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I feel soo sorry for nic, her father goes to jail, she has to move out, and move in with "strangers" i know miles and kirsty are sweet but still cant really replace her father........... then Try the only ray of light in her life, betrays her.what a jerk!!!!!! I know he did not totally mean it but he did something really bad..Poort girl!!!!!!!

I also think that Claudia's baby is not Geoff but the other guys.

Belle and Aden are soo cute together.........hope they can stay together and aden is so sweet wen he talks about prosposing to her...

Adelle forever!!!!!!!!!

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So in typical soap fashion as soon as someone’s been cheated on they always go out of their way to be extra nice to their treacherous partner. I found it funny how Angelo went to the extra effort to do breakfast for Charlie but couldn’t be bothered to even finish his date with May the night before and May went out of her way to arrange a picnic lunch just for Angelo (and even tried to keep Colleen sweet). After declaring that he wanted to be with Charlie he really ought to do the right thing and finish with May if he’s not so wrapped up in her. I didn’t like the way he basically said May was preferable because she wasn’t ashamed to be with him as Charlie said settling for second best because that was better than nothing. She’s only going to get hurt.

I thought considering the fuss Charlie made about Xavier Ruby let her get off way too lightly. I thought she really should have laid into her and given her the full grilling of the extent of her double standards and how much more mature her sixteen year old sister is than her.

So Aden has managed to get some sort of work at the Dinner. I don’t think he had any choice but to go along with what the loan shark wanted. It was easy and allowed him to get the ring back at no extra cost.

I don’t really blame Geoff for going at Lochie like that. He had been constantly baiting him and when he tackled him the first time around he rubbed his face in the ground. It did seem as though they were trying to compete for Claudia. As the lady’s voiceover said at the end initially I wasn’t sure if he was really injured but I’m guessing he is as this is all part of the Claudia/Geoff/Lochie love triangle. I’ll wait and see how reacts once she finds out the extent of any injuries.

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Welcome back Ruby!A day after I gave up on her she's firing on all cylinders which, I'm sorry, just proves to me that they need to get her right away from Xavier 'cos he just drags her down.I was expecting her to throw a strop when she found out about Charlie and Angelo, you could even argue she had every right to.But instead she was mature and sensitive and, once she'd got over the initial shock, she tried to help her sister instead of sitting in judgement over her.And what she said was right: If Charlie does like Angelo, then she shouldn't let what other people are going to think influence her decision.It was nice too that Charlie seemed genuinely pleased for Ruby when she told her what Xavier said.

Which brings us on to Charlie and Angelo.Leaving aside the fact she's just slept with someone else's boyfriend(and that she implies she's still got residual feelings for Joey), Charlie actually came out of that pretty well.She was initially awkward and unco-operative but when she actually sat down to talk with Angelo she was honest with him.Angelo, on the other hand...It's all very well saying he'd choose Charlie over May but he's not making the choice.If he wants to be with Charlie, he needs to break up with May, regardless of whether he's actually in with a shot or not.His announcement that he's going to stay with May because she isn't ashamed of him and Charlie is sounds like a recipe for disaster:Even before Charlie turned up at his place, he was looking for excuses to avoid her and being awkward around her so it seems unlikely he's going to be able to commit to her now.

It hadn't occurred to me that Aden was back working at the Diner.If that's all he had to do to get the ring, then it was pretty simple, he didn't put himself in debt, he didn't really let his team mates down. Of course, the question now is whether Clint will keep his side of the bargain.Geoff once again shows he's actually learned to look after himself in his own Geoff way, standing up to Lachie and taking what was thrown at him.Claudia did seem genuinely concerned for him when she asked him not to go to the match although it's a shame she didn't follow his advice and stay away to risk inflaming Lachie further. Again, guess we'll have to see where this one goes now.

