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God, Denny, I didn't read your post properly! I'm so sorry your child was abducted, how devastating. I hope everything was resolved happily, I don't know what to say.


Re: Home and Away:

I know Rachel is a fictional character, as they all are, but soaps are full of characters and situations which people identify with and I think they should show characters' reactions as realistically as possible. I don't think Rachel went far enough. I'd have been far, far more panic stricken and insane if someone took my child. Its all very well to say 'Rachel looked like a mad person' or 'she was unfair on Tony' but I don't think cold logic takes over in situations like these. Pure undiluted emotion and terror takes over, and people wouldn't care how they appear to others, or care about what others are feeling.

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I dont know how it must feel to have a baby abducted but i can imagin it must fel as though your whole world has fell inn, I,m so glad HAA didnt drag the slory out too far and long as i fell it would have got up peoples noses but what i cant fathom out was how the woman went strait to Rachel and said we can settle the rent on the cottage some other day had she seen Rachel before?

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I,m so glad HAA didnt drag the slory out too far and long as i fell it would have got up peoples noses but what i cant fathom out was how the woman went strait to Rachel and said we can settle the rent on the cottage some other day had she seen Rachel before?

I assumed that either it's a small town and everyone knows Rachel or, more likely, there'd been some kind of news report, either on the television or in the papers, about Harry's abduction with a picture of Rachel and Megan had seen the name and recognised it.I do admire HA's economy of story-telling sometimes, they can go overboard and rush things but this time the storyline lasted as long as it needed to, if this was a UK soap Harry would probably have been missing for about three months.

Glad that Nicole eventually apologised to Indi and realised she hadn't done anything wrong.Also glad that she hasn't lost the ability to laugh at herself, her pratfall when she tried to storm out was actually rather funny.Not sure about Sid's assessment of her:Okay, she went out and got smashed with Liam after the funeral but I think she's been holding it together since then and keeping an eye out for Aden has actually given her something to focus on, although maybe banging her head against a brick wall isn't going to be that good.Not sure about their "moment" either.If Sid finds Nicole attractive, that's not necessarily wrong unless he does something about it.As for her, it's probably just a comfort thing, she was throwing herself at Geoff not so long ago.While delivering her regulation three lines of dialogue, Leah actually seemed pleasant towards Sid for about the first time.Maybe she's thawing.

Miles' outburst...actually left me feeling sorry for Kirsty.He just came across as petulant and unsupportive and seemed to be saying that he didn't think her uni course was important.If she'd been out partying with her friends instead of looking after her son and spending time with her family, fair enough, but she was actually doing uni work.He said she should have done it earlier but what was she doing instead?It just seemed like he was throwing a tantrum because he didn't think she was spending enough time with him.As an aside, Indi looking after Ollie was a really cute moment.

I don't know if I should give up on Jai and Annie or not.I don't want to become one of those people who's still trying to get their favourite couple back together two years after they split up.I'd like to think Jai asked to get back with Annie because he still likes her rather than because he was jealous but that didn't seem to be the way it was played.Annie and Dexter...They smile a lot and it looks like they're supposed to be enjoying each other's company but I just don't see any connection between them, certainly not a romantic one.Don't know if Annie's ignorance of Dexter's feelings means she doesn't feel the same way or not.Have to say not convinced by Dexter's explanation about the photo, if he was going to put it in the album why wasn't it in there, I think he was going to keep that one for himself.Although I wasn't happy about Jai showing it to Annie instead of just giving it back to him.

I know I should feel sorry for Aden but...I don't.Can't fault Belle's letter, she said everything right, it's just he didn't listen.If he wants to wallow in self-pity and interpret "let people in" as "have meaningless sex with a stranger while literally slamming the door in Irene's face", that's his choice.Irene seemed to be campaigning for sainthood, ignoring Aden's attitude and the semi-undressed female.(How old was that woman meant to be anyway?She looked old enough to be Aden's...older sister.)

Completely Unrelated Recap Sequence(hereafter abbreviated to CURS):We had a fairly lengthy clip of Charlie, Rachel and Jane...none of whom were actually seen or mentioned in the episode.

