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When and where did he leave a message for Xavier?Xavier hasn't been home for about two days, Martha knew nothing about it and he hasn't had a chance to speak to Hugo.Did Angelo ask one of the officers at the hospital to pass it on?

Didn't Angelo give Xavier the message about his court appearance at the hospital? I think it was then that he said about ringing the court in the morning to get a postponement.

Charlie obviously sussed Jenena wasn't telling the truth and IMO did the the right thing by not pushing her. It definitely won't be that hard to find out that she wasn't at the hospital when she said she was. I think Trey was planning to do a runner from the hospital before he found out noone had died, but now instead of murder it will be attempted murder, wasn't he still there when they brought Hugo and John in? I have a feeling somehow he will turn himself in. Didn't Jenena turn round at the road block and go back the way she come?

Did I imagine it or on Tuesday's preview did they not show the paramedics treating John and Hugo at the scene, then yesterday we just see them arriving at the hospital? :unsure:

Angelo asked Xavier if he got the message he left for him, Xavier confirmed he had, then Angelo told Martha what it was about and gave Xavier the number for postponing it.Pretty sure Trey had left the hospital before Hugo and John were brought in, the police turned up looking for him beforehand.We definitely saw Hugo being treated at the scene on Tuesday with John nowhere in sight then he was brought to the hospital in the same episode.Not sure if Jenena turned the car round or if Charlie let her through but I'm leaning towards the latter:She told Charlie she was going to the hospital, which was presumably in the direction she was going, and if she got Trey all the way to the city she must have got through somewhere.

So...today's episode.Not as annoying as I feared, possibly because Aden and Belle only had one scene together.Annie's right about things being quick:I've been checking the timescale of recent episodes and unless I've miscounted it's only eight days since they got engaged.(Sounds as though they're not actually getting married tomorrow though:theirs or ours.)People really need to listen to Annie:She was right about Melody's home situation, here she notices there's something wrong with Belle and Irene just brushes it off.(Not been a good year for Irene, that's the second time she's failed to notice there's anything wrong with Belle.)Loved her attempt to cadge a drink at the hen night.

Aden practically had to hire some friends for his bucks night.Why am I not surprised.And boy is he a sentimental drunk.Chances of Gibbsy being up to something dodgy:High and rising.Although he did have some amusing moments in that episode.

Colleen wittering on to a disinterested Belle was a nice comedy moment.(Although was it me or did that scene seem a bit dark if it was meant to be daylight?)I'm assuming Rachel was only at the hospital to support Belle, I thought she went on maternity leave after that woman's baby died.She mentioned a tumour so we can probably assume cancer.Belle telling Irene she was having second thoughts was a weird moment:I could understand her doing so but not for the reasons she said.Because she's lying to Aden about dying, yes.But because she doesn't think he's ready for it?He was the one that first suggested it(admittedly because he thought she did)so it's not as though she sprung it on him.If it's a question of whether their relationship is actually at the stage where they're ready for marriage...No comment.Not sure about Belle pretending to be drunk:Was she only pretending to be having a good time or was it because she was on medication?

Can't really fault Martha's attitude towards Charlie, she was civil enough and didn't mention Angelo until Charlie did and I can understand her not being happy about it, even though she's just been on the receiving end of a similar attitude from Colleen.I was a bit surprised Charlie turned up on her own rather than going with Leah or something, talk about walking into the lion's den.Presumably she and Angelo are now common knowledge:Before the break, she was trying to work up the courage to tell Martha but now everyone seems to know.

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Wasn't John hurt in the bomb explosion as well as Hugo? I don't recall anyone mentioning him, and we haven't seen him.

Poor Belle is really beginning to look sick now. Thought she was going to collapse a few times.

I've been quite impressed with the quality of the episodes since it returned on Monday. Quite liking the preview at the end too.

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Wasn't John hurt in the bomb explosion as well as Hugo? I don't recall anyone mentioning him, and we haven't seen him.

Poor Belle is really beginning to look sick now. Thought she was going to collapse a few times.

I've been quite impressed with the quality of the episodes since it returned on Monday. Quite liking the preview at the end too.

Yes he was. Trey’s mum mentioned to Charlie that she’d been at the hospital to see him.

