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As I predicted several months ago I knew there would be some sort of complication with the pregnancy. It just wouldn’t be a Rachel storyline otherwise. Didn’t think it would actually be during childbirth though. Glad the baby’s ok now. The woman whose baby died several weeks ago (since we saw it) gave a very suspicious look when she walked past Rachel’s room although it was a nice scene Rachel and Tony playing with Harry.

Again finding it hard not to feel sorry for Belle at the moment. Firstly during her conversation with Leah when she was crying at the hospital and she made up the story about her not drinking because of the rehabilitation program she was on. And then there was the conversation with Nicole when Nicole mentioned she was thinking of doing a design course and Belle said she was glad she knew what she wanted to do and looked forward to the future (or something like that). I thought Nicole came across as too saintly initially in that episode. Having said that she really annoyed me when she saw Belle taking the medication had a go at her and came across as self-righteous – “ADEN’S MY FRIEND!”. We know what kind of friend he is Nicole.

Judging from the preview they showed on Friday, if that’s from Monday’s episode it seems quite eventful.

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Doctors really do make the worst patients:Rachel asking for every little detail made me wince slightly.Anyway, it all worked out really well...so obviously something's going to go wrong for them, given that that woman was giving them the evil eye.

I suppose doctors being doctors they know all the things that can go wrong whereas us non-medical folks just take what they say at face value. I believe someone on here said a while ago that either the mother or the father who lost the baby would be back and lo and behold there they are. It does all seem to be going well for everyone at the moment - Hugo, John, Jai and now Rachel and baby are fine despite initial scares - probably because of Belle and her story line. It would probably be OTT to have any more tragedy than what is already on the cards (even for a soap)! :rolleyes:

Liked the scene between Nicole and Belle, because she is in the position she is she can put what happened between Aden and Nicole into perspective and that is why she could tell Nicole that it was in the past. Belle didn't have any choice but to tell Nicole the truth when she caught her taking the pills, though knowing how junkies can lie like there is no tomorrow Nicole believed her right away probably because Belle obviously looked ill.

It certainly looks like a dramatic episode tomorow, it appears they are squeezing two days into it.

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Judging from the preview they showed on Friday, if that’s from Monday’s episode it seems quite eventful.

It certainly looks like a dramatic episode tomorow, it appears they are squeezing two days into it.

I suspect that that preview was for the whole of this week, not just from the first episode, in the same way that the preview they showed before the break included clips from the next two episodes.

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I thought Amy (Rachel) was fantastic in Friday's episode. It was one of the most realistic births i've ever seen on a soap. No over the top screaming or huge emergency, and i can't remember the last time a Summer Bay baby was born in a hospital :lol: Amy played it perfectly so kudos to her :D I am glad Tony made it in time and was amazingly supportive during the whole process. I loved Rachel's 'don't tell me to relax!' :lol: And Harry is just adorable. I loved the little scene at the end of them all together on the bed, talking about who Harry looked like and then him crying and Tony saying he was just like Jack and Lucas. They're a little family now and i love that.

Being a doctor herself, it's obviously difficult for Rachel to keep calm when she knows exactly what can go wrong, and hearing your baby is in distress is scary and i think any woman in her position would be the same, doctor or not.

Poor Belle. She is being so brave and trying hard to pretend everything is fine, but i do wish she'd let Aden in. Although i understand her reasons for keeping it a secret from him, i don't think she's being fair allowing him to marry her without knowing just how sick she is. It's sad all around.

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For the first time in a long time I actually quite enjoyed this heavily focussed Adelle (or should I say Belle) episode. Firstly great to see Amanda back. And Coleen once again shows what a nasty old woman she is with her “leopard never changes its spots” remark. I’m glad Irene stuck up for Amanda though. Ryan spoke to Aden as if he already knew him so presumably they all met the time when Belle went to the city after she was injured when Kane crashed into the hall during the school dance.

I thought Nicole came across slightly better today. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react once Belle broke the news and when she was crying there actually seemed to be genuine empathy there. But was she crying for Belle or was she crying for Aden? I’m undecided if she did the right thing or not but I think in the end she felt she had no choice but to tell him. Still don’t know why she didn’t just call the ambulance though (perhaps in two minds about going along with her wish to keep quiet). It seemed as though she practically dragged Belle to the hospital.

I felt sorry for Belle for the third episode in a row. As mentioned above shortly after she told Nicole. Then when Amanda told her about their wedding gift after Ryan let the cat out of the bag and also when she was in hospital and told Aden how much she loved him. I can completely understand her not wanting to tell Aden about the tumour until after the wedding. I thought that was quite selfless. She obviously wants him to have a complete day of happiness - The happiest day of his life in fact. I was a bit disappointed with his reaction after he saw Belle in the hospital and when she discharged herself (which I thought was a bit silly but again understandable) and went to see him back at the house. My initial indication was perhaps it was a good idea not to tell him. Seems as though he’s been throw into a situation he doesn’t know how to handle.

Part of me was hoping that Nicole would have told Irene or Amanda in addition to Aden just to see their reaction (although I would have wanted it to be discreet like with Aden and not an announcement). Means now I’m going to have to wait at least another episode.

Starting to adjust to these previews and by the looks of this one I can’t wait for tomorrow.

