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I found it quite surprising there was virtually no reaction whatsoever from Charlie regarding Ruby going off with Geoff (although you could tell Charlie was thinking about Ruby when Jane mentioned losing a child). You would expect her to be distraught but as I’ve said before when she’s at work she’s a completely different person. It seemed a bit awkward when she and Angelo looked at each other at the police station. For a minute there I actually thought she wasn’t going to have Rex and Jane surveyed. I think Rex is innocent in all of this, unfortunately can’t say the same for Jane. I think she did and said everything right during the interview, coming across as completely oblivious to the kidnapping initially, sympathetic towards Rachel, admitted she resented her and was out of line before but I’m still suspicious.

I didn’t really like Hugo’s attitude towards Angelo after he released him. It was pretty silly what he did last week. He was lucky. He should have gone to Angelo first. Same with Alf. Angelo was just doing his job.

Aden was particularly bad with Alf and I thought he did really well to remain calm. I guess Aden must be feeling pretty num at the moment.

Oh boy. I really wish someone hadn’t taken Harry now. Rachel was more annoying than she usually is. Who does she think she is speaking to Tony like that? Bringing up Jack’s death, taking it out on Hugo and Martha and basically accusing Tony of not caring enough simply because he wasn’t panicking, frantic or hysterical. I’m glad he set her straight. Someone needed to.

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I don't think anyone can blame Rachel for her behaviour. The very first time she leaves her newborn son he is kidnapped. I don't think anyone can comprehend the anguish and despair that she and Tony must be feeling. I think all she wanted from Tony was some comfort but i guess everyone deals with things differently. It's clear she didn't mean the Jack comment in a nasty way. She knew instantly she was wrong to say it and her immediate apology showed that. I don't think she accused him of not caring, she simply wanted to know how he could be so calm and not want want to shout and scream like she did. It's an awful situation for them both and i don't thing either of them are in the wrong, they're simply trying to cope. Plus Rachel's pain is going to be physical as well as emotional because she's breastfeeding, and now has no baby to feed. It was nice to see her turn to him at the end though.

I don't blame her for lashing out at Martha and Hugo, anyone would have in the circumstances. I was just a natural reaction.

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Completely agree with you there Kirsty :cool: Rachel is acting completely normally in her situation- in fact I'm surprised she isn't going insane with worry and tearing her hair out. The only thing she did wrong with Tony is not to realise that he is A MAN and that is how men react to things. I don't mean to be sexist, it is just an accepted fact that men prefer to keep their feelings to themselves and women can cope with pouring out their emotions.

That scene of baby Harry alone in that room was strange. It didn't look like a family home, to be honest it looked more like a boat to me. My theory is that Gibbsy has kidnapped Harry to teach Hugo some sort of lesson, and he has him on the boat. Then Aden will find Harry and save him. Harry was wrapped up very warm, so that indicates he was somewhere cold.

However, having said that, Jane and Rex were acting very suspiciously and I wouldn't be surprised if they had Harry.

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Ok, got home from work and watched todays epi. First up - why was Indigo - or whatever the heck her name is - at Aden's place? More to the point - how does she even know Aden? She and her family arrived while Aden & Belle were on their honeymoon, A&B return from said honeymoon and Aden spends most of his time with Belle until she dies, so someone needs to explain to me how this relationship has even started. What, we presume because Indiwhotsits is friendly with Nicole, that makes her an automatic friend to Aden?

Speaking of Nicole, isn't it a bit funny how she hasn't mentioned Ruby's disappearance with Geoff? Few backs back her and Nic were joined at the hip acting all BFF and no mention of her leaving? And with her ex?

H&A has an awful habit of pairing people together for the sake of a scene or a storyline and then we never see that pair together again. Can the producers even spell continuity? But I guess Nic now has Indi, so...I can move on to Angelo. I find it odd that considering he was in a relationship with Belle, he's shown no sympathy/grief about her death. Aside from one comment to Hugo about how he felt sorry for Aden. I mean, seriously, wtf?

