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Yet again the scripwriters have made a big boob Belle telling Irene Geoff and Annie that she was dying was bad enough but not only that the look on Irenes face said it all but what happens as with the times Belle was Hispitlisesd no one thought to let her Mother no who only lives in the city, and yet again Irene didnt think to say "you should tell your Mother" I thought that was in very bad taste after all her mother was at her wedding.

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Thanks for that Red, my memory is definitely not what it was.

I agree with you Brian, I also think the reason Ruby made the decision to sleep with Xavier was because of Belle - life is too short and you never know what is going to happen. It was her idea, as it was before, but this time she was doing because to her it felt right and not just because she was 16. I'm hoping Ruby made sure that Xavier was careful - if you know what I mean? We will find out the reason Ross lost it and why Charlie reacted the way she did very soon. :wink: The journey out to the farm is more or less like when people go to the hospital, sometimes they go by car other times it seems like they have just walked there. In fact Leah gave Sid directions there when he first arrived - something like go through town on the Yabby Creek road.

I think Belle mentioned she hadn't even told Amanda yet, perhaps she is a bit wary considering she (Amanda) is eight months pregnant. Even so she and Aden could go and see her, better than Amanda finding out afterwards.

Ditto Red and Slade, Inigo does seem to have a kind of split personality. I did like the way she treated Nicole at the party, yet another time she comes across as a real little madam.

What was Nicole after when she was at the hospital, surely she didn't think they would just hand out tranqs to a 17 year old? Probably felt uncomfortable when the doc turned out to be Sid as she sort of knows him, but that would be the same for any other doctor, she has been there enough times for various reasons.

I'm only guessing here, but I think Angelo decided to finish it because he doesn't want to be mucked about again. When he first arrived and he dated Charlie she was hung up on Roman, then he went out with Belle who was still in love with Aden. He comes back, gets together with the teacher (I've forgotten her name already), but he is still hung up on Charlie, they finally get back together, after a lot of dithering on her part, then finds out her last love was a woman.

BTW what happened at the end of last nights episode, we saw Charlie looking shocked when Angelo finished with her - then we saw another trailer for Ian Wright's new chat show then it flashed back to the credits.

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I suspect my reaction to Xavier and Ruby basically boils down to "I don't like the relationship so I didn't want them to sleep together."All the same, they did sneak into someone else's house and bed when they should have been at school, which comes across as irresponsible and a bit disrespectful. Thankfully Ruby seemed to realise that as per her apology to Martha.Glad Hugo was rightly cynical about her pretentious teenage talk.

I was frankly disgusted with Morag's behaviour in that episode.(In fact I haven't been all that impressed with her this visit.)She had no right airing Ross and Charlie's dirty laundry in front of Ruby, especially when she didn't have all the facts.If she had a problem with Ross keeping secrets from her, which I could understand, she should have spoken to him about it in private.If she didn't get a satisfactory answer from him and was worried about the stress it was placing on him, which I could sort of understand, she should have had a quiet word with Charlie.Instead that came across as a bit of a power trip, storming into a situation they'd been handling quite well for over a decade and insisting she knew how to handle it better than them.If she was so affronted, why didn't she talk to them when she overheard them instead of throwing a can of worms all over the place?Didn't mind Sid talking to Charlie about it, it was a private conversation and he needed to know her medical history.As she said, it was an odd decision to take Ruby along when there was a chance of it coming up.I did wonder for a moment if she sent Ruby to get some painkillers from Sid because she wanted to distract her.

I'm afraid to say I found Rachel a bit irritating a couple of times, she seemed to hurl a lot of flack in Tony's direction while he was being perfectly pleasant and patient.I could understand her panicking at the end, Tony was within his rights to take Harry out but he should have left her a note explaining where they were.I hope they sit down next episode and talk it over properly.I actually think both Tony and Rachel were wrong about Rex and Jane's visit.I think Rex was being honest and put it behind them but Jane...I don't think she wanted to be there and I don't think she cared about whether Rachel felt good or bad about what happened, although I do think she's resentful of her for having a baby when hers died.I think she's so overwhelmed by grief that she isn't even thinking about how anyone else is feeling.Good news that this isn't going to be a case of Rachel and Julie blaming each other, the investigation decided neither of them was to blame.

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I actually think that neither Rachel or Julie were to blame but as i didnt see that paticula episode i dont know what happened just to say on bits i have picked up on in a hospital Nurses are there to look after the patients and there needs not just the Doctors and as far as i can make out the Avents baby was dead when they reached the Hospital so really no one was to blame but i do think that both of the Avents need to see a councelor over the death of there baby.

