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Disappointed that we learnt absolutely nothing about what's going on with Belle.Was it sadistic of me to burst out laughing every time Aden made one of his inappropriate comments about the rest of their lives?Yes, probably.(Although his dog comment would have been funny anyway.)Really not liking the idea of her effectively tricking him into marrying her just so she can have her big day.That's hardly the best start to married life, even if the end is going to come along quite soon afterwards.It's one thing saying she's worried about how he'll handle it but by definition he's going to find out eventually.Not really buying that Belle's never had these sort of feelings for anyone else either, it's far from being her happiest relationship in my mind and in fact it's a carbon copy of her relationship with Drew, someone else who was supposed to be the love of her life.Belle's reaction to dying has been so non-existent that for the second time this year no-one close to her has noticed there's anything wrong and Aden showed a typical lack of curiosity about the special licence.

Wasn't sure about Angelo and Charlie at first and I thought he was a bit cold the way he just dismissed May like that although at least he was honest.But their scenes together at the station and their "date" were rather cute and I like the way Charlie seems nervy and awkward around him, it makes a change from the way she just plunges into a relationship usually.Did they really not see May at the end, even though Angelo looked around beforehand?Did she just materialise out of thin air?(By the way, when she offered to make him risotto...has she been listening to Colleen's nickname and got the wrong idea?)Seems we can add Leah to the list of people who've accepted Angelo.Interesting that for the first time in a while Angelo and Hugo seemed to be civil with each other even if Angelo did start getting suspicious of him afterwards.Was there a reason Hugo was at the hospital or was it just a plot device? If Australians are anything like the English, I can well imagine him spending time in Indonesia without learning any of the language.

Nice if brief scene between Tony and Rachel at the gym, it looks as though any remaining tension between them has well and truly gone.

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Wonder when Rachel is going to have her baby, seems mad her working right up until she drops, it's about time she stayed at home now to get ready for the multiple births she's gotta be having :lol:

I really don't thing Charley would be interested in Angelo anymore, she's moved on since their fling. I hope May turns into a bunny boiler and wreaks her revenge in true Summer Bay stalker fashion :ph34r: However, I think they will get together then...Joey will teleport from nowhere 30 seconds from the end of an episode. Am I right in thinking that Angelo is non the wiser about Chucks liason with Joey despite working in the same police station?!

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Even Leah seems to be acting nice towards Angelo. She even sort of cracked a joke with him regarding May. The last thing I recall her saying to him was to leave the Diner. I felt really sorry for May when Angelo dumped her. He should be ashamed of himself hurting her like that. He was right to feel like a scumbag. :P I really liked the conversation with Leah and the fact that May used her as a shoulder to cry on, although to be fair I think she would have probably told anyone that was in her vicinity. Charlie cracked me up. She had guilt written all over her but at least she seemed to be remorseful about what happened. I thought Angelo was a bit tactless immediately wanting to rekindle the romance with Charlie and how did I know that May was going to catch them when they were about to kiss.

I still think Angelo’s got a vendetta against Hugo but I think he was right to be suspicious.

I actually felt really sorry for Belle (especially when her husband to be made a remark about little Adens running around) and oddly enough I felt a bit sorry for Rachel too (I usually find it hard to sympathise with her regardless of the circumstances but this time I just did). Good scene between them BTW. Genuine concern from Rachel about not being able to support Belle and genuine concern for Belle about being there for Aden.

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Nice that Charlie chose to confide in Leah, who seemed oddly supportive given that last episode she seemed to be encouraging May to get back with Angelo.Angelo did at least make an attempt to apologise to May although he didn't do a very good job of it.I was pleased that Charlie went after May to apologise after she outed them at the station as well rather than being angry.And May's words seemed to have an effect on her.Georgie walking in on them was a funny moment.Not sure if that's the last we've seen of May, some of her comments there, especially the implication she had another reason for leaving town, just screamed "backstory alert."Loved Miles' "Kiddies watching" when May hugged him.

Was Alf putting two and two together when Hugo bought the champagne for him and Martha?It was dumb of him to lie to Angelo, those two really need to learn to stop stirring each other.Frankly Angelo seems to be putting two and two together and coming up with about sixteen and ended up looking like a nana.

Kirsty's continuing to make a rod for her own back and really needs to work out what she wants.

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I think May should have read the signs more, Angelo was pulling away quite a bit, but anyway both he and Charley deserve each other I think May was completely justified in what she said to Charley. I don't think she should have walked out on her teaching post though, that would leave Martin a real headache getting cover for her classes and no doubt given her a bad reference. But I reckon she'll be back because I think Miles would be interested when he realises Kirsty doesn't want children right now. :rolleyes: However, anyone who returns to the bay has a 50% chance of being killed :(

Regarding Hugo I reckon he's found an old WWII shipwreck with a precious cargo he's trying to retrieve...ha, that's my musing!

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This was such a sad episode, seeing Bello struggling to cope with it all and the woman's baby dying. I to hope we find out more about Belle's illness before the end of the week. I guess it has to be cancer of some kind. I wonder how long she's known, as there was no sign that she'd experienced any sort of bad news that I can remember or even complained of feeling ill, apart from her collapse in the diner. Surely she won't marry Aden without telling him will she? That did seem to be what she was hinting.

Yes, it was terribly sad. I hate the way HAA bring some characters in, give them some terrible thing to deal with, then we never see them again. It was disgraceful the way the pregnant woman was treated, that should never happen- she would have been rushed to maternity immediately. I hope they sue the hospital. People will say 'ah but it won't bring the baby back', but it might teach the hospital management a lesson! :angry: It would be nice to see how that couple get on, whether they have another baby etc. Or will they return stalker-like, in future?

