasion (as they call it), it was a good job Nicole did move, considering that looking under the bed was the first thing Gordy did. Trey was very observant noticing the gun, certainly threw Roman and put him on the spot.

Nicole couldn't have realised it was Gordy seeing as her view of him couldn't have been that good through the slats. How on earth did Gordy know what Trey's mum did for a living, unless as you say Red there is a previous connection.

Re the scene between Charlie and Angelo on the boat on Tuesday, had there been another off screen moment? Charlie definitely said to Angelo it would be good if he (Angelo) did find some evidence to help Irene as it would take some of the pressure off Belle because 'we saw how she was earlier'. When did that happen or had the scene been cut for some reason?

Sort of good news re the bullet possibly not being from the gun they found on Irene, from what I've read in the TV mags Angelo does find more evidence tonight which is good news!

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Re the scene between Charlie and Angelo on the boat on Tuesday, had there been another off screen moment? Charlie definitely said to Angelo it would be good if he (Angelo) did find some evidence to help Irene as it would take some of the pressure off Belle because 'we saw how she was earlier'. When did that happen or had the scene been cut for some reason?

Apparently there was a scene cut of Belle talking to Angelo about how Irene was, presumably for timing reasons.I don't think you really miss it though, we've seen enough of Belle to know what state she's in so it falls more into the category of "It would've been nice to see that" than "What are they talking about?"

Sigh.He just couldn't keep it up, could he?Aden was doing a really good job of being a supportive friend to Belle.I liked when he took her to task for skipping her meeting and really wished he'd kept it up rather than backing off and soft soaping her.As Rachel said, she needs her friends to tell her what she needs to hear rather than what she wants to hear:It's easy to say there's a good reason for not going but you can always find a good reason if you want to, you need to say you're going to go and stick to it.And I really liked it when he came round the house after seeing her upset, even with his continued aversion to using doors, he seemed genuinely concerned and supportive.And then he went and slept with her.I've been accused of only seeing what I want to see but that really did seem like borderline taking advantage.The Belle we saw at the beginning of the episode was clearly not in the right place to be in a relationship.But as soon as she's in a good mood, Aden kisses her before she has a chance to think about it.As has been said many times, usually by Belle, the pressure of a relationship with Aden is the last thing she needs right now.It was a lot better than their last reunion when he really did seem to pressure here into sleeping with him:No angst, no pretentious nonsense, no quasi-adultery and they actually seemed happy to be together, something that doesn't happen very often.But what makes them think it's going to be any different this time?Loving each other has never been enough before.Belle needs a friend, someone who's going to look out for her and do what's best for her, not someone who's going to drag her into bed for make-up sex as soon as he sees an opening.

Nice cute moment when Martha found Hugo tripping over everything outside.Shame Xavier had to come along and ruin things.Calling Hugo a jerk really is a case of "pot, kettle, black."Rachel seemed to suffer a touch of amnesia when talking to Martha, acting as though the idea of her having feelings for Hugo had never occurred to her when she'd actually suggested it previously.Mind you, it seems to be catching:Irene talks as though Lou's her first relationship since Ken, apparently having forgotten about Barry, who she actually lived with for several months, and Paris.Nice that she's on to corrupt officer Greer, not so nice that she's asking her to carry on.Charlie may have had a point when she suggested Angelo was trying to clear Irene so people would forgive him but I think it goes deeper than that:He needs to do it to forgive himself, by doing something positive for the town rather than just making people miserable.One thing that struck me last week was that Kirsty said it was actually the police officer who Irene shot that was pressing charges against her, so if he hears the full story of what happened to Lou he might change his mind.

