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I find it shocking that this week I actually liked both Annie and Kirsty who I normally can't stand. They were both decent, caring and reasonable. Kirsty was great with Nicole and maybe she'll be the surprising saving grace of Nicole living with Miles. If Kirsty wants to throw her weight around the house as a mother figure she needs to act more mature and give the "kids" some respect. This was a great start for her. I'd like to see more interaction like this between her and Nicole rather than them bitching at each other over Trey.

Charlie's reaction to Ruby was pure and utter overblown nonsese. Ruby is much more mature than she is any day of the week. As if she is in position to give advice on how to behave responsibility in regards to sex. I loved Ruby saying she had not planning in following in Charlie's footsteps, it was cruel but Charlie totally deserved that. I wouldn't so much mind if she was a total slapper if she even enjoyed being a slapper but she's so damn misreable about everything. Urgh.

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Charlie doesn't realise that the more she says no to Ruby's plan to have sex on her 16th birthday the more determined Ruby will be to do it. I know she is her sister and guardian and obviously feels responsible for her, but Ruby is being very sensible about the whole thing. Hilarilous the talk between Hugo and Xavier, not sure who was more embarrassed? Small point I know Miranda (and does this qualify me for the Nerd Squad) it's Leah's house not Ruby's. Shouldn't they run it pass her first? I did have to smile when Ruby made that remark reagarding Charlie and her relationships. :D

We should really be used to Martha's mood swings by now shouldn't we? It was an overreaction to say 'Tony hates me'. As Rachel sensibly explained he was more disappointed.

Aden is making a big, big mistake by getting involved with the loan shark, bad enough if he was just borrowing money from him, but what he is planning to do is illegal and could possibly end up in jail. :( Does Aden really have desperate written on his forehead, because how would Clint know to turn up just at the right (or wrong depending on how you look at it) time?

Meant to mention this on Friday, but was that a slip on the scriptwriters part or Claudia's? When she first told Geoff she was pregnant he said he thought she was on the pill and she replied that it wasn't 100%, yet after the set to with Lachieon Thursday she said to him that she had missed taking one?

BTW Denny, I think 'IT' begins next week.

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Okay, Slade, you pinched my opening line.Welcome to the Nerd Squad.I find it a bit odd Leah was only in one, it makes her absence from Rachel's dinner party seem even stranger.

Who's working at the bait shop now?Ric's gone, Elliot's gone, Bridget's gone, Melody's gone...(That's a thought...Alf, give Aden a job there.You never know...)

And there was me thinking you would be pleased I gave you a week off. TBH I wasn’t fussed either way at first but as you provided a regular update at the end of each week, I thought I’d count Alf’s episode appearances anyway (out of curiosity) and it was five again. I wonder why they feel Alf has to be in every episode (or the vast majority) so frequently especially for the most part he only appears to be playing cameo roles and making token appearances. Perhaps it’s a nostalgia thing as he’s been there from the very beginning. I actually like that he appears so frequently for some reason, as long as he doesn’t feature too heavily in it when he does appear in the episode.

Alf said to Aden in that scene that there was nothing at the bait shop and he had to reduce the hours for some of his casual workers so presumably he runs it mainly on his own with the odd person working here and there.

Charlie's reaction to Ruby was pure and utter overblown nonsese. Ruby is much more mature than she is any day of the week. As if she is in position to give advice on how to behave responsibility in regards to sex. I loved Ruby saying she had not planning in following in Charlie's footsteps, it was cruel but Charlie totally deserved that. I wouldn't so much mind if she was a total slapper if she even enjoyed being a slapper but she's so damn misreable about everything. Urgh.

:lol: At first I thought you liked Charlie but having read some of your more recent comments I think it’s pretty obvious you despise her. If you don’t mind me asking what went wrong (Not having a go just natural curiosity) because TBO I don't think she's ever really been happy.

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:lol: At first I thought you liked Charlie but having read some of your more recent comments I think it’s pretty obvious you despise her. If you don’t mind me asking what went wrong (Not having a go just natural curiosity) because TBO I don't think she's ever really been happy.

I'm fickle, I liked her when she didn't to a typical female wobble over realising that Angelo had killed Jack. I liked that she acted like a cop and went after his lame ass. From then on I kind of liked her, but after the way she treated Joey I do kind of think she she's a cowardly loser. The whole way reacted made her seem weak, pathetic, cruel and self-serving. I think she's been more misreable in recent weeks though. The only likeable period she seemed to have was between Angelo getting banged up and Joey arriving. She's been pretty odious the rest of the time.