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If the game was abandoned, why didn’t someone from Lochie’s team or his coach go to the hospital with him? Why was the game abandoned anyway? Couldn’t they have substituted him? Anyway I didn’t think I’d end up feeling sorry for Geoff but I did. He seemed to have a lot of remorse for what he did and I thought he was really good with Claudia too, breaking his promise to be there for Nicole at the assembly and being sympathetic despite her blowing off at him. He didn’t question her motives or her wanting to stay with Lochie once and apologised to him as well which must have been hard. I personally thought that she still had feelings for him anyway even before this. Not sure what to make of her declaration that the baby wasn’t Geoff’s. Was she lying all along or is she only doing this out of guilt? Lochie was sort of milking the situation though. When Claudia asked if she could call his mum and sister he said no because he didn’t want to ruin their holiday. Surely their being there to support him is more important.

Completely disgusted with Jai and his behaviour only shows what an idiot he is. I understand he hates Trey because of the bullying that went on but I seem to remember Matthew doing far worse i.e. pushing him into the water when he hit his head and almost drowned and he wasn’t anywhere near as annoyed with him afterwards. The way he came across didn’t even feel like he wanted to support Nicole. It was more about getting his own back. Firstly his smug look when John ushered Trey into the hall and then when he threw something at him afterwards and as Miles said practically started a riot by egging everybody else on. I’m glad Miles has decided to punish him and has concerns about his recent behaviour as he voiced towards Alf.

I got the impression the way he was with Trey that John wanted him to apologise to save face as opposed to doing it for Nicole’s benefit. Call my biased but I felt really sorry for him. It seemed like John was actually bullying him the way he called him pathetic and practically forced him to go on stage. He looked totally humiliated. You could tell immediately by the look on Nicole’s face that she didn’t necessarily feel sorry for him but didn’t like what she was seeing. I liked that she said it was horrible in her conversation with Geoff afterwards. As an aside I completely forgot that she was school captain (or at least I’m assuming she is because of her badge) which I thought was revoked, although I can remember her wearing it after Melody left when Freya was around. I wasn’t really sure what to make of Trey writing down a list of people’s names who he obviously felt were to blame for his humiliation. It seemed like some sort of hit list.

And there was me thinking Clint would stay true to his word. How naïve. Interesting how he did a background check on Aden. That scene really made me laugh. It was just Clint’s calmness throughout and the look on Aden’s face when Clint told him he couldn’t afford to get into anymore trouble because of his good behaviour bond (can’t remember how long it was for but if it was only a year it should be ending pretty soon). If Clint wants to now he could just keep blackmailing him. Although Aden had better watch himself because Tony saw them together and could put two and two together eventually.

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I was completely disgusted with Jai in that episode.The way he looked at Trey before the assembly was almost sadistic.I think we've moved beyond "He used to bully me", the way he treated Trey was far worse than anything he did to him.It's interesting that he befriended Axel, who arguably did worse, just because he needed it but is now leading the lynch mob, although in this case he was one of Trey's victims so maybe it's understandable.Given Miles' comment about how Jai's regressed to the way he used to be, I'm wondering if this is because of him taking his break-up with Annie badly.In fact, given Jai's apparently desperate justification that Trey spiked the punch, I'm wondering if he actually blamed him for the break-up.(Once again, the absence of Annie and other noteable characters from the assembly was very obvious, although for once they had enough extras to actually make it look like the whole school.)I liked the fact Nicole didn't join in and seemed faintly horrified by the whole thing. It reminded me of the way she didn't join in with the group barracking Melody over the formal even though she'd had a go at her previously:It seems she's a girl who'll tell someone what she thinks of them face to face but won't join in with a mob.She got her school captaincy back when the previous girl(Asha?)resigned after the formal, Geoff mentioned it to Freya.For the first time, I think John Palmer overstepped the mark completely in his handling of Trey.I actually think he was well-intentioned, trying to make Trey face up to what he'd done, but he bullying and humiliating him wasn't the way to go about it.And now Trey's going all Woody on us.(I'd love it if Kirsty turned round and went "Oh yeah, we drove the weird kid crazy when I was there and he took my sister, my foster sister and my current de facto sister-in-law hostage.")

