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Tony's definitely lost it.Was he really going to push Angelo into the sea?If so, he did a really bad job of it.In fact, he seems to be very confused:His claim that Kate died when Jack was a baby is either a sign that he's become delusional or a whacking great continuity error cos, um...Lucas?You know, Jack's brother, who used to be about six years younger than him and is now apparently closer to eight?Did Angelo really not notice Tony giving the evil eye all day?Even more pertinently, given that he was at Jack's funeral why didn't he notice where they were going?

Liked to see some interaction between Charlie and Martha and between Miles and Rachel, haven't seen much of that recently.(Has Miles lost weight or did it just look it because he was stood next to a heavily pregnant Rachel?)Miles and Charlie got a scene together as well.May seems nice and kooky if incredidly indiscreet when quizzing Charlie, I get the feeling those two are going to rub each other up the wrong way, at least in the short term.Martha continues to demonstrate an unerring ability to alienate everyone close to her although she does at least seem to be starting to look outside her own narrow perspective.Good that Leah stopped and gave her advice and it made sense too.

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The writers have made a massive error with the whole Jack/Tony age thing. Jack's grave said he was born in 81, making him 28 which is pretty impossible considering it was only 3 years ago Tony celebrated his 40th on the show. Tony told Jazz last year he graduated High School in 83, yet tonight he told Angelo he was teaching when Jack was born. And yup forgotten all about Lucas. The whole thing is actually pretty embarrasing on the writers part. :rolleyes:

Angelo is extremely niave if he ever though Tony really wanted to be friends with him. I feel for Tony becasue i can't imagine how it must feel to face your son's killer every day but i don't think he's going the right way about it. He needs to realise it's not just about him anymore.

I loved the Miles/Rachel stuff and though it was good to see her all vunrable and scared for once because usually she's so strong. It was nice to see her admitting how much she needed Tony - i felt really sorry for her. It must be terrifying to be in that situation and not have the one person there you want the most. She actually looked pretty sick talking to Hugo at the beginning, so great job with that! Tony is going to feel pretty bad when he realises what's happened to her and he didn't pick the phone up.

It's good they've finally realised Tony has an ulterior motive with Angelo. Martha/Charlie was good to see.

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Glad we got to see some of the fallout re Roman and two of his ex girlfriends (I still would have liked to have seen how it affected Martha though). Firstly with Miles saying he couldn’t sleep, Charlie wishing she could get hold of Gardy so Roman didn’t have to take full responsibility himself and Leah going to see him to sort out their business. I was not surprised when she said he was resigned to his fate.

I really like May. She’s seems like one of those people who are always positive (although admittedly she can talk for England) and I found myself laughing when she was speaking with Miles and Charlie. It was just the way she kept going on and Charlie sort of laughed at her. I’d still like to see how she turns out though because I really liked Bridgette at first and look what happened with her.

Agree that it was good to see interactions with Miles/Charlie and Charlie/Martha. The last I can recall was Miles buying her a muffin and Charlie telling Martha that Angelo was going to be released.

I felt sorry for Tony when he was fishing and talking about Jack but I also felt sorry for Angelo when Tony went for him and he was telling him to just “finish it”. Assuming Angelo gets out of this I actually don’t think he’ll press charges out of guilt.

Martha’s obviously still in denial about Hugo although at least she admitted it wasn’t his fault telling her about Tony. They need to sit down and have a proper conversation about things and clear the air.

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Tony's definitely lost it.Was he really going to push Angelo into the sea?If so, he did a really bad job of it.In fact, he seems to be very confused:His claim that Kate died when Jack was a baby is either a sign that he's become delusional or a whacking great continuity error cos, um...Lucas?You know, Jack's brother, who used to be about six years younger than him and is now apparently closer to eight?Did Angelo really not notice Tony giving the evil eye all day?Even more pertinently, given that he was at Jack's funeral why didn't he notice where they were going?

I was thinking that Red about Tony saying Jack was a baby when Kate died. He has definitley lost it big time. I did notice Tony said to Angelo this isn't far from where Jack's grave is - I thought yes he does know that! Perhaps Angelo did have some sense of what was going on when he said he was going to check on their equipment.

I have seen a photo in some TV mags of Tony pinning Angelo to the ground and shouting at someone (perhaps it is Martha and Charlie or Miles and Alf or all four of them).

Martha was being her usual stroppy self when Hugo went over to see her (the bit where she fell off the ladder and into Hugo's arms was very reminiscent of what happened when her and Jack first knew each other). Where did she get the idea Hugo wanted to replace Jack from (unless the thought is in her own mind)? I thought at first it was strange Hugo didn't know it was Jack's (his cousin) birthday seeing how close they were meant to be, but then I realised it was probably a man thing (don't mean generalise there).

Kind of eerie(?) that Miles and Alf and Charlie and Martha all seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time as to Tony's motives. Is Martha worried about what Tony will do to Angelo for Tony's sake once she realised it was Angelo in danger not Angelo?

It did seem a bit odd that there usually there are doctors and nurses all over the place yet when Rachel was taken ill, noone was around!

Slade see above spoiler for why Tony may not get away with it.

I thought Leah could talk for Australia, but May looks like she could take her crown. :D She could be OK, but needs to calm down a bit otherwise she will be very irritating. Hope she isn't going to be one of those people who read a lot more into a friendship/relationship than the other person does. It does seem IMO at least a bit quick for her to be sorting a dinner out for her and Angelo.

