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There has been a new advert airing on Channel 5 for the last couple of days. Its got a fast song behind it and mainly focuses on Belle and at the end Trey and the bus.

It is actually a pretty sad advert. The main point of this post is the song though, I am trying to find out what the song is. I had a few words the last time I seen the advert but didn't manage to remember them long enough to look them up on Google.

Has anyone else seen the advert? It makes Home and Away look amazing.

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I didn't really pay attention to the music I was just looking at all those captions "The perfect secret...exposed.The perfect life...stolen.The perfect rules...broken.The perfect childhood...destroyed. The perfect drama...continues."

They showed a shorter version, this morning I think, which just had the Trey and the bus stuff and I think there was a bit with John and Hugo which wasn't in the longer trailer.

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^ The Veronicas - Untouched is the song played during the promo. :)

Its a really good looking promo!

Thanks for the song name. It just seemed to take over the advert a little and I wondered what it was. It makes me want Monday to come quickly, as it looks incredibly gripping.

Thats okay! :)

It is, I watch the show at Aus pace, so I have see it all. Its been incredible stuff the past month or so. IMO.

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So five have decided to show what’s going to happen in the next episode now?

Interesting how the blokes John, Xavier and Gonk (Graham) thought Trey was bluffing but Kirsty, Ruby and in particular Nicole didn’t. I’ve been quite critical of Kirsty as of late but I thought she handled herself quite well today. Very calm and collected and I was surprisingly impressed especially her chat with Nicole. Loved the shock realisation firstly after Xavier told them there was in fact a bomb, later when John had another look and realised that Trey had rigged it with a timer and finally when Nicole found the list of names. Loved her sternness with Gonk when he tried to escape from the bus putting everybody’s lives in jeopardy. I know it’s been a month since I last saw a new episode but I still found it hard to sympathise with people especially Gonk who went out of his way to wind Trey up.

Has Trey actually thought about what he’s going to do next? John said to Kirsty he’s going to be on attempted murder charges. Don’t worry if he pleads the breakdown argument and abuse by a family member he might just get off. It worked for Aden.

I think Jai and Xavier (assuming he gets out of this) are lucky that the police aren’t going to press charges. How many chances has Xavier had recently? I was a bit worried there for a minute that Geoff was going to blame them for what happened and deliver the - you reap what you sow line - but I’m glad he didn’t.

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Liked Trey's opening rant and especially Nicole and Kirsty's reactions to it:You got the feeling that both of them felt that, although blowing them up was a pretty extreme response, Trey actually had a point. It was telling that they were the two that instantly realised Trey was serious.John seemed perfectly happy to blame it all on Trey although I liked the way the cracks started to show as he realised the danger he was in.Loved Kirsty refusing to let him endanger their lives by calling Trey's "bluff" and then Nicole doing the same with Gonk.The implication seemed to be that it was Gonk rocking the bus that set off the timer but that doesn't make much sense so I'll it would have happened anyway.I agree that Trey's actions seem to be exactly the same as Aden's(in fact he's arguably got a better motive)yet I can't see him getting such a sympathetic reception, although it is probably the psychiatric ward rather than jail for him.

Ironic that Jai, who was supposedly top of Trey's list, missed out on the drama because he had his own near death experience going on.It was nicely done, loved Miles and Annie's reactions, although they probably dragged it out a bit long:Bentos made a big speech about superbugs then just turned round and said he was okay, might have been better to just have the antibiotics work first time round.Once again Charlie turns a blind eye to Xavier misbehaving:I can't see "I'll just let Ruby tell him off" being a solution her superiors would approve of.(And is she going to have a word with her sister about failing to tell anyone her friend had a life-threatening injury?)Geoff showed sense by wanting to get the gun somewhere safe as soon as possible:Let's hope no-one else finds it first.Good episode for Martin as well with him being the first to realise something's wrong with the bus and then going to Charlie about it.

I noticed the flash forward as well.Not sure if they're a permanent addition or if they're the same ones they use in Australia.Not sure if they're a good idea either, the old "Here's a cliffhanger and here's what happens next" can destroy tension if they're not done carefully.

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I agree about Kirsty - she certainly kept her head (though she must be as scared as everyone else). Knowing what John is usually like - always thinking he knows best - she did well in keeping him on the bus. Was that deliberate that Trey left his notebook behind so that the others would realise what was going to happen? Although Gonk was acting like a real p**t, he was also just scared, especially after Nicole read out the list of names and his was on it.

Good to see they also dealt with the Jai story, though I agree with you Red it does seems to have been an anti-climax with the MRSI and then suddenly he is going to be OK. But I suppose in true soap fashion he could have a turn for the worse and it will be touch and go. Couldn't believe it when Charlie said about Xavier having enough of a shock already without pressing charges. He gets away with it again!! :huh::rolleyes: It's alright Geoff saying it was his granddad's fault for leaving the guns lying around, but if Jai and Xavier hadn't been mucking about with them the accident wouldn't have happened would it?

I didn't twig at first but suppose it wouldn't have been until later that Martin and Miles realised the bus hadn't come back because they had they own concerns. It wasn't until he saw Trey's mum in the diner he knew about it. I'm not sure if Charlie was being casual about the bus being late because as a cop she is used to people overreacting or trying to be cool because Ruby is on it and didn't want to think anything is wrong.

Not sure about the preview - I know they have it in Australia from reading their threads - if as you say Red they don't give too much away they can be a good thing, keeps up the tension.

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