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Ok I’ve got a bit of catching up to do:


To be honest I’m surprised Xavier even took Jai to the hospital. As usual trust Rachel to be the only doctor around at the time. I wonder if Jai’s gunshot wound is going to heal, he’s going to get ill then eventually Miles, Hugo and co will find out what happened.

Initially I liked the stuff with Jai and Annie but she really annoyed me when she took the moral highground with him and Xavier. She did have a point but at times she thinks she’s so god dam perfect. And believe me she isn’t. Ruby’s attitude was better. It seems as though she’s always having to keep secrets – Jai and his fight with Trey, Xavier before I think (I can't remember what) and now this.

I’m glad Martha finally decided to let go of Jack so she could give things a go with Hugo as I want see how that relationship progresses. When she said she wanted to take things slowly initially I thought she meant jumping in the sack but no she meant simply keeping quiet.

Never liked Lochie but he was even more of a Jerk than usual. Hated the way he kept taking everything out on Claudia when she was only trying to support him especially when he said “Repeat after me, I am an idiot”.


I’m glad Geoff stuck up for Claudia like that, was there for her when she went to visit Lochie the day after and that was prepared to help out with the baby. I think she made the right decision not getting back with him (Lochie), then telling him some home truths before making her mind up to leave. I really liked her goodbye scene with Geoff. Very emotional and once again he helps the damsel in distress.

I hated the way Ruby in particular and Annie went round the school getting people to sign the petition so Trey wouldn’t be allowed on the school Trip. It felt like victimisation. I’m glad Nicole was reluctant. Ruby came across as quite smug when she handed the signatures in to Bartlett. Miles disappointed me too.

It really felt like John was pushing Trey around. Firstly by not getting him a smoothie and then when he humiliated him at the Diner by making an issue out of him eating and practically dragging him out to go on the interview with Alf for the lifesavers position. Nicole looked like she felt quite sorry for him.

I was very surprised Aden went to Geoff to help him fix the game because out of everybody I thought he would be the person that would be the least likely to go along with it. I was glad he foiled Aden’s attempts as that put Clint out of shape.


In addition to what was mentioned Alf’s been in 24 out of the last 25 episodes.

What goes around comes around eh. I’m surprised that certain people weren’t as pleased as I thought about the so called Karma Aden received. I wonder if Axel crossed his mind at all during his beating. Perhaps they could have made Nicole find him on her own and carry him to the hospital. I’m guessing the writers purposely did that as it was just after a year since the stuff with Axel happened and perhaps someone realised how badly handled the whole thing was. I personally felt really sorry for him. He just wanted to show Belle how much he loved her and it all went wrong. He didn’t purposely set out to do anything wrong he was just a victim of circumstance.

I knew Geoff would tell Tony about Aden’s involvement with Clint but to be honest I think he did the right thing. I liked when Tony suggested that he did this for money and Geoff retorted that it wasn’t a simple as that. So he’s clearly moving on from seeing everything in black and white. To be honest I really, really didn’t like the way Tony came round to the hospital like that. Although he probably had no choice but to get rid of him, I felt he should have left it for a day or so as it was like rubbing salt in the wound. In saying that Aden’s very lucky (again). Tony throwing him off the team means he can always join another club. But if he reports him for match fixing that’s his good behaviour bond out of the window, he goes to jail and he would probably be banned for life from the sport too.

Although I’m not a fan of Adelle I thought that was really sweet when Belle asked Aden to marry him.

I still think at the moment that Kirsty’s attitude stinks and I’m not liking her very much. It’s interesting how well she and Leah are getting on compared to a year ago where Leah was actively pursuing Miles and seemed to resent Kirsty out of jealousy. I wonder if Kirsty’s paid back the money Kane stole from her car that time? Anyway…busted. She was caught blatantly lying. What I don’t get is why? Can’t she just be honest with Miles and tell him she has reservations about having more children. Perhaps the answer stems back to what Irene mentioned to Miles a while ago about being on the run conditioning her to lie as a matter of course.

Nicole really went up in my estimation and she showed exactly why she’s one of my favourites at the moment. Considering what Trey put her through you’d think she was the last person who would want to help him. In spite of that she seemed to have a lot of empathy for him. And the fact that when she pleaded his case to go on the school trip she told Miles and Bartlett not to mention anything shows how genuine she was and feels it’s more important to helping someone “troubled” than actually expending energy in seeking retribution unlike Kirsty, Ruby, Jai and Miles to a lesser extent. I found it interesting that Geoff couldn’t understand why she wanted to help him. Perhaps he doesn’t think she’s mature enough to be able to do that. For the third time me mentioning in this post, back to a year ago Nicole was almost in a similar position when virtually everyone hated her because of stuff she did, although not quite as bad.

