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I think the whole was Belle being selfish thing about wanting to marry Aden without telling him about her illness is completely open to interpretation. Some people think she was being selfish whereas others feel otherwise.

Ok Nicole did make a genuine effort to try and undo the damage she did yesterday by trying to convince Aden how much Belle loves him and according to her did the wrong thing for the right reasons. I think what ultimately swayed him though was Roman’s letter. I’m guessing Conrad did the voiceover before he left the show.

More good stuff with Amanda and Belle. Firstly when she went to check on her before she went to bed and in the morning of the wedding when she told her how beautiful she looked. Those scenes sort of reminded me how they were a couple of years ago when they first became really close. I really liked Geoff’s wow reaction when he first saw Belle in her wedding dress too.

I can’t believe I liked the Adelle stuff again. When Aden came to her window the night before it was nice the way he just watched her with a painful look on his face which showed exactly how he felt about her. Previously he would have just jumped into her bed. You know they say it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding but I admit when Nicole and Belle thought he wasn’t going to show up, Belle started the announcement and he did arrive I had a smile on my face. I was quite impressed with him after the wedding when Belle brought up the fact that they needed to talk about her illness but he wanted to put that to one side and just enjoy the day. As an aside the person who married them was definitely the same person who married Amanda and Peter ironically. Not sure I can remember if she’s done any other Summer Bay weddings.

Yesterday I said I was glad to see Amanda back similarly I’m just as pleased to see Morag put in an appearance (and even Ross too). Hopefully it won’t just be for the wedding. Love the fact that she has this recurring guest role as I feel it makes me appreciate the character more whenever she goes away. Liked the way she was obviously being protective of Martha and so tried to use her intuition to extract information from Hugo at the wedding reception but he wasn’t really playing ball. I think Miles put him off when he asked if he should be afraid of her and Miles basically said yes. I also liked the way Morag didn’t buy Ruby’s excuse when she was suss about Charlie’s behaviour.

Before I was really rooting for Charlie and Roman and I didn’t really like her with Angelo before but I’m actually quite liking them this time round. She seems so natural with him now and as much as I hate to admit it way more natural than she ever was with Roman. It was quite amusing seeing Charlie trying to avoid the inevitable. I’m not sure I agree with Ruby’s advice because I think Ross will probably find out anyway and it’s better coming from her. Good to see she hasn’t forgotten about Joey at least. It was hard for me to tell but I believe Brett when he said he hit her accidently, although Charlie will probably think he did it on purpose.

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Was there ever any chance of Aden not turning up for the wedding(except in my dreams)?It's obvious the writers were determined to have Aden and Belle married and didn't care how they did it.Not sure what to make of Aden's behaviour here.Based on past behaviour, you'd expect him to sulk and brood for weeks if not months after things didn't go his way.But there's two reasons here why that's not really an option.I guess time will tell whether that's Aden showing maturity or him acting out of character for the sake of the storyline.It's typical of Aden and Belle's relationship that they went for the big gesture rather than actually talking through their problems;despite Belle saying they needed to talk, I doubt we'll actually see a meaningful conversation.Glad that it was Nicole who was probably responsible for the wedding happening, talking to Aden and giving him the letter.Was Belle being selfish?Although I think protecting Aden was a part of it, I'd be more inclined to believe that was her sole motivation if her policy towards breaking bad news hadn't always been "Later rather than sooner and if possible never." I think a big part of the reason she didn't tell him was because she liked pretending, being with him and getting to act like a normal couple for a bit longer.As Nicole said, you could call it manipulative... and I probably would.

Nice to see Belle and Amanda getting the sort of scenes she used to get with Irene.Nicole's qualities as a designer take a knock:Belle actually looked better in that toilet paper dress Annie made, maybe she's the one that should be on a design course.Aden rediscovered his stalker tendencies.Actually, given their normal modus operandi, I was half expecting Belle to climb through the window last episode when he locked her out.Belle's vows didn't even sound like her.Glad that the wedding didn't outstay its welcome at least and I didn't really mind it in context even though I still think they look wrong for each other.Leah just seemed to appear at the reception for one shot despite not being seen before.

Ruby's relationship counsellor rep takes another beating:Totally disagreed with her advice to Charlie. Maybe she's been taking tips from Belle.It shows how confusing the promos are getting that when they went to that ad break cut after Charlie was hit by the car I genuinely didn't know if it was the end of the episode or not.I'd read it was Brett that knocked her down and it got mentioned in the promo but if I'd just watched the episode I wouldn't have recognised him at all, it's been too long since we last saw him and he wasn't a particularly major character anyway.

I was thinking that too, H&Alover, about how Nicole got Belle to hospital.I think that hospital must move around.In some episodes it's clearly out of town and you have to drive there, in others it seems to be within walking distance.

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It was definitely an unusual dress, but I wouldn't have expected Belle to go for a traditional outfit and I actually think she pulled it off really well. Also considering their lack of money and what little time they had to prepare it's hardly surprising she didn't have anything too formal or extravagant.