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Totally agree Morag could have handled that a whole lot better. She probably thought she trying to help by mentioning giving away her baby (Bobby) but went about it in her usual brusque way. Ruby is going to be full of questions but then she doesn't know what some us know.

I've read that Charlie was raped (and Ruby was the result)could it be that going by Ross's reaction over Ruby and Xavier it was someone they knew and trusted?

I had the same thought about Charlie trying to distract Ruby, didn't work though did it?

I can understand why Rachel got upset, he didn't deserve the rollicking she gave him, but yes Tony should have left a note, but the way she was rushing around in the dark she probably wouldn't have seen it anyway. I think Rex was genuine in his apology, but I don't think he is oblivious how Jane is really feeling. I didn't like the way she was looking at Harry at all.

Nothing to do with H&A really but I do not like that bloody trailer for the Ian Wright show sudenly coming in at the end, it's very distracting and also those pop ups during the episode are driving me mad! :angry2:

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Gosh, where to start on that one?Glad Charlie opened up to Angelo, I think she needs someone other than Ross to support her and he seemed to handle it well, glad they've sorted things out.Are we meant to assume she told him "everything" everything?Certainly she didn't mention the baby dying in the parts we saw.I can understand Ross advising Charlie the way he did but yet again we've got an unpunished rape:given that Home and Away tends to be a show where justice is done, the ratio on that count is worryingly high.Ironically, after noting last week that he left town so he wouldn't say the last thing and telling Charlie yesterday that he'd keep her secret as long as he had his faculties, here Ross lets things slip to Morag.I was expecting her to tell Charlie about it when they were alone near the end and I'm not sure how much to take at face value.Has she accepted Angelo or is she just saying it?Is she staying there for Ross' sake?Or is it because she realises there's a mystery and wants to get to the bottom of it?Seems Leah is in town and they are doubling up.Are Martha and Hugo sharing a room now? If so, why aren't Ross and Morag staying there instead of squeezing into Leah's TARDIS?Apparent timing error:If the conversation Angelo referred to was the one we saw, it was at least two days ago, not "yesterday".

Miles...I can understand his point of view but I think he went about it the wrong way.Having a quiet word with Kirsty didn't work the first time round but he should have given it another try, maybe given her half an hour to get rid of them before he said something, not stormed in, turned the music off and told her friends to leave like he's her dad instead of her boyfriend.(Then again, how long were they there for, eight hours?)Mind you, Kirsty was probably a bit out of line given that it was her son that was presumably trying to sleep upstairs.Shame because that first scene was rather cute with Alf and Miles trying not to crack up at Kirsty's nervousness and Ollie's repeated "Bye, Mummy" when she left and came back.

Rachel seemed a bit calmer, glad she had that talk with Leah although I do wish she'd talked to Tony. (It probably happened when we weren't looking.)I'm not going to fault her for going off at Jane even though a softly softly approach might have been better, it was an understandable reaction.I can understand Jane's point of view as well but that doesn't stop her behaviour being potentially dangerous and someone really needs to get her to a counsellor quick.

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Nothing to do with H&A really but I do not like that bloody trailer for the Ian Wright show sudenly coming in at the end, it's very distracting and also those pop ups during the episode are driving me mad! :angry2:

Totally agree with you, lover. The pop ups are very distracting and unneccesary. The trailer is completely out of place at the end of the episodes before the credits. It should come afterwards. I didn't particularly like being told today that I might hear Gordon Ramsey swearing! There's no swearing on H&A, so why should we want to listen to it?

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Ok just caught up with yesterday’s episode.

Poor Charlie. It was hard not to feel sorry for her after seeing that. Firstly the way she was pinning over Angelo. Whenever she goes out with anyone she seems to get really into them quite quickly. Good scene with her and Ruby when she comforted her after she told her about being dumped. I knew Ross lied about Charlie’s scar at the hospital previously. When Ruby told Charlie about how good her first time was initially I thought she looked quite sickened but she did genuinely seem quite happy for her afterwards. I found Morag’s actions extremely disappointing. It was almost as if she wanted to out Charlie. I understand she is concerned about Ross but did she have to humiliate Charlie like that? The whole thing could have been handled a lot more discreetly and sensitively as mentioned above without getting Ruby involved. And it must have been hard telling them that she lost the baby. I hope Morag’s proud of herself.