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Sigh.He just couldn't keep it up, could he?Aden was doing a really good job of being a supportive friend to Belle.I liked when he took her to task for skipping her meeting and really wished he'd kept it up rather than backing off and soft soaping her.As Rachel said, she needs her friends to tell her what she needs to hear rather than what she wants to hear:It's easy to say there's a good reason for not going but you can always find a good reason if you want to, you need to say you're going to go and stick to it.And I really liked it when he came round the house after seeing her upset, even with his continued aversion to using doors, he seemed genuinely concerned and supportive.And then he went and slept with her.I've been accused of only seeing what I want to see but that really did seem like borderline taking advantage.The Belle we saw at the beginning of the episode was clearly not in the right place to be in a relationship.But as soon as she's in a good mood, Aden kisses her before she has a chance to think about it.As has been said many times, usually by Belle, the pressure of a relationship with Aden is the last thing she needs right now.It was a lot better than their last reunion when he really did seem to pressure here into sleeping with him:No angst, no pretentious nonsense, no quasi-adultery and they actually seemed happy to be together, something that doesn't happen very often.But what makes them think it's going to be any different this time?Loving each other has never been enough before.Belle needs a friend, someone who's going to look out for her and do what's best for her, not someone who's going to drag her into bed for make-up sex as soon as he sees an opening.

I agree with you about the haste with Aden. I expected it to happen, but maybe in a few days time. But, as you say, they actually seemed happy together, so maybe this time Aden will be there for her as a friend, looking out for her, as well as being her lover. I think that she needs both and Aden can provide it. We'll see.

Bit surprised about Martha taking off to the farm. The blokes are always criticised on the show as being the ones with no emotional maturity, who take off rather than face up to situations (as Geoff has done), but this time it's

the female who quits! Hugo was prepared to stay and work through it, even though Xavier was right to call his a jerk.

By the way, was it just me, or the lighting, but when Xavier came in from surfboarding, he looked far more bronzed than he did yesterday returning from swimming with Ruby.

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Something curious happening with the early morning 2nd repeats. It's usually Neighbours at 5.10 am, followed by Home and Away. This has been messed up this week by 2 mornings of NBA Basketball, yet this Friday morning there will be 3 consecutive Home and Away episodes (Wed, Thur & Fri), whilst Neighbours misses out completely. Strange, seeing that Neighbours has more viewers. Any ideas why?

Like you say, this basketball nonsense, which I hope is only going to be temporary, has messed everything up.If you've got digital, it's easier to watch one of the morning repeats on Five Life.Anyway, the 3 episodes of Neighbours are repeated Saturday morning.

Thanks for the explanation about Neighbours repeats. But basketball is not NONSENSE! It's a great sport!

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Something curious happening with the early morning 2nd repeats. It's usually Neighbours at 5.10 am, followed by Home and Away. This has been messed up this week by 2 mornings of NBA Basketball, yet this Friday morning there will be 3 consecutive Home and Away episodes (Wed, Thur & Fri), whilst Neighbours misses out completely. Strange, seeing that Neighbours has more viewers. Any ideas why?

Like you say, this basketball nonsense, which I hope is only going to be temporary, has messed everything up.If you've got digital, it's easier to watch one of the morning repeats on Five Life.Anyway, the 3 episodes of Neighbours are repeated Saturday morning.

Thanks for the explanation about Neighbours repeats. But basketball is not NONSENSE! It's a great sport!

I'll take your word for it.It's always struck me as the usual American job of taking netball and coming up with a few more rules...

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I read the episode summary after my post yesterday and it did mention that scene had been cut. Makes it very confusing for us viewers when they do that.

Actually I like Belle and Aden being back together, loved the soppy grins they had on their faces after. :wub::D No doubt there will be more conflict, but their relationship is like that, it wouldn't be them without it.

I think the reason Belle was so defensive when Aden said she should go to her meeting was because she knew he was right.

On the subject of the pills she gave to Aden the next day why on earth is Claudia taking sleeping pills anyway, surely she is much too young and should she be taking them now she is pregnant?

Perhaps it is part of Donna's plot for Officer Greer to now withold the booze, just as well as Irene seemed to realise she doesn't need it. It could be that Irene didn't feel quite the same way about Paris and Barry as she felt about Ken and Lou.

I think Hugo is kidding himself if he thinks things could go back to the way they were, now it's been said there is no unsaying it.

Not sure if Martha doing a Hugo and taking off to the farm is going to help the matter any more than his taking off. Her 'feelings' for him could be as Ruby said because he was Jack's cousin won't last.