I actually felt quite sorry for Belle in yesterday’s episode. It just seemed so bleak at the hospital when she initially wanted to delay hearing the news (obviously referring to her appointment at the hairdressers) and after Rachel’s deadly seriousness when she told Belle that the cancer had spread. Not to mention the way she was with Coleen in the bar, her mind probably focused on I’m guessing how she would tell Aden and later on when she voiced her reservations about getting married to Irene. I did think it was nice of her to invite Charlie and I think it made Charlie feel better too, knowing that not everybody was against her. I’m going to give Belle the benefit of the doubt and say she probably would have invited her anyway as I assume all the stuff with Angelo was resolved and there are no more ill feelings.

I couldn’t stop smiling at the Hen party firstly when Charlie knocked the door, Martha answered had a look of disappointment (which I liked) and Charlie’s uneasiness. Also later on when Charlie tried to clear the air and Martha told her she would never accept their relationship. Never say never Martha. Wouldn’t mind seeing a cat fight between those two but I think very positively Martha’s moved on from all the hatred she had for Angelo previously.

Annie was in nice mode too. Couple of good moments firstly in the Diner when she overstocked the toilet roll then when she asked Irene if she could have a drink. Didn’t realise she had a sense of humour.

Funny that Nicole, Kirsty or Ruby weren’t there? You would have thought a hen’s night would have allowed them to temporarily take her mind of the stuff with Trey (probably the three episode rule).

Didn’t mind the stuff during Aden’s buck’s night too much. I thought it was interesting he mentioned Larry. I wonder how often he thinks of him.

What I found funny with Gibsy was that my brother saw the part with Irene in the Diner and couldn’t believe he was not only basically working for free but offered to pay for Aden’s bucks night. Definitely something dodgy there.

The episodes haven’t been too bad so far. Still not really liking the preview thing.

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The preview thing is alright. But I guess there's the possibility that it ruins things as you already know what's going to happen.

Definately felt sorry for Belle yesterday. I'm really liking her character at the moment. I don't know much about her as I didn't watch Home and Away as religiously when she first entered the bay, so up until a couple of months ago I have no idea what most of the characters have been up to. I've downloaded the odd old episode to try and catch up though.

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Funny that Nicole, Kirsty or Ruby weren’t there? You would have thought a hen’s night would have allowed them to temporarily take her mind of the stuff with Trey (probably the three episode rule).

Nicole's out of town, isn't she?Miles said in the previous episode she'd gone to stay with Natalie for a bit. Can't remember Belle and Ruby ever speaking offhand so her absence wasn't that much of a surprise.Take your point about Kirsty though.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.I think that makes six weeks in a row.Charlie was in four, everyone else had two or three.

Glad that Tony being missing turned out to only be a temporary thing, he made it to the hospital pretty quickly.He seemed very supportive as well.Doctors really do make the worst patients:Rachel asking for every little detail made me wince slightly.Anyway, it all worked out really well...so obviously something's going to go wrong for them, given that that woman was giving them the evil eye.

I really don't know what to make of Aden and Belle sometimes.I've never felt they look right together despite everyone claiming they're some sort of perfect couple.I'll excuse Aden crediting Belle for the way he's changed as him being love numbed:If Roman and Morag hadn't given him a chance already, she'd never have looked twice at him.But the way he reacted when she came home, mumbling "Don't leave me"...There are times when he really does act as though he sees her as a mother figure with added benefits.(Well, he already tried to kill his father so he's definitely got Oedipal tendencies...)Belle's "Not going to be much time for kids" comment seemed a bit odd...if she's got as little time left as it appears, they're not remotely an option.