On the subject of Trey searching for a bomb out in the open, considering that kids frequently use the Internet why hasn’t the Diner got software to block access to inappropriate websites?

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I toyed with Nerd Chief for a couple of minutes but hey, Chief Nerd's quite cool.On the subject of which, Alf's episode count this week:Five again!What is that, four weeks running?!For the second time in three weeks, Leah only got the one.

Aye aye sir! :cool: What did you think of my explanation of N E R D?

I'd like to be your assistant Nerd but I am realising that I don't have as much time on my hands as the others on this thread!

Re Aden and Geoff. Appearance wise, it was interesting to see them next to each other actually: I always thought Aden was taller than Geoff, but unless Geoff was standing on something, they look around the same height. I also noticed what a massive head Aden has, whereas Geoff has a more normal size head. Now I realise why I never really fancied Aden, he is just too freaky looking. Obviously he can't help it, it is just me observing something :unsure:

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On the subject of Aden getting beaten up badly enough to have to go to the hospital where were the police? Did anyone come and question him as to what happened or did that happen off screen? I know what you are saying about Aden and Axel and what goes around comes around, but Axel had sexually assaulted Melody and it seemed at the time he was going to get away with it. Aden was dealing with it the only way he knew back then and we didn't know his history then either.

Once again Nicole proved how much she has matured by her actions with regards Trey. It certainly impressed Martin and Miles enough for them to change their minds. Liked her talk with Geoff about the comparisions between what she had just done and for Trey and the way he helped Claudia after what she had done to him. As for Trey looking up Bombs-R-Us, yes you are right Slade, you would have thought there would have been some sort of block on what they could access.

Although Nic seems to have matured shame the same can't be said for Kirsty, not at all sure Leah was convinced by her 'they are old ones' line. Please just be honest with Miles, sure he will be disappointed, but he will understand.

Rather liked Belle's proposal to Aden

(we find out the reason for this next week as some TV mags have revealed she is dying).

which explains her sudden urgency. I think her point was she wasn't bothered about an actual ring, just being engaged would have been enough for her.

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Bells's dying? How long has she known that she's even ill? And you would think Rachel would have been more effected as well. I know she's a doctor and has to be detached, but she's also a pregnant woman knowing that a friend is dying, but is unable to discuss it with anyone. This promises to be a real tearjerker of a story.

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I know what you are saying about Aden and Axel and what goes around comes around, but Axel had sexually assaulted Melody and it seemed at the time he was going to get away with it. Aden was dealing with it the only way he knew back then and we didn't know his history then either.

Yes we did.Rachel knew about it, Roman knew about it, we knew about it.And it's not as though Aden even tried the legal route, the minute he found out he decided to track Axel down and do as much damage to him as possible.Live by the sword, die by the sword:Aden decided another person deserved to be treated like that, then someone else decided the same about him.

So...Tony let Aden back onto the team.Presumably we're meant to think the beating was punishment enough and he doesn't deserve any legal or personal repercussions.As Tony pointed out, he didn'thave a good reason for doing what he did.And I'm not even sure Clint ripped Aden off:We were never told how the ring ended up in his possession and the only time he was remotely underhand was when he refused to return the ring after Aden gave the penalty away.I just hope he's learnt something from this but I'm not convinced.Interesting that he seemed uncertain about Belle's proposal in the first scene, he's usually pretty confident about their relationship.

Belle mentions her family for the first time in ages and her father for the first time ever.Irene seems to have been converted completely into a fan of their relationship, making comments about them being "made for each other".(Yes, that's why they argue, lie to each other and break up all the time.) Ironic too that Rachel's saying Aden's just a kid yet everyone seems to think their getting married is a really good thing.What's Nicole done to her hair?Loved her refusing to take the hint when Aden tried to get rid of her.Gibbsy is quite clearly dodgy(abalone smuggling?)and I strongly suspect Irene and Aden are going to regret getting involved with him:It looked as though he got the ring for Aden because he needs to keep him onside.

