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Miles was cuddling Leah and Charlie, in separate incidents. He got around that day, thats for sure! :rolleyes:

Forgot to say how pleased I am that Morag has moved in with Aden. She is just what he needs at the moment, telling him what to do and ignoring his shouting and ranting, and he wouldn't dare argue with her :D

I could really empathise with Kirsty today. A baby would take a year out of her life when she is just getting settled. I expect people will say that is harsh but however much Miles helps, it is Kirsty's body which will have to do all the work and go through the changes.

Also Rachel and Tony. Me and my husband were just like that after our baby was born. So exhausted we didn't know which way was up, arguing and snapping at each other because we were so exhausted, you don't know what exhaustion is til you've had a new baby.

How patronising was that woman at the mother's group? :angry: She should have a group for PARENTS, not just mothers. I've met so many like her, parent/child groups can be a nightmare. I think that young father is either destined for Leah, or there to split up Rachel and Tony :huh:

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I’m glad Kirsty gave Leah a serve. I think she pretty much asked for that. Even her expression and reaction made me think that Leah knew she did the wrong thing, especially during her conversation with Rachel shortly afterwards. I was actually surprised Kirsty didn’t quit there and then. Leah was right though she should mind her own business.

I’m also glad Miles felt guilty too but I do sympathise with him. Let’s remember he lost his family to the Tsunami so I’m sure he would love to have another kid. So Kirsty considering a termination must affect him.

Here we see the two sides in my opinion to Rachel. The one side where the way she acted towards Tony again made me really, really dislike her. It seems as though at the moment he can’t do anything right. I don’t blame her for being over protective of Harry that’s only natural after what happened but there seemed to be some sort of resentment there. And again the way she spoke to him really annoyed me and in the Diner when he told her he wanted to go back to coaching and she threw a strop because he didn’t talk to her about it and it would make things harder for her. What is he supposed to do? She won’t really let him spend anytime alone with Harry (his words). She won’t let him get close to her so he’s doing something that will give her a bit of space and she still doesn’t like it.

On the other hand her behaviour over the last week with other people has been different. i.e. seeing how Brendan was upset with Harry crying and being considerate enough to take him out for a walk Giving Kirsty the benefit of the doubt initially and offering sound advice to Leah about seeing her with Justin and also refusing to condemn Kirsty for the way she went off at Leah at the Diner. At mother’s group meeting she immediately built up a friendship with Andy and she came across as quite likeable. So it does appear though she’s being a b*tch to Tony but ok with everybody else.

I actually really enjoyed the mother’s group meeting stuff. I felt really sorry for Andy. I’m presuming his wife died during childbirth. I agree Miranda that woman was so condescending, I’m glad she kind of looked bad when Andy said he was a widower and she even annoyed me the way she was with Rachel about the control crying. I think Rachel pretty much went there with an open mind and to learn but the way that woman came across it was though she felt Rachel was looking down on her because she was a doctor. At least she was ok afterwards. It was quite interesting watching Rachel there with her relative inexperience. The older girl Sophia was sooooooooooooooo cute. Adorable she was. She could give Ollie a run for his money. Again liked the stuff with Rachel and the Andy in the Diner. Their scenes in that episode actually brought a smile to my face. Hopefully we will see more of them and that will take me back to the Rachel I used to like when she was with Kim.

Buying a domain name for Annie is taking this thing a bit overboard. I wonder if Jai wanted advice from her about Kirsty because he actually wanted to spend time with her. It surprised me he didn’t ask Xavier first as he’s supposed to be his best mate. I’m kind of glad he saw Dexter and Annie together as hopefully he will give up but I don’t think so. Didn’t really like the way he let slip about the pregnancy kit.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Xavier got four as well and Irene only had one.

Go, Kirsty.I really liked her outburst at Leah, it was spot on for the most part.It's true that for someone who's supposed to be her friend Leah never seems to give Kirsty the benefit of the doubt, especially where Miles is concerned.Glad that she didn't immediately forgive Miles when he learned the truth as well and that she pointed out that if he's going to think she's having an affair based on Leah seeing something ambigious they're really not in the right place to have a child together.Good on Jai for bringing it out into the open, I loved that little hug he gave Kirsty when he found out she was pregnant. Kirsty once again talks as if Ollie's got his own room.I've given up trying to work it out.

Well, Jai definitely seems sincere about winning Annie back, that scene of them together was so cute, he really looked as though he wanted to kiss her and I'm glad she was the one he confided in.His plan to win her round was sweet as well and it'd be nice to see the website.Not sure how Annie feels, she clearly doesn't want to hurt his feelings but I'm not sure if there's any residual feelings on her part or not.She obviously likes Dexter as well which complicates things.