Oh boy. I really wish someone hadn’t taken Harry now. Rachel was more annoying than she usually is. Who does she think she is speaking to Tony like that? Bringing up Jack’s death, taking it out on Hugo and Martha and basically accusing Tony of not caring enough simply because he wasn’t panicking, frantic or hysterical. I’m glad he set her straight. Someone needed to.

I'm sorry but I find your post somewhat offensive and insensitive. Have you ever experienced something as frightening as having your child taken away? Do you even have children? Speaking as a parent of a child who was abducted, Rachel's reactions are perfectly normal. You do lash out at those around you, [especially a partner/close friend] because you reach a point where you become so hysterical with fear that you can't think straight. You do think that despite the fact that those around you are suffering too, because you are the child's mother you're the only one who's feeling it, who's going through it. You feel like there isn't enough being done, and therefore lash out at the people who are doing everything they can for you; i.e., the police. You act irrational, out of character, and take the most tiniest, insignificant things and blow them up to the extreme.

I would never wish those feelings on anyone.

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That scene of baby Harry alone in that room was strange. It didn't look like a family home, to be honest it looked more like a boat to me. My theory is that Gibbsy has kidnapped Harry to teach Hugo some sort of lesson, and he has him on the boat. Then Aden will find Harry and save him. Harry was wrapped up very warm, so that indicates he was somewhere cold.

However, having said that, Jane and Rex were acting very suspiciously and I wouldn't be surprised if they had Harry.

Sorry to disillusion you Miranda, but Gibbsy doesn't have anything to do with Harry,

your second thought is right. It does seem strange and very wrong that she has left him alone anything could happen to him, such as choking if he was sick. She didn't seem that bothered about being away from him when she being questioned at the police station.

Jane did seem to be a bit too helpful and sympathtic maybe that is why Charlie has decided to have them followed.

Also can understand both Tony and Rachel's different reactions to Harry being taken. He is Rachel's first child so naturally she would be acting the way she is. It wouldn't do any good for them both to be in a state, when she blew up at Tony and he snapped back I think she got that he was just as worried and scared. That is the way it looked when they showed up at the police station anyway. I don't think she meant it personally when she said we shouldn't have left him with Martha and Hugo, it could have been anyone. It may have happened off screen (again), but I didn't see any police activity at Martha's such as seeing if they could find any footprints outside the window or dusting for fingerprints.

Think your'e right Slade about Charlie being a different person when she is working, but it must be on her mind.

Angelo could have come really unstuck with the abolone, but luckily it didn't occur to Hugo to ask how he got the key, even Angelo's partner was unsure if they were doing the right thing. Thank goodness for phone records and the CTV, bit childish of Martha to say to Angelo that's the last time we help you na na na na na. :P Besides I think Hugo is involved in something a lot more heavier than abolone poaching.

I think Red that Angelo meant Gibbsy isn't working alone. When Aden turned up at the wharf I got the feeling Gibbsy was having second thoughts about taking Aden along especially when he said that it wasn't too late to back out.

I had a sudden thought last night, depending how long that Gibbsy has been poaching could it be that he or an associate killed Lou! Gibbsy could have been out that night came across Lou on his boat who challenged him and bang he is shot. He then planted the gun at Donna's.

Actually I thought Colleen was being very sympathic towards Aden, just a shame he wasn't in the mood to listen.

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:rolleyes: Well, I wasn't being completely serious about Gibbsy and Harry, it was just a wild idea, so I don't mind being disillusioned. If only I was a scriptwriter on HAA, how mad would the plots be :P

Is it now okay to discuss the 2.15 episode of HAA on this thread?

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I'm sorry but I find your post somewhat offensive and insensitive. Have you ever experienced something as frightening as having your child taken away? Do you even have children? Speaking as a parent of a child who was abducted, Rachel's reactions are perfectly normal. You do lash out at those around you, [especially a partner/close friend] because you reach a point where you become so hysterical with fear that you can't think straight. You do think that despite the fact that those around you are suffering too, because you are the child's mother you're the only one who's feeling it, who's going through it. You feel like there isn't enough being done, and therefore lash out at the people who are doing everything they can for you; i.e., the police. You act irrational, out of character, and take the most tiniest, insignificant things and blow them up to the extreme.

I would never wish those feelings on anyone.

