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why didnt Belle tell Amanda about cancer when she told the others the other night fancy telling your mum about it the day before u die that annoy me for the whole episode and everyone seemed annoyed with Amanda for just caring Jeez rant over

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The last episode was so bad I couldn’t really be bothered to post anything. Only thing I really liked was when Hugo bought Angelo and his colleague a coffee and muffin as a light-hearted way of showing that he’d know they’d been watching him. The stuff between Nicole and Belle for me just didn’t ring true and I just didn’t find it very believable. Those two being close like that seemed unnatural.

Anyway onto this episode. Disappointing I thought. I spent most of it really, really disliking Aden. I just hated his whole attitude. Firstly when Liam came round to apologise and thank Belle for everything she did for him and Aden had to put on the bravado act. Even when he said please (asking him to leave) it still felt as though he was being rude. Similarly the way he was with Amanda annoyed me (I didn’t really like the way almost everyone else virtually dismissed her TBH either). Regardless of whether Belle wanted her to know about her illness how was she supposed to react? She doesn’t find out until Belle is virtually at her death bed that she’s ill and she was obviously in shock and trying to help her and Aden treats her as if she’s being selfish and irrational. Aden obviously doesn’t know the history of her thinking she’d lost the baby when she was younger and it affected her several years later. I thought Geoff and Annie were pretty much redundant. Considering that they had a meaningful relationship with Belle longer than Aden did it would have been nice to have seen more interaction. Also Ryan didn’t really seem to know what was going on so presumably they hadn’t told him. A reaction from him would have been good. Best bit for me was with Amanda and Belle when Amanda opened up and told her she just wanted to help her and be a good mother being doubtful and Belle reassured her told her that she loved her and would be a great mother to the baby she was carrying and they cuddled. I really liked the way spoke directly to the unborn baby referring to it as her big sister and said she would be looking out for her. That was great but as much as I hate to admit that made me feel really sad at the same time. Especially knowing that’s probably the last time we’ll see an Amanda and Belle scene and in a way they were one of the reasons I started watching Home and Away after an absence of almost a year an a half.

On another note quite funny watching the stuff with Sid and Leah - Leah still quite openly expressing a dislike for him. Or should I say pretending to express a dislike for him to cover up the fact that she likes him. Sid does seem like a half decent person. I think he’s one of those people whose home life pretty much sucks but seems ok outside of it especially at work (liked the chat with him and Rachel BTW). Maybe Leah’s in denial and doesn’t want acknowledge her feelings because of his track record. I wonder how long it’s going to take Rachel to clock on that she likes him? Or even Sid for that matter.

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I think yesterday's ep summed up one of the main problems with this storyline, which is that it's been far too rushed. The events of yesterday should have taken up at least a week and it really showed. The Amanda thing, only telling her that her daughter is dying on the day she dies, was awful. Likewise the lack of interaction with the most important people in Belle's life - we saw no goodbyes to Irene, Annie, Geoff or Ryan. The idea that Belle could go for a walk on the beach when she was hours away from death is ludicrous, and the window thing at the end I found cheesy. All in all I was quite disappointed, although I did shed a tear purely due to the strength of Todd's performance. I just wonder why they had to rush the whole storyline so much? Didn't Jess give ample warning that she was going to leave? I find it hard to believe that she'd want to rush off if it meant not being able to do justice to her exit.

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I feel the same as you guys, it was all rushed through, why the hurry I wonder. I guess there was a reason although Jessica is quoted as saying she just wanted a change. I thought she looked tired and slightly under weight in some of the episodes a while back, perhaps the filming schedule got too much.

I'm sure Amanda would need professional counselling on learning her daughter is at deaths door!

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On another note quite funny watching the stuff with Sid and Leah - Leah still quite openly expressing a dislike for him. Or should I say pretending to express a dislike for him to cover up the fact that she likes him. Sid does seem like a half decent person. I think he’s one of those people whose home life pretty much sucks but seems ok outside of it especially at work (liked the chat with him and Rachel BTW). Maybe Leah’s in denial and doesn’t want acknowledge her feelings because of his track record. I wonder how long it’s going to take Rachel to clock on that she likes him? Or even Sid for that matter.

Ditto there Slade, Leah does appear to like him, but because she heard about his history from Zoe before she left she feels she ought to dislike him, plus of course she probably feels she couldn't trust him. Good for Sid for calling Rachel, I thought by the way O'Donnell was very dismissive of him. Would love to know what transpired between Belle and Rachel and how they got Amanda to change her mind.

As for the rest of the episode yes, it did seem very rushed, but then for some sufferers from cancer the end is very quick. I can completely understand Amanda's reaction. She has only just found out her daughter is dying and naturally wants to do the best for her, she was also scared and as Aden himself said she was in shock. Don't forget the others have a little time to come to terms with it. Not quite sure what the purpose of Liam turning up was for, did seem a bit superfluous to the rest of it. Perhaps he may write a song and dedicate it to Belle. I liked the scene between Belle and Amanda when they had that talk and Belle said hello to her little brother/sister, that did get me teary. :crying: Both Geoff and Annie did have a talk with Belle when she was in hospital though we didn't see them. Funny how Belle thought of Irene's place being home rather than her and Aden's place, but then again she was at Irene's a lot longer than she had been at Roman's. Nice little flashback when Belle thought of the time Aden crawled through the window and crashed out drunk. Also when she was looking at the photos and he said to her 'I knew you fancied me' (as did we) and she told him she thought he was a pig.

Glad that Nicole finally opened up to Miles, at least that is what it looked like seeing that shot of them with her lying in his lap and him cuddling her, hopefully she will feel better in her herself and not so isolated.

The funeral tonight which is going to be another hanky job. :crying:

Thank goodness they (5) held back on that trailer!!

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That was so beautifully done, if you can say that about a funeral. How like Belle to arrange for those balloons, Annie got it straight away. Clever idea on H&A's part to show those scenes of Geoff, Annie, Nic and Irene and their last time with Belle last night. It was much better to give them own time then rather than having to rush it the night before.

So was Liam just claiming to be clean the night before or was it the shock of finding out Belle was dying put him back on drugs? If the latter it doesn't say a lot for his ability to take bad news. I do hope Nic comes to her senses and doesn't take the drugs Liam is so obviously going to want to give her. Hopefully Sid will contact someone and they get to her before she does. I'm in two minds about Aden's reaction about seeing Nic wearing Belle's necklace, not a clever idea on her part to be wearing it when he came back to the house. I can understand his wanting to bury it with her, but he didn't seem to want to hear Nic's explanation. Perhaps that is what Belle has put in her letter to him. Did he deliberately misunderstand her when she said Belle wanted her to look after him?

Nice little moment between Jai and Annie, especially when he said he didn't know what to say and she told him just being there was enough.

As an add on at least we did find out how old Belle was - 20. I'm guessing Aden is a couple of years younger which would make him 18?

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Ok, how long did it take to realise Roobs is Chucks daughter....hmm, even my brother had sussed it by todays episode had started! Doesn't excuse Rubys 'it's all about me' outburst though, poor Charley's personal life being prised out of her, give her a break, there's only her dad that has any sensitivity.

I think I'll remember Belle as that sparky young photographer who got hospitalised three times in about as many weeks, be weird not seeing her around :-(

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