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:lol: At first I thought you liked Charlie but having read some of your more recent comments I think it’s pretty obvious you despise her. If you don’t mind me asking what went wrong (Not having a go just natural curiosity) because TBO I don't think she's ever really been happy.

I'm fickle, I liked her when she didn't to a typical female wobble over realising that Angelo had killed Jack. I liked that she acted like a cop and went after his lame ass. From then on I kind of liked her, but after the way she treated Joey I do kind of think she she's a cowardly loser. The whole way reacted made her seem weak, pathetic, cruel and self-serving. I think she's been more misreable in recent weeks though. The only likeable period she seemed to have was between Angelo getting banged up and Joey arriving. She's been pretty odious the rest of the time.

I’d agree with some of that. I sort of admired the way she put her personal feelings aside to bring Angelo to justice and we could tell it was difficult because she said afterwards after the finger print check on the bullet came through she wished it wasn’t him. I also agree that she was bang out of order with Joey. It pretty obvious that was a phase she was going through, as Miles said to Kirsty at the dinner at Rachel’s a couple of days ago “Maybe she was a temporary lesbian”. And even Ruby picked up on this way before when she first found out about their relationship telling her that it wasn’t fair on Joey. I’m not sure about the “self-serving part”. Charlie is no worse in that sense than a lot of females in the bay. Who doesn’t get involved in relationships because it makes them happy or to quash their loneliness. That’s all she wants is for someone to want her and to treat her right. She could have had that with Joey but even if she hadn’t slept with Hugo I’m still not sure it would have worked out because Joey seemed far too dependent on her and I could have eventually seen Charlie growing tired of this.

What I found interesting was firstly when she stormed out of Hugo’s after he wouldn’t agree to sit Xavier down and talk him out of sleeping with Ruby and then when she told Ruby in the Diner she didn’t want her making a mistake was that (I think as already mentioned) she came across as extremely desperate. I got the impression it was almost as if she’d been in a similar situation before.

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I’d agree with some of that. I sort of admired the way she put her personal feelings aside to bring Angelo to justice and we could tell it was difficult because she said afterwards after the finger print check on the bullet came through she wished it wasn’t him. I also agree that she was bang out of order with Joey. It pretty obvious that was a phase she was going through, as Miles said to Kirsty at the dinner at Rachel’s a couple of days ago “Maybe she was a temporary lesbian”. And even Ruby picked up on this way before when she first found out about their relationship telling her that it wasn’t fair on Joey. I’m not sure about the “self-serving part”. Charlie is no worse in that sense than a lot of females in the bay. Who doesn’t get involved in relationships because it makes them happy or to quash their loneliness. That’s all she wants is for someone to want her and to treat her right. She could have had that with Joey but even if she hadn’t slept with Hugo I’m still not sure it would have worked out because Joey seemed far too dependent on her and I could have eventually seen Charlie growing tired of this.

I doubt it, Joey was only "clingy" because Charlie kept jerking her around. Poor girl she just wanted a straight answer to a straight question. The main problem they would have had would have been Charlie being a weak willed coward, nothing to do with Joey. I still hate Charlie and I cannot even watch Angelo when he is on screen. I'm starting to dislike both of them more than Marthorse who is a self-centered nag but at least she's not a massive two faced hypocrit. At least Charlie/Angelo has made Martha/Hugo tolerable to me. So maybe I'll become a Martha fan. Charlie is on my list of annoying character along with Willow, Joxer, Bridgette & Libby from Neighbours and Tina/Jenny/Shane/Almost everyone(except Alice and Helena) from The L Word.

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Nice little scene at the beginning with Nicole, Jai and Xavier when Nicole offered Xavier dressing tips.

Loved the scene with Ruby and Charlie. It was quite emotional and I think Charlie definitely did the right thing telling her to follow her instincts, taking Angelo's advice on board. That approach is far more effective than telling her not to sleep with Xavier.

I'm glad Nicole decided to go to the Ruby's 16th in the end. I actually felt a bit sorry for Trey but he's got no one to blame but himself. Again Jai acted like an idiot pushing him. I'm surprised Gonk (I think that was his name) was at the party as I'm guessing he's not friends with Ruby or Xavier (perhaps he just gatecrashed like Trey did). I'm assuming he was the one that spiked the punch.

