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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I don't agree about Geoff. He is putting it as nicely as he can, but basically he's saying 'have the baby or lose me.' He should support Claudia with whatever she is going through- abortion or pregnancy, whichever- if he loves her. I think she is feeling pressured into keeping the baby. She is a young girl, alone, scared, Geoff is her only support, so of course she is going to fit in with him- its survival instinct. Geoff is thinking of himself and his beliefs, not her. He is a hypocrite: as Claudia said, it was alright for him to sleep with her even though it was against his beliefs, but suddenly he's gone back to having rigid beliefs.

Hmm, I see your point.Geoff is certainly a bit "inconsistent" when it comes to what beliefs he sticks to, when he sticks to them and who they apply to.I don't think he's deliberately put pressure on Claudia although he may have inadvertedly done so.But I think it's best that he's up front with her.If she has the abortion and he pretends he's all right with it, then he can't handle it and splits up with her anyway, then that's going to be worse.At least this way she knows where she stands.

By the way, I forgot to say that I admired the way Charlie handled herself with Gardy, she finally seems to have learnt a few lessons about keeping her cool with suspects.Loved the way she insisted on calling him "David".

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I don't agree about Geoff. He is putting it as nicely as he can, but basically he's saying 'have the baby or lose me.' He should support Claudia with whatever she is going through- abortion or pregnancy, whichever- if he loves her. I think she is feeling pressured into keeping the baby. She is a young girl, alone, scared, Geoff is her only support, so of course she is going to fit in with him- its survival instinct. Geoff is thinking of himself and his beliefs, not her. He is a hypocrite: as Claudia said, it was alright for him to sleep with her even though it was against his beliefs, but suddenly he's gone back to having rigid beliefs.

I think that you're being a bit hard on Geoff. Yes, true, he is being a hypocrite, but most of us are at some point in our lifes.

People always seem to be hardest on religious hypocrites. Think about it, Geoff, along with Annie, was raised according to a seemingly very strict code of morals in their home and then suddenly, while still young teenagers, forced into the promiscuous society of Summer Bay, where anything goes. At 17, an impressionable and good-looking teenager, Geoff is still trying to reconcile the two. His first two girl-friends, Melanie and Nicole, didn't work out, the latter because he stuck to his beliefs. I was shocked when he came onto Claudia so and I still feel that he would not have done that. But he did and he now has to live the consequences, which he will not back away from. I can see why he felt he had to go away to think about it, but it was harsh leaving Claudia like that. Maybe she is feeling pressurised, as you say Miranda, to agree with Geoff, so that she does not lose him. let's see how it runs.

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Yes, I suppose at least he is being up front. But no, he is not going to have to live with the consequences. Claudia will have to either live with being a young mum, or live with having had an abortion, for the rest of her life. If she has an abortion, Geoff's memory of it will fade very quickly, and he will go off and live his life.

You are right Denny, Angelo is being very naive. The look on Tony's face is very scary when he looks at Angelo, I'm sure he is planning to do something to him, either kill him or ruin his career or something.

I have a theory about the Lou/ Irene situation, don't know if its been discussed here before. I think the ex wife hired Hugo's boat, she also hired a thug to kill Lou and/or Irene. Hugo came across it happening and that is where he got his injury. For some reason he can't tell the police :unsure:

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You are right Denny, Angelo is being very naive. The look on Tony's face is very scary when he looks at Angelo, I'm sure he is planning to do something to him, either kill him or ruin his career or something.

I have a theory about the Lou/ Irene situation, don't know if its been discussed here before. I think the ex wife hired Hugo's boat, she also hired a thug to kill Lou and/or Irene. Hugo came across it happening and that is where he got his injury. For some reason he can't tell the police :unsure:

Ooh, interesting theory.The thought I had was that maybe Hugo was meeting up with Lou out at sea for something dodgy, then the person that killed him turned up and Hugo was injured and did a runner.It makes sense to me...

I'm not 100% convinced that Tony's planning to do something to Angelo.I think it might be like Rachel said, that he's pushing it too hard.He wants to forgive him because he knows Jack wouldn't want it to eat away at him but instead of just being polite to him he's trying to be a friend to him and he's finding it difficult.

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I find the whole Tony/Angelo thing quite disturbing. No matter how you look at it, Tony spending time with Angelo is strange and anyone would be concerned. Yes, find a way to move past it and be able to live with him being around, but you don't befriend your son's killer. And Angelo i agree is being very niave and should respectfully back away from Tony. Rachel has every right to be worried, although it's a little tiring that that's all she's done for months. It's actually very sad she has to ask her husband to spend with her, it's clear that's all she wants but he's just so consumed with Angelo it's like he's slipping away. Plus Rachel being around 7 months pregnant won't make things any easier for her.

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I agree with you KirstyEkua. Poor Rachel is having to beg for time from her husband: she should be the centre of attention and fussed over at the moment. I know its Tony's 3rd child but its her very first and she has been desperate to have children for years. Tony and Angelo should keep a polite distance. I bet if Rachel was not so involved with the situation. she would counsel them to do that. Perhaps- in fact definitely- they should have counselling, especially Tony, who to me seems like a volcano about to blow... I wonder if Tony thinks that because Angelo was the last person to see Jack alive, he must know something that Tony doesn't. Or whatever :unsure:

Ranger, I think both our theories will fit together somehow when it all comes out. I bet the ex wife was involved, she is poisonous.

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Oo-er it looks like my (and other like minded H&Ar's) instincts were right about Tony. Did you see that look on his face when he was at Jack's grave, fair sent a shiver down my spine. :o Mind you he would have to be more than stupid thinking he could do anything and get awy with it. He would be the first person the police would want to talk to if anything happened to Angelo. Could explain him getting in shape though, have you seen how fit Angelo is? :blush: Angelo is a lot younger and in better pyschical shape. His disappointment at cancelling the fishing trip was more than you would expect.

I have read it is rearranged and Martha finds out which will no doubt send her off on another one.

Jack's death was an accident, whereas if he did off Angelo that would be murder.

Geoff and Caludia yes it could be seen as harsh, but that is Geoff being Geoff. Someone mentioned on an earlier post about how if her parents are so old fashioned they didn't say anything about her and Lachie/Lochie sleeping together - easy really they didn't know! Why though has she told them about being pregnant if she is/was thinking about an abortion, she isn't showing yet and could have had it without them knowing anything?

Red & Miranda, I was thinking the same thing about Hugo and Lou. Perhaps he took the killer out there not knowing what was going to happen, though why he can't tell the police I don't know. Does Donna have something on him or is he the killer?

When Miles went round to Roman's and they were having that arguement I thought 'good idea guys having a blazing row with the front door wide open so everyone could hear'. I had a feeling that they were so engrossed in their discussion later that they didn't hear the front door close, but I did. Which explains Gardy having that little talk with Miles in the Surf Club regarding Kirsty, Jai and Ollie.

Gardy certainly wasn't allaying any suspicions the police (especially Charlie) may have had about him was he? Does he want to get caught? Where did his little gang come from, they obviously helped on the other warehouse jobs.

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