Wonder why it is taking Miles to go and see Roman as Leah has already been to see him, is he having to psyche himself up for it?

I know the original charge made by the military cops was murder, but then that is what usually happens with a civilian charge (unless further evidence is found) then it can be reduced to manslaughter. I would imagine the military would be more strident because they train people to kill, so would need to be sure of all the facts that lead to a fellow soldiers death.

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Gulp. That was an emotional episode. It felt cathartic, as everyone's problems came to a head: Tony/ Angelo; Angelo's guilt; Tony/ Rachel; Martha/ Hugo. Everyone has reached a point where they can't hide their feelings anymore, one way or the other.

Why on earth has Tony not been given counselling? Or Angelo for that matter? Why does Rachel have to be the strong one for everyone and no one take care of her? No wonder she collapsed!

I thought May was just a dizzy girlie at first but I see her purpose now: to look with fresh eyes at the situation and give Angelo a break from the endless hatred of people and of himself. I think she will refresh him and distract him, so hopefully they will keep going out together.

And as for Martha- I don't blame her one bit. We've all been there, lonely and needing someone to be there. I just hope it doesn't screw everything up afterwards...

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The whole age thing with Tony and him saying Jack was a baby was just really awful writing i believe. It was a huge mistake and quite embarrasing for them really.

I'm glad Angelo decided not to press charges but disappointed this story is done with now. What Tony did was serious and although he acknowledged it and seemed to realsie it, it seems far too big an issue just to be dealth with so fast. But well this is Home and Away :rolleyes: I really liked him opening up to Rachel and talking to her, she deserved that. I felt really sorry for her and loved that he ran to be with her when he heard. Nice to see her being all vunrable for once and just breaking down when she saw him. Glad he was able to support her until they knew everything was fine. She is incredibly understanding and forgiving and don't think she gets enough credit for that.

However, i think it was all a tad unrealistic. She's just been bleeding, been told she was on bed rest and to take it easy and her husband telling her he nearluy murdered someone doesnt seem to have any effect on her! :rolleyes: Still, loved all the Tony/Rachel stuff. I think it's obvious he really cares about this baby, he just got so consumed with Angelo and revenge.

He seems to have found closure at last.

Martha and Hugo, blah. Don't like it and so not interested.

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I really enjoyed the whole adult/non-teen episode.

I knew Angelo wouldn’t press charges. I have to say though Tony is very, very lucky and purely on a professional basis you could argue that Charlie not going ahead and taking this further anyway was irresponsible. If that had been someone else she would have had no hesitation. In saying that I’m glad Tony’s been given a second chance as he’s someone I have a lot of sympathy for. I actually felt really sorry for Angelo again. He really does hate himself doesn’t him. I was sure for a split second he wanted Tony to let go as he wanted the pain, the guilt he was feeling to end. Charlie seemed a bit more attentive towards him. May seemed quite keen too, almost too keen. Let’s not forget she’s only been on one date with him and I’m not sure they’ve even kissed yet. I actually think the date succeeded in making Tony even more annoyed.

Rachel’s reaction when Tony told her what he did made me laugh. It reminded me of how shocked she looked after Jazz slapped Christine. Can’t really blame her for getting concerned or annoyed though. It reminded me a bit of how she reacted in the police station after the stuff with Aden and Larry. Although this is completely different because he didn’t quite go as far as Aden did and Tony did help to save his life (even though it was his fault in the first place). But the intent was still there. I’m glad he’s finally accepted that he needs help. He should have done this months ago.

For the first time in ages Martha looked at Angelo without utter contempt. I really didn’t really buy into it though. I think it would have been more believable to have carried on hating him for a little while longer and having them gradually work through their issues.

Didn’t really like the way Hugo and Martha just kissed like that. It seemed too spontaneous and I’d rather they’d talked things through properly though. More to the point I really didn’t think it was very appropriate given it was Jack’s birthday.

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I thought that was a really good episode.It did seem to be cathartic for all of them with Tony, Martha and Angelo all beginning to work through their issues.I agree it was kind of unprofessional for Charlie to just let Tony go after he attacked a man in front of her but then that's the Summer Bay police all over.Ironic that she only did it because Angelo threatened to not make a statement...and then he didn't make one anyway.There was no way he was ever going to press charges, he's not going to send Jack's father to jail.I doubt if an attempted murder charge would have stuck, his attempts were very half-hearted, although he was clearly guilty of assault and could probably have faced a charge of planning a felony.I liked Rachel's reaction, calm and controlled as ever but completely shocked and disappointed that Tony would go that far and not willing to back down.I'm sure she'll forgive him, she's not one to bear a grudge(well, except maybe Bridget).Nice to see Leah and Miles being there for her and our first glimpse of Nurse Julie in quite a while.

Charlie seemed almost frantic for Angelo's safety when he was dangling over the cliff, she's definitely still fond of him and looked really awkward when May turned up.Hopefully he'll take her advice and sort himself out, Martha's words might help as well.I'm not entirely sure about him going round to see her(and why did he got to her old place instead of the farm?psychic?or did he just not know she'd moved out?)but he obviously thought he owed her.The incident seems to have been a wake up call for Martha too and she's begun to realise just how destructive she's been lately.Not sure about that ending, Hugo seemed to read a bit much into Martha's comment that she didn't want to be alone although she was clearly into that kiss.(And, yes, I have a bit of difficulty remembering my cousins' birthdays too.On the subject of which, Jack's date of death was given as 19th January.Wouldn't that be a bit late for a school formal, which was the same night?)

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