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I felt sorry for Belle for the third episode in a row. As mentioned above shortly after she told Nicole. Then when Amanda told her about their wedding gift after Ryan let the cat out of the bag and also when she was in hospital and told Aden how much she loved him. I can completely understand her not wanting to tell Aden about the tumour until after the wedding. I thought that was quite selfless. She obviously wants him to have a complete day of happiness - The happiest day of his life in fact. I was a bit disappointed with his reaction after he saw Belle in the hospital and when she discharged herself (which I thought was a bit silly but again understandable) and went to see him back at the house. My initial indication was perhaps it was a good idea not to tell him. Seems as though he’s been throw into a situation he doesn’t know how to handle.

Sorry, Slade, couldn't disagree with you more. i think it is very selfish of Belle not to tell Aden. She is just about to enter a lifelong partnership (though probably not in a soap) with the man she loves deeply and who loves her just as much. Such a commitment should be based on complete trust and love and caring for the other person. How could she enter this based on, if not exactly a lie, then a biggest form of deceit that I could imagine? You don't deceive a person you really love! Well done Nicole for telling Aden; she did the right thing for once. I can totally understand Aden's very well acted grief and disbelieve and not wanting to have her near him. He would no doubt forgive her in time, because he loves her, but not in the next 24 hours! The wedding tomorrow will be a sham

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I think it's pretty obvious why Nicole was the person that found out about Belle's illness:She's the only person in the Bay who's closer to Aden than to Belle so she's the only person who's going to take his side.Anyone else would have reacted the same way that Rachel did, say "I think Aden should know but I guess it's up to you."But Nicole's first loyalty was with Aden so she did what was right for him.And I agree with Brian:Belle was being selfish tricking Aden into marrying her without telling her what was going on.She might claim that she was trying to give him a happy day but it wouldn't have worked. Aden would have reacted in just the same way when he found out and then his happy memories would have been completely destroyed by the realisation that Belle only rushed the wedding through because she was dying, not because she couldn't wait to be his wife.I'm slightly disappointed that Aden ran out on Belle instead of talking to her although it was very in character.I'm even more disappointed that he immediately thought the worst of Nicole when she wanted to stay away from the wedding, even though I was glad that he turned round and said "I don't understand but I don't want us to fall out" in the end.I loved that little scene of Nicole comforting Aden after he found out, I've never seen him let down his defences like that with her before.(Actually, I've never seen him let his guard down with anyone quite like that before.I can only think of three occasions when Belle's comforted him:When he told her about his abuse, at the end of the hostage situation and when they visited his father in hospital.On two of those he was a lot more in control, on the other he was out of control in a very different way.)Interesting too that Nicole couldn't lie to Aden but could lie to Geoff and the others who are arguably just as involved.

Good to see Amanda and especially Ryan back.I had horrible visions of them bringing in some sixteen-year-old hunk and claiming it was Ryan so I'm glad they got Isaac Gorman back over a year after we last him.It's interesting that Amanda and Ryan obviously know Aden:They all lived in Summer Bay at the same time and they were even in the same episode last time Amanda and Ryan came back, but they seemed to know him as Belle's boyfriend, which, as Slade said, suggests they did go and see Belle when she was in hospital in the city, even though it was never mentioned.I actually didn't mind Colleen in that episode although I didn't like her comment about Amanda(especially when she seems to have completely accepted Aden;if leopards really don't change their spots, Belle had better look out).Her talk about her seemingly disastrous wedding was unusually self-aware.Although I still liked the way Alf couldn't wait to get away from her.

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And Coleen once again shows what a nasty old woman she is with her “leopard never changes its spots” remark. I’m glad Irene stuck up for Amanda though.

I’m undecided if she did the right thing or not but I think in the end she felt she had no choice but to tell him. Still don’t know why she didn’t just call the ambulance though (perhaps in two minds about going along with her wish to keep quiet). It seemed as though she practically dragged Belle to the hospital.

Don't you mean 'a leopard never changes it's stripes'? :wink: Amanda certainly must have changed for Irene to stand up for her, considering all the battles they used to have. Why hasn't Belle mentioned Amanda being pregnant before or did I blink and miss something?

Nicole didn't have really have any choice about telling Aden about Belle, not once she had collapsed and she had to take her to hospital. BTW how did she get her there, did she drive (illegally)? It was obviously tearing her apart after she had promised Belle. I'm in two minds about whether Belle is right or not about keeping the news from Aden. As she tried to explain to Nicole she wanted him to have one perfect day (in happy ignorance if you like) and she was planning to tell him in a few weeks. Who knows how any of us would behave if it was us it was happening to?

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He would no doubt forgive her in time, because he loves her, but not in the next 24 hours! The wedding tomorrow will be a sham

I totally disagree with that. Ok, so she lied and it probably wasn't the right decision, but she was doing it purely out of love. It wasn't a selfish act, it would have been much easier for her to tell Aden weeks ago and have his support during such a horrendous experience, but she wanted to protect him from being hurt and let him be happy for as long as possible. Of course he'd be upset and angry when he found out, but after the initial shock I can completely understand him forgiving her and going ahead with the wedding. That doesn't make it a sham at all. At the end of the day this is the love of his life and she's dying - surely the biggest reaction of all is devastation rather than anger?

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