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An interesting week of episodes and I agree with all your comments, especially the way Kirsty handled Trey. But why o why did they have to introduce another dysfunctional family? Couldn't the whole family have stayed and lived together? Now we have 2 impressionable teenagers with no mother and a father who doesn't particularly care about them, uprooted from their city home and place in a small community with no guidance as how to try to fit in socially. At their ages, they will be bound to cause disruption to other teenagers around. Already Jai is upset, still caring very much for Annie and with only friend Xavier to turn to, I suppose. And no Slade, I don't think that Dexter will get on with Jai. Then we have Nicole trying to protect Geoff from Indigo. And that's just for starters on their first/second day!

Is this just to make more storeylines, which can only lead to heartbreak for some existing characters? Why not younger children?

Looking forward to this week's episodes with Aden/Belle, Charlie/Angelo, Xavier/Ruby.

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H&A Lover: sorry to confuse you, Slade and I are talking about a character from Out of the Blue, called Kirsten, also played by Samara Weaving. Basically the same character as Indigo- a troubled girl with separated parents, who is left with her cheating dad while she sympathises with her mum. I think poor old Samara just has the type of face which gets cast as that sort of bratty character!

Re: Rachel's case:

I can't believe Rachel is getting personally sued by the Avents. It should be the hospital getting sued, not an individual. There are so many things wrong with that storyline:

1. Doctors don't decide whether people need bedpans- they are a nurse's concern.

2. Nurse Julie should have been observing HER patients on the trolleys and seeing whether they needed attention. If they were in pain or needed other medication, THEN she would call the doctor over, who would come and prescribe something.

3. Jane Avent would have been taken straight to maternity, never mind if there was a bed or not. She was a maternity patient, there would have been a midwife assigned to her immediately and the maternity department would have dealt with her, not Casualty/ ER. Even if she had to be on a trolley outside maternity, she was THEIR patient.

I am on the rampage on behalf of my husband, who is a nurse!

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Most important thing first:Yes, I was right, the promos only lasted two weeks!Say what you like about their quality or effectiveness, I personally think that if they'd followed up that last shot of Irene and Belle hugging each other and crying with a bunch of clips of Ruby and Xavier or something it would have completely destroyed the mood.

Aden and Belle are actually all right here perhaps because the episode is about Belle dying and Aden supporting her rather than about what a great couple they supposedly are.In fact, that first scene of them at home where they're looking at the wedding presents is one of the few times I've actually seen them have genuine chemistry instead of it feeling forced.The moment where Belle can't bring herself to say that she's dying and Aden steps in was nicely played between them.It's a great episode for Geoff and Belle's relationship too, with him trying his best to be strong and supportive despite clearly being distraught and pretty much driving the conversation.In fact he's the only person not to have walked out on Belle after finding out:Aden and Nicole bailed pretty quickly as do Irene and Annie here.Not sure if when he did offer to leave it was because he was about to lose it or he felt he was intruding but when she asked him to stay he agreed straightaway.Good characterisation of Irene and Annie too: Annie excitedly anticipating some romantic stories only to be shattered by the truth, Irene shutting down and refusing to deal with it.I thought the reaction to their departures was very strange:Geoff wants to go after Annie but Belle tells him to give her space, then Aden leaves to talk to Irene.I think it should have been the other way round:Annie needed someone with her and Irene needed time alone to process it.I really wish it had been Jai that found Annie and thinking about it Aden would have done as well:They both would have been meaningful scenes.Instead they contrived to throw Annie and Dexter together and it didn't work for me-he doesn't really know her, she doesn't really know him and although he did his best he just didn't know what to do.