It was quite interesting seeing Jai drunk (although I wasn't entirely convinced by the performance) and I guess he let his true feelings out. He must have been feeling a bit left out with Xavier getting ready to sleep with Ruby and although he doesn't like Trey I wonder if he's thinking that even he slept with Nicole too. Annie's response was completely expected. There was no way she was going to react favourably. It will be interesting to see how Geoff takes this. It was good of Nicole to sort of look out for him afterwards.

Not really that keen on Xavier and Ruby but I'm glad they decided not to go through with it and sort of declared their love for each other.

I didn't realise Angelo has a younger sister. Colleen's still calling him “Constable Risotto” although it didn't bother him as much this time. He didn't even go home to get changed for his date with May which to me immediately that spoke volumes, considering that she was all dressed up. And the fact that he lied to her about going back to work was bad too. After the stuff he went through with Belle I can't believe he's doing this to May. Charlie should know better too. She deliberately went round because she sussed that Angelo wasn't keen on the date. Disappointed with both of them.

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Has Angelo been spraying himself with pheromones or something? Both May and Charlie falling over themselves to get into his pants. I think it just shows how bored and aimless Charlie feels. Her job surely must be fairly demanding, but she still seems rather lost. Was her fling with Joey just some passing fancy? I'm confused by her behaviour and it seems she is too.

It was nice to see Jai acting like a normal boy and getting drunk and talking about sex :o I can't see who Annie and Jai would go out with if they aren't together though :huh:

I bet Angelo's younger sister will be along soon, stirring up trouble...

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Glad that Ruby belatedly acquired a brain cell.For all the claims that she's responsible and thinks things through, it did seem as though she decided to sleep with Xavier because she could rather than because she was ready for it or because it was the right thing to do.As someone once said(Marilyn actually), the problem with teenagers is they're so close to being adults they think they already are:At the end of the day, both Ruby and Xavier look and act like children, not like a couple who are ready for a sexual relationship.Surprisingly, given that I think the relationship has pretty much ruined Ruby as a character, I didn't find their declaration of love as annoying as I think it was.The strong, confident, intelligent Ruby of last year does pretty much seem to be gone, watered down almost beyond recognition so they can pair her off with an insipid wimp who brags to his mates about her, but I guess that's something I'll just have to learn to accept.Did she ask Leah if she minded having two hormonal teenagers go at it in her spare room or did she just not consider her at all?

Annie's attitude throughout could charitably be described as simplistic, although she did look pretty good in her party clothes and it was nice to see her and Jai having their first screen kiss in eight months.I'm disappointed by their break-up and really hope it's temporary, neither of them seemed pretty happy about it, Annie was in tears and Jai rather sweetly admitted that he loved her, so it's obviously not want they want.Unfortunately it would be typical of this show to break up a sweet and endearing couple and keep together a dull and annoying one.I don't think Jai was really trying to pressure her and I do think he was happy to wait, he was just feeling a bit...frustrated.Nice to see some more stuff between him and Nicole...although Nicole and Xavier's scene together felt a bit strange.(By the way, I had the shock of my life when Nic walked into the room with her back to camera at the start...for a second I thought I'd missed a week and Mel was back.Must remember this isn't one of my fan fics...)Nicole once more blocked Trey off when he was making a sincere apology, then he got the blame for one of Gonk's stunts.Mind you, if he'd left instead of hanging around it wouldn't have happened.Since when was Gonk close enough to Xavier that he'd be one of the first to learn about his plans?

Charlie's timing couldn't have been worse frankly as she confirmed her status as a "temporary soap lesbian."She obviously thought Ruby and Xavier had slept together, which may have influenced her decision.Not happy about Angelo at all.I think he and Charlie could make a good couple but at the end of the day he's with May.We haven't seen much of it but the clear implication is that their relationship has progressed quite a bit and given that Angelo was cheated on himself not so long ago and didn't enjoy the experience to say the least, it's hardly fair of him to do the same to her.He's obviously not as into the relationship she is, given that he bailed from their date(and is back to wearing his uniform off duty...).It doesn't say much for Charlie that she's willing to be a party to it so soon after cheating on Joey either.I only hope they're actually serious about each other and this isn't just a fling.

It's interesting that we do seem to be getting a lot more back story for Angelo recently.(And was it me or did Colleen actually call him "Angelo" when she was taking his order?)A couple of weeks back he mentioned his parents to Tony, here he tells Charlie about his sister.And we get our first glimpse of his new home which looked about four times the size of his old one.Isn't it a bit ostentatious given that he's still supposed to be there temporarily?

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