I also think Angelo wants to prove Irene innocent to absolve himself. Actually it's a good thing it is him investigating as another cop wouldn't be as thorough as Angelo has been. So this blood he has found, wouldn't be Hugo's by any chance would it? :unsure: I thought Belle was going to kiss him when he broke the news. :wink:

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Although he was credited on Thursday for no appearance.(Quite a few characters seem to have gone walkabout in the editing suite judging by some of the cast lists. Angelo's back up to four but Colleen, Leah and Jai only appeared in one episode each and Colleen didn't even speak!Which isn't necessarily a bad thing...)

Giving Gardy a little army of followers has made him somewhat less interesting in my opinion, he was more fun as a solitary villain.Don't actually remember him threatening Roman's family either but maybe my mind's playing tricks.

Nice to see Geoff and Claudia being straight with each other and sorting through their problems.(I'm assuming they're being straight with each other, I haven't really seem any evidence that Claudia's got an ulterior motive.By the way, I agree, H&Alover, her having a stash of sleeping pills, especially when pregnant, makes no sense.)The running away thing aside, can't really fault Geoff here, he wasn't going to force her to have the baby and he offered to support her if she did, although she's obviously still feeling a bit betrayed at him letting her down.(There's the added problem that if Claudia had an abortion and Geoff turned his back on her she wouldn't really have anywhere to go, although it's hard to imagine him kicking her out on the street.)It's a shame Martha and Hugo couldn't manage to do the same, she's obviously covering for her real feelings. In the category of "Did we miss something?", when Hugo comes home it sounds like Xavier and Ruby told him they thought Martha had feelings for him and encouraged him to speak to her, none of which we saw.Since Hugo wasn't exactly rushing to discuss things with Xavier at the start of the episode, that's a bit of a turnaround.Shame Ruby's abandoned her theory and moved onto a new one when in fact they're both right.Xavier's bewildered comment that Hugo never loves anyone possibly shows how completely he's fallen for Martha.(Did he have anything to do with what happened to Lou?The timescale for him being injured and Lou disappearing would possibly fit but I really can't see them going down that route.)

As someone mentioned on another thread a couple of weeks back, Tony and Rachel's scenes in that episode were really weird, especially the second one.The way she greets him with "Thank you for coming" makes her sound like a solicitor greeting a client and it's not clear why they're there at all:It sounds as though she arranged to meet him in her lunch break when she didn't really have a lot of time but there's nothing urgent about the situation and no reason it couldn't have waited until they got home that evening.The first one's almost as strange:Unless Tony really lost track of time, it sounds like he arrived home before they were due at the hospital yet Rachel's already postponed it, it apparently not having occurred to her to make her way to the hospital on her own and left Tony to join her if he wanted.(She even says he didn't have to go.)Whichever way you look at it, it doesn't really make sense.

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I don't agree about Geoff. He is putting it as nicely as he can, but basically he's saying 'have the baby or lose me.' He should support Claudia with whatever she is going through- abortion or pregnancy, whichever- if he loves her. I think she is feeling pressured into keeping the baby. She is a young girl, alone, scared, Geoff is her only support, so of course she is going to fit in with him- its survival instinct. Geoff is thinking of himself and his beliefs, not her. He is a hypocrite: as Claudia said, it was alright for him to sleep with her even though it was against his beliefs, but suddenly he's gone back to having rigid beliefs.

And as for Tony! Is Rachel his mother? He is acting like a selfish little boy, and poor Rachel always has to fit in with him and his tantrums. He should keep away from Angelo and help Rachel, who is going to have their baby soon.

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Angelo's either very naive or completely stupid. The guy's a cop and yet his detective skills are rather sucky. Why hasn't he questioned Tony's sudden friendliness towards him?? Inviting him on a fishing trip like they were old buddies?? Come on Angelo!! And the way he found the new evidence on the boat was a bit off. Getting angry and taking it out on the boat was very unprofessional, even if it was great for Irene's case.

Why does Claudia have sleeping pills when she's pregnant??

Don't know if anyone else noticed the shopping list on the fridge when Martha & Hugo were talking. "Hampoo" Clearly meant to be shampoo, but someone was being funny. :)

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