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So we have a new family. Good to see Samara Weaving. I really liked her character on OOTB. First impressions are the striking resemblance to Matilda in appearance although personality wise she doesn’t seem as bad as when Maddie first showed up - Although Indigo seems to think quite highly of herself and came across as a bit stuck-up too. Thought it was a bit rude the way she blanked Xavier when she offered the handshake. I quite liked Dexter. Seems level-headed and appeared to hit it off with Xavier and on paper he should get on with Jai. Didn’t think much of Sid to be honest. Didn’t particularly interest me and he’s a serial adulterer who doesn’t seem very bothered about it either. I thought the person who played Jody’s acting was slightly dodgy.

I do really like Leah but thought she was quite nosey. How long was she standing there watching them for on the beech? I know she was just trying to offer support but that seemed more like something Coleen would do. And again watching them in the Diner.

Didn’t really think it was a very smart move Tony trying to speak to Rex. How else was Rex supposed to take it? Rachel was better today. I much prefer the character in a professional capacity. Was a bit surprised with Julie. Quite prepared to shaft Rachel to save her own neck. Regardless of whether Rachel was in the right frame of mind to work, the fact remains that she shouldn’t have even been at work. She should have been on maternity leave. I really can’t remember the exact circumstances of how she came to treat them.

John’s attitude proves precisely why he was a bad role model for Trey, blaming Jenena for being too lenient with him when part of the reason for Trey’s actions were because of John’s strictness. I’m glad Alf seemed quite understanding. If Trey is thinking of paying John a visit does that mean he’s given up going on the run or is just a temporary setback?

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Agree with a lot of the above post.The introduction of the Walkers was rather interesting and I too thought Indigo was a lot like Matilda.She seems to be a typical princess character who will no doubt mellow eventually.Was it me or did Xavier seem to be flirting with her?Reserving judgement on Sid, we've only really got second hand information that he's a cad.The idea of an absentee father suddenly being left as primary carer to his two teenage children could result in some potentially interesting character interaction.Dexter seemed to be written in a mildly schizophrenic manner:He takes the move to the Bay in his stride but seems most affected by Jody's departure.Jody's accent was...a bit strange but it's a shame they got rid of her so quickly, she seemed to be striking up a good repartee with Leah, hope we see her again.I was thinking "For goodness sake, walk away, woman" when Leah just stood there watching them argue.The little scene between Xavier and Dexter was interesting;Xavier does seem to work best(ie at all)in scenes with boys of his own age, Jai's the only other person he really seems that natural with.

I agree Tony made a major misstep talking to Rex like that, did he seriously expect he was just going to shrug it off?It actually seemed as though Rex was the one driving the complaint, given the protective way he steered Jane away from trouble.Julie did seem a bit cold towards Rachel given that they've seemed to be friends in the past but I'm choosing to think it is just a misunderstanding rather than her deliberately stabbing her in the back.Our sympathies are naturally with Tony and Rachel since they're the ones we know best but interestingly if you look it from Rex and Julie's perspective they're doing exactly the same thing.Rex is trying to protect his wife and make sure she's treated fairly, Julie is simply telling the truth as she remembers it even though she's dropping a friend in it.(Presumably if the board accept that Julie failed to follow Rachel's instructions, she'd be in trouble.)Jane's the potential wildcard, she seems very fragile.Wasn't sure about Rachel taking Harry to the hearing with her to start with but it makes sense if she had to feed him.I'm assuming her annoyance at Martha holding Harry last episode was because she'd been insisting she needed to put him to bed immediately before.

Rest of the episode seemed to consist of a selection of random scenes and interactions.Alf going to see John is a bit strange even if they do know each other through the surf club.Kirsty teaching the nippers off screen(because of John's absence?)was a bit strange and not sure about her apparently hiding her post from Miles again, haven't they had enough secrets?If Charlie tapped Jenena's phone like she said she was going to, the police presumably know about Trey's call.(Hope they're not handling this as badly as they did the Larry Jefferies manhunt.)Looks like his storyline could be coming to a head soon.

And I'm sorry but Derek mentioning the caesarean scar was breaching patient confidentiality:He divulged information about Charlie's medical history without authorisation.He doesn't even have the excuse that it was related to her present injury or that he needed to ask them for information about it, he just randomly threw it out there for no reason.Not sure if he was fooled by Ross' explanation or not.

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When I first saw Indigo (why do parents give their kids such strange names) I immediately thought Gypsy (another one). She is definitely going to be trouble with a capital T. Xavier certainly seemed to like the look of her. I was trying to pin down Jody's accent, was it French, mid European or what? It did seem odd that there she was spilling all her secrets to Leah after knowing her all of five minutes. How long is Sid supposed to be a locum for anyway that he brought his whole family with him, it is only to cover Rachel while she is on maternity leave (though if things go against her it could be a lot more permanent). BTW how come no mention of Brad sending his best wishes on the arrival of his one and only nephew?

