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Really enjoyed yesterday's episode [Thurs]. It was all people talking about things, rather than loads of rushing about dramatically [except of course Ross and Charlie arguing at the end]. I like to know what the characters think about what's happened e.g. Geoff and Ruby, Miles and Charlie/ Leah. The episode seemed more subtle, as if a different writer had taken over, and it was 'character driven' rather than 'plot driven'.

Miles was acting very strangely though: quite bitchy and immature, but perhaps he's tired after all the housework/ teaching/ child looking after. He seemed like he resented being in a relationship, and wanted to play the field a bit with all his lady friends.

Thanks for telling me about the locations of Aden and Nicole's antics, Slade. I feel a bit sick now!

Unfortunately I have to go and cook tea now so I can't elaborate on my thoughts about this episode!

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.(Bizarrely, he wasn't credited on Monday and Tuesday and Irene was...)Charlie appeared in four episodes while Martha and Xavier were only in one each.(Campaigning for complete nerdness, it was actually a very sparse week for much of the cast with only Leah, Rachel, Aden and Angelo managing three episodes.)

Well...for a fair chunk of the episode it felt like I was being presented with scenes in random order, Charlie telling Michelle that Ruby was moving out before she came to the station and said she was going to stay with Irene being the oddest example.Whilst I still agree with what Charlie said, she let sixteen years' worth of frustration pour out at a man who wasn't firing on all cylinders.I was glad they got those little quiet moments of reconciliation.Ross turning up at Rachel's seemed a bit random but I liked how she handled it.I like the way they've been writing Ross' Alzheimer's recently after a few episodes where he seemed perhaps a bit too lucid.I loved the scene between him and Alf, nice to see them using him.Interesting the way Ruby suddenly took to calling him "Ross" only to revert to "Dad" when she saw how affected by things he was.

Annie and Dexter were actually quite good here, I'm not sure what it is about them that means in half the episode I think they spark off each other quite well and in the other half they seem like two strangers pretending to be friends.I even liked the kiss, it was good to see Annie throwing caution to the wind for once.Jai could be on a hiding to nothing here:I don't think it's as simple as him wanting what someone else has got but maybe there's a pride thing about him not wanting Annie to choose someone else instead of him.I even liked Xavier and Ruby here, they may be one of those couples that are more convincing when there's tension between them than when they're looking at each other doe-eyed.He's probably been wearing it for ages and I haven't noticed but Geoff's outfit seemed uncharacteristically casual here.Not too happy about Ruby moving out but her staying at the beach house could be interesting.Especially given Xavier's reaction and Geoff's amusing expression when he walked in on them.Bit odd to suddenly see Xavier working at the Diner for the first time in about six months:Is he meant to have been working there all along or is he just filling in?

As for that last line:Is Ruby insane?Belle didn't bother looking for her father until a month before she died and that was consensual, yet Ruby finds out she's the product of rape and decides to track down the guy responsible a week later.I'm sorry but that doesn't really ring true on any level.

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I think Charlie lost it in the heat of the moment but the problem was she was brutally honest in the episode before. I’m glad Morag didn’t blame her though for Ross going off like that.

I suppose it was good the way Rachel handled him despite him waking her up. And she handled him pretty well. When she’s like this I don’t mind her as much i.e. professional mode. Ross’s condition is deteriorating further unfortunately and I think Rachel was quite correct suggesting that Morag consider putting him in care.

I don’t know why but I just found Ruby irritating in most of that episode. It felt as though she was trying to punish Charlie for abandoning her. Firstly the way she hugged Ross and you could tell Charlie wished that was her and deliberately didn’t really pay much attention to Charlie except to say she would talk to her later. And when she went to the police station and told Charlie she didn’t blame her but was going to move in with Irene anyway.

With Xavier it felt like she was trying to punish him for taking Martha and Hugo’s side about her moving in. I thought he was ok at first helping Coleen at the Diner and didn’t push it with Charlie when she told him Ruby was back but he disappointed me the way he reacted when he found out that Geoff and Ruby stayed in a single rooms at various motels (the way she worded that inferred that she been away for weeks rather than a 2-3 days and I’m sure a couple of them were at her aunt’s). I don’t blame him for getting annoyed but he could have handled the situation a lot better at the bar. So it’s no wonder Ross went for him. Even if Ross wasn’t unwell I still don’t think he would have stood there and watched that.

I’m really not sure it’s a good idea her trying to find her father without discussing it with Charlie first. Charlie didn’t even want Ross mentioning her attacker’s name in the episode before so if Ruby knew from the photos how the rape affected her perhaps it would be fair to talk to her about it.

I’m so fed up with the way Jai’s acting already I’m glad Dexter and Annie kissed. I was never really a fan of her and Jai (although I didn’t dislike them). Didn’t sense any chemistry and spark at all and it felt like they were just good friends. Don’t see any spark with Dexter either but I guess it’s something different at least.

