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I’m finding Ruby so unlikeable at the moment. She’s coming across as extremely selfish and self absorbed and again it felt like she was trying to punish Xavier - This time for overreacting for the second time regarding her and Geoff. And because of her immaturity and pettiness Brendan had to lose out. I find it funny how about three weeks ago (or thereabouts) she declared her undying love and now it’s almost as if she’s sick of the sight of him. Even when he’s tried to support her she really isn’t interested is she.

Nicole’s behaviour is bordering on desperation. It’s almost cringeworthy. I guess I should feel sorry for her. I think she’s in quite a dark place at the moment. One of her closest friends (well the writers would have us believe anyway) has just died. Her other really close friend has outright rejected her and she’s very lonely. I wonder what Roman would say if he could see her now. At least she got to spend time with Indy. As I keep saying I think those two work really well together.

I’m not so sure if Sid doesn’t like her anymore. I wonder if he’s the sort of male who would go for any half decent female with a pulse. If he is, he’s done really well so far and he did appear genuine during his chat with Indy and Dexter. He even had a man to man chat with Miles. Perhaps Miles has found someone to replace Roman as a close mate.

So Angelo is still after Hugo. My memory’s so shaddy at the moment but I’m assuming this is still related to the hand VJ found. Also when Angelo saw the immigrant guy who escaped from the hospital (who was just there by coincidence it would seem now) when he was trying to nail Hugo, that had nothing to do with Gibsy and the Abalone. Although Gibsy must be involved somehow if he’s got info on Hugo.

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I'd forgotten about Brendan's blue obsession.I'm guessing they've been weaning him off his hatred of blue cars.Loved the way he just chucked Tony's rugby shirt away as well and it was good that Tony didn't seem to mind.

I don't think Gibbsy knows anything about Hugo given the way they've been around each other, he'd hardly have left the abalone in his warehouse and then threatened him the way he did if he'd thought he was someone important.However, he obviously knows something about someone so maybe there's an indirect connection in there.

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Why is it Angelo has all of a sudden taken a interest in Hugos affairs saying he has to keep his eye on him I can see hes doing any thing wrong, its Gibsy the one hes got to catch with all that Abalone.

From what we saw with Angelo and his boss it's not a sudden interest but something Angelo was sent to the Bay to do and obviously has been going on for a while. It's always looked to me (and others) that there was more to Hugo than met the eye. If you remember way back we saw Angelo spying on Hugo and Martha when he first came back to the bay. I still think it is to do with smuggling illegals into the country and also that bloke that Nic and Geoff ran into on the island is also involved, we did see him ringing someone to tell them to keep a low profile for a while. Though if Angelo has been keeping tabs on Hugo he has hardly been subtle about it has he? I don't think Hugo is in it for the money he certainly isn't living like he is. In fact a few months he was worried he was going to lose his business. If it turns out he is involved Martha is going to be devastated. It also explains why Angelo wanted to go after the illegel 'Clint' when they were waiting for Gibbsy. Can't really see how Gibbsy can help because as you say Red they don't know each other that well.

It was nice to see Brendan again and once again he knows about someone (his mum) being in love with someone else (Ted). :wub: Don't forget he was right last time about Hugo being in love with Martha, just because he is autistic doesn't mean he is stupid he is more astute than people give him credit for. It seems he has overcome his dislike of crowds by the way he was at the Surf Club.

I thought Ruby was very unkind about the remark that she didn't want to go to the 'stupid party'. Just because she was angry at Xavier jumping to the wrong conclusion she needn't have taken it out on Brendan.

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I was very disappointed to hear that Angelo's real target in the bay is.... Hugo! Well tell me something I didn't guess a million episodes ago. I hoped he was going to say someone surprising, like Alf, or Annie :lol: :whistle:

I feel really, really sorry for Nicole. She has been on the slide since she split up with Geoff and especially since Roman went blind. At one stage all the men in her life were rejecting her: Geoff, Roman, Aden. No wonder she turned to Trey. She is such an unhappy little girl with no one to turn to at the moment, she needs someone to care for her [i don't think she really likes living with Miles and Kirsty. Irene would be better for her, but of course that would mean the Geoff problem]. Fancy not telling anyone it was her 18th birthday :(

Honestly though, Sid really annoys me. Firstly, why does everyone find him irresistable? :blink: Secondly, he should have put Nicole off him ages ago by acting like a father figure, not being unsure and hesitant. She doesn't need a 40 year old boyfriend! She has a case of confusion between parent/lover, as some teenagers do sometimes.

I agree that Ruby is being very dislikeable at the moment. I've thawed a bit towards her after the revelations about Charlie being her mum etc. but before that when she just thought Charlie had had a baby which died/ was adopted she was so selfish and made it about her all the time instead of comforting Charlie. Maybe she had some inkling that the baby was herself which is why she was being so nosey.

Yes it is lovely to see Brendan back, I loved the way he [obviously] had to be told it was a surprise party before it happened

I had to laugh when Xavier caught Geoff with his shirt off again. Does Geoff ever keep it ON?

I can see Geoff and Ruby getting together. She is airy fairy and hard to pin down, and so is he.

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Brendan’s obsession of blue reminded me of Mikey’s obsession of red but for different reasons. Whereas Brendan feared the colour blue, Mikey seemed to embrace his chosen colour. Anyway did you see Xavier’s reaction after Hugo and Martha offered to take on Brendan for a month so Gina could go travelling with Ted? He did not look very happy. And it felt as though he only agreed because it would look really bad and selfish if he didn’t. I can sort of understand that he’s probably thinking more about Ruby than anyone else and maybe thinks Brendan will get in the way of any plans to get back into her good books.

