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Well, first off I'm glad Roman finally apologised for being a jerk and throwing Aden out, I was worried it was going to be left unresolved.I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that someone appeared to use the wrong establishing shot:It's dark when Aden gets the call from Miles, then we get a shot of the police station in broad daylight, then we get Roman saying goodbye to Aden and Nicole which was presumably supposed to be the previous evening.Having criticised her acting on Monday, it's only fair to say that Tessa was fantastic in the scene where Roman tells Nicole what's happening.Unfortunately, Roman's attitude really annoyed me.As I think Slade pointed out some weeks back, ever since the accident he seems to have developed a habit of just giving up.I can understand him wanting to come clean about everything and I understand that Mark's family deserve the truth, even Elliot.But refusing a lawyer and a defence is, I'm sorry, quite pathetic.He either doesn't care or doesn't care enough that he's punishing Nicole as well.And what about the rest of his unit, who presumably participated in the cover-up?Has he just dropped them in it?It reminded me of when Jesse killed Chloe and was refusing to defend himself and Martha went in and told him to take the punishment he deserved rather than the one he wanted.Miles and Charlie should have done the same thing with Roman, telling him to pull himself together and stop wallowing in self-pity, instead of pussyfooting around.(I love Miles but the guy is way too passive for his own and other people's good a lot of the time.)Maybe someone on the writing staff realised that if Roman didn't throw himself to the lions he probably wouldn't have got jail time anyway:Nothing he does here seemed to be deserving of it.

Nicole living with Miles and Kirsty should be interesting, especially with Miles having become a sort of curmudgeonly uncle figure to her recently.(As ever though, I wish Melody was still on the show:Those two sharing a room would be great.)I wouldn't even mind if Aden moved into the house now if it meant him and Nicole together again, even though I don't really think he fits in there.Alf seemed surprisingly canny but when did Miles find out about what happened in Afghanistan, given that he asks Roman about it straight off.Nice of Belle to ask about Nicole:Either she doesn't hold a grudge against her(and actually there's been no indication that she does)or she was just being polite.Hugo's antipathy towards Roman seems to have vanished as well.As for Gardy...Given the show's track record, that may be the last we see of him.(We were never told what happened to Noel after he fled the country last year and they haven't found Dodge's body after 14 years.)I really hope they don't do a dull revenge plotline, without Roman it would be supremely pointless.

A positive sign that Irene doesn't even attempt to hide what she did from Belle and takes full responsibility when she talks to Geoff.Geoff reacts the way you'd expect him to after his little sister has just been struck by someone he trusts and I don't fault him;in fact, I think Belle was wrong to step in, he needed to say it and Irene needed to hear it and he hadn't crossed any lines.Nice to see Claudia supporting Geoff and Jai supporting Annie, nice too that although she's still clearly not happy to be around her Annie stuck up for Irene when talking to Jai.We got a bit of Aden and Belle of course and naturally they were the ones that felt the need to talk about how much they love each other and how lucky they are.It's appropriate though since they've been through something similar.(On the explanation of where Geoff and Claudia got to:I'll buy that Geoff went to the farm and worked until it was dark after a full day at school, given his background.Claudia going along after spending the day lounging around is a bit more of a head scratcher but it's implied she only went to have a gossip with Martha.)Bit confused about the meeting Irene and Belle went to:Irene acts as though it's AA(that's Alcoholics Anonymous, not the other lot)but the woman in charge seems to know Belle.Maybe she doubles up as the NA counsellor.

Nice that Martha was willing to be in the same room as Hugo and even though she seemed uncomfortable being left alone with him, she did at least arrange to meet him at the weekend.Odd though that she talks about living alone as though she's never done it before.Starting to worry about Tony, it was clear he didn't want Rachel along on the fishing trip.His dismissive "Oh, right" after Angelo tells him about Roman's arrest was one of two laugh out loud moments, the other being Hugo's "Go" to a grinning Xavier after being awkward around Martha.Tony was annoyingly abrupt with Rachel when she started talking about the baby, doubly annoying when he seemed to be looking forward to the ultrasound later even if he did recover quickly.Going by the punchbag finale, I'd say he's got a lot of pent-up anger.