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I don’t know why but I just found Ruby irritating in most of that episode. It felt as though she was trying to punish Charlie for abandoning her. Firstly the way she hugged Ross and you could tell Charlie wished that was her and deliberately didn’t really pay much attention to Charlie except to say she would talk to her later. And when she went to the police station and told Charlie she didn’t blame her but was going to move in with Irene anyway.

With Xavier it felt like she was trying to punish him for taking Martha and Hugo’s side about her moving in. I thought he was ok at first helping Coleen at the Diner and didn’t push it with Charlie when she told him Ruby was back but he disappointed me the way he reacted when he found out that Geoff and Ruby stayed in a single rooms at various motels (the way she worded that inferred that she been away for weeks rather than a 2-3 days and I’m sure a couple of them were at her aunt’s). I don’t blame him for getting annoyed but he could have handled the situation a lot better at the bar. So it’s no wonder Ross went for him. Even if Ross wasn’t unwell I still don’t think he would have stood there and watched that.

I’m really not sure it’s a good idea her trying to find her father without discussing it with Charlie first. Charlie didn’t even want Ross mentioning her attacker’s name in the episode before so if Ruby knew from the photos how the rape affected her perhaps it would be fair to talk to her about it.

Yes, it seems that it is all moving too quickly. I don't think that Xavier took Hugo and Martha's side really. He didn't have much choice. He couldn't invite Ruby to stay with him, as it was not his house to do so, and he would hardly have been welcome at Leah's after the way Ross had reacted towards him at the farm. Yet Ruby still accused him of that, when she returned. It seemed very inconsiderate of Ruby to have gone off without telling him, or even sent him at least a text message while she was away. Her excuse that "she wanted to be alone for a while" was pitiful, considering that she had Geoff with her, as Xavier pointed out. A pity that he didn't give Geoff a chance to explain, as Geoff realised why he was upset.

A normal reaction for a teenage boy, I would have thought, when your girlfriend goes away like that.

Hopefully, when things calm down after a few days, thay can all take more sensibly and make up. But i hope that Ruby just doesn't take off again to find her father (without talking to Charlie first, as you say) and perhaps take Xavier with her this time. So I hope we see Ruby talking it through with Charlie first. That could be quite emotional and an opportunity for more good acting. But i still want Morag kept out of it!

By the way, for those of you interested, in today's Sunday Times Culture supplement, for the top 10 Channel Five programmes watched last week, Neighbours had 1.45 million viewers and Home and Away were last with 1.25 million. Come on, we'll overtake Neighbours yet; it's a much better series!

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With Xavier it felt like she was trying to punish him for taking Martha and Hugo’s side about her moving in. I thought he was ok at first helping Coleen at the Diner and didn’t push it with Charlie when she told him Ruby was back but he disappointed me the way he reacted when he found out that Geoff and Ruby stayed in a single rooms at various motels (the way she worded that inferred that she been away for weeks rather than a 2-3 days and I’m sure a couple of them were at her aunt’s). I don’t blame him for getting annoyed but he could have handled the situation a lot better at the bar. So it’s no wonder Ross went for him. Even if Ross wasn’t unwell I still don’t think he would have stood there and watched that.

I’m really not sure it’s a good idea her trying to find her father without discussing it with Charlie first. Charlie didn’t even want Ross mentioning her attacker’s name in the episode before so if Ruby knew from the photos how the rape affected her perhaps it would be fair to talk to her about it.

Geoff understand how Xavier felt when Ruby told him she and Geoff had shared not just a room but also a bed! If it had been the other way round would she have been understanding? There is a big problem with her finding her dad, which is perfectly understandable, she doesn't know what he looks like let alone his name so who is she going to ask? Ross is certainly not in a fit state and although she doesn't know how Charlie reacted at just the mention of his name would that be a good idea? I'm guessing someone must have rung Michelle and told her about Ross to bring back Ruby so quick.

It looked like from the way Ross was talking to Alf he has already made the decision that Rachel was broaching with Morag - that is to go into a home. What happened at the Surf Club was an accident as he didn't realise it was Morag he had hit he just stroke out, but it does happen to Alzheimers sufferers that they do lash out at those caring for them. I was relieved that Ross came to and luckily found his way to Rachel's who was able to look after him until the others turmed up. He had been stable before all this blew up and all that stress probably hasn't helped at all.

Wow Annie, where did that pounce on Dexter come from? :blush: She is certainly coming out of her shell.

I clocked that as well Red about Ruby moving out before she had come into the station, bit of a continuity hiccup perhaps.

I've seen in a trailer that mentions 'criminal in their midst' that Angelo sets a trap (with Gibbsy's help) for Hugo, so I'm guessing Angelo has something on Hugo with actual proof this time. I've a feeling (which I may have mentioned before) that he is into people smuggling.

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One point i must stress Ruby and Geoff did not share a bed they were in the same room but Tuby was in a single bed while Geoff was on a mattress on the floor.