I think May kind of brought it on herself re: Angelo. She did throw herself at him very unwisely. She is new in town, wouldn't it be wiser to see how things were in Summer Bay before leaping on the first available man? I am certain she has deep dark secrets that will be revealed if she returns. Or maybe she is yet another character who will enter, suffer, exit.

Kirsty is being a right numpty, Miles will be heartbroken when he finds out.

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I think maybe Belle has been ill for a while, but perhaps the symptoms (her having stomach pains) are a sign that whatever it is (cancer?) is getting worse. It would also explain why it is only now she is getting so upset whereas before she could pretend it wasn't happening.

I also wondered when Rachel was going to pack in working, you would think being a doctor she would know better , but this is soapland. Perhaps the husband will return and threaten Rachel which will bring on the baby in true soap fashion.

Oops, so that is two 'secret romances' out in the open! :rolleyes: I think May's remark was made in all innocence, though it is going to make it very awkward for them both at work. Wonder who is going to let Angelo now know that Charlie's other love interest before he came back was a female? As for Martha and Hugo - Alf definitely is aware something is going on. I know we know they are an item and obviously spent the previous night on Hugo's boat, but those little flirty remarks between them - 'I didn't get much sleep last night' 'No neither did I' , then the comments about the champagne, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to! What kind of message was Hugo trying to give Xavier after all the fuss he made regards the illegal driving? Was it a case of don't do what I do, but do what I say? I have to say he does bring Angelo's suspicions about him on himself by acting the way he does.

I don't think we have seen the last of May either, just seems too easy that she is going off to the city to stay with a friend. What did she mean about 'other problems' other than that she had broken up with Angelo? At least he did have the guts to tell her it over and didn't let her talk him into giving it another try. Roman and Charlie all over again. Just very bad timing she caught him and Charlie having a kiss, but then we all knew that was bound to happen. It was in broad daylight after all, and a wonder noone else saw them!

Although I sort of agree with Charlie that maybe Hugo didn't learn a lot of the language while he was in Indonesia, Hugo doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who wouldn't learn the local lingo. What if when the guy said Clint he wasn't referring to himself but the Clint we know?

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I still thought Angelo was tactless after his telling May he slept with Charlie when they were going out and then he made the “Look on the bright side” remark to Charlie afterwards. Leah was a good person for her to confide in or should I say the only person. Ruby would have been a possibility but I don’t really like it when she seeks relationship advice from her younger sister. Martha’s the only other person who she would even remotely regard as a female friend and let’s face it she can’t exactly go to her.

Kind of glad that May accidently spilt the beans about Angelo’s relationship with Charlie. I really liked the whole scene. Charlie and Angelo looked like they were treading on eggshells and you could almost cut the atmosphere with a knife. It was funny how Charlie tried to quickly get away at first. At least May sort of got something out of it (and even then I still thought she was too nice) and her telling Charlie that at least she wasn’t afraid to go out with Angelo might have actually done their relationship good. I’m glad she apologised too. In spite of everything she has been extremely guilty and remorseful about what happened. I knew Watson wouldn’t take it very well though. And now I’m left feeling frustrated again. Yet another character that I really liked and felt had more to offer (Freya, Joey) etc and they’ve gotten rid of her very abruptly.

I really wish Angelo would stop being so smug with Hugo. He doesn’t have to like him he can just be professional about things. I didn’t realise he was still going to the gym after what happened a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if he and Tony just ignore each other now.

Martha seems happier. I wonder if Alf was suss when she left work for the day.

I was in two minds when Angelo did the raid. I wanted Hugo to get caught (assuming he’s up to something) but on the other hand I was kind of glad it was bungled. At least that will wipe the smug look off his face.

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Nice to see Jai and Annie again even though there still doesn't seem to be any sign of a reconciliation. Maybe his collapse will make her realise she still likes him.Or maybe she'll just get cross at him for being an idiot.Xavier's still hiding the gun?Oh boy, I'm just waiting for the scene where Trey finds it now.Not sure if Jai and Xavier blabbing to him about Nicole letting him on the trip when she wanted it kept quiet was a good idea, I think she really does want to keep her distance from him.Did seem to take an awfully long time for anyone other than Ruby and Xavier to notice Jai and Annie were missing. Miles and Kirsty arguing...didn't seem too serious, hoping it wasn't, although they need to have a serious chat.

Liked the Geoff stuff, at first I wasn't sure about the way he was treating Ollie but we found out why in the end.Glad Claudia got a mention, I was expecting her to just be forgotten about.I'd like to think they'll make something out of Geoff getting her contact details but I suspect it was just the catalyst for us to finally get a proper reaction from Geoff.(Although I was expecting that to be what Ollie spilt his drink over and it wasn't so...)He did seem to be more bothered about Claudia lying to him than the fact he wasn't going to be a father and it's nice to have him finally admit that it affected him.

Xavier spotting Martha and Hugo was a nice moment and it's good that Alf, Tony and Leah all seemed to take it well.Colleen...Well, at least she had the decency to keep her mouth shut.I guess that's the best we can hope for.

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You would think that constable Watson would delight in telling Angelo Charleys racy past to burst his happy bubble :wink: I'm sure the police station is a hot bed of gossip like most work places. I think Angelo doesn't like Hugo because he slept with Chuck, but so did Roman and Joey, even Miles nearly succumbed in that hotel room, is no one safe! @Slade Yes what about Angelo training at Tonys gym, how does that work has he got Tonys work rota so he can avoid him?

I reckon that couple whose baby died will be back to kidnap Rachels to replace theirs, behind it all will be...Mamma Rose! :blink:

Also, I wish Annie and Geoff would leave he series, they just don't fit in and are becoming increasly annoying with their judgmental prejudiced attitudes to everyone. I don't know what church they went to!

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