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Im so angry with Rachel and Tony at the moment! Rachel is the first person to send anybody to therapy and have counselling, but not her own husband?! I dont know how she lets him get obsessed with things when he clearly needs more than her supporting words, stroking arm and belly rubbing! The poor woman is in the later stages of pregnancy, and she seems to be counselling everybody else, including Martha, and Aden, when has anybody stopped to ask her if she is ok, or needs any help! Why isnt Tony back fixing the boat that Martha went and destroyed, after he spent so many nights apart from Rachel to fix it up?! It seems that if anybody in the bay has done anything wrong all the other residents are quick to jump down their throat, but when it comes to helping them, they neglect them and let them deal with things on their own?!

In response to red ranger, I think Belle knew the woman at the meeting as shes some kind of rehabilitation officer, so would attend outside Anonymous meetings?!

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Well as already mentioned at least Irene immediately took responsibility for what she did and admitted she had a problem. Surprisingly Geoff wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought he would be and even if he had been to be honest I don’t really think I could blame him. Glad Aden didn’t judge her too and she did take the first step by going to an alcoholics meeting.

I didn’t like Alf’s attitude at the Diner regarding Roman and was glad Miles stuck up for him.

When Rachel was quizzing Martha about Hugo it felt as though she was trying to pressurize her. I’m assuming that the way she left the bar she obviously still likes him. When she came to see them the next morning and she cuddled Xavier it was so obvious she wanted to do the same thing to Hugo as well. I could still sense the chemistry though. Those two together would be interesting.

I still have reservations about Tony. He was clearly bluffing when he invited Rachel along and as I said before I’m guessing he’s going to do something to Angelo. He could barely contain his anger after he spoke to him. I can’t believe she suggested Jack as a middle name. Given the circumstances I thought that was extremely insensitive. Tony is clearly still not dealing with it and that was the last thing he needed.

I’m glad Charlie was being defensive of Roman when Angelo was interviewing him. He just seemed so defeated and resigned to his fate. Even when he was talking to Miles he wasn’t even prepared to defend himself. He just threw in the towel. It's times like this when you wish Morag was still around. She would have knocked some sense into him. Glad that he patched things up with Aden and told him how proud he was of him. I found it extremely difficult to watch the goodbye scene with Nicole. It was so sad and emotional and it left me feeling REALLY sorry for both of them.

Again to bring up the point that Red Ranger made, maybe he (Roman) was right that Elliot’s family deserved to know but part of me just felt no good could come from him confessing (as it would affect more people). He also had a duty to look after his daughter and I’m not sure about the position he’s put Miles in. He probably did it to escape the hold Gardy had over him but he also wanted to clear his conscience. That I feel was his primary motivation. So it seems as though that was more important to him than anything else. It’s funny because it makes me rethink about everything that happened with Elliot. We know he tried to kill him and he deserved to go to jail but in hindsight Elliot suspected that he killed Mark which drove him off the rails. It was almost about a year ago where Eliott was sitting where Roman was and he looked him in the eye and lied to him about what happened with Mark. In saying that there was no way Roman could have a happy ending because Tessa was staying put so I guess the writers had to do something.

Would have liked to have seen Angelo be a bit more sympathetic considering he was in a very similar position a few months back. When the military police took him away they said he was being charged with murder but he said he did it to save Gardy so surely he should be charged with perverting the course of justice (as he covered it up), not murder. It must have been so hard for Nicole when she stepped foot into Miles’s but whether she likes it or not being without Roman is something she will now have to get used to. Incidently, given the severity of what's happened I'm suprised that nobody's contacted Nat. She and Nicole patched things up before she left so Nicole could do with spending a bit of time with her mother.

