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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Regarding yesterday’s episode I thought it was a lot better than the last one. I actually found it extremely difficult to watch. Really good and emotional scenes with Irene, Geoff and in particular Annie at the beginning. Just seeing the picture of her and Belle in the camera had a really powerful effect. I didn’t mind Aden as much and even though his speech wasn’t the most eloquent he was being honest and I can’t really fault him for that. His reaction towards Nicole when she told him about the necklace was totally expected even though I thought she was in an impossible position. Glad there was a reasonable turnout for the actual funeral. Really liked Irene’s speech and again showing the pictures of Belle with her loved ones had the desired effect. Also really good to see Irene comforting Amanda, obviously taking into consideration how Belle’s death affected her too. It must have hit Liam quite hard because the episode before he said he had been clean for quite a while. I was actually surprised by Geoff’s reaction but again can’t blame him as it was completely understandable. It was nice of Jai to try and look out for Annie and he did everything right - had an understanding tone, asked if he could get Dexter then Annie said she wanted him to stay with her. Good of Sid to look out for Nicole like that too.

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Ok, how long did it take to realise Roobs is Chucks daughter....hmm, even my brother had sussed it by todays episode had started! Doesn't excuse Rubys 'it's all about me' outburst though, poor Charley's personal life being prised out of her, give her a break, there's only her dad that has any sensitivity.

No, I thought it was very well done; not really an outburst on Ruby's part. She realised that there was more to what she was being told and it gradually built up thoughout today's episode, with wise words from Xavier and Angelo as well, to the dramatic climax when Charlie finally told her. Over the washing up seemed an ideal time, when they were by themselves.

What I find completely insensitive is immediately after that climax we have to listen to that stupid loud advert. Completely spoilt the effect. The usual final song would have followed well.

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OK so Nicole didn’t take drugs but I was a bit disappointed that she slept with Liam. I could understand Indigo wanting to cover for her but I actually think perhaps maybe Sid should have just told Miles the truth. It might actually be better for her if this comes out so Miles and Kirsty can address the problem. I think at first when Sid said he couldn’t cover for her he was thinking like a parent but when he changed his mind he was thinking like her doctor. Nicole probably should listen to his advice and maybe get counselling. I did actually like the stuff with Nicole and Indigo. They would probably work quite well as friends. Didn’t really buy into the recent stuff with her and Belle, don’t think she really clicks with Annie but I really liked the stuff with her and Ruby. Shame that seems to have been forgotten because both characters have their own problems/storylines.

I thought Aden was quite harsh with Nicole considering that she was only going there to help and support him. It must have been difficult considering the way treated her the day before. I don’t think he was as bad with Morag but he still pushed her away too. I don’t mind him too much at present because his behaviour is realistic for his personality. He’s obviously extremely depressed and I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose your wife like that after being married for such a short time. It will be interesting to see whether he relapses. I think it’s unlikely but I’m expecting him to be like this for the time being at least. His attitude towards people around him (or in general) might even get worse.

Charlie, dear Charlie. Firstly glad despite having serious concerns about Ross’s wellbeing Morag did a U-turn from last week and actually seemed quite protective of her even though she knew she was still lying. Perhaps she was still feeling guilty as Angelo sort of suggested. I’m glad he stuck to his guns and told Ruby that he didn’t feel comfortable discussing Charlie (and Ruby’s quest to find the “adopted” son) behind her back. I’m glad Xavier kept his mouth shut during that scene. I thought he was going to say something to Angelo after he refused Ruby’s request. In saying that I didn’t find Ruby annoying in the slightest. Understandably she thought she had a nephew so only naturally did she want to get to know him as things are difficult with Ross.

Onto the actually revelation. I knew about it beforehand but I’m not sure if I would have been able to guess before today’s episode. I have to say there is a MASSIVE continuity error here. Less than two weeks ago I watched an episode from last year when Charlie was on a date with Roman and she told him she was twenty six. I don’t think the episode was more than fifteen months old. Assuming Charlie’s had two birthdays in between at most that would make her twenty eight. So if Ruby was born sixteen years ago that would have made Charlie twelve when she had her. I think not. Anyway I was a bit surprised Charlie decided to drop the bombshell like that. Although to be honest I think it’s reached the point where there wasn’t really a good time to tell her anyway. Maybe she was thinking about Ross and how his having to keep secrets doesn’t help with his condition. I really can’t wait to see what happens next. So many things need answering. How is Angelo going to react knowing that Charlie kept something from him again? How is Ruby going to react when she finds out how she was conceived (I’m assuming that part of the story was true)? We haven’t heard Ross’s side yet but I have to say how could he (and his dead wife) have raised Ruby as Charlie’s sister knowing that Charlie had been raped? You would have thought those parents of hers have a lot to answer for.

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I have to say there is a MASSIVE continuity error here. Less than two weeks ago I watched an episode from last year when Charlie was on a date with Roman and she told him she was twenty six. I don’t think the episode was more than fifteen months old. Assuming Charlie’s had two birthdays in between at most that would make her twenty eight. So if Ruby was born sixteen years ago that would have made Charlie twelve when she had her. I think not.

Classic case of SORAS but I hate it when they do that, as if they think we're stupid. :lol: Think Charlie's meant to be about 30 now.

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Not quite sure Nic did actually have sex with Liam, that is what Indigo assumed, but Nic told her they just both crashed out and I think I believe it. Glad that Sid did change his mind though, seems like Indigo has had a change of heart about him (for now anyway) judging by the scene of them walking along the beach then she thanked him for covering for Nic and he gave her a hug.