Is it me or was that a completely fake cliffhanger on Friday?If Sid was just going to take Nicole home, why did he drive off with her instead of giving her the "Your parents wouldn't want you doing this" speech there and then, especially with Geoff frantically running after her?I do quite like Sid, he actually seems to act like a dad and although he's on a steep learning curve he is making progress.Nice characterisation of Colleen, sniping about him when he's not there(and accidentally insulting Kirsty)then gushing when she finds out he's a handsome doctor.So Indigo's in Year 11 and Dexter's in Year 10.I thought they might be twins at first then I wondered if Indigo was Geoff and Nicole's age...My opinion of her seems to change almost by the episode, on Friday I wondered if she was going to hook up with Geoff(which I actually think could be quite interesting)and be at odds with Nicole but now I wonder if maybe she and Nicole are going to have the same sort of relationship she and Freya did.(Which isn't necessarily a good thing although I don't think Indi's a drug dealer.)Jai still seems slightly jealous of Dexter but he's keeping it in check which is good.

Miles lecturing Nicole when she's drunk would have been pointless but I'm glad he had a word with her the next day.Hopefully now he and Kirsty know about Belle they'll have a word with her again.Not sure about the Geoff/Nicole kiss:It was definitely two way and he may have even initiated it but I think it was just a comfort thing, certainly on his part.On hers...I'm reminded of Geoff's comment when they got together that her chasing guys is more about wanting to be liked than actually liking someone and worrying that with Roman gone she's gone back to feeling she needs that sort of comfort.

So, Trey's in protective custody.(If Charlie provided the information, is she up and about or giving updates from her hospital bed?)Nice to get the extra info, although I'm wondering if it's to protect people from him or him from everyone else, and I'm glad that both Kirsty and Leah seemed sympathetic towards him.

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I’m glad we got a mention of what happened to Trey. I’m assuming protective custody means he’s detained somewhere other than Her Majesty’s pleasure. Glad Leah saw him as someone that needed help rather than a person who was evil.

For a minute moment there I thought Sid was going to try it on with Nicole. Anyway helping her home put him in Kirsty and Miles’s good books so at least hopefully Leah will be the only person that views him in an unfavourable light. In saying that I have to agree with what Red Ranger said previously and I think maybe Leah does like him. If Sid’s a player them he might be one of those people that doesn’t necessarily like her but wouldn’t turn her down if she came onto him. I wonder when he was trying to smooth talk Coleen if Leah wished that was her.

Felt sorry for Belle for the nth time. That whole scene where she sat down with Aden, Geoff, Annie and Irene and told them to truth was intense. I’m glad Annie ran off like that it shows how much she cares. Similarly Geoff’s tears really brought it home I think. In spite of all the stuff that’s happened (the most recent thing I can think of was when he didn’t want Annie living with her after they discovered her drug addiction) it shows how close those two are. Virtually a sibling relationship. I actually really sympathised with Geoff and unusually found myself favouring him over Nicole. I really didn’t like the way she tried to kiss him with clearly an ulterior motive and he knew it wasn’t right and she pushed him away for the second time in as many days. He was trying to be a friend to her and he’s suffering just as much as she is. I think Irene was in pure shock. That was the only way I can think of to describe her reaction. The realisation didn’t sink in till after she was in the Diner. I’m glad Aden could see where she was coming from and I liked her reunion with Belle later on that day.

Jai so wanted to comfort Annie when she was upset but didn’t want to risk humiliation as Dexter was there.

Although she’s not coming across as being too spoilt I still think Indigo has a very high opinion of herself. I agree that Sid criticising her for lying is being a tad bit hypocritical but agree with his point about her bringing it up every time he tries to discipline her. He has to set some ground rules. He would be a bad parent otherwise.

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What a sad episode, that poor Belle, and all her friends. The scene with her and Geoff was very touching, he is like her brother. And so nice of Dexter to hug Annie, so many boys wouldn't do that cos it isn't 'cool'.

I was annoyed at the Geoff/ Nic kissing for another reason. Whenever I see them together now I just end up shouting 'get back together you numpties' at the television. They are such a good couple, I so hope they get back together.

I suppose after Belle dies, they will both be on 'Aden duty' though, trying to help him


I might not watch HAA for a while as it is going to be too awful. I stopped watching it when Flynn died and when Noah died because I couldn't bear it :(

I am also glad Trey is in protective custody, he so obviously needed help and his useless stepfather is just a bully who needs a kick up the arse, metaphorically or otherwise.