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Yes, I assumed that Megan had asked someone who Dr. Armstrong was, as Rachel is such a well known person she was easy to point out. I felt so sorry for Rachel handing out those leaflets, desperate to find her baby when obviously those surfer types didn't give a toss.

CURS- :lol: Being a Formula 1 fan, it just makes me think of the technical thing they use, KERS [Kinetic Energy Recovery System, or something], which is like a turbo :lol:

I was shocked at Aden's behaviour. How is some one night stand going to make him feel better? Belle wouldn't have wanted that! On a tangent: why is he always at it on the sofa? Aren't there any other rooms in the house? :rolleyes:

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I forgot to rescan my Freeview box yesterday so the episode didn’t record.

About this time last year Nicole was one of my favourite characters but I’m not really liking her at present. That episode was an example why. I didn’t like the way she acted towards Indy. She seemed over protective of Aden and as she admitted to her later on she was jealous. Her comment about Sid’s parenting was just rude and uncalled for. I actually found it quite funny when she walked into the mop bucket then fell over and found Jai and Indigo’s barely concealed laughter even funnier. The way Nicole looked at Sid when he went to wipe the grease from her face made me wonder if she might have a thing for him. I wonder if Sid thought the same thing. It’s funny how she was trying to look out for Aden because she feels his life’s a mess but she’s only slightly better off than he is.

I don’t really blame Aden for sleeping with that woman. His head’s all over the place at the moment. Obviously physical from her part because even when she went up to him in the bar he didn’t exactly start up any stimulating conversation. Irene was a lot more understanding than I thought she would be when she realised what happened. I thought she was really nice so I was quite shocked the way Aden just shut the door in her face. Miranda I think Aden and Nicole did it first of all in Aden’s room and then in the kitchen.

Leah was actually pleasant to Sid for once. Can I assume she doesn’t fancy him anymore?

I thought Miles was a bit harsh with Kirsty and came across quite tactless but I could kind of understand (although I didn’t agree) with his behaviour. He’s working fulltime, having to do all the day to day stuff, looking after Nicole (in her present state), Jai and Ollie while Kirsty is going to Uni and maybe even enjoying herself - well Miles implied he did to one of her uni friends the other day. But yes he might also be frustrated at not seeing much of her. I also wonder if this possibly is an age thing too.

Don’t quite understand why Dexter just upped and left like that.

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^I think Dexter upped and left because of Annie saying she's glad that they're just friends and not anything complicated when he seems to want more than that.

Anyway...at first I thought Geoff and Ruby were still in the city and wondered why they'd taken so long to get to Michelle's place but if she lives on the north coast that makes sense.Guess it also makes sense given that Charlie ran away there.Ruby thinking Charlie hated her seemed like a strange thought process, she left her with her parents, she didn't abandon her in the middle of the street.Loved when Geoff explained he wasn't Ruby's boyfriend and she added "Definitely not my boyfriend."Thought Ruby suddenly venting at Michelle was a bit abrupt.How big is Michelle's place?It seemed a fair-sized house when they turned up but then we get the sight of Geoff and Ruby sleeping in the same room and apparently not even on proper beds.Even if there's only one bed in the house, surely there'd be more than one spare room?

Miles really does seem to be the guy with all the female friends, I loved his scenes with Leah and Charlie.(Even if asking Charlie to kiss him was a bit inappropriate...)Leah's advice was spot on as well, Miles seems to be letting things build up and then blowing his top and it's a shame he didn't recognise he's being just as immature as Kirsty.Loved her irritated expression when she realised she had both of them using her as an agony aunt.Although I loved that scene of Miles coming home and finding the place cleaned up, he just stood there thinking "What's going on?" and I laughed out loud when he nearly took the kettle upstairs with him, I'm not too keen on Kirsty's solution.An afternoon of passion to show him how she feels about him is fair enough so long as they talk things through afterwards and try to find a way of organising things that they're both happy with.Especially since she only seemed to do it because she was worried about him and Leah.