I'm actually getting really worried about Claudia.Unless there's a side to Lachie we haven't seen, she seems to have a strong emotional attachment to an unhealthy relationship.I liked the way Geoff hugged her when she was hitting him and blaming him for everything and the way he went along to the hospital to see Lachie because she asked him to, even though he knew it would do no good.Are we actually meant to care about Lachie's plight?Okay, it's a terrible thing for a young person to face but he's done nothing to deserve our sympathy.I thought he was meant to be a lot older than Claudia anyway?If he's 18, it's only about a year.As for Claudia's announcement about the baby's paternity...I guess the main questions are how long has she known and how does she know.Did she find out something when she and Geoff visited the obstetrician(off-screen)on Monday?Did she see a doctor before and get the conception date?Did she already know she was pregnant when she slept with Geoff?Or does she not actually know who the father is and for some reason wants it to be Lachie?

There's an interesting contrast with Belle, who's apparently keeping things from Aden.I'm not even sure her claim she thought she was pregnant was truthful:Colleen thought that but Belle's behaviour when she was alone and her call to Rachel suggest she thought it was something else even then.Not much of a surprise that Clint wouldn't give Aden the ring although you can understand his reasoning: Aden might have kept his side of the bargain but he didn't profit from it.(Although I agree with Slade, would a game really be called off just because a player was injured?)It's got to the point where Aden really needs to cut his losses and get out, it's not worth risking his and Belle's future for the sake of a ring.Are all these references to his behaviour bond going somewhere or is he just going to keep ignoring it without any consequences?(I think it's got about two or three months left to run.)

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I was disgusted with the way John Palmer treated Trey, it doesn't excuse Trey being a bully but you can understand why he is/was. If I had been Trey John would have been on the top of the 'hit list'. It was interesting the way Nic felt after it by saying she thought she would feel better but didn't. I suppose if it had gone the way it should have, she may have, but because it turned nasty it made her feel differently. Where did Jai get the idea Miles was defending Trey after he had said Alf had caught Gonk disposing of the bottles of drink! He probably does blame Trey (who was innocent) for him getting drunk and messing things up with Annie, I hope there is a way back for them.

I strongly believe that Lachie is the baby's father and that as I said before she said it was Geoff's because she thinks he is better father material. We don't know how long exactly she has been pregnant and for all we know she took a pregnancy test before the one we saw her take with Geoff. Maybe now Lachie is paralyised (perhaps), she thinks she will have the upper hand as he used to treat her badly which he admitted he did. She could be one of those women who like to be treated badly by their partners as they have low self esteem and feel (wrongly) that they don't deserve any better. We don't know what sort of home life she had. I can't understand Caludia getting stroppy with Geoff when he said he had promised Nicole he would be at the assembly with her, when she did get there she practically ignored him anyway. There was probably a bit of jealously as well.

I can understand Charlie being confused about her feelings for Angelo, but if he really doesn't feel the same way for May as she so obviously feels for him he should finish it sooner than later. Shades of the same thing that happened with Roman and Charlie. Agree with you Red, him just going out with May because she doesn't judge him and isn't afraid to be seen with him is no reason at all.

Obvioulsy not good news about Belle (this could be it Miranda), though how Rachel could tell from just examining her I'm not sure.

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Oh thank goodness.For a fair chunk of that episode I thought I was going to have to say some harsh words about Irene and Geoff but fortunately they managed to find a few reserves of compassion. Kicking a pregnant girl out onto the streets did not sit right with me.Claudia did the wrong thing but I find it hard not to sympathise with her, she's alone and scared and frankly they're all she's got.It's interesting she didn't even seem to consider going to Lachie for help, maybe her attachment to him isn't as strong as I thought and it was largely guilt that caused her to go and visit him.I'm still a bit confused as to the when and how:She says she and Lachie were already finished when she found out she was pregnant yet there seemed to be a lingering connection between them when she slept with Geoff.If she didn't find out she was pregnant until afterwards, how does she know Lachie's the father? Maybe her story about not talking the pill one time applied to Lachie not Geoff but even then wouldn't there be a slim chance?

