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[Ruby is really starting to get on my nerves now. Could she be anymore selfish? So not only is she not going to talk to Charlie as per Geoff’s advice but she now doesn’t care how it will affect her either. Add to that her ignoring Xavier, not allowing Charlie to comfort her after Ross left and deciding to find her father anyway at the end.

What's this, Slade? Are you actually sticking up for Xavier? Wonders will never cease!

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So problem solved re Ruby finding out who her dad is then. Ross obviously didn't realise he had told her his name - funny how it wasn't something everyday like Smith, Jones etc (apologies to all Smith and Jones out there) :wink: . Still doesn't explain just how she is going to track him down after all these years. I can still understand her wanting to find him even after knowing the truth of how she was conceived. Her ignoring Xavier is just being silly, just talk to him girl! :angry::rolleyes: Perhaps she and Geoff went to the city first then called in at Michelle's?

Knew I was right about Ross having already decided to go into a home, certainly took the pressure off Morag having to try and persuade him. Was a nice scene between Charlie and Morag agreeing it was going to be for the best. Remember when Charlie first came to the Bay she and Morag were at loggerheads over Ross, she'd even sent threatening texts to Morag.

Some 18th birthday present for Nic, and it would have been nice to have a voice over. Can't really understand Aden's reaction to Nic telling him she was now his landlady she was only keeping him in the loop. I don't think he has actually been eating that much since Belle died. Nic was defimitely flirting with Sid, but lets hope he acts like the adult he is and keeps her at arms length.

You know Colleen Slade anyone like a doctor, policeman/woman or any authority figure she fawns all over them. :D

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So problem solved re Ruby finding out who her dad is then. Ross obviously didn't realise he had told her his name - funny how it wasn't something everyday like Smith, Jones etc (apologies to all Smith and Jones out there) :wink: . Still doesn't explain just how she is going to track him down after all these years. I can still understand her wanting to find him even after knowing the truth of how she was conceived. Her ignoring Xavier is just being silly, just talk to him girl! :angry::rolleyes: Perhaps she and Geoff went to the city first then called in at Michelle's?

Knew I was right about Ross having already decided to go into a home, certainly took the pressure off Morag having to try and persuade him. Was a nice scene between Charlie and Morag agreeing it was going to be for the best. Remember when Charlie first came to the Bay she and Morag were at loggerheads over Ross, she'd even sent threatening texts to Morag.

Some 18th birthday present for Nic, and it would have been nice to have a voice over. Can't really understand Aden's reaction to Nic telling him she was now his landlady she was only keeping him in the loop. I don't think he has actually been eating that much since Belle died. Nic was defimitely flirting with Sid, but lets hope he acts like the adult he is and keeps her at arms length.

You know Colleen Slade anyone like a doctor, policeman/woman or any authority figure she fawns all over them. :D

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Although I'm glad to see Aden and Nicole getting some screentime together, their scenes are starting to get a bit repetitive.I hope someone actually puts some thought into what happens to that house, despite Roman magically paying off the mortgage.Aden's been living there on his own with no wage: What about bills?

Belle may of had life insurance. Aden may have some savings stored up. Also in real times its only been a couple of weeks since Belle died and most bills come in monthly or quarterly and lots of people pay them by Direct Debit (or whatever they are called in Oz). As for food, perhaps he's goes out and buys some junk and goes straight back into the house.

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couple of weeks ago she wanted him to keep quiet about her sleeping with Liam

I'm pretty sure she didn't sleep with Liam, from what we saw and what she said to Indigo it sounds like they just went to a hotel room, got drunk together, then fell asleep.They might have shared a bed but that's it.

Although I'm glad to see Aden and Nicole getting some screentime together, their scenes are starting to get a bit repetitive.I hope someone actually puts some thought into what happens to that house, despite Roman magically paying off the mortgage.Aden's been living there on his own with no wage: What about bills?

Belle may of had life insurance. Aden may have some savings stored up. Also in real times its only been a couple of weeks since Belle died and most bills come in monthly or quarterly and lots of people pay them by Direct Debit (or whatever they are called in Oz). As for food, perhaps he's goes out and buys some junk and goes straight back into the house.

I did think of life insurance but seriously, how many twenty-year-olds have life insurance?It's just one of many things Belle would probably have put off to another day.As for savings, it's not that long since Aden was so hard up he went to a loan shark.I agree he probably hasn't had many bills, if any, although direct debit only works if you've actually got money in the account...

Anyway...Ruby continues to plough ahead like a steam engine although at least she did try and talk to Charlie even if she didn't seem quite ready to take her feelings into account.(Really didn't like her tit-for-tat attitude about secret keeping.)It definitely sounds as though she isn't expecting to play happy families with Grant but what is she expecting to do?Is it just curiosity?Is she planning to expose him? Geoff seems to be being a pretty good friend at the moment and doing his best to talk sense into her although by the end of the episode she's lying to him as well.Nice to see some interaction between her and Jai, I like their friendship and we haven't seen much of a reaction from him so far, although it's a shame that he ignored his worries and agreed to help her.Can kind of understand Xavier's reaction, it feels like Ruby's willing to talk to everyone except him although she did eventually agree to spend time with him.

Loved Nicole's concern for Aden, it's such a shame he's shutting her out and that she appears to have been completely worn down by the constant abuse, I was slightly disappointed she refused to go and see him but I understand why.Sid seems to be doing his best to keep her at arms length and I think this is just another case of Nicole being lonely and vulnerable and just needing someone to like her.