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Last nights episode was well acted by all concerned. It must have been very hard for Belle to tell those she loves most that she was dying. Quite understand Annie's reaction, Belle is like the big sister she never had. I was confused by Irene's initial reaction, her just walking out, but then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that first she was in shock and as Aden said she needed to process it. Second she may have been feeling guilty that she didn't notice that there was something wrong with Belle (though Aden didn't) and thirdly may have been a little angry that Belle didn't confide in her. That last scene between them was so moving. :crying:

Why Geoff asked Nicole why she didn't say anything was a bit silly, it wasn't her secret to tell, but then characters always say that to one another. As for the kiss I think partly it was a comfort kiss on Geoff's part, but then Nicole tried to make it a bit more passionate that it why Geoff backed off (that's how it looked to me anyway).

Agree there Red, hopefully as you said once Miles and Kirsty find out about Belle and the fact Nicole was the only other one who knew they will realise that is why she got drunk. It did seem a bit strange that it just happened to be Sid who picked up Nicole, but where was he taking her if as she said he wasn't heading for the city, I wasn't aware he knew her or where she lived?

So Colleen ready to slag off Sid, then the moment she finds out he is a doctor she is falling all over him, not related to Basil Fawlty by any chance is she? :rolleyes:

Ditto that we got some sort of follow up on Trey. Do hope we hear more, like the fact Jenena has left John!

Am I alone in not liking Irene's new hairstyle.

BTW I know they came back early but how long did Aden and Belle go on honeymoon for, the wedding was on Thursday, presumably they were away on honeymoon on Friday yet yesterday they were back! It only seemed to be a couple of days going by what was happening in the Bay. Where they in a different time zone?

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Am I alone in not liking Irene's new hairstyle.

BTW I know they came back early but how long did Aden and Belle go on honeymoon for, the wedding was on Thursday, presumably they were away on honeymoon on Friday yet yesterday they were back! It only seemed to be a couple of days going by what was happening in the Bay. Where they in a different time zone?

I kind of don't like it, I thought at first they were keeping it messed up when she came out of prison but then they kept it.It's growing on me.The Aden/Belle wedding was on Tuesday(and the action had been continuous since they got engaged, with only ten days passing, fact fans)and I think that a number of days may have passed between Wednesday and Thursday's episodes, only Tony and Rachel appeared in both and I don't think they said how long ago the previous episode was.(Stay tuned, Nerd Squad...)

So...today's episode and oh boy, Ruby.Her best friend's just found out her surrogate sister's dying and could probably use some support...so instead she skips school, sneaks off and has barely legal sex with her boyfriend.I'm not convinced she did know what she was doing, it just seemed to be a whim. Maybe she and Charlie should swap lives, they seem to talk a lot more sense about each other's relationships than their own.(Bit much for Ruby to snipe at Charlie for the lack of honesty in her relationships when only a few weeks ago she was having a go at Xavier for never telling her anything.) Not sure about Angelo's behaviour here, I understand his reasons but I'm not sure I agree with them. Charlie does have difficulty letting people in but I think the fact she was willing to face up to everyone's disapproval shows her commitment.Are they back to squeezing four adults, one teenager and a seven-year-old into those three bedrooms or did Leah take VJ to the city again?

I'm assuming Annie could have done with Ruby's support anyway because she seemed in pretty good shape for someone in shock.I like Dexter but I don't think he and Annie have anything like the chemistry she and Jai do.I'd like them to stay friends but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be heading that way.Not sure if my continuing altered perception of Indigo is because she's a multi-layered character or because she never has the same personality two episodes running.Here she was in concerned mode and did a fairly good job looking after Nicole.(And her outfit at the party was great, by the way...)Her comment to Geoff about guys leaving was interesting, it suggests that, like Belle and Nicole when they first turned up, she's been hanging around with the wrong guys in the past.Again wondering if Geoff and Indi are going to hook up and quite liking the idea:Geoff and Nicole would be a bit too much of a backward step, I think.