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It was good to see Aden and Roman reconcilled, I'm glad they did. I suppose in a way Roman represented the father figure Aden should have had. I know Roman said he had overreacted but Aden still stuck by his admission he did break his word regarding Nic. That was such a sad scene between Nicole and Roman, when he said he was so proud of her becoming such a wonderful daughter and then when she was pleading with him not to go. :crying:

I'm guessing Charlie didn't interview Roman because of their past history, but I would have thought there could have been someone else in the station instead of it being Angelo who isn't a regular cop.

Re your point Slade about the murder charge the military cops have brought against him, perhaps it's different in the army. They will definitely make sure he gets legal representation. I kind of agree about Roman telling the whole truth (at last) because he feels he owes it to Mark's family, because before he told Eliott they didn't know where the body was. Maybe ( a long shot I know) he could tell them where it is/was.

You certainly took me backRed, and your'e right they never did find Dodge's body.

Did you see the look Alf gave Martha when he broke the news about the holdup and she said how is Hugo and as an after thought Xavier, when she thought it had been Hugo who had been injured? Rachel certainly did by the look of her eyebrows.

Slapping Annie was the shock Irene needed, Annie may forgive her but trusting her will take a little longer, methinks.

As regards the AA meeting which Belle was also at, perhaps it covers all addictions?

I'v said before thet perhaps the reason Tony is getting fit is to tackle Angelo, but is that is the case why is he encouraging Angelo to do the same? I also noticed Tony's half hearted invite to Rachel to go fishing with them. Although I can see why Tony thinks he has to do what I (and others) think he is going to do, he is also being very selfish. He has a wife who is due to give to his son. What does he think is going to happen to them if he does anything really bad? I'm agree Rachel saying she would like to the baby to have the middle name of Jack wasn't the best of timing. Was I alone in thinking that when Toy was knocking seven bells of hell out of the punchbag he was imagining it was a certain someone?

I forgot to mention this yesterday but I did like the 'red herring' the police dangled on us the day of the holdup. reports of gunshots at Mangrove River retail park, shot of Gardy and Roman, back to the police turning up at said retail park, back to Gardy and Roman, police closing in on a unit, shouting armed police open up and it turned out to be two lads letting off firecrackers! :wink:

Everyone is saying how much Nicole has matured since she came to the Bay, may I also add that Belle also has matured from being a right stroppy little madam into a real rounded young woman, her scenes with Annie have been great, kind of the older sister Annie's never had.

Also there are some on here that have doubts that it was Angelo that shot Jack, but wasn't it proved that the bullet that killed Jack came from Angelo's gun? :unsure:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Actually the appearances went crazy this week:Roman, Miles, Charlie and Hugo were all in four episode, Colleen and Ruby in only one and astonishingly Nicole was in all five!I think that's only the second time this year.Either they made a special exception for Roman's last week or we're finally getting some flexibility.

There does seem to be a nice avuncular relationship building between Miles and Nicole.The girl really has been through the wringer a lot lately:Even with the nightmare over, it's not over and it seems nothing will ever be the same again.Potential for a nice sibling relationship with Jai given their awkward but nevertheless supportive moment in the corridor.Miles is right about Trey:They don't have to like him and they've got some pretty good reasons not to but they have to think of Nicole and what she needs.You'd expect Kirsty and Jai to be a bit more empathic in the circumstances:Kirsty was banned from seeing Kane(arguably with greater reason), Jai was banned from seeing Annie(for...no reason at all really).Talking of Kane, Kirsty was obviously thinking of him when telling Miles she knows what it's like to have your best friend sent to jail.Roman's attitude continues to annoy me even when he isn't in the show:No use telling Kirsty and Jai you wish he'd defend himself, Miles, go and tell him to snap out of it.You'd think the military would be more understanding, they apparently shoot their own side all the time.One thing I didn't pick up on until I saw the recap:The military extra arrests Roman for the murder of "Corporal Mark Fogle".Wasn't Elliot's surname Gillen?Why the difference?