What is it with this Sid the new Doctor i dont find him appealing what so ever yet Nicole seems to be going out of her way to get her self noticed by him, dose she really see him as a hunk eeeewww.

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What is it with this Sid the new Doctor i dont find him appealing what so ever yet Nicole seems to be going out of her way to get her self noticed by him, dose she really see him as a hunk eeeewww.

There is another thread about this. It comes down to the fact that Nic needs the feel to be loved/lusted over, needed. She doesn't really care who by.

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One point i must stress Ruby and Geoff did not share a bed they were in the same room but Tuby was in a single bed while Geoff was on a mattress on the floor.

What we saw was them sleeping on separate beds in Michelle's house. Previously they had stayed in motels and when Xavier asked "in separate beds", Ruby replied "sometimes". That what made Xavier furious, but he should not have walked away, when Ruby wanted to explain.

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What is it with this Sid the new Doctor i dont find him appealing what so ever yet Nicole seems to be going out of her way to get her self noticed by him, dose she really see him as a hunk eeeewww.

I agree Janice. I really don’t understand what the attraction is with him either. That nurse (who wasn’t bad looking), Leah, Nicole and even Coleen whose usually quite judgemental especially regarding first impressions seems to have been wooed. Even Indy couldn’t see what the fuss was about. I found it interesting how Nicole seemed to pass judgment on him but couple of weeks ago she wanted him to keep quiet about her sleeping with Liam (and he did not to mention that he lied to Miles for her) so I’m glad she didn’t say anything to Indy in the end. Was she really concerned for them or was she jealous? There aren’t many scenes with Indy and Nicole at the moment but I still quite enjoy their interaction. We even had a brief moment Nicole and Ruby too. I’m still quite disappointed that relationship appears to have been forgotten.

That was a nice gesture of Roman to sell his share in the Diner and use it to pay of the mortgage on the house to give Nicole some security. That makes up for when he effectively moved her into Miles’s and allowed Aden and Belle to stay there. I was hoping we would get another voiceover. That seemed to be her 18th birthday present but I’m not sure if it was actually her birthday.

Aden is really unlikeable at the moment especially the way he keeps treating everybody. I know he’s grieving and his behaviour is realistic but I’m so over it already.

I felt quite sorry for Ross and Morag too. He lost it with her again. It was pretty brave of Leah to jump in like that (and notice the height differential). I really, really liked her today. She was calm, caring and understanding and not just with Ross but with Morag, Charlie and Nicole too - Quite the agony aunt. More of her please. At least Ross admitted he had a problem. It must have been so hard for him to tell Morag that the best thing for him was to go into care because he could bear to see her afraid of him.

I quite liked the chat with Morag and Charlie and especially how Charlie seemed to sympathise with Morag and even said she would go along with whatever she decided regarding Ross. Wholeheartedly accepting her as his wife and her responsibility to make decisions on his behalf.

Ruby is really starting to get on my nerves now. Could she be anymore selfish? So not only is she not going to talk to Charlie as per Geoff’s advice but she now doesn’t care how it will affect her either. Add to that her ignoring Xavier, not allowing Charlie to comfort her after Ross left and deciding to find her father anyway at the end.

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Ruby's sudden quest for her father is coming across as monumentally selfish and quite insane.She obviously believes what Charlie said about him so why is she so keen to track him down?Is she just gonna sit outside his house and catch a glimpse of him or is she actually going to walk up to him and say "You know how you raped your girlfriend when you were fourteen and got her pregnant?Well, ta-da!"?Glad that Geoff seemed to be trying to talk some sense into her after being a bit of an enabler, helping her run away, up to now.(One thing that occurred to me when I was thinking about it:Michelle's home appears to be the breadth of Australia away from Summer Bay, it took Geoff and Ruby several days to get there, they obviously spent the night there...yet Ruby got home in time for breakfast?!)

Glad to see Charlie and Morag working together to sort out Ross' care given their headbutting when he was first diagnosed.Nice touch to have Ross make the decision himself, in much the same way that he broke the news to Ruby himself, holding onto that last bit of control.I'm really liking Charlie at the moment, she definitely seems to have matured a lot recently yet also become a bit more vulnerable.

Although I'm glad to see Aden and Nicole getting some screentime together, their scenes are starting to get a bit repetitive.I hope someone actually puts some thought into what happens to that house, despite Roman magically paying off the mortgage.Aden's been living there on his own with no wage: What about bills?Even more importantly, what about food?Has he been living off Colleen's casserole? I'd quite like it if Nicole moved back in but I'm not sure they'd do that.Has she had a growth spurt, was she wearing heels or is Leah just really short?Because she was towering over her and everyone else seems to tower over her.If she's only just turned eighteen, that means she's been seventeen for about a year and a half.(And if everyone forgot it apart from Roman, then given that Miles forgot Jai's birthday last year it's obviously not his strong point.)I actually thought Sid was going to try something with Nicole when he got rid of Therese but it looks as though he isn't interested.

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