I had the same thought Red about Rex and Jane, it did seem he was in charge. Although it has been established the baby had died before they got to hospital the fact she was left alone all that time was not good at all. The fact that maternity was full and the surgeon they needed was in surgery was something out of Rachel's control. I was also surprised at Julie's actions, but if that is how she remembers things she can't lie about it just to save Rachel's neck.

John seemed very unforgiving towards Trey, you would have thought he may have taken some responsibilty for the way he turned out after the bus incident, but no he blamed Jenena for spoiling him as a child. Even Alf looked shocked by it. How come he is still in hospital and Hugo is out and about, was he more injured than Hugo than we thought?

So how come Trey is back in the Bay, taking a bit of a chance isn't he? Clever move though asking how 'his brother' is. As we saw in the preview it looks like John may be in for some more rough treatment from him.

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I'm glad Jodies gone how bad was her acting when she first spoke she never had a accent and why is Trey back does he want to get caught ? but with the cops in the bay they wont get him and why is Morag acting strange with Hugo she has no reason too she dont know him

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Yes, Slade, I agree its good to see Samara Weaving: actually don't you think Indigo is actually nicer than Kirsten was at first???

R E S P E C T to Kirsty! She has definitely got what it takes to work with kids like Trey. Been there, done that myself, so Kirsty has gone up in my estimation a lot :cool:

I think Sid's wife is not coming back, and he is going to have a relationship with Leah- otherwise, why introduce her to them so quickly and show her interacting with the family? Don't think he is in any way attractive though!

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I definitely think Indigo is nicer than Kirsten was. But that was one of the things I liked about Kirsten this completely odious spoilt little madam on the surface but all she needed was a little bit of love an attention then she changed.

Definitely respect to Kirsty. I had been slightly going off her as of late but she won me back over with that episode. It was quite unexpected as well because even before the stuff happened with the bomb I thought she pretty much despised Trey. So you would have thought she wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him but she used a softly, softly approach, appealed to his better nature, empathised with him and I really liked that scene too. It was kind of like a role reversal for her (with John being the aggressor) after when Trey accused her of having an affair with him she practically went for him at the bar and back then it was Miles who got Trey to come clean by trying to understand Trey’s behaviour when he was picked on at school for being fat.

I thought John was just awful to be honest. He actually seemed to revel in tormenting Trey. At first I thought he was going to inject John with something but then it looked like he was going to do it to himself. Even then it was pretty apparent that John really couldn’t care less about Trey. He’d practically disowned him and I’m not sure he really did care about him in the first place. In hindsight it all appears to be about control and when he could no longer control him he gave up on him. The stuff with Kirsty aside I still thought it was a bit of an anti-climax. Trey was always going to get caught and apart from the talk with Nicole/Geoff and Miles/Kirsty I’m not sure if we are going to get a reaction from any of the other school kids. I would also like to know what his punishment’s going to be too but we’re probably never going to hear from them again. It’s a shame because I really would have liked to see Trey’s family stay around a little while longer and perhaps integrated properly into the show with other characters.

I was quite quick to criticize Sid yesterday but I was on his side today. Leah really annoyed me. She actually seemed quite smug when asking him where Indigo and Dexter were almost knowing that he wouldn’t be able to answer. And when he mentioned they didn’t start school till the next week I didn’t like the way she asked if Dexter and Indigo told him that. Obviously she’s still annoyed at him for the way he treated Jody. Regardless, what happens with his kids is really none of her business. How dare she.

Nicole’s not coping very well keeping Belle’s secret is she? She’s still missing Roman, turned to drink, wouldn’t let Geoff get close to her, got jealous when Indigo showed an interest in him then gets in to a car with some stranger. I did like the way Geoff ran after her. It reminded me of when he chased Christine in the car that time in pursuit of Melody.

I thought it was quite interesting seeing the youngsters interact at the beach party. Annie and Dexter immediately took a liking to one another. And obviously Jai’s a bit jealous. I hope they continue with that because it will be interesting seeing what Jai’s behaviour will be like. I agree with Red Ranger and H&Alover about at the very least Xavier taking an interest in Indigo. I actually liked her comeback to Nicole about being friendly after she was rude to her. I also liked the way she told that guy she wouldn’t cop off with some random.

The highlights for next week look really good. I can’t wait.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.I think that's seven weeks in a row.Jai was only in one, although he was credited on Thursday for no appearance.(Even more strangely, the promo at the end of Wednesday had a clip of him and Miles which seems to be a deleted scene.)

John Palmer definitely not a people person.It would have been nice to have seen him display at least some sympathy towards Trey.He didn't seem to handle things well with Jenena either, talking about Trey going to jail as though he expected it to comfort her.With that being the first and only time we saw them together, it did at least seem a basically happy marriage.Kirsty handled things brilliantly with Trey, I think she was actually affected by his rant when they were on the bus and realised she'd misjudged him.Glad Miles seemed 100% behind her here, I wasn't sure about his reaction last week. Trey phoned Jenena's mobile:That explains why the police didn't pick up on it.Glad she realised he was better off in custody than on the run and Trey seemed to realise the same thing, he seemed grateful towards Kirsty.I had the same thoughts, Slade, about the hyperdermic, at first I thought he was going to use it on John then when he was talking about ending it I thought he was going to use it on himself.I found the ending a bit of a cheat, I suspect that's the last we'll hear of him and we'll never hear what happened to him.I like to think he wouldn't end up in jail and I don't think he was bad enough to get sectioned so I'm going to assume suspended sentence and counselling.If he's still seventeen, he wouldn't be tried as an adult whatever happened.