Nice that Rachel finally seems to be a bit fed up of being Tony's verbal punchbag, giving her pointed "You're a lot more cheerful this morning."I wouldn't describe her suggesting Jack as a middle name insensitive but it was ill-judged given Tony's obvious mood at the time.Of course, Tony's now getting it from Martha, who seems to have chosen him as her new whipping boy now Angelo's stopped letting her get away with it.Don't really blame Hugo for letting things slip to Martha, he did his best to cover.Alf seems more accepting of Angelo and Tony's friendship with him now which is good to see. Tony seems to be getting more sinister by the episode, coming out with lines like "I'll do anything to safeguard that."Was his comment about Rachel needing him for something one of those things we didn't get to see or was he just trying to break up Angelo's "date" with May?I can see why Angelo would befriend her, she's the only person in town who hasn't got pre-conceived ideas of him.(Although how long can it be before someone mentions the war?She's already put her foot in it by asking if he's shot anyone.)Could be an interesting friendship between her and Miles too if he ever stays in the same room as her long enough.(And actually, May, he is usually that scattered.)

On the subject of the "proof" Angelo shot Jack, I've said it on several different threads and now that he's back I do accept he might have done(although until we find out who the second gunman was, point's open in my mind):I think the forensics boys assumed it was Angelo's gun because it was a police issue weapon and the bullet actually came from Jack's own gun.(Which went missing around that time.)

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Talking of Kane, Kirsty was obviously thinking of him when telling Miles she knows what it's like to have your best friend sent to jail.

I know she was thinking of Kane, but I was thinking - and kind of hoping for a mention - about Dani when she went to jail and how Kirsty felt about that.

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Its weird about Tony and Angelo. Its like Tony's obsessed with him or something, he's always secretly glancing at him and neglecting Rachel. Its almost like he's having a secret affair with him :unsure: That scene where he told Angelo to cut short his evening with May so they could be ready for the fishing trip next morning was very odd indeed. And didn't he tell Alf and/or Angelo they were going to some Reef, then he told Rachel they were going to a different place? It is all decidedly odd, even going as far as creepy. Even though I've always liked Tony [she said hastily], he looks demonic sometimes.

I meant to say something ages ago, can't remember whether I did or not. It is obvious to me why Nicole went off with Trey. All the other men in her life have rejected her: Roman, Geoff, Aden, so Trey is the only man to take any notice of her. Now she does have a father figure in Miles though, and Jai seems to be friendly towards her. I think she has done really well to get through the last few weeks/ months, I really like her character now days.

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Talking of Kane, Kirsty was obviously thinking of him when telling Miles she knows what it's like to have your best friend sent to jail.

I know she was thinking of Kane, but I was thinking - and kind of hoping for a mention - about Dani when she went to jail and how Kirsty felt about that.

I think it was different with Dani because although they were close, when she was in jail Kirsty still had her family (and Kane) around her so she wasn't as depressed. Also, she was only sentenced for a couple of years, probably would have been out in one and she had a good case for an appeal anyway. However specifically when Kane was incarcerated Kirsty had no one, she had a child to bring up and he was going to jail for a very long time (regardless of how unrealistic his release was afterwards). I know Miles has Kirsty and Jai but there is obviously something missing now that Roman is no longer around. Kirsty's showed in the past that as long a she had Kane she didn't need any other mates so to speak.

Could not believe the level of selfishness displayed by both Kirsty and Jai in that episode. Admittedly I should hardly be surprised with Kirsty because there have been plenty of times in the past where she has put herself first. And as mentioned above considering her family's resistance to her relationship with Kane, I raised an eyebrow at her objection to Trey. I'm glad she finally saw sense though. Jai was the one that really disappointed me. He keeps saying that Trey's a jerk but I personally thought Jai was a bit of a jerk when he first turned up. I still remember the stunt he pulled when he jumped into the water, pretended to be drowning and Miles had to jump in to save him (despite what happened to his wife and daughter). As someone who lost his family I find it hard to understand how Jai isn't prepared to put his personal differences aside for Nicole's sake.

