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The scenes with Alf and Miles were so funny I laughed out loud. :lol: All that cross purposes talk when each thought it belonged to the other. When Alf said 'if it wasn't you and it wasn't me, then who was it?' and Miles replied 'Kirsty?' When they were both looking at the mag - as of course they just had to - they did as all guys do when they look at mens mags, turned their heads sideways. Then Kirsty walks in and made the remark about dare she ask what was going on. Your'e right though Red why did Jai put it back in his bag? If he had got rid of it before (one excuse he forgot he had it till then), we wouldn't have had those hilarious scenes would we? Poor Annie she was so shocked, she did look lovely BTW, any chance she will forgive him and realise it was a mistake on his part?

Yep I was right it just had to be Angelo who stopped them! Xavier was totally out of order, as much as Hugo dislikes Angelo at least he had the wisdom to accept what had happened Of course if it had been any other cop that had stopped them there would have been no trouble at all would there? Angelo was right, although the road was clear anything could have happened, Xavier just needed to hit a wet patch of road and as he hasn't the experience of driving they could have crashed. Noone may have been hurt but then what would have Hugo claimed on his his insurance? I think if you look on the episode for 3rd July Red it will answer your question as to whom the phantom tyre slasher was. I also thought the same as you that it could have been Tony. How dumb was Hugo, why did he just stand there looking at the tyre with the knige in his hand, Angelo was bound to think it was him! :rolleyes: As Hugo isn't going to drop Xavier in it he is going to be charged with criminal damage, even if Xavier comes forward would anyone else believe him?

I couldn't believe Kirsty when she (secretly) took her pill, there is no way she will be able to keep up that pretence, Miles will definitely catch her at it, and then the s***will really hit the fan.

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I thought the magazine scene was pretty funny, did you catch the title of the mag lol. Jai has it in for Tray because he nearly broke up Miles and Kirsty, don't think he'll ever forgive him especially when you take into account his background.

I can understand Kirstys reluctance to have another kid, she must feel like she is catching up for lost time having Ollie so young and then being on the lamb with Kane - hey, she's not a baby machine! Anyway, Claudia is having a baby so is Rachel (could be a calf judging by her size!) so three baby birthing episodes would be just too much.

Not much going off in the bay lately, think Hugo should keep away from Martha, she's bi-polar!

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Thought Hugo actually handled himself pretty well in that episode.He kept his cool with Angelo(well, mostly.for him.)and his attempts to come to an arrangement with him and Charlie were quite reasonable.He should have taken Xavier to the police station anyway though, he was ignoring a direct order from a police officer.Interesting that despite a misleading cliffhanger Angelo knew straightaway who was responsible.He really does come across as someone who's been pushed to their limit.He wasn't willing to let Martha use him as her whipping boy a few weeks back and now he's not willing to give Xavier an inch after he's been taking a mile for too long.Detention would probably be a bit harsh but community service, seemingly the default punishment for teenage miscreants in Summer Bay, would be apt.Listening to Angelo's comment about it being a wake up call, I can't help remembering Jack and Charlie turning a blind eye to his being mixed up with drugs when he first showed up and wondering if it really helped him.Hugo and Charlie would actually make a pretty good couple in different circumstances but their lives are way too complicated at the moment.Xavier's comment to Martha about Hugo being back on the dating scene was a bit confusing:Did I miss something or was Xavier just stirring?It shows how little interest I have in Xavier and Ruby's relationship that I'd completely forgotten they were a couple and that that gave him a connection to Charlie until she mentioned it.

Angelo again seems pretty well accepted by the larger community:Alf's back to calling him "mate" and Irene's asking him for the sort of legal advice she used to go to Morag for.(But I guess if someone got you out of jail you are going to give them a break.)May's rather sweet and not really deserving of Angelo treating her as his part-time girlfriend.At least he wasn't gormless enough to let her move in out of guilt or for appearance sake.Bit tactless of Irene to even suggest it:Not everyone's on the same fast track that Aden and Belle are and they've only been going out a couple of weeks.

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Hugo definitely should have taken Xavier down to the nick as Angelo asked, he could have taken him out to the farm after. What's the betting any other cop and he would have? I'm guessing Angelo knowing it wasn't Hugo who slashed his tyre is because it is the sort of thing a teenage boy would do, not a grown man. A bit of a jump though to assume Xavier did it the other times (even if he was right). It is about time Xavier did get some sort of punishment other just being grounded which hasn't seemed to have worked. I suppose Xavier made that remark about Hugo being back on the dating scene because Hugo went to Charlie to ask her to help and maybe he assumed there was more to it. Seemed to be a lot of jumping to conclusions about whose dating who, Angelo thinking (wrongly) that Hugo and Charlie were an item though when she went quite when he asked if she had slept with him (Hugo) showed he wasn't wrong about that as we know. :wink:

Did you see the look of almost panic on Angelo's face when May suggested moving in? That would not be a good idea, considering he doesn't feel for her the same way as she does for him, she definitely is too intense, it freaks me out. I can see trouble ahead. Don't forget Red, before their last break up/get back together they had been going out for a while longer than Angelo has even known May.

I did think the other night when Gibbsy (when he did he start looking so good?) mentioned Lou fiddling the records that maybe he was behind it. After Lou is dead and can't defend himself, but then it of course would be down to Lou to do the books. A relief that Irene won't be personally held responsible as she has only just taken over, but the company will. Not quite sure why the insurance won't pay out after all it was sabotage, do they think she or someone else in the company did it to get the insurance money?

So is it illegal fishing Hugo is involved in, if so he doesn't seem to be making much money from it. The way that chap was talking to Angelo it seems a very lucrative business to be in.