Some good lighthearted humour between Hugo and Martha. I liked Hugo’s references to Xavier and Ruby using the farm house for you know what and his comments about not buying Ruby’s argument (re Belle’s illness) as a reason to go one step further. Also liked the remark about the changing the mattress and really liked the way Martha was totally cool with it even when Ruby went to apologise to her. It was as if she could totally see where Ruby and Xavier were coming from. I said it before but surprisingly I actually quite like those two together (Hugo and Martha that is).

God Rachel is annoying me at the moment. Her reaction towards Rex and Jane and maybe Tony at the end was understandable as she’s probably paranoid but I really dislike the way she acts as if Tony’s a subordinate. Talking down to him and not treating like an equal. It’s his baby too - Patronising to the extreme.

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I suspect my reaction to Xavier and Ruby basically boils down to "I don't like the relationship so I didn't want them to sleep together."All the same, they did sneak into someone else's house and bed when they should have been at school, which comes across as irresponsible and a bit disrespectful. Thankfully Ruby seemed to realise that as per her apology to Martha.Glad Hugo was rightly cynical about her pretentious teenage talk.

I was frankly disgusted with Morag's behaviour in that episode.(In fact I haven't been all that impressed with her this visit.)She had no right airing Ross and Charlie's dirty laundry in front of Ruby, especially when she didn't have all the facts.If she had a problem with Ross keeping secrets from her, which I could understand, she should have spoken to him about it in private.If she didn't get a satisfactory answer from him and was worried about the stress it was placing on him, which I could sort of understand, she should have had a quiet word with Charlie.Instead that came across as a bit of a power trip, storming into a situation they'd been handling quite well for over a decade and insisting she knew how to handle it better than them.If she was so affronted, why didn't she talk to them when she overheard them instead of throwing a can of worms all over the place?

Sorry, I'm a day late with this, Red Ranger. Have been busy. 2 points :

What is it that you don't like about Xavier and Ruby's relationship? I know that there isn't the chemistry there,especially on Xavier's part, that there is between say Aden and Belle. But they have been together a good few months now and we have seen their friendship (even playing scrabble once!) and love grow to what was a natural climax for hormonal teenagers. Perhaps Xavier is supposed to be acting in a very casual manner.

As for your disgust with Morag; well said. She has annoyed me all week. A real mother-in-law from hell (and it would appear soon to be a grandmother-in-law as well). How Charlie puts up with her, I don't know. Why doesn't Ross stick up for his family? Doesn't he notice or does he just want to keep the peace? Charlie should now ask him to take Morag away for a while, but then I suppose we would lose some future drama. Morag might just smile for once and at least pretend she likes the present company and keep her personal comments to herself!

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Oh Charlie. I wonder if the rape has anything to do with the fact that she has a tendency to sleep with people quite quickly or that she decided to become a police officer. Also a bit surprised that she didn’t tell Joey TBH. Although that’s more probably to do with the fact that they hadn’t thought of incorporating that into the storyline at the time when she was around. I really liked her bearing her soul to Angelo like that. Really good scene. I thought he came across as very caring and considerate. I wonder if it was the actual rape that made him change his mind about wanting to be with her or the fact that she told him something that she hadn’t shared with Ruby or Morag i.e. the trust thing.

I can understand Ross not wanting to put Charlie through the courts when it was unlikely her attacker would get convicted but wasn’t entirely happy with the fact that he was prepared to let the person get away with it. Charlie wanted him brought to justice for her own peace of mind. Again assuming that his slip up was genuine and that Charlie lied about the baby dying because she was put on the spot, had to think of a quick excuse a didn’t want the stuff about the rape coming out.

Morag came across a lot better. I’m glad she felt guilty about exposing Charlie the night before. She even told Charlie she was ok with Angelo and didn’t mention what Ross’s said earlier.

Rachel was also better too. Let Tony look after Harry and didn’t seem as paranoid. Perhaps the chat with Leah did her some good. Even tried to be sympathetic to Jane initially but when Jane called her a bad mother and revealed she had been watching her she understandably got protective.

Good to see Kirsty actually spending time with her Uni friends rather than just hearing her going to Uni. Quite amused at Alf and Miles laughing at her near the beginning when she forgot her books. She’s almost as disorganised as I am. Felt a bit sorry for Miles when he asked everyone to leave and was kind of made to look the bad guy when all he was really doing was be considerate towards Nicole, Jai and Ollie (although is Nicole in the right frame of mind to be studying at the moment). It would have been good to see their reaction.

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