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That poor Nicole! How awful to have your sex scenes shown on a massive screen in front of everyone you know! I'm glad she had it out with Trey in front of everyone. People should do that more often: in life, too much goes unsaid and assumed and nothing ever gets sorted out. Unless that is just in England with the stiff upper lip etc. :rolleyes:

I didn’t buy into that whole thing of how they zoomed the camera onto Trey’s face at the end and with the light shining off making him look evil.

That is a film maker's device. Did you see how half his face was lit and half in darkness? They use it to suggest someone has a good and bad side, or that he is not sure whether to be good or evil, or that he shouldn't be trusted. Like when they show someone with a light shining down on them from above means they are a good person, or from below, to show they are a bad person.

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I could sort of sympathise with Nicole it must be really embarrassing (since Trey would probably be seen by some as the stud and her as…well you know what) and it was good of Kirsty to check up on her like that but I really hated her attitude towards John afterwards. It came across as though she was more focused on getting Trey back for what he did to Nicole as opposed to actively trying to support her. It was almost as if there was some residual resentment over what he did to her and Miles previously as well. I see Jai’s still being like an idiot too, acting the hardman (and he was the one who actually filmed Matthew, Ruby just set him up).

I really can’t blame John at all for going to Bartlett for trying to confine this to the school (even though it took place outside). He’s only doing what a lot of parents would and that is to protect his son. I don’t think he really needs to worry about it. What’s the worst that could happen if Kirsty does go to the police? Nicole mentioned something about community service but considering what Aden and Axel did and they both got community service Trey might not even get that. When (I believe) he came to apologise to her by himself and he overheard her say he was sick it made me think about counselling. But what might be better is some sort of mediation so Nicole can really tell Trey what she thinks of him.

I was a bit surprised Geoff didn’t intervene when Claudia was arguing with Lochie. As much as I didn’t like Lochie’s smugness at the end I really thought he had a point. Aside from the fact that there’s a fair chance the baby could be his, he was together with her for four years are her feelings just going to vanish like that. He’s probably not going to give her up without a fight and he’s just going to keep applying pressure and basically force her into making some sort of decision. Her “you had your chance” remark is also worth noting.

Wow, what happened to Annie in that episode? Was she abducted by Aliens and replaced by an impostor. She seemed really, really nice. Too nice and was anything but judgemental. If she was like that all the time she might be one of my favourite characters.

Liked the scene to start off with between Angelo and Charlie. When he was speaking about Irene I wonder if he was thinking about his time in prison. Again May seems overly keen. It’s almost as if she was smothering him. I’m glad she decided to give to give Angelo the benefit of the doubt after finding out what happened with Jack. . I think Charlie is jealous. Maybe because she wants him. I don’t understand what happened with Angelo when he was told he would be posted there full time. I didn’t think he was investigating Lou’s murder. I thought the reason why Area command turned up was because of the hand VJ found which was from an Asian person wasn’t it? And I thought that was still ongoing.

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So, the apparent end of the "Who killed Lou?" plot...or is it?Donna didn't confess which would put things beyond doubt.(Although wouldn't you just love if we saw her in that jail she stuck Irene in, especially if that guard was in there with her?We probably won't though...)On the other hand, the guy that handed Angelo the gun(was that Avery?)said "Couple of matches", presumably meaning they found Donna's fingerprints on it.Was the blood on the boat Donna's?And if not, whose was it?Major paranoia alert: They didn't find the gun until after Alf told Hugo Donna was prime suspect.Is that significant or are we just meant to think it was?

I'm beginning to have my doubts about Donna being involved in Lou's death, could she she be being set up by someone? As I mentioned before she may be all sorts of things but stupid isn't one of them. I think Avery(?) was referring to the fact the gun was the same calibre as the bullets found in Lou's body. They would need to get the gun back to forensics to match any fingerprints and also if that gun actually fired the bullets. If the gun was found in the guesthouse anybody (Hugo?) could have put it there, but that wouldn't that mean the guesthouse was unlocked? :unsure: Another thing to think about is if the divorce had gone through she would have stood a better chance of getting at least half of the trawler business as she helped set it up with Lou and therefore in law would have been entitled to half. We will have to wait and see I guess.

When they were about to show the film a thought crossed my mind (and yes it was a short journey)oh no what if Jai had given Trey the wrong memory card! :o Full marks to Colleen BTW way for pronouncing inaugeral correctly. :D

Perhaps as some of you have said if Nicole hadn't had a go at him in full view of his 'friends' he wouldn't have switched the tape, we will never know now.