So those guns Jai and Xavier found at the farm, surely they can't have belonged to Pops? They seemed to have been there for ever because they were well hidden. BTW how heavy was that tin Xavier out on the top shelf, he had only just put it there when everything came crashing down. :D

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Don't forget Red, before their last break up/get back together they had been going out for a while longer than Angelo has even known May.

Yes but couple that with the fact that Aden decided to propose to Belle only a few hours after they moved in together...(Mind you, Irene doesn't know about that so I guess I'm just sounding off.)I also wondered if Gibbsy was lying about Lou fiddling the books.Given that he was the one that ordered the fuel, maybe Lou wasn't paying attention and he's been using the extra fuel in his off duty hours to take the boat out for his own purposes, like, say, abalone poaching..?Just a thought.

So it turns out Angelo is gormless enough to ask May to move in out of guilt or to prove a point. Aside from the "back on the farm" stuff, a pretty adult-centric episode.Charlie actually came across quite well in the scene where she was honest with Angelo:She likes him but they've gone about things the wrong way and nothing else is going to happen while he's with May.There is a nice spark between her and Hugo as well...Does this woman have more male friends than anyone else in town?Unless she's going to change her mind again next episode, Martha's behaviour doesn't seem to have been "I don't want you but I don't want anyone else to have you."I did think at one point she was actually worried Charlie would hurt Hugo.Nice cross purposes conversation between the two women.Interesting that Hugo didn't come clean to Martha when she confronted him:Was he worried about setting a precedent by letting Martha dictate who he could see?Angelo and Hugo butting heads didn't annoy me as much as it usually did because they were actually butting heads about something instead of just sounding off for the sake of it and because Hugo finally seems to have realised that being unco-operative is just going to cause trouble.Although Angelo asking Charlie to declare a "conflict of interests" was a real case of pot kettle black.

As for Jai and Xavier...Just how old are they?!At least when Rory and Ryan started messing about with Jack's gun a couple of years back they had the excuse that they hadn't hit puberty.And even then Rory knew it was dumb.(Not sure Bruce Campbell was a nut for taking a potshot at Aden back in the day. Most of us would have done at the time.I still would sometimes...)And Xavier, it might be best to point the gun away from Jai before trying to clear it.But you've probably just realised that...

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Right, lets summarise:

May and Charlie both fancy Angelo, who fancies Charlie. Angelo hates Hugo and Xavier and they hate him back. Hugo fancies Martha, who fancies him back. But Hugo and Charlie are pretty good friends, while Martha and Angelo tolerate each other. Charlie is still trying to get over Joey, but she feels jealous of and sorry for May. Martha is still trying to get over Jack, but she can't stop fancying Hugo. Angelo is also still trying to get over Jack, but in a totally different way, while Hugo and Xavier are also trying to get over Jack, but in yet another way.

Now, have I left anyone out? :whistle: I don't want to even bring Tony and Rachel into it :lol:

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I'm sure the script writers just pick staws in deciding who ends up with who! I think Hugo and Charley make a good couple, both have teenage siblings, shame it's not going to happen, but hey, maybe Charley and May will end up togther after she chucks Mr Risotto :-)

I don't think Hugo is doing anything illegal with the fishes, I don't reckon he would want to get into trouble and leave Zavier on his own.

Right, lets summarise:

May and Charlie both fancy Angelo, who fancies Charlie. Angelo hates Hugo and Xavier and they hate him back. Hugo fancies Martha, who fancies him back. But Hugo and Charlie are pretty good friends, while Martha and Angelo tolerate each other. Charlie is still trying to get over Joey, but she feels jealous of and sorry for May. Martha is still trying to get over Jack, but she can't stop fancying Hugo. Angelo is also still trying to get over Jack, but in a totally different way, while Hugo and Xavier are also trying to get over Jack, but in yet another way.

Now, have I left anyone out? :whistle: I don't want to even bring Tony and Rachel into it :lol:

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I'm sure the script writers just pick staws in deciding who ends up with who! I think Hugo and Charley make a good couple, both have teenage siblings, shame it's not going to happen, but hey, maybe Charley and May will end up togther after she chucks Mr Risotto :-)

I'm sure you are right about the writers. I bet they think: now what if this character got together with that one, what would the implications of that be? I suppose tthat is the attraction of soaps though: 'what if?' I often think that about my life: what if this happened? But of course in real life, I find that nothing is ever sorted out, it all just rumbles on indefinitely, or fades away.

Mr Risotto :lol: Don't you mean Sergeant Risotto?

What annoyed me about him is that why was he driving around the country lanes anyway, when he saw Xavier driving Hugo's car? Isn't he a marine policeman or whatever, concerned with crimes done at sea?

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Right, lets summarise:

May and Charlie both fancy Angelo, who fancies Charlie. Angelo hates Hugo and Xavier and they hate him back. Hugo fancies Martha, who fancies him back. But Hugo and Charlie are pretty good friends, while Martha and Angelo tolerate each other. Charlie is still trying to get over Joey, but she feels jealous of and sorry for May. Martha is still trying to get over Jack, but she can't stop fancying Hugo. Angelo is also still trying to get over Jack, but in a totally different way, while Hugo and Xavier are also trying to get over Jack, but in yet another way.

Now, have I left anyone out? :whistle: I don't want to even bring Tony and Rachel into it :lol:

I hate the whole thing to be honest. I don't think any of them have any chemistry and I particularly don't like how everyone has conveniently forgotten that Charlie's last relationship was with a woman! Ideally I'd like Joey to come back to be with Charlie, for Angelo to leave, for Martha to be single for a good while yet and Hugo...well, maybe a new character could be brought in for him. I don't think he and May would work as a couple, but then I'm not sure what sort of person he would work with. :huh: I do think May might work with Miles though, they're both quite happy go lucky types.

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