Poor Nicole. I have nothing but sympathy for her at the moment. I found Jai's remark interesting about seeing her mean, angry etc but never depressed. I have actually seen her depressed before, after her breakup with Geoff, but the difference was a she said she could turn to Roman for support (I can't remember though if that was the time he was so focused on Martha he was kind of neglecting her). I'm still really pissed off with his departure and him being written out the show and judging by what Kirsty said it looks as though Nicole's going to be Tony's age before he will be released. At least Nat got a mention (see you can keep in with continuity without actually seeing the characters). It's a shame the writers haven't applied the same logic to Irene regarding Fin and Kirsty regarding the Sutherlands.

Again enjoyed the interaction between Martha and Hugo (who I wasn't keen with at first but am starting to quite like now). I like how they still feel awkward around each other but at the same time wanting to be around each other. It's a shame he sort of put his foot in it regarding Tony's planned fishing trip with Angelo. She was unfair to shoot the messenger, although her reaction towards Tony was totally expected.

First impressions of May was that I like her. Liked how Miles was a bit clumsy around her. And really enjoyed the stuff with Angelo. I also liked that not only was Miles still being civilised to him but asking him for advice regarding Roman. Angelo seems so much more likeable in scenes where he's not at work.

Tony isn't thinking with a clear head and even when Angelo was having dinner I felt as though Tony wanted to pick up one of the chairs and smack him across the head with it. I'm now extremely concerned about what he's got planned for two reasons. Firstly I like Tony and I don't really want to see him wind up in any trouble, not to mention the fact that he's now got a family to support. Secondly I immediately liked Angelo and May and just hope Tony doesn't do anything to jeopardise that as I would like to see what happens between those two.

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You won't have long to wait Slade it all comes to a head on Monday and Tuesday. It's going to be chewing your nails down to the elbows time. I imagine Tony wouldn't be happy seeing Angelo chatting up a lovely young woman when in Tony's (and others minds) he should be in jail. I cringed when May asked Angelo had ever killed anyone once he admitted what he did for a living, though he seemed to handle it pretty well. She probaly will as well once someone fills her in as they surely will.

I said Martha would go off on one once she found out about Tony and Angelo, though why she seemed to blame Hugo is a mystery. :blink: I wondered what she was talking about when she said to him 'and tomorrow of all days', then of course all was explained when talking (or shouting rather) to Tony she mentioned it was Jack's birthday.

I can understand why Kirsty and Jai (for spearate reasons) have their objections to having Trey in the house, but as Miles pointed out ( and I agreed with him) if it is going to help Nicole get through with what has happened to Roman they should try and put their feelings aside. Noones asking them to fall over themselves to be nice to him after all. When Miles said they needed to have a family meeting it took me right back to the Pippa and Tom days when they used to have said meetings to decide things that affected the whole family ( a tradition Sally carried on). Nat got a mention after all then Slade, though Nicole going off to see her mum did seem to happen rather quickly, one moment she and Miles were talking in the classroom, the next he is telling Jai and Kirsty she's gone! I felt so sorry for her when she said although she had Miles, Kirsty and all her friends around her she still wanted her dad. :crying: It was good advice from Kirsty as to how to deal when someone you love (or care for) is in prison, kind of jsut take it day by day. She is obviously talking from very recent experience. Although her and Dani were good friends not quite the same as having your hubby inside and you have a young child to look after. Till Miles mentioned it I had forgotten Roman was the only one to be nice to him when he first came to the Bay. As regards all the charges Roman faces wouldn't the murder charge take precedence as that happened when he was a serving soldier in the SAS.?

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Do you mean Tony is going fishing with Angelo on Jack's birthday? :unsure: How insensitive is that! No wonder Martha was upset- more upset I mean.

I am very disbelieving that Roman would be taken off to jail over the case of Mark being shot. What happened to innocent til proven guilty? Surely when the trial takes place it will be discovered that Roman was just defending Gardy. Unless no one else witnessed it except the missing Gardy. But I'm sure in the flashbacks there were other soldiers there who saw what happened. All very tenuous :huh:

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