I've actually changed my mind about Indigo after that episode.I had her marked down as a princess but she seems to be a lot more mature and grounded than I gave her credit, she handled herself well with that guy at the party and with Nicole.You suspect she's the sort who gets on better with boys and girls although probably only the ones she fancies, I like the way she completely blew Jai out and he just stood there thinking "What just happened?"Annie definitely seemed to take a liking to Dexter and Jai seemed jealous although he just about reined it in.I'd like to see Jai and Annie back together at some point but it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.Nicole unfortunately reverted to type again, is that two or three times this year she's hit self-destruct?Seems like a bit of unresolved feelings on her part towards Geoff, given her jealous reaction towards Indigo and the way she felt uncomfortable with him comforting her.Don't really think there's anything on his part, he just sees her as a friend, I think he'd have reacted that way to any girl getting in the car with a stranger drunk.Nice to see Jai trying to look out for her as well.

Jury's still out on Sid, I think he's sort of trying his best.I wish Leah hadn't reacted like that towards him, I don't like her when she gets like this.She was the same with Angelo, with Kirsty, with Jazz...It says more about her than about them.Then again, first rule of soap(some of the time, I keep changing it):If two characters argue when they first meet, they're going to sleep together.Would she really go there?Not sure about Gibbsy, if he's fishing illegally why would he tell Irene about it?Did he just think she wouldn't notice?

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Agree with you Miranda, Slade and Red, Kirsty was brilliant with the way she handled Trey, loved the way she told John to shut up and give Trey a chance to speak! biggrin.gif If she can handle a troubled teen like him, especially after the history between them she can certainly handle other teens. As Miles explained text books are O.K. but you sometimes have to go with your instincts. (Tony ought to tell that to Rachel). Trey obviously didn't expect anyone else to be in with John so perhaps our initial thoughts were right he did mean to hurt him. I think you are right Slade it was all to do with control, fair enough he did help Trey with his weight problem, but then wanted to take over completely, that never ends well. Hopefully (but I'm not holding my breath) we will find out what happens to Trey.

Interesting to see Jai getting jealous over Dexter, Annie was only talking to him. He hasn't had this problem before as Annie hasn't really been seen chatting to any of the other lads that attend their school. I feel sorry for Nicole, she is keeping this huge secret and missing Roman, no wonder she feels she was better off when she was her old selfish, didn't care about anyone else self. She is probably thinking at least that way she won't be hurting so much. Sweet of Geoff trying to help her which does show he does still care for her.

Leah did seem to be acting in a Colleen type of way, she has only heard Jody's side of the story (though he would have to have a pretty good reason for being a serial cheat). She was right though to put him straight about Indie lying to him about when school started. Pretty sure it wouldn't have happened if Jody had been there, she would have known exactly when they should have been there.

It certainly does look good next week with all sorts of revalations one of which will take the pressure off Nicole.

BTW could someone refresh my obviously fading memory - who was Kirsten - name rings a bell, but can't place her??

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Agree with you Miranda, Slade and Red, Kirsty was brilliant with the way she handled Trey, loved the way she told John to shut up and give Trey a chance to speak! :D If she can handle a troubled teen like him, especially after the history between them she can certainly handle other teens. As Miles explained text books are O.K. but you sometimes have to go with your instincts. (Tony ought to tell that to Rachel). Trey obviously didn't expect anyone else to be in with John so perhaps our initial thoughts were right he did mean to hurt him. I think you are right Slade it was all to do with control, fair enough he did help Trey with his weight problem, but then wanted to take over completely, that never ends well. Hopefully (but I'm not holding my breath) we will find out what happens to Trey.

Interesting to see Jai getting jealous over Dexter, Annie was only talking to him. He hasn't had this problem before as Annie hasn't really been seen chatting to any of the other lads that attend their school. I feel sorry for Nicole, she is keeping this huge secret and missing Roman, no wonder she feels she was better off when she was her old selfish, didn't care about anyone else self. She is probably thinking at least that way she won't be hurting so much. Sweet of Geoff trying to help her which does show he does still care for her.

Leah did seem to be acting in a Colleen type of way, she has only heard Jody's side of the story (though he would have to have a pretty good reason for being a serial cheat). She was right though to put him straight about Indie lying to him about when school started. Pretty sure it wouldn't have happened if Jody had been there, she would have known exactly when they should have been there.

It certainly does look good next week with all sorts of revalations one of which will take the pressure off Nicole.

BTW could someone refresh my obviously fading memory - who was Kirsten - name rings a bell, but can't place her??

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