Oh, Kirsty, what are you doing?I did think Miles was putting a bit of pressure on her to start with, he should have held off the baby talk for a while, not kept on dropping hints.But agreeing to have a baby for his benefit when her heart's not in it is just asking for trouble.And didn't you just know Hugo and Xavier were going to get pulled over when he offered to let Xavier drive?

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Although I agree with you in one way Red, I do feel Claudia can play the victim when it suits her. What is the real story about her folks, couldn't someone like Irene or Martha speak to them on her behalf? Don't forget she had only just finished with Lachie when she took up with Geoff and she couldn't have known he would want to sleep with her so quickly. Not sure what she would have done if he hadn't.

I felt sorry for Martha (surprising I know) at the baby shower, there they all were talking about babies and motherhood and all seemed to have forgotten about Martha's miscarriage. She seemed to handle it pretty well although she was on the quiet side.

I guess Kirsty knows what she is doing and who knows how long it will take for her to get pregnant once she comes off the pill - though it didn't take long for Claudia did it? :P Every one woman is different after all.

Your'e right it was inevitable something would happen with Xavier and Hugo , and guess who the cop is going to be! :wink:

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I can’t really blame Geoff for throwing Claudia out although it did seem a bit out of character. She lied to him and deceived him. I’m sure she likes him but I felt she took advantage of his so-called good nature. In saying that although I don’t particularly like the whole way she went about things I can’t really blame her either. She was in a very difficult position. She’d been chucked out by her parents and had nowhere else to go so you could argue what she did was survival. From her perspective she had no choice but to lie to him because she was worried that if she told him the truth he wouldn’t have helped her, although I too couldn’t understand why she didn’t ask Lochie and considering how worried she was at the hospital to me not asking him before made no sense. I have to agree with Irene about her being honest in the first place. If she had told him her situation perhaps he would have agreed for her to stay. I think Martha’s advice was best. Getting her at least to try and resolve things with her parents. They’ve got a grandchild on the way and you would imagine their attitude would change once the baby’s born.

Hugo’s definitely been making much more of an effort with Xavier. Not sure I agreed with letting him drive and yes sods law they got stopped by the police at the one time you would have thought they wouldn’t but this is Summer Bay after all.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five again!When does he sleep?Astonishingly, Martha only had one.What happened?

Liked the little scene of Irene giving Annie advice.I wish it didn't involve them breaking up and I'm hoping it isn't for good but it's nice to see someone's remembered she and Jai are a couple and had them act like normal teenagers.Annie admitting she thinks about sex and has made a conscious decision to wait rather than it being implied she's not interested at all made it more plausible.(I actually had to rewind the tape in her first scene when she mentioned guys "only think about one thing."For one horrible second, I thought she said something else...)Unfortunately Jai's an idiot.Would it have hurt him to get rid of that mag before, um, everyone saw it?Given that they live with a teenage boy, would Alf and Miles really suspect each other of owning the mag?And Kirsty?Very funny moments of them all looking at it though.

Good job Kirsty wasn't the one giving Jai relationship advice cos she'd suck at it.How long does she think she can keep letting Miles think she wants a baby?If she was straight with him, he'd probably be all right with it.Someone needs to get Hugo and Angelo to turn down the testosterone levels.And someone needs to drop Xavier from a great height.Was it him slashing Angelo's tyres all along?I thought it was at first but then I wondered if Tony did it so he could offer him a lift.Although seriously, why does Hugo take the knife from him, send him on his way and then just hang around?Was he trying to look guilty?!

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