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I suspect my reaction to Xavier and Ruby basically boils down to "I don't like the relationship so I didn't want them to sleep together."All the same, they did sneak into someone else's house and bed when they should have been at school, which comes across as irresponsible and a bit disrespectful. Thankfully Ruby seemed to realise that as per her apology to Martha.Glad Hugo was rightly cynical about her pretentious teenage talk.

Sorry, I'm a day late with this, Red Ranger. Have been busy. 2 points :

What is it that you don't like about Xavier and Ruby's relationship? I know that there isn't the chemistry there,especially on Xavier's part, that there is between say Aden and Belle. But they have been together a good few months now and we have seen their friendship (even playing scrabble once!) and love grow to what was a natural climax for hormonal teenagers. Perhaps Xavier is supposed to be acting in a very casual manner.

It's interesting that you bring up Aden and Belle because for a start I've never seen much chemistry between them except for the odd scene here and there and for another thing I think my dislike of them comes from the same place.I'm not sure if the writers thought "Let's take that bad boy character and pair him with someone the viewers like so they'll like him as well" but it seems to have had the opposite effect on me.Xavier seems to be just as big an idiot with Ruby as he was before they got together so the fact that Ruby wants to be with someone like that has left me disappointed with her and caused me to lose a bit of respect for her.

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I must admit to being a bit tazzed off that Belle is having to die. Another cancer story, anyone get the impression the script writers have an issue with this disease!! I guess we're going to have the tear jerking death bed scene, I think it's so mawkish and exploits our emotions in a cheap way.

I think Belle and Aiden do have chemistry, they're both fiery and independant.

Ok, when is Rachels baby going to be kidnapped? I mentioned this weeks ago lol!

I suspect my reaction to Xavier and Ruby basically boils down to "I don't like the relationship so I didn't want them to sleep together."All the same, they did sneak into someone else's house and bed when they should have been at school, which comes across as irresponsible and a bit disrespectful. Thankfully Ruby seemed to realise that as per her apology to Martha.Glad Hugo was rightly cynical about her pretentious teenage talk.

Sorry, I'm a day late with this, Red Ranger. Have been busy. 2 points :

What is it that you don't like about Xavier and Ruby's relationship? I know that there isn't the chemistry there,especially on Xavier's part, that there is between say Aden and Belle. But they have been together a good few months now and we have seen their friendship (even playing scrabble once!) and love grow to what was a natural climax for hormonal teenagers. Perhaps Xavier is supposed to be acting in a very casual manner.

It's interesting that you bring up Aden and Belle because for a start I've never seen much chemistry between them except for the odd scene here and there and for another thing I think my dislike of them comes from the same place.I'm not sure if the writers thought "Let's take that bad boy character and pair him with someone the viewers like so they'll like him as well" but it seems to have had the opposite effect on me.Xavier seems to be just as big an idiot with Ruby as he was before they got together so the fact that Ruby wants to be with someone like that has left me disappointed with her and caused me to lose a bit of respect for her.

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Felt really sorry for Jane Avent yesterday, and Rachel too. Jane surely must/ should be getting counselling, she is obviously completely losing her marbles over the death of her baby. And its so difficult for Rachel feeling sorry for Jane but knowing she must protect her family from Jane's vengeance.

Agree with you Janice that they should have told Amanda about Belle's illness. I bet it will just be mentioned briefly that she was told over the phone or something!

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Good scenes between Charlie and Angelo, though unless it was off screen, she didn't say if it was by someone she knew. It must have taken a lot for her to tell someone. The fact it was four months later may have had something to do with the fact Ross decided not to pursue it, any evidence would have gone by then. I suppose it must have been someone they knew though because Charlie said that Ross had told her it would be his word against hers. Brave decision to go ahead with the pregnancy. Good decision of Morag not to mention Ross's slip of the tongue re the adoption (probably due to his illness that I think).

I think what Leah told Rachel did indeed calm her down, just because she is a doctor and usually in control she is also a new mum and that is a whole new experience for her. Seems her and Tony did get things sorted out (another off screen moment).

Not sure if Rachel threatening Jane with the police was a good idea but I'll put that down to Rachel being spooked by Jane hanging around spying on her and Tony, where was Dex BTW? So O.K she saw her and Tony having an arguement, but then she later saw them having a barbecue being all loving again. Also agree with you guys she should be getting counselling, unless she has been offered it and refused in which case she can't be forced to take it.

I was on Miles' side re Kirsty and her new Uni friends. I can understand her wanting to fit in as she is older than the rest of them, but even if she wasn't there were others in the house to consider. He had been patient with them, all after he had been there himself so understood what students are like but there are limits.

I sincerely hope they don't tell Amanda about Belle over the phone that would be very unfeeling, especially as I have said before as Amanda is eight months pregnant. It will be bad enough face to face but telling her on phone NO WAY!

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I'd threaten Jane with the police, too right! I'd threaten anyone with the police if they looked like a threat to my family, especially if I had a tiny baby. If I were Rachel, I'd have a discreet word with the police anyway, just to point out that a disturbed woman was hanging round my house. Jane is to be pitied, but I would side with my own family rather than worry about Jane's state of mind and risk my family coming to harm.

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Alf’s episode count this week:Two(although he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance).First time he hasn’t been in every episode since Roman left.Miles was in four and Xavier was in only one.

Wasn’t sure what to make of Miles and Kirsty’s scenes here.When Miles was talking to Alf, it reinforced my perception yesterday that he’s acting more like Kirsty’s dad than her boyfriend, talking about how she’s going to fail if she spends all her time partying.I’m glad they had that talk and seemed to sort things out and sort of glad that Kirsty decided to study elsewhere instead of disrupting the household but Miles sitting up for her was a bit of a strange thing to do.Alf seems to have had his best material for weeks when he isn’t in every episode, I love his ribbing of Miles here, especially when he offered to get him a teddy bear.

It feels a bit as if Aden and Belle are putting a lot of pressure on Nicole here but then I don’t think they realise how fragile she is.I was astonished when Leah said she seemed brighter because she seems like a shadow of her usual self and I wish she’d talk to someone about it rather than bottling it all up.It does seem a bit strange suddenly seeing her and Belle acting as though they’re best friends especially when I was left wondering if the writers really were seeing how much femslash they could get away with or whether that was just me.(Seriously, when Nicole starts undressing her...?)Curiously, there relationship does remind me of that between Sally and Emily just before she died, don’t know if that means I should start getting my hopes up for a certain pairing…I’m not sure if Belle’s meant to have confided in Aden about how weak she is by the end or not although from the way she was behaving he’d have to be blinder than usual not to notice.

Whatever else, we can be certain Hugo isn’t involved in whatever Gibbsy’s involved in(almost certainly abalone smuggling).In fact he might actually have a hand in bringing them down given his suspicions here. Nice touch that just as I was wondering why Gibbsy had noticed Angelo watching them and Hugo hadn’t, we found out that Hugo actually had noticed, I rather liked that little scene between them because for once they didn’t feel the need to act like idiots.

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It does seem a bit strange suddenly seeing her and Belle acting as though they’re best friends especially when I was left wondering if the writers really were seeing how much femslash they could get away with or whether that was just me.(Seriously, when Nicole starts undressing her...?)

That's exactly what I thought- I could imagine some people getting overexcited at that.

Talking of Nic, I would love to see her happy and bright again, she has been down and sad for so long!

And finally, what the feck is abalone? Mother of pearl? Tuna? Caviar? I have always wondered.

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