Not sure if I should be worrying about Rachel and Tony or not.It's possible that, understandably, she's feeling overprotective of Harry given what's happened.She seemed a lot more relaxed with Leah than she did with him and when they met at the Diner she actually seemed fine with him until he mentioned doing the coaching.Given that she doesn't seem to be letting him do anything, I'm not sure it'd make that much difference to her.At first I thought Rachel was out of line asking Andy to stay when the woman in charge said no but from what happened later I don't think she actually was in charge, she just thought she was, so I guess she was the one out of line.

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Again I say that I think Rachel was acting pretty normally for a new mum. Remember when stressed, people tend to hit out at the ones closest to them i.e. husband, wife etc. I don't know if you two [slade and Ranger[ have got kids but if you haven't, when you get them you'll know [MWAH HA HA HA :wink:]

That mother and child group was pretty realistic with that woman acting like the perfect mother and being patronising. God I'm glad I stopped going to those groups :angry:

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Im just wondering if something is going to happen between Rachel and the guy she met at Mother & Baby group :o

My thoughts exactly she certainly seemed more relaxed with Andy than she did with Tony. Pretty brave of Andy to go to it in the first place! As you say Red poor Tony can't do right for doing wrong, Rachel should at least be OK leaving Harry with his Dad! It was only going to be two nights a week to give her more time alone with Harry and if she won't let him be hands on with Harry what's the problem? I suppose there has to be one 'perfect' mother who has the 'perfect' baby at every Mother and Baby group.

Poor Jai stumbling across Annie and Dexter like that, at least they won't have to sneak around anymore. He did try to speak to Kirsty about the pregnancy test alone Slade then Miles came in then felt he had to say something, besides Miles could have just have easily found it himself. He is part of the family and both have been cutting him out of the loop again. Can understand her mixed feelings at being pregnant, Miles was being naive thinking they would be able to manage - wasn't he saying last week he was finding hard working as well as looking after the house, caravan park, Jai and Nic? :huh:

Agree about her going off at Leah who at least admitted she was wrong to jump to conclusions. I don't think she still has feelings for Miles but she does care for him as a friend. Going off the plot line somewhat Kirsty does seem to wear some odd clothes somethimes, one moment she is in modern gear (like the floaty stuff) more suitable for her age then like Friday that dress she had made her look like a waitress (no offence to waitresses BTW) and was way too old for her.

Ruby tracks down Grant this week so prepare for the s**t to hit the fan.

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That episode left me with a lot of mixed feelings about the characters.Probably because most of the people that I normally really like are making it hard for me to do so.

Nicole really didn't do herself any favours here.Like Sid said, she was being monumentally selfish by continually pursuing him without any thought as to how it would affect anyone else.She was also a lousy friend towards Indigo.I wonder if she only went round to see her so she could see Sid and she clearly only suggested the cinema to get her out of the house.She's doing a pretty good job of wrecking the relationship between them.I really hope that at the end she was starting to regret the carnage she'd caused.Guess we'll see next episode.Can't really fault Sid, he was as blunt with her as he could be and did his best to stay away from her.The kiss seemed mostly if not entirely one-sided and he pushed her away pretty quickly.Comforting her was obviously a bad idea though, he should have pulled back a bit from criticising her but still kept his distance, in her state she was obviously going to see it as a green light.

Miles just makes me sympathise with Kirsty every time he speaks to her, even if she was being a bit dramatic a couple of times.For the last three episodes he's given her a hard time when she's done nothing to deserve it.They do need to sit down and talk but she's got a point that if there's nothing new to say it's not going to achieve anything and he just seems to be interested in childish digs and petty point-scoring.

Gotta feel sorry for Jai and glad that Annie felt bad about what happened.Hers and Dexter's comments on his behaviour didn't seem to fit in with what he did:They both claimed he hated them and looked like he wanted to hurt them but he seemed more upset than angry, then Dexter said he calmed down while they were talking when he seemed resentful throughout.I cringed when he said they were "meant to be together":Okay, it's what everyone else on this show says but it just made him sound psychotic.I was pleased with that little scene of him crying, it seemed like genuine emotion at last.I'm not sure if Annie's still got residual or subconscious feelings for him or not although she obviously still cares about him.I think Dexter is beginning to look more and more like the rebound guy although his fumbling attempts to make things right were well-intentioned.