Nic is probably the last person Aden wants to see at the moment, through no fault of her own. Shame Morag couldn't get through to him. What it needs is another letter from Roman, maybe Nic could see him and ask him to write. Do we know if Irene has given him Belle's letter?

Finally the truth is out there! From what Angelo was saying to Charlie he did know the whole truth, he was just trying to persuade Charlie to tell Ruby. It was obvious from Ross's behaviour that the Altzhemiors (know that's spelt wrong sorry), is affecting him again. Nice little talk between Morag and Charlie and Morag assuring Charlie she wouldn't say anything about the adoption. Angelo was quite right that he couldn't do anything about finding Ruby's 'brother' behind Charlie's back. Can't really blame Ruby for being interested and keen to find 'him'.

I think I can clear up part of the age mystery, initially Charlie said she was 16 when she gave birth, which as Ruby pointed out would have made 'him' 14 and Charlie 30, but as we now know she was 14 which still makes her 30 and Ruby of course is 16!

Quite a subtle way of Charlie telling Ruby, after Ruby had made it clear she would like to know whatever the truth was. The fact that 'their' mum and dad adopted the baby and it wasn't a boy but a girl.

Agree with you Red, it is an unusual arrangement that the victim's parents adopt the baby, Ross did say to Morag that they (the adoption agency were very understanding). Wonder how much of a say Charlie had in it, unless of course Charlie did agree which is pretty courageous of her. Now we wait for the fallout - Charlie is going to be bombarded with questions. As for Ruby hope Xavier will be there for her and she lets him be there and doesn't push him away.

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^I agree about the similarity to the Cat/Zoe Storyline from Eastenders.

So Charlie did tell Angelo then. Good scene with him and Ruby on the beach even though he sort of put his foot in it (although the rape had to come out at some point). Glad Charlie didn’t really hold it against him. I still blame Ross. This whole mess is his fault.

I thought Ruby was really unfair with Charlie throughout most of that episode. As Morag said Charlie was younger than Ruby is now and even when Charlie tried to explain her inability to “bond” with her after she was born because of the rape Ruby was having none of it. To be fair (even though I was more sympathetic towards Charlie) Ruby’s just had her whole life turned upside down and is not really thinking straight. Once she calms down I’m sure she’ll come round. Still having a hard time adjusting to the fact that Charlie isn’t Ruby’s sister but her mother.

Morag seems to be quite pro Charlie at the moment defending her to both Martha and Ruby, although in both cases you could argue she was using logic and unbiased reasoning. It was good to see Leah present for this as I don’t recall seeing her at the house since Ross and Morag came down for Aden and Belle’s wedding. Not sure when the last time we saw VJ was either.

I have to admit I loved the scene with Martha and Charlie, especially when they both got their claws out. I was smiling through most of that. I actually quite like the fact there’s still tension between them because of Angelo. Martha’s reaction when Charlie first quizzed her would indicate that she wasn’t doing it as some sort of pay back and was genuinely trying to offer Ruby a way out of a difficult situation. I thought Hugo did really not to rise to Martha’s comment about him sleeping with Charlie - that was below the belt. His calmness I think was what convinced Martha not necessarily that she was doing the wrong thing but it was better for Ruby to try and sort things out with Charlie and Ross first. Xavier came across quite well too. Firstly when Ruby told him she wanted to disown Charlie and he told her basically not to make any rash decisions and then when Martha told Ruby it was best not to let her stay and he agreed but still said if Charlie agreed then Martha could let her stay still supporting her in a way.

It’s a shame the immigrant guy from the hospital spotted Angelo and his colleague because now they are not going to catch Gibsy with the Abalone. Not sure if Hugo was planning to turn up but if he is, he could be in trouble.

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Same here, very reminiscent of Kat/Zoe. Always a tricky thing of when to tell someone they were adopted when they haven't had a clue before. In the Charlie/Ruby situation it's even more complicated. I know it seemed Ruby was being really harsh on Charlie but it is understandable as Slade said everything Ruby thought was real suddenly isn't. She needs time to think about it and try and take it all in. Quite understand Angelo's mistake when he told Ruby about the rape, Ruby did say Charlie had told her everything, so naturally he thought she knew. Does anybody else think it is strange that Ruby hasn't asked THE important question - who her dad is?

Have read she is off to see Aunty Michelle who may get her to see things more calmly.

I do think Charlie was out of order by thinking Martha was letting Ruby stay with her to get back at her seeing Angelo, I don't think she was thinking that at all. Glad to see Xavier trying to help Ruby although he can't possibly really understand what she is going through.

Hugo did the right thing by contacting Angelo (albeit anoymously) about the abalone poaching, though now as you say Slade he and his mate have been distacted by the illegal immigrant, probably dropping Hugo in it.

Not quite sure whether to believe Dex when he said to Tony that he didn't know what Jane was up to, was he trying to lull him into a false sense of security? I do think Tony did overeact when they came into the Surf Club, although if they are locals we have never seen them in there before, they are entitled to go anywhere they like.

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I think Charlie could have been lying to Roman about her age, maybe because she wanted to appear younger [for whatever reason- vanity? Didn't want to be 30 yet? Its a big milestone].

I expect the reason Ross and wife adopted baby Ruby because she was their flesh and blood. It wasn't her fault she was the product of a rape- Ross and wife probably would rather look after her than let her go away never to be seen again. I bet this has happened millions of times since the beginning of human life. They probably took the decision in place of their young teenage daughter who was in no fit state to make it, and thought it would be nice if Charlie wasn't an only child.

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