I thought Kirsty dealt with Nic very well, a lot better than Roman would have done IMO. He would have wanted to rip Trey's head off which wouldn't have helped anyone. Martin was right despite Mile's reservations about it being up to Nicole to decide if Trey should go ahead with the public apology and full marks to her for agreeing. Though Martin was right it wasn't really a school matter as it took place outside of school. Showed a lot of maturity on her part. The look on his face thoughwhen he was looking in on them and heard what she said made me wonder if he is going to do a runner. Amamzingly Annie seemed to take the news pretty well for her. Your'e right Red she does seem to be very unhealthy.

I have an awful feeling that the baby is Lachie's, we don't know how far along she is, because so far she hasn't seen a doctor has she? Claudia knows this, but obviously feels Geoff is a better prospect as a father than Lachie. BTW, silly question, why do people pronounce it Lochie when it is spelt Lachie anyone know? When Geoff and co saw them arguing I don't think he could hear what they were saying, he just knew something was up. Quite undertandably he was miffed with her when she is supposed to have broken off all contact with him, yet as soon as he texts off she goes.

I do think Angelo was a bit unfair on Charlie, it was a genuine mistake on her part, after all if someone had said to you 'he has told me everything that happened' wouldn't you think they meant what Charlie thought May meant? Definitley not sure about her, she really screams bunny boiler!! It does seem Charlie is jealous, which doesn't say a lot for her supposed feelings for Joey. I suppose as Lou's death happened at sea that's the reason why Angelo is investigating it. As for the hand it does seem to have been forgotten (for now at least).

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Not sure what to make of Miles in that episode.I didn't mind him to start with, he slipped up slightly with Alf but it did seem as though Alf was just hearing what he wanted to hear, talking as though it was a done deal when Miles kept stressing it was only an idea.But from the scene in the Diner onwards he did, as he eventually admitted, just seem to be sulking, refusing to discuss things with Kirsty when he was the one that brought the matter up in the first place.I loved Kirsty's "count to ten" expression when he was working at the table.I'm not sure about some of Kirsty's logic, although it's probably just me showing my ignorance.Is having two children really that much more difficult than having one?And would it really be easier for her to study if she waited before having more?Wouldn't it be better to have them close together, so they start school at the same time and she isn't looking after a toddler when Ollie's in secondary school?Anyway, I was relieved to see that they seemed to be back on proper terms and to have come to understand each other's position by the end of it.

Is Tony having counselling?He did seem pretty out of sorts in that episode rather than back to his old self, it seemed as though he almost didn't realise if he was being indiscreet or if other people were uncomfortable.Didn't you just know he was going to walk in on something when he found Hugo's jacket?Martha seemed surprisingly unselfconscious near the start when she was standing in front of Hugo in a tidy bikini, I was expecting her to be uncomfortable about it.Does Hugo know that Rachel knows about the tension between them?When he turned up at the house, he just started discussing it right in front of her.

I really hope the baby isn't Lachie's and I actually think Claudia doesn't know.She comes across as very confused, in her head she knows that Geoff's the best person for her but in her heart she's torn. I'm glad that Geoff wasn't particularly confrontational with her which I thought he was going to be.I wasn't sure at first when he went up to Lachie(and it is always pronounced like that)in the Diner but he just seemed to be doing it because he was trying to protect Claudia so I don't mind.Although there was one weird bit when it looked like he was about to leave even though Colleen was still getting his cake...

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Any idea who makes the pink dress with the gold straps that Martha wore in episode 4878, when she was fantasising about kissing Hugo in the kitchen? Or are there any discussion forums on here that tell you more about the fashion, it seems really difficult to get info on this. The official site says it doesnt have the resources to answer these questions. Can anyone here help? I love the dress!

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I knew Lochie wouldn’t give up so easily. It looks as though Geoff’s got his work cut out trying to keep Claudia as she admitted to Martha she still feels something for him.

I really liked Tony in that episode. He seemed a lot more positive than the last time we saw him.

Some more cute scenes with Ollie. I can’t really blame Kirsty for getting annoyed with Miles. He only brought it up the other day and then he told Alf she was ready without discussing it with her properly. However I have to say she seems to have developed a real attitude problem as of late.

The dinner was quite amusing, especially when the wrong thing was said at the wrong time. Rachel’s awkwardness, Tony’s remark to Kirsty and Miles about wanting another baby, Kirsty remarks and questions about Hugo’s love interests and Hugo and Martha’s get me out of here looks brought a smile to my face. I loved the way Tony asked Martha if she could set Hugo up, Rachel seemed to almost bury her head in her hands then Kirsty suggested Charlie, completely oblivious to what had gone on before. Oh and of course Miles’s remark about Charlie being a temporary lesbian was good.