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I really thought Nicole was going to back off of her pursuit of Sid after Indy opened up to her about not trusting people because of her dad, but then she still went round and made a play for him! :angry: He certainly did make it pretty plain that he wouldn't go for someone as young as her even if she wasn't his daughter's friend. It did seem to work but then he made the mistake of holding her when she cried, I don't think that was contrived on her part but it was a natural follow on really. How did she get in BTW, was it the usual thing as happens in the bay that Sid left the door unlocked and she just walked in? :unsure: Poor Indy looked so upset, but at least Sid didn't come out with the usual cliche 'It's not what it looks like'. Your'e right Red she had no intention of going to the cinema with them.

Kirsty and Miles definitely do seem to be having problems (again). Thing is they both want different things, Miles undertandably would like another child while Kirsty just isn't sure at the moment and Miles having a go all the time may make her make the wrong decision. I personally don't see a problem with Miles asking Jai to keep quite about it (although they don't know Annie knows). Besides he has other things on his mind.

It's a real difficult position Annie is finding herself in as she has never had two boys interested in her before so obviously hasn't a clue how to handle it. It wasn't as if she was cheating on Jai though as they had split up, but he beleived they would get back together, I felt really sorry for him when we saw him crying on the beach.

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[Haven't seen the Tuesday episode, I'm posting about the Monday one, in case people think I've gone completely mad :lol:]

Sid! Keep it in your pants for God's sake! I can't believe he fell for the oldest trick in the book: vulnerable girl is crying, boy takes pity on her, hugs her and they end up kissing. Such a cliche! He should have been so much stronger in this whole situation and kept Nicole at bay. I know she's legally an adult, but she is still half his age :rolleyes:

For once I'm on Kirsty's side :blink: Obviously Miles has a say in what happens to the baby, but it is her body, after all, and it will affect the rest of her life while he could do anything, such as move away, get a better job etc. I really don't think they will stick together, unfortunately.

I also think Annie is being unfair to Dex, she seems to be taking the feelings of her EX boyfriend more seriously than her CURRENT boyfriend. Annie and Geoff are so 'on and off'. One minute they love someone, the next they completely retreat from them. Maybe its their upbringing?

I agree with H&A lover about Kirsty's outfits. She looks really mumsy sometimes. As I said though I reckon she's pregnant in real life so probably trying to hide it.

I think Miles would have been better off going out with Leah, or even... Rachel! She wanted a baby as much as he did, they could have reproduced to their heart's content.

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I'm glad Nicole seems to be feeling a healthy dose of guilt about her actions, hopefully it's going to last and she won't just revert to her new old ways next week.I liked the way Sid kept refusing to let her touch him at the hospital, although I don't think she meant anything by it.Nice dose of humility from him as well as he realised Indigo only thought bad of him because he's done stuff like that in the past. Indigo was probably lucky in a way that she fell through that table, it looked as though that guy was going to take advantage of her otherwise.Liked the awkward silence when she told them she'd just seen her father and best friend making out.How much time was meant to have elaped between Indi being dumped at the hospital and Sid calling Dexter?At first I thought they took her there that night but then Sid implied they waited several hours.She didn't say enough for me to really tell but has Jody's accent disappeared?Nice to see Julie again, I think for the first time since her and Rachel's falling out.

Oh boy, Ruby.Can of worms well and truly opened.At least she finally seemed to be taking someone else's feelings into consideration when she apologised to Charlie for what she could have put her through...and now has.How did Charlie know where he lived?(When she found the piece of paper, it sounded as though she already knew.)It's possible he's still living in the same house but since his parents appear to be alive and living somewhere else it doesn't seem likely.For that matter, how did Grant find Charlie's place?If he followed her and Ruby, what did he tell his wife?(Indeed, what did he tell her anyway?)Why was Ruby looking through the drawers before he came in?Not sure about her reaction to meeting his children, there was a moment when she first arrived when she seemed to be thinking "That's my brother and sister" but then she didn't seem interested in them.Nice girls' talk scene between Leah and Charlie.

Geoff once again acts as though he's Ruby's boyfriend in all but name, asking her if she wants to spend the day with him.Neither of them even seemed to think that she might want to spend it with Xavier.(Hmm, maybe they've finally worked out how to make me like him:Have Ruby be a cow towards him.It'll probably last until the next time he does something dumb...)Glad that he mentioned Belle.Has the guy had an inhibition bypass?He spent a good amount of time wandering around in front of Charlie with no shirt on and neither of them seemed to think it was at all unusual.(Definitely been hanging around Aden too much...)

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