In answer to your questions no I’ve never experienced anything as frightening as having my child taken away and no I don’t have any children. I’m sorry your child was abducted. Really I am. I couldn’t have possibly imagined what you went through at the time and I’m sorry if you found my post offensive but I’m not sorry for posting it. It was a reflection of how I felt about Rachel after that particular episode and I’m simply expressing an opinion as a member of this forum. And yes in case anyone hasn’t guessed I don’t like her and I’m not sorry about that either.

I can see where you’re coming from i.e. perhaps you felt I should have been more sympathetic towards her because of the situation she’s in but she’s a fictional character in a fictional show. And whilst I accept that a lot of the storylines centred around her and some of the other Summer Bay residents are very real and experienced in every day life and whilst I might sympathise with some of the characters I’m under no obligation to feel any empathy towards them because they don’t exist. They’re fictitious. I’m sorry if this comes across as condescending (I’m simply trying to show you my point of view) but for me personally watching and Home and Away and to a lesser degree other soaps/dramas requires a certain suspension of disbelief. I was (and still am) a massive Kirsty and Kane fan. Now I read a noted a lot of comments from a significant number of people back in the day who couldn’t understand how anyone could like them (the argument being how could someone possibly fall in love with the person who raped their sister) but for me because it wasn’t real I was prepared to put that to one side. I’m not so sure if I would be accommodating for such a relationship if this happened in real life and definitely would have accepted what Kirsty did if she’d been a member of my family. And this is in no way shape or form directed at you personally (because this is only time I’ve seen you taken offense I believe) but the way some people are reacting to some of the negative posts about certain characters in some of the threads it’s as if they are real people. And whilst there is a concern that some of the comments here reflect how some of the posters would act in the real world I can assure you that if this had actually happened I would feel nothing but sympathy towards Rachel regardless of whether I liked her or not.

Anyway…today. I did actually prefer Rachel in this episode (and not just because of what was mentioned above) but I just thought the scene where she irrational went into Rex and Jane’s house in the middle of the night (and was a complete mess) looking for evidence of Harry was acted out quite well. Also when she was handing the leaflets out and someone mentioned letting a house and she put two and two together and again when the police finally caught up with Jane and Rachel pleaded for her to hand Harry over was good. Regardless of what I think of the character you can’t fault the actress and I did actually feel sorry for her.

At last Charlie spoke about how empty her life was without Ruby. If Jane’s baby hadn’t died I don’t think she would have been as sympathetic towards her to be honest. I wonder what’s going to happen to Jane now. Probably the same fate as Trey. One thing’s for sure, Rex was in complete denial throughout.

I completely forgot about Hugo’s girlfriend who died. Wasn’t that the reason why he ran off and eventually Xavier had to look after Brendan? He seemed to go out of his way to help Aden and received very little gratitude for it.

I thought we were going to get more screentime with Nicole and Indy. Shame it had to be ruined by Aden’s drunkenness. I think his good behaviour bond should be over by now and Hugo mentioned something about getting five years but I’m not sure if Aden would have got as much as that if Angelo had caught him.

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I've been watching episodes all over the place recently so just a brief comment on recent episodes. I have to I found Rachel very annoying (more so than usual) when she was lashing out at Tony because she didn't think he was doing enough. So he wasn't ranting and raving, he was subdued, but there is no hand book on how to react when your child goes missing. In my opinion Rachel had no right to shout at him for not caring enough, I'm just glad that Tony stood up to her. Another thing, maybe Rachel kept saying how her baby was missing, I guess she meant her's and Tony's.

Martha's line to Angelo about it being the last time she and Hugo help him annoyed me and made me laugh in equal measure, since when do they ever try to help him?

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Is it now okay to discuss the 2.15 episode of HAA on this thread?

Technically, yes, since it's been shown, but I tend to wait until after the second showing in case people haven't seen it.