Nicole cracking up over what's happening to Belle is a bit hard to swallow given that they've never really had that much to do with each other and people a lot closer to her seem to be handling it.Then again, I suspect it's just the last straw, what with losing Roman and then everything that happened with Trey.I wish she'd opened up to Miles or Geoff instead of pretending everything was fine:Nice little scene between those two by the way with Miles recognising Geoff was trying to look out for Nic in his own fallible way.Not sure about Nicole going to the hospital, whether that was her facing up to her problems or her looking for an easy way out.Either way, I wish she'd stuck around and talked to Sid instead of bailing.

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I’m quite liking Indigo at the moment. Although she does think the sun shines out of her backside to some extent I liked the genuine concern she showed for Nicole at the party. Also good to see Geoff continue to keep an eye on Nicole despite the way she treated him previously. Regardless of how critical I’ve been of him in a funny sort of way I do admire the way he looks out for people. Melody being another example. Glad Miles was ok with him knowing about her going and not telling anyone knowing his heart was in the right place. I’m not sure Nicole is in the right frame of mind to be school captain at the moment. She clearly has issues and when she went to the hospital initially I thought it was because she maybe had genuine health problems but she obviously wanted to take something to help her deal with the stuff that’s going on with her right now – Not good.

Angelo disappointed me. Given time I think he and Charlie can be quite good together so I was surprised to see him bail out so early. As Charlie said he wouldn’t even give her a chance.

Oh man, when Martha, Morag, Hugo then Ross caught Xavier and Ruby together I was literally in stitches. That was so funny (As an aside I wondered how they would stumble into the room and catch them after watching the preview last week as I couldn’t see how it would happen initially). Anyway Ross totally lost it didn’t he? He really went into one. The thing that made me laugh even more was the look on Xavier’s face after he and Ruby came out dressed in their school uniforms. I don’t think I’ve seen him look so ashamed. That was brilliant. Better acting from him this time round. I’m glad Martha was ok about it and simply brought up the fact they should have asked her permission first. I have no problem with what they did. Xavier was very patient and I don’t think he pressurised Ruby at all. What is Charlie’s problem exactly? Was it that Ruby lied to her, slept with Xavier or didn’t tell her she was going to sleep with Xavier? To echo Ruby’s words – “Control freak”.

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Oh man, when Martha, Morag, Hugo then Ross caught Xavier and Ruby together I was literally in stitches. That was so funny (As an aside I wondered how they would stumble into the room and catch them after watching the preview last week as I couldn’t see how it would happen initially). Anyway Ross totally lost it didn’t he? He really went into one. The thing that made me laugh even more was the look on Xavier’s face after he and Ruby came out dressed in their school uniforms. I don’t think I’ve seen him look so ashamed. That was brilliant. Better acting from him this time round. I’m glad Martha was ok about it and simply brought up the fact they should have asked her permission first. I have no problem with what they did. Xavier was very patient and I don’t think he pressurised Ruby at all. What is Charlie’s problem exactly? Was it that Ruby lied to her, slept with Xavier or didn’t tell her she was going to sleep with Xavier? To echo Ruby’s words – “Control freak”.

Yes, great scene, wasn't it. I suppose that, after finding out about Belle, Ruby wanted to make love before anything happened to her. But i would have expected her to be in school and comfort her best friend Annie. Her tryst with Xavier could have waited a bit. I wonder if Xavier has guessed beforehand what she had in mind.

What I can't understand is how they got to the farm so quickly.Ruby said goodye to Charlie and went out and then Martha comes in to collect Ross and Morag and off they go. The farm is quite a way out of town; someone phoned for a taxi home from there once and everyone arrives there by car. I suppose they walked there and didn't anyone notice them going away in school uniforms?

Interesting is the very descriptive bedroom scene and the various publicity shots of it on the officical websites and Soap magazines. Contrast this with 17 year-olds Donna and Ringo in Neighbours a few months ago, when they got their act together for the first time in Lassiter's hotel and got busted by Elle. All we saw and heard then was the back of Elle at the door as she called out "Donna, Ringo". Why the difference? Same channel. same time.

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