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I was wondering about Tony's counselling as well Red, the way he and Rachel were talking the last week it seemed he was going for it right away, but perhaps it takes a little longer to arrange. He did keep putting his feet in last night with everyone. :rolleyes: Poor Rachel was trying to keep the conversation on an even keel which wasn't easy what with Martha and Hugo and Kirsty and Miles barely speaking. Glad they finally sorted everything out back at home. As for her wanting to wait before having another child, as she said to Rachel she was only just out of High school when she had Ollie and probably feels she would like sometime for herself. If she wants to go back to studying she has Miles to help her look after Ollie.

It was pretty obvious that Tony would catch Martha and Hugo in some sort of compromising position, something like that is always telegraphed that way. Wonder how he is going to react? I liked the dress she had on BTW.

As for Claudia and Lachie, he is not going to go away is he, especially as it seems he is on a team that Geoff's will be playing against shortly. Is it just me or did he remind anyone else of Dom? :unsure: Just how old is Claudia meant to be BTW, she said her and Lachie had been together four years, she can't be that much older than Geoff who is what 17? That would mean she had been with him since she was 14 or 15. Know what you mean about the cake I thinking the same thing.

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Any idea who makes the pink dress with the gold straps that Martha wore in episode 4878, when she was fantasising about kissing Hugo in the kitchen? Or are there any discussion forums on here that tell you more about the fashion, it seems really difficult to get info on this. The official site says it doesnt have the resources to answer these questions. Can anyone here help? I love the dress!

I am having no luck either- i love marthas wardbrobe- esp the yellow maxi dress she wore- i have serched the internet but cant find anything

if you do have any luck please let me know]

they really should set up a fashion answer centre

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Alf’s episode count this week…five. :P So he’s now been in fourteen of the last fifteen episodes and been in every episode for the last two weeks. Like last week everybody else made a maximum of three appearances and I believe Leah only had one.

Re Martha and Hugo’s kiss I think Tony took it a lot better than I thought he would, although he seemed as though he had been betrayed as he nominated them to be his baby’s god parents. I didn’t like the way Martha started spouting off i.e. “Tony hates me”, sort of semi making it about her and almost blaming Hugo again even though the kiss was mutual. I quite liked Tony’s chat with Alf at the Diner and as usual Alf always seems to be able to use logic and unbiased reasoning to put his point across. I’m glad Tony sort of decided to give them his blessing but unfortunately Martha appears to have done a U-turn regarding taking things further with Hugo.

I’m not surprised Aden accepted the loan shark’s proposal about giving inside information on his team for a bit of extra cash. Else why would they be trying to make a point of how hard up he is? Next I’m guessing he’ll be getting Aden to try and throw games. In all honesty I’m a bit disappointed as I’d thought he’d been doing really well lately. Again kind of daydreamed during his scenes with Belle.

I can see Charlie’s concerns about Ruby wanting to sleep with Xavier and playing the role of guardian but in all honesty she is the last person that should be giving advice about not sleeping with someone – Roman, Angelo, Hugo & Joey all within the space of a year (and if Miles hadn’t been so hung up on Kirsty when they were searching for Melody in the city she probably would have slept with him too). I’m not one to judge someone for sleeping around but it comes across as though her words have no meaning. And she can’t honestly expect Ruby to take her seriously. Joey was barely an adult when she was with her too and at least Xavier is around the same age.

Didn’t really like the way she went round to tell Hugo to warn Xavier off but at least she wasn’t rude like the time she told Hugo to back off Joey. I’m glad Hugo seems to have adopted a more open minded approach and I felt he only spoke to Xavier for Charlie’s benefit not because he believed he was doing the wrong thing. I quite liked their chat and they seem to be getting on ok now. I liked Hugo’s "too much information" remark when Xavier mentioned how well planned Ruby was regarding their planned night of intimacy. It was also quite funny when Hugo walked into the police station, Ruby embarrassingly left and he apologised about his timing but Charlie said it couldn’t have been better.

Again pleasantly surprised with Annie. I was expecting her to side with Charlie (although judging by the remark she made about her relationship with Joey maybe not). I did feel quite sorry for Charlie when Ruby made the remark about not following in her sister’s footsteps as she’d seen what effect her sleeping around had on her. But as they say the truth hurts. Perhaps contrary to what I said above that is reason enough to give advice because her own relationships have been disastrous. Although in saying that I think it’s more to do with the fact that Charlie is generally quite immature when it comes to dealing with people outside work although admittedly she’s been ok recently. It was nice of Annie to try and sort of console her afterwards. I liked that.

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