Charlie and Ruby being mother and daughter is common knowledge?Who blabbed?I guess they have had a few public discussions/arguments.As for Charlie's outburst to Ross...I agreed with every word she said but, like a lot of things in this storyline, it should all have been said a long time ago, not when he's an old man who hasn't got all of his marbles.I don't know if Ross was thinking like a policeman when he should have been thinking like a father or thinking like a father when he should have been thinking like a policeman but whichever hat he had on it was the wrong one.It might have been traumatic for Charlie to go to court and see the boy that raped her get away with it but it may have been better, certainly in the wrong run, than just giving up and not even trying to get justice.At least then she'd have had the opportunity to look him in the eye and say "I know what you did and so do you."I was glad to see Morag beating herself up over her part in things, I think she's redeemed herself over the past couple of weeks.

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I thought Leah came across really well. Trying to be totally objective regarding the Miles/Kirsty situation and actually sticking up for Kirsty despite being irritated by her (she was biting her tongue I know she was and TBH I would have found it difficult being around Kirsty when she was doing her self pitying act especially at work if I was busy). See when Adda’s actually given material she shows Leah can be halfway-decent.

I thought it could have been an age thing between Miles and Kirsty. You could argue that Kirsty’s at the point where Miles was several years ago when he was at Uni. Surprisingly I did actually like the stuff with them when Kirsty saw Miles with his arm around Leah on the beach, realised that she wasn’t spending enough time with him cleaned the house, hinted why she got everyone out and Mile’s gormless expression afterwards when she led the way. Also liked the scene between Miles and Charlie and I still think he could have had her several months ago in the hotel room.

I really liked Ruby in this episode. I’m sure seeing Michelle will actually turn out to be beneficial for her and Charlie. And I’m glad she had an insight into why Charlie acted the way she did and could actually see it from her perspective and sympathise with her. I guess it was bad Charlie hating herself but at least she didn’t hate Ruby. I did find it a bit odd how Michelle kept some of the photos though. I wonder if she anticipated that Ruby would have come to her one day. Geoff didn’t say very much but I liked the way he supported Ruby just as a friend and even liked their scenes more than those with Xavier recently.

Perhaps Charlie was harsh with Ross given his condition but she tried to avoid the discussion and he just kept pushing and pushing whereas he maybe should have left it for a little while. I can understand that he was worried about her but it’s difficult to argue with her reasoning for her resenting him and being angry. As I said before I think Ross should have still pressed charges. I’m really not sure how much difference it would have made but she did have the right to try and get her attacker convicted. I just hope he’s alright and the way he collapsed like that isn’t serious.

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I'm a couple of days behind now as when I went to add post on Wednesday the system throw me out.

There was definitely 'moment' between Sid and Nic, though to his credit he did pull back. There wouldn't be anything wrong with Sid and Nic geting together other than the facts she is a lot younger, his daughters friend and he is married.

Aden decided to put his own spin on Belle's letter, I'm pretty sure bedding a stranger wasn't what she meant by letting people in. Tony did the same thing after Beth's death but didn't Niaomi turn out to be a stranger.

Leah does seem to be everyones sounding board lately, but she did give good advice to both Miles and Kirsty without taking sides. While on the subject of Leah, yes she did seem to be thawing towards Sid, she actually smiled at him.

I wondered that as well Red, when did it become common knowledge about her and Ruby? The last I knew it was Morag, Hugo, Xavier, Martha and Angelo. Nice little moment I thought of her and Miles on the beach. At least Kirsty didn't throw a strop about by either ignoring Miles or having a row about it, instead she took him upstairs for some them time. The kettle bit was hilarious. :lol:

When Ruby was talking to Geoff about her aunt the thought did cross my mind that Michelle's late husband may have been her dad, but then of course when Ross was having that row with Charlie he mentioned that he was a minor as well (which further explains Ross's reaction when he found Ruby and Xavier). It does look like Ruby is coming to accept that Charlie is her mum and did and does love her.

All that anger Charlie let out at Ross must have been building for years, perhaps now she has let it all out she will be able to move on properly. He was then obviously trying to protect Charlie because being a cop he knew what rape victims went through in court back when Charlie was the age she was, especially when the rapist denied it and the victim had to give evidence. Morag shouldn't really blame herself too much as Alf said (another one who now knows) the truth would have come out sometime. Let's hope Ross comes to and realises where he is.

I think you are right Red about why Dexter suddenly upped and left he does want to be more than friends with Annie, but she rather crushed his hopes.

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