I was a bit surprised Hugo decided to meet Gibbsy just like that. I’m really not sure what happened when the microphone went dead then Angelo and his colleague saw Hugo speeding off and shortly after he saw him at Charlie’s. I loved Angelo’s reaction especially when Hugo told him that Gibbsy wanted him to get him out of the country and that he should never had made bail. There was no usual smugness and he looked like he didn’t know what to do or say. Still quite enjoying Charlie and Angelo. Charlie seemed to be stuck in the kitchen that whole episode, although she did get changed.

As someone that really enjoyed Leah a few episodes ago she really annoyed me today. I agree that seeing Kirsty with one of her friends from Uni was suspicious but the first mistake she made was going straight to Rachel without getting all the facts and the second, the even bigger mistake was telling Miles. She had no right. Why didn’t she confront Kirsty before telling anyone at least to get an explanation and an attempt to make an informed judgment or at worst to give her an ultimatum to try and get her to come clean (even if she was going to do that herself anyway). When Miles asked her outright she should have just told him to speak to Kirsty. I found it interesting when she asked Rachel if it was Tony would she want to know and she said yes. I wonder how she would have responded if Tony hadn’t have slept with Bridgette.

I can understand Kirsty not confiding in Miles straight away because of his desire to have kids and her reservations. She obviously didn’t tell Leah because of when she saw Miles put his arm around her the other day (I recall she felt she could confide in Leah when Bartlett was trying it on). So the only other person that’s left is Irene and I guess she didn’t tell Irene because of Belle’s death, not to mention Irene had a right go at her when she felt she was in the wrong a while back. So I’m guessing that’s why she was talking with a mate from Uni. From her point of view being pregnant is the worst possible scenario especially considering that she got a really good mark with her essay and maybe thought things were going ok with her studies. See that’s what happens when you choose Miles over Kane.

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Well, well, well, so Kirsty is pregnant. I thought the actress [Christie?] had been looking more and more ample in the bust and tummy region for quite a while, I bet she is pregnant in real life.

Can't imagine why Gina is trusting Brendan to Martha and Hugo- they don't have a good track record with looking after people, i.e. Harry, do they? :whistle:

I am completely bored with the whole Angelo/Gibbsy/Hugo storyline already, that sort of thing doesn't interest me. Although Angelo has been very nice and caring recently towards Charlie and family, that's the best I can say with regards him :unsure:

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Oh man.It's official, Leah's turned into a Mini-Colleen.I really didn't like her in that episode.I don't think she's still after Miles for herself but she's a very fairweather friend to Kirsty and doesn't need much encouragement to think the worst of her.Okay, Kirsty's behaviour was suspicious but as Kirsty said not so long ago Leah was cuddling up to Miles on the beach.What if someone had seen them and gone running to Kirsty and said they were having an affair?She should have followed Rachel's [first] advice and just asked Kirsty about it.Interesting that Rachel said she'd like to know if someone had seen Tony like that given that she did see Tony with a woman and jump to completely the wrong conclusion.

I wasn't very happy with Miles' behaviour either and the way he instantly accepted Leah's interpretation.If he'd just shut his mouth and let Kirsty speak, she'd probably have told him she was pregnant.I wonder when it happened:When they were supposed to be trying but she wasn't really?Last week when they had spontaneous afternoon passion?(By the sound of things, Kirsty's only known she's pregnant for about a day.)The frustrating thing is on the rare occasion these two are settled they're really sweet together and I wish they'd stop being so damn stupid towards each other.

Nice to finally get dialogue confirmation that Tony and Gina are brother and sister, we were just left to assume it.At first I wondered if Gina was using Brendan as an excuse to avoid going away with Ted but she seemed pretty happy in the end.Not sure about Xavier's reaction, guess time will tell whether he's comfortable with having Brendan around again or not.

I liked the way Angelo and Charlie just seemed like a normal couple, it's a shame he's keeping things from her, albeit under orders.Whoever it was that said Hugo was mixed up in illegal immigrants, it's looking increasingly as though that's true or at least that Angelo thinks it's true.Jury's still out on whether Angelo's right about Hugo being up to something or not.He obviously didn't harm Gibbsy but was it as simple as him giving a lift or did he threaten him in some way?Sadly, not expecting any answers any time soon and by the time we get any we'll probably have forgotten the questions.

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Nice to finally get dialogue confirmation that Tony and Gina are brother and sister, we were just left to assume it.

It was established when Xavier first came to the Bay that Gina was Tony's sister since he is Tony's nephew and I believe he introduced Gina to Rachel as his sister. Had to smile when Gina said we should ask Brendan how he felt about her going away and he just said 'Bye Mum'. :D Why shouldn't Gina have some fun she is single and a good break would do her good. Know what you though mean Miranda about Hugo and Martha looking after Brendan look what happend last time!

Did Angelo really think Hugo would suddenly agree to smuggle Gibbsy out of the country just like that it's not as if he knew the guy that well before? :rolleyes: Whether Gibbsy actually said anything to Hugo after the wire 'fell off'(?) I don't suppose we will really know but Hugo is a lot smarter than that. If he has been involved in the illegals trade for a while he would need to be. Clever move (IMHO) when he told Angelo he had dropped Gibbsy off at the Surf Club.

What I want to know is why Kirsty decided to tell her uni mate - who she has only known a few weeks - she was pregnant and not Leah seeing as they were getting on so well and she had already talked to her about the getting pregnant problem before. :unsure: Kirsty is on the pill but it isn't 100 percent fool proof. BTW wasn't it Charlie Miles was cuddling on the beach?

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