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At the moment I find myself sticking up for Xavier, Ruby is being totally and completely cringeworthy. Xavier has every right to be annoyed at Ruby and Xavier because she didnt seem to acknowledge when she came back from her 'trip' away with Geoff. I cant balme him for being insecure, I think I would be too if I had a partner that didnt acknowledge me in any way at all.

Aden and Nicole are beginning to annoy me now, I just wish Aden would open up and be honest about how he feels about Belle leaving. I think the only time he was really open was when he was talking at Belle's funeral because other than that I havent seen him talk about how he feels. I really had hoped that the letter Belle wrote him might make him feel more prone to open up but I think it did more harm than good as he seemed to retreated even more into himself and this bubble that he has created to keep the rest of the world out. As for life insurance, I dont think Belle would have had any because until she found out that she was terminally ill, there wouldnt really have been any upstanding reason for her to have life insurance..

Indigo is beginning to grate on my nerves now. I really cant see the point of her at all. Does anyone else think she looks like Matilda did when she first entered the show. I think its the hair to be completely honest with ya..

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What's this, Slade? Are you actually sticking up for Xavier? Wonders will never cease!

Contrary to what you might think I actually don’t dislike Xavier. It’s just at times he does stuff to annoy me in a particular episode. Apart from the way he went off at Geoff at the bar, I actually think he’s been behaving himself as of late.

As mentioned above Ruby continues her selfish pursuit of her father. Not only did she break her promise to Charlie to not contact him but she continued to ignore Geoff’s advice and also enlisted Jai’s help to illegally impersonate someone (according to him). Found her comment funny about her father not looking like a rapist. I meant what do rapists look like? Still not sure about the way she was acting towards Xavier. She stopped ignoring him at least but I didn’t like the way she accused him of trying to make to situation all about him (when she is trying to make this whole thing all about her when really she should be thinking about Charlie) she wouldn’t tell him about the stuff with her dad so there are clearly trust issues.

Again liked the stuff with Morag and Charlie. Those two seem to have an understanding now. Seems as though now the writers decided to put Ross into rest bite care to allow Morag more time on the show as part of her recurring stint.

So Nicole tried it on with Sid? This is her mate’s dad who has only recently split with his wife. I suspected last week that the feeling wasn’t reciprocated on Sid’s part although Nicole believes otherwise.

Glad Irene gave Colleen a serve. Showing concern my foot. She was just being her usual self, constantly talking about other people’s business.

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It's going to be good to see how Morag and Aden get on now she has moved back in. :D She certainly won't let him mope around. If Belle didn't have life insurance before the cancer she certainly wouldn't have been able to get it after.

I'm not too sure about Sid not being attracted to Nic, but as I said in a previous post hopefully he will not act on it. He may have played around before but even he must have some scruples about how young his conquests are.

So Ruby has sort of let Xavier back in although she still won't tell him what is going on, no wonder he feels out of it with both Geoff and Jai being in on her plans (although admittedly Geoff doesn't know about the internet part of it). Now Grant has answered 'John's' post on the social network site where does she go from here, casually ask 'BTW where are you livng now?' Did you notice Grant's picture was blanked out, I know it's not unusual but could there be another reason why he doesn't want people to know what he looks like? :unsure:

Know what you mean Slade about her remark Grant of not looking like a rapist plus of course he would have been only 14 or 15! :rolleyes:

Apparently he (Grant) turns up in the Bay either the end of this week beginning of next.

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I'm really not liking Ruby at the moment.And I'm actually feeling really sorry for Xavier, something I don't think I've experienced since...the last time Ruby was being annoying.Ruby obviously doesn't feel able to talk to him about what's going on and seems to be looking for excuses to avoid spending time with him.Although Xavier jumped to conclusions about the two of them, I hated it when Ruby threw a childish strop and refused to go to the party.It didn't even seem to occur to her that she was hurting Brendan as much if not more than she was hurting Xavier, first by not going to the house to see him and then by not going to the party.As for Geoff and Ruby...Technically they haven't done anything wrong.But it feels very much as though Geoff has become a sort of boyfriend-in-waiting or at least special friend and that Ruby would rather spend time with him than with Xavier.If that's really how she feels then she needs to end things with Xavier rather than just leaving him hanging.

I'm still really liking Sid.Whether he's attracted to Nicole or not, he seems to be doing the right thing and he's trying his best with Indigo and Dexter even if he's not going to win any parent of the year awards.He was as blunt as he needed to be with Nicole when she turned up at the house and basically offered herself to him.I don't know if she's after some sort of ersatz father figure or just someone to have fun with but it's not what she needs right now.Miles did forget her birthday but at least he tried to make it up to her when he found out.Unfortunately I doubt we'll see him give her the present.Bit of interaction between Xavier and Indigo:Maybe he could dump Ruby and get together with her.(Then again, she did consider him lucky to have a girlfriend...)Presumably Annie and Dexter are sneaking off to see each other.

Brendan's back.As I said when he left, I don't think he'd work as a permanent character but I like that he can pop in every now and again instead of just being forgotten about.And Gina's back.I have never been able to warm to her and her parenting skills still leave a lot to be desired.She seemed very dismissive of Xavier's feelings, at least initially, saying he's big enough to look after himself.And she's obviously keeping a secret about the mysterious Ted and seems willing to use Brendan's condition to keep it that way.

Angelo's new boss:File under "sinister."Their conversations and his conversations with Gibbsy(who I wasn't expecting to see again so that's a surprise):File under "too little information to form conclusion."

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Nicole being a right little slut at the moment, lol. Hopefully she leaves Sid along now, although from what I've heard she won't :-(

On a lighter note it's great to see Brendan back. I'd forgotten what a fun and different character he was. When he got those blue pencils I was smiling with him, lol. Hopefully he sticks around for a few more episodes.

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