I am going to be a gibbering wreck when she actually dies. :(

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I'd read it was Brett that knocked her down and it got mentioned in the promo but if I'd just watched the episode I wouldn't have recognised him at all, it's been too long since we last saw him and he wasn't a particularly major character anyway.

I was thinking that too, H&Alover, about how Nicole got Belle to hospital.I think that hospital must move around.In some episodes it's clearly out of town and you have to drive there, in others it seems to be within walking distance.

Thought the same about both of these. I too had read spoilers and knew it was Brett but if I hadn't, when the camera showed his face I would've been like "...AND???" When they do that with a character you're not likely to remember there's basically no point as it ruins any shock factor.

I hate wedding episodes (and actual weddings) but I thought this one was quite nicely done. There was no way Aden wasn't going to turn up, Roman's letter was always going to drill it home just how much he needed to be there and have his day with Belle.

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Ok Nicole did make a genuine effort to try and undo the damage she did yesterday by trying to convince Aden how much Belle loves him and according to her did the wrong thing for the right reasons. I think what ultimately swayed him though was Roman’s letter. I’m guessing Conrad did the voiceover before he left the show.

It was hard for me to tell but I believe Brett when he said he hit her accidently, although Charlie will probably think he did it on purpose.

Probably a bit of both, Roman's letter was almost an echo of what Nicole had been saying to him. If Aden hadn't turned up, what excuse, if any, would Belle had told everyone. The fact he turned up late was kind of glossed over a swell with noone asking him where he had been. I actually thought it was a lovely service, though it was a pity we didn't hear Aden's response to Belle's speech. Nicole's tears got me wondering if she loves him in more than a friend kind of way. I sort of liked Belle's dress, wasn't sure about those flowers (?) on it. As you said claire_louise Belle wouldn't go for the conventional. I did like Amanda's dress though.

It was good to see Morag (didn't really see much of Ross though except in the background). Hugo's almost one word answers to her certainly got her antenna twanging. On that point what was that phone call all about??

Just why was Charlie so upset with Angelo's idea to go sailing? Was it coincidence that they stopped outside Brett/Joey's house ? Agree with each of you who have mentioned it I didn't recognise the guy as Brett either, besides I thought he had moved away just before Joey went away. I also think it was an accident, she did step backwards into the path of his car.

It looks like from what we see in the preview, aside from the fact Angelo finds out that Charlie's previous other was a female (thanks to Brett),

that the fact she is Ruby's mum is about to be revealed. How old would that make her considering Ruby is 16,she must have been what 14 or 15 at the time? Ross obviously thinks it is a good idea.

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I’m actually a bit surprised people didn’t realise it was Brett. Admittedly I paid particular attention to the Charlie/Joey storyline but I knew it was him after he got out the car and spoke to Angelo. That’s when I retrospectively put two and two together and realised it was Joey’s house (or should I say Brett’s) and hence Charlie’s reluctance to be in the vicinity.

Anyway I’m glad today’s episode seemed to focus a bit more on Charlie something which had been lacking because of the stuff with Trey and Belle’s illness. Looking at the recap where Brett hit her again I would have to agree with Angelo and say he was going a bit too fast. Not sure what the speed limit was and if he was over it but it did seem a bit excessive for a road like that.

I’m glad Ross seemed ok when he found out about Charlie and Angelo (notice how Ruby didn’t fess up to advising Charlie not to tell them). It’s a pity the same couldn’t be said for Morag. Her remark about never forgiving him was unnecessary given the circumstances and she also seemed protective again and a bit forward with Hugo.

I would have to conclude that the way the music started when Dr Young mentioned Charlie having a caesarean that Ross might have been economical with the truth. There was just something in his facial expression. Also when he went to see her the next day it was obvious they had both been covering up something.

It’s interesting that Charlie was more worried about her affair with Joey coming out than pressing charges after being run down. Was she worried how it would affect Ross’s condition as Ruby warned her previously regarding Angelo or was she more concerned about the embarrassment? If you think about it people were more accepting of that relationship than the one with Angelo.

Shame he’s having second thoughts now because Charlie’s been keeping things from him. I see they progressed his investigation a little bit by the revelation that the person whose hand VJ discovered and the guy who escaped from the hospital are directly related.

I’m glad Tony doesn’t seem to have any animosity towards Charlie about her dating Angelo judging by the fact that he sent his regards. Shame he and Rachel couldn’t be at the wedding but understandably so. After being ok for several weeks Rachel is beginning to slightly annoy me again. I don’t like the way she’s acting with Tony. Firstly getting him to do her dirty work getting rid of Morag and Ross and then objecting to the fact that he was rocking the baby and referring him to her text book. Condescending I thought. I’ve never had kids but have brothers and sisters who have and can’t think of a single one of them that used a book when they were bringing them up.

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I think a lot of mothers read the baby books (I know I did!) but very few will want to stick to it as rigidly as Rachel did today. I certainly never met a mum who wanted to put the baby straight in a cot as soon as they get out of hospital - most want to sit and cuddle their babies for a while!