Nice to see Nicole back, seems she only spent one night at her mother's.Aden asking her to be best man was really the best option, with Roman gone he hasn't really got any male friends, attempts to portray him as best friends with Tony or Geoff aside.Belle not having a bridal party seems a bit strange:Annie would love to be bridesmaid and it surely couldn't have been that hard to find another dress.I presume Nicole took the dress home since she apparently got up in the middle of the night to do it.I was surprised and pleased that they referenced Nicole's fling with Aden rather than just glossing it over like they usually do although having Aden bring it up a second time was over-egging the pudding, you'd expect him and Belle to have discussed it before, she hasn't had any problems with him being friends with Nicole up till now.I do find it ironic that both Aden and Nicole apologised when in my book they hadn't done anything wrong(they were both free agents and Belle had done a pretty good job of messing things up by herself)when lots of people, including them, don't apologise when they have done something wrong.Ironic too that once again Nicole and Rachel found out what was wrong with Belle before any of the people that are actually close to her.As it turns out, Nicole is spot on about Belle marrying Aden while lying to him...just not the lie she thought.

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Xavier thankfully wasn't as annoying as the trailer suggested(so maybe I should ignore them)and did at least have an excuse for being in a bad mood.I did wonder when he was blaming everyone he could think of for his brother being in hospital whether anyone bothered to point out he was the one that put Jai in the next bed.(Be nice if we got some reaction from him about his best friend nearly dying.) Vagaries of Summer Bay law in action:He blatantly breaks his bail conditions and even before Angelo goes to bat for him no-one does anything about it.I was glad Martha was actually civil to Angelo at the hospital.When and where did he leave a message for Xavier?Xavier hasn't been home for about two days, Martha knew nothing about it and he hasn't had a chance to speak to Hugo.Did Angelo ask one of the officers at the hospital to pass it on?

I don't think that all the blame should go to Xavier. Jai was also messing about with the gun, even though he didn't accidently let it off. Jai could have handed in the gun and told Miles about what happened, instead of lying to him about why his arm hurt.

I'm not surprised Xavier was upset. He had spent hours in mortal danger on the bus, comforting Ruby and brother Hugo never even bothered to ask if he was alright when he got off. Then he was up all night worrying about whether his brother would live. A court appearance would have been the last thing on his mind! And if he is under bail conditions, why isn't he living with either his mother or father to make sure he stays safe, knowing his past record for mischief? Hugo isn't much of a fatherly figure to him! Expected to have seen Ruby with him the next day, but I am also surprised why she has stayed with him for so long and then declared her love for him.

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Xavier thankfully wasn't as annoying as the trailer suggested(so maybe I should ignore them)and did at least have an excuse for being in a bad mood.I did wonder when he was blaming everyone he could think of for his brother being in hospital whether anyone bothered to point out he was the one that put Jai in the next bed.(Be nice if we got some reaction from him about his best friend nearly dying.) Vagaries of Summer Bay law in action:He blatantly breaks his bail conditions and even before Angelo goes to bat for him no-one does anything about it.

I don't think that all the blame should go to Xavier. Jai was also messing about with the gun, even though he didn't accidently let it off. Jai could have handed in the gun and told Miles about what happened, instead of lying to him about why his arm hurt.

I'm not surprised Xavier was upset. He had spent hours in mortal danger on the bus, comforting Ruby and brother Hugo never even bothered to ask if he was alright when he got off. Then he was up all night worrying about whether his brother would live. A court appearance would have been the last thing on his mind! And if he is under bail conditions, why isn't he living with either his mother or father to make sure he stays safe, knowing his past record for mischief? Hugo isn't much of a fatherly figure to him! Expected to have seen Ruby with him the next day, but I am also surprised why she has stayed with him for so long and then declared her love for him.

I take your point to an extent but all Xavier had to do was make one phone call and then he wouldn't have had to worry about it any more.Instead he just showed contempt of court, as though that sort of thing was somehow beneath him, which just about sums up his attitude."You're lucky the judge didn't issue a warrant,"remarks Angelo:Lucky is putting it mildly, especially if the judge didn't know his reasons.I'm not sure his parents would do a better job than Hugo, he was even worse when living with his mother and his father doesn't sound like a particularly responsible person from what little we've heard.

I get that he wasn't solely to blame for the state Jai ended up in him, even though he was the one that shot him and therefore the one "directly" responsible for his injuries.Jai and indeed Annie and Ruby could all have spoken up to stop him getting in the state he did.It would just be nice, especially given his blase reaction when Jai and Annie went missing, if we got just one moment when he acknowledges "I did the wrong thing there."We got it from Jai and I'd like to see it from him as well.

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