There are times when I wish I could actually like Aden.I think that was one of those instances where if it was a one-off I'd have been sympathetic but it just felt like business as usual.For the last year and a half, Aden has repeatedly chosen to do the wrong thing and never had to face the consequences because there seems to be a whole host of people queuing up to cover for him or let him off the hook. Although in this case, given where his head's at and that he didn't seem to be set to profit from his crime, sending him to jail, especially for any length of time, would be very harsh justice.Not sure if his bond's expired or not, he might have a month to go.(How did Hugo know Aden was involved anyway?Did Alf tell him when we weren't looking?)Tempted to say that him giving alcohol to an underage girl is like the bad old days as well although at least she was only underage in terms of alcohol rather than...anything else.Thought Nicole was a bit hard on Indigo, she was trying to help and hadn't really done anything wrong, although she was a bit out of her depth.(Aden was at work the episode before Belle died and we've seen him at the Diner and the surf club since Indigo's been in town so it's entirely possible she met him at some point.)Nice to see Nicole going all tough love on Aden (in my opinion she's always been better at standing up to him than Belle was)although I guess time will tell if it's actually an effective approach.

I understood when Angelo said he couldn't turn a blind eye if he caught Aden red-handed but I wish he'd drop the macho attitude when dealing with Hugo.It sometimes seems that those two are competing to see who can be the most childish.It got very tiresome very quickly and it's been going on for months.If Angelo does know something about Hugo that we don't, then he's not doing a very good job of hiding it and if it's just a case of him not liking or trusting him and so automatically putting him at the top of his list of suspects, he needs to get over it.I agree it's odd he's had no reaction to Belle's death, he didn't even seem to be at her funeral.I also thought it was odd that there was no mention of Drew, who was living with Amanda and Peter last we heard.

I could understand it completely but Rachel breaking into the Avents' house to search the place just made her look like a crazy person.I actually thought she was looking for Harry in those cupboards for a moment and searching for baby food wasn't much saner.Georgie loses credibility as a police officer by seemingly failing to notice Rachel or(presumably)Jane entering the house.I'm glad Harry was found quickly and hopefully they'll give Tony and Rachel a break for a bit and just let them be happy.Guess there was only one suspect and not surprisingly she dunnit.Solution was a bit convenient:Rachel just happening to run into the person who rented Jane the flat is an acceptable coincidence but Charlie made a massive leap by checking the records for Rachel's name.I guess in a sense Jane was trying to become Rachel so she could be Harry's mother.I think Rex suspected she was behind it even though he didn't know for sure and if Rachel was right about Jane being out of the house then I think he lied to the police.Not sure about Charlie's situation being compared to theirs:Jane's baby died, Rachel's baby was kidnapped.Charlie's daughter ran off to the city with her friend to clear her head and will probably be back next week.

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I didn't personally hear Rachel ever accusing Tony of not caring about Harry. All she said to him, as Red Ranger said, was that she wanted them to go through it together, she wanted them to support each other through it and she didn't want Tony sitting in a dark corner on his own, she wanted him to help her find Harry. I'm not saying that what Tony was doing was wrong, he was perfectly within his rights to act the way he felt he could cope better but I could understand Rachel wanting Tony to go through it WITH her and am not sure where people are getting the idea the she accused him of not caring about Harry? Whilst I didn't agree with all of her comments, I do sympathise with anyone in this situation and I think all rationality goes out of the window, you don't care about being polite to police officers and the people who were meant to be babysitting your child. You're so desparate to find your baby you will do anything. Literally. In the same way that Tony was driven to attempted murder when his son was killed. What Rachel did pales in comparison really and yes I know Harry wasn't murdered in the end but at the moment, for all Rachel know, he could have been. She was dealing with the guilt also.

I thought the acting was amazing from everyone involved inthe Harry kidnapping storyling, the lady who played Jane (sorry I don't know the actresses name) played the part so well, even though she was being all sweet and innocent, you could tell she was lying through her teeth. I really liked the substory with Charlie and how her personal experience became involved, I liked the touch of her taking off her hat to talk to Jane it was like she was communicating on the same level: mother to mother. Amy and Jon it goes without saying really, they never disappoint with huge dramatic storylines like this, I felt both their pain and anxiety all throughout and really liked seeing the way they both coped so differently, how it caused problems and how they came together to deal with it. That scene with them on the bed smiling at each other and Harry and Tony poking out their tongues at each other was adorable :wub:

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