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I actually really enjoyed that episode.(Hmm, no teenagers apart from Ruby, I'm seeing a trend developing.)I really liked Angelo's attitude when he told Ross and Morag about him and Charlie and I was glad that Ross took it well.Wished Ruby had 'fessed up about telling Charlie not to tell them.Wasn't too happy with Angelo's macho attitude towards Brett, it does seem likely that he wasn't driving entirely safely although Charlie was at fault as well for stepping out in front of him.From that little glimpse of Brett being brought into the station, are we to assume Angelo ignored Charlie and pressed charges or were they just taking a statement?I think Charlie didn't want to press charges because he was Joey's brother rather than because she was afraid of the scandal, especially since she then told Angelo and everyone else knows anyway.I was thinking when Brett said that Joey was never coming back that that was there way of making it clear to the viewers she was gone for good, but then Charlie and Angelo started talking as if they expected her to turn up again.I don't think they'd bring her back for Charlie since she seems to have moved on but I was always more interested in her friendship with Aden anyway and he could use a few friends at the moment.

Not sure what to make of Angelo's reaction to Charlie's news.I think he'll come back and talk to her once he's had a chance to think it through.I'm not sure if he's got a right to be hurt or not, she concealed stuff from him but it's hardly the first thing you blurt out to a new boyfriend and they've only been back together a couple of weeks.Derek had absolutely no reason to mention Charlie's (apparent) caesarean scar to Ruby and the others, it was a blatant breach of patient confidentiality.(When I first heard about this storyline, I thought it might involve her having an accident and a doctor spotting something but a caesarean scar?Something that anyone who'd seen her partially clothed would have noticed?)Really didn't like Morag's attitude towards Angelo and especially Hugo.Was she seriously suggesting that Hugo should have let a busfull of schoolchildren including his brother and her stepdaughter get blown up rather than upset Martha?

Really liked Tony and Rachel's scenes together.Tony was completely natural with Harry because he's been there before and knows what to do whilst Rachel was doing all the research so she'd know how to be a good mother when she really should have just trusted her instincts.I loved how she got all stressed and teary and I love how patient and understanding Tony was with her.Did Derek really say "The complaints commission has received a complaint"?What else would they receive, a ham sandwich?

(H&Alover, while I think, or like to think, that Nicole has feelings for Aden, at least on a subconscious level, I think her tears were mainly because of what she knows about Belle.)

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Poor Rachel! I know exactly how she felt. Desperately exhausted after giving birth, then getting little sleep because the baby kept waking up in the night, she just manages to get him off to sleep when KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK at the door: visitors turn up, yet again! People can be so inconsiderate- they should phone or text to ask before they barge in on a new mum and her baby. Its alright when in hospital with everyone around to help, but suddenly Rachel is in charge of this new little person- she doesn'tknow why he's crying, perhaps he's really ill? How does she know? Everyone else seems calm: can't they see something is wrong? Is it all down to her?

I was a bit annoyed with Tony. Could he not have helped out? When Harry was crying in his pram and Rachel didn't know what to do, he just said 'do you want to take him for a walk?' Come on Tony! That was your opportunity to say 'you go back to bed darling, I'll take him for a walk and get him off to sleep.' The same when Rachel was washing the bottles, saying 'this has to be done!' He should have stepped in there too. :rolleyes: However, he did do well getting the visitors to leave. I expect Rachel feared she would shout or burst into tears if she tried to get rid of them and Tony would be more tactful. I know I've told insensitive visitors to leave in no uncertain terms when my daughter was a baby and I was desperate to feed her, get her off to sleep so I could have an urgently needed sleep myself!!

All in all, a very well done portrayal of a new mum wondering what to do, confused and exhausted. Well done Amy [and Jon for being the too laid back dad].

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I'm with Tony with how to look after the baby. He has been there before and I know no two babies are the same, he knows you can't rely entirely on baby books, you have to go with your instincts. All Harry needed was a little cuddle. Rachel needs to relax a little or she could find herself heading for post-natal depression because Harry isn't conforming to how he should behave according to the books. After all he can't read them!! :rolleyes::D Also her being uptight is going to be picked up by Harry and make him more upset. She looked rather upset when Martha was holding him, hope she doesn't turn into a mother who won't let anyone else hold the baby. I thought Tony behaved just right when Rachel was getting in a tizz over the bottles by giving her a cuddle as if to say it didn't matter if she didn't do them right away.

Can understand Angelo's reaction by finding Brett in the next bed, the guy had just knocked his girlfriend over. Initially he semed to take the news quite well about Joey being a girl, did Ross and Morag know about them I thought it was only Ruby, Leah and those at the station? I think he was justified in asking if would feel like that again for another woman in the future. Her answer that she was with him now was a bit ambigious almost as if she didn't know which way she would jump.

Derek mentioning her caesarean scar to Ross, Ruby and Morag wouldn't really be breaching patient confidentiality as being her family he would naturally think they knew about it,especially if it was an old scar -

say about 16 years

. In Ross's (and her late mum's) case he did. Quick thinking on his part to say it was another problem - sorry can't spell what it was he said. Good to see Ross looking so good and with it at the moment, so that was the real reason he moved to the city in case he accidently blurted out the truth.

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