And then that last scene.Well, it's a shock for anyone who didn't know it was coming but that's about it. It's a pretty poor reveal:Either we should have found out at the same time as Belle and shared her reaction or she should have told someone and shared their reaction.Instead it just gets dropped into a conversation between two people who already know about it.Presumably they were after a mystery but frankly until that episode there was no mystery, the only real hint we had of anything going on was Rachel and Belle's two second conversation about test results.At least we can be confident it's not just misdirection going by Rachel's reaction and hopefully we'll get some proper answers next episode.

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I couldn’t believe Tony’s attitude towards Aden regarding his attempts to fix the game. Rachel was right. Talk about being hypocritical. Coming from someone who almost tried to kill someone and the way he just sounded so self-righteous had me shaking my head. Especially when he said “What you did was unforgivable”. A little bit of perspective here perhaps. In saying that, it will be interesting to see Tony’s reaction when he finds out why Rachel made such an effort to talk him around. I wonder if she would have done that if Belle wasn’t dying.

Huh, when did Belle start dying? :huh: Is it the after effects of the contaminated land she once investigated? She seems incredibly together about it whatever it is! Summer Bay must have the highest death count of any coastal town for its population :lol:

We don’t know what she’s got yet but going on the general pattern of illnesses in Summer Bay that would be the most probable thing. Yeah Belle seemed too calm for my liking. I wasn’t expecting her to be irrational but a little less together than that. Something else which bothered me was the way Nicole and Belle we really friendly with each other. It just seemed a bit odd especially considering she caught her and Aden together less than a couple of months ago. It's almost like that didn't happen and it just reminded me of when Kane was staying at Belle's old room at Irene's and Belle apologised to him for kicking him out and he saw Aden and that was like nothing happened too (not forgetting that he tried to rob the Jewellers, put Larry in hospital, which meant he was disabled, lost his job and indirectly lead to Axel's death). If I was in her position I wouldn’t be able to get that image out of my head. Although she’s pretty good friends with Ruby now and some people thought that came out of nothing.

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It could be she has been ill awhile, remember when she collapsed a couple of weeks ago and immediately phoned Rachel? I don't think she would have done that unless she already knew something was wrong. Also I'm guessing when she did see Rachel at the hospital Rachel must of confirmed what they both already suspected, otherwise it was a very quick diagnosis even for Summer Bay! Could it have been picked up when she was having the problems with drugs? They haven't said what it is yet, but I also suspect cancer maybe either colon or stomach, as you say Physic could be the contaminated land curse strikes again. It was so sad when Aden was so over the moon and we knew what he yet doesn't.

I thought that was strange as well Slade how suddenly Belle and Nicole are bessy mates, when did that happen? Mind you as she is dying Belle probably feels there is no point in holding a grudge against anyone and perhaps she has known for a while about her illness - see above.

As there is no definite time scale for someone with inoperable cancer (if that is was it is) there must be another reason for Belle wanting the wedding to be in two weeks time. Belle is going to have to move pretty quick if she does want to find her dad, why didn't she ask Amanda? Some couples are that like Red, they thrive on being in a tempetous relationship, don't forget they have both dated other people but the spark just hasn't been there.

So what is the big secret between Clint and Gibbsy, could it be the abalone poaching or something else? Odd that if Gibbsy is in hock to Clint that Clint agreed to give him the ring. If it is the abalone poaching could explain why Gibbsy was so keen for Irene to agree to his idea. BTW which is it that Clint is bookie, loan shark or both? :unsure:

I'm guessing the reason Tony changed his mind after Alf and Rachel failed to was because it wasn't for finicial gain that Aden was willing to throw the game but just to get the ring back. I'm don't sure if Tony was right about being so stubborn before, I suppose he was thinking if I let him (Aden) off what do I do if anyone else does it.

Do hope we find out more about Belle's illness before H&A goes off air for a month, it wouldn't be fair to keep us waiting that long. From what I've read about what happens at the end of the week there is enough tension anyway.

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I think Belle has leukemia, don't think anyone's in Summer Bay has had that yet. I think it's a bit cruel her wanting to marry Aidan knowing she's going to die afterwards, don't think I could spring that on anyone, they both keep things from each other which seems wrong. I guess Nicole has to be best mates with Belle so that she can console Aidan in coming weeks, but it I agree it doesn't fit in with her character really.

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This was such a sad episode, seeing Bello struggling to cope with it all and the woman's baby dying. I to hope we find out more about Belle's illness before the end of the week. I guess it has to be cancer of some kind. I wonder how long she's known, as there was no sign that she'd experienced any sort of bad news that I can remember or even complained of feeling ill, apart from her collapse in the diner. Surely she won't marry Aden without telling him will she? That did seem to be what she was hinting.

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