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Just caught up with yesterday and at first I thought Nicole’s pursuit of Sid was quite amusing but the way she was in that particular episode - trying it on with him at the Diner, going round to Indy’s place pretending to visit her when she was actually there to see Sid, hurting herself and feigning the level of injury as another excuse to spend some quality time with him arranging to meet Indy and Dex as an elaborate plan to get them out of the house to go round all dressed up to seduce their father. But now I just think it borders on desperate. If she had been a bloke she would have been labelled a stalker. She was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Complete and utterly selfish thinking only of herself. I felt really sorry for Indy when she saw them and ran off like that. I think she really valued Nicole’s friendship judging by their chat in the Diner and revealing she had trust issues with people in general and referring to Nicole as a “bestie” and you could see how concerned and upset she was with her after Nicole injured herself and Indy went to see her at the hospital.

Annie irritated me too making the whole thing regarding Jai about her “Oh he hates me”, “What am I going to do?”, “He’ll never speak to me again”. Put a sock in it Annie.

Oh and Miranda I agree with what you said about Kirsty previously. I personally thought she put on weight a while back and perhaps wondered if Christie was actually pregnant. I’m not sure now though. If she was it would make sense to tie her pregnancy in with any storylines.

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Nice to see Jarryd from Out of the Blue :D Can't really believe he's a rapist though.

But back to HAA. What a terrible shock for poor Charlie seeing her rapist on her doorstep!! Hopefully Angelo will turn up and thump him today.

I think Sid's problem is that although he was speaking the right words to Nicole [i.e. go away, nothing can happen between us], his body language was saying the opposite, probably he was thinking that too. I don't know whether he's had much experience of teenagers throwing themselves at him, I suppose its usually grown up women doing that. Why, I'll never know: he seems like a slimy tosser to me!

Poor old Nicole. She was wrong chasing Sid, but the poor girl has been getting lower and lower for months and no one seems to notice. Aden, Geoff and Roman have their own problems, as do the teenager Miles and his child bride Kirsty :whistle:

I wondered how Grant found Charlie's house. He MUST have followed her, because she doesn't live anywhere near her childhood home. And as Ranger said, does Grant live in the same house? Its a bit unlikely, surely? :blink:

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Whats with Nicole turning Bunny Boiler cant she see what a fool she is making of her self i sat in disbeliefe at hyow low she could stoop in her persuit of Sid even after he told her she was just a silly liile kid,

Annie has always made a drama out of every thing and any thing and thats what shes doing now cant feel sorry for her in any way,

Felt sorry for Idigo being played by Nicole like that she thought she had a friend now she has stabbed her in the back and Indy has ended up in hospital once more Nicole has struck at the hearts of many people.

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Ok so Nicole did appear as though she was genuinely sorry but the problem is the damage has already been done. Sid warned her not to go down this route again and again but she just wouldn’t listen. It appears as though she’s damaged the relationship between Indy and her father and it’s a shame because Indy was starting to trust him as she mentioned seeing no messages when she checked his phone after suspecting he was seeing that nurse. Sad that Indie’s lost her “bestie”. When Indy tells Dexter he’s going to be extremely displeased as well. I still think Nicole was selfish but objectively I also think she was so deluded by her infatuation she wasn’t thinking clearly. I thought she still wanted to be close to Sid when she was trying to comfort him for her mistake. Glad he made a point of when she gets older she will see that having feelings towards someone doesn't necessarily mean you can act on them.

Man did Indy go into that glass table hard. She’s lucky. It could have been a lot worse. I’m assuming the people she was hanging out with her didn’t call the ambulance because they were on drugs. Well I suppose at least they brought her to the hospital. Not sure what to make of Jodi coming back. I really wasn’t sure about the actress. Let’s hope she’s better this time around.

Charlie looked great in her nightwear. It’s a shame we couldn’t have seen more of Leah though. That aside, I quite liked their chat. Leah actually mentioned VJ. Where is he? At least Leah’s back to the Leah that I like.

Like Nicole I thought Ruby was selfish pursuing her father but I still really liked her in that episode. She’s determined that’s for sure. First impressions of Grant were he seemed like a decent bloke. If we didn’t know about the stuff that happened with Charlie I would even go as far as saying I quite liked him. After the amount of trouble Ruby went to find him I was a bit disappointed she blew her cover so quickly. I would have preferred it if she put on the act for a few days and got to know them properly and then outed him. Loved the way Charlie went after her despite the fact that she knew there was a strong possibility she could come face to face with Grant. Also really good that Ruby acknowledged that too and even referred to Charlie as her mother when she lost it with Grant earlier on. It was great actually seeing Ruby let Charlie comfort her for the first time since she revealed the truth. I thought it was interesting that Charlie knew where he lived as I’m assuming he isn’t living in the same place when he was fourteen. I loved the ending of that episode. I knew it was Grant after hearing the door knock. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Did we all miss something? The last time we saw Ruby she had only just made contact with Grant via the networking site, next she has his address and is off to see him - when did that happen or has more than a few days passed in HAA land? I'm with everyone else how did Charlie make the connection that the address was his? Unless, his name was on that piece of paper as well. The reason I think Ruby blew up like she did was because Grant had the happy family life whereas Charlie had gone through years of misery and Ruby finally realised it. It puzzled me as well how he managed to track them down to Leah's, he saw them drive off, then he would have had to go home, say something to his wife why he was off in such a hurry, then keep track of Charlie's car??? I knew it wasn't going to be Angelo at the door as soon as I heard the omninous music. Nice scene of Charlie and Ruby back at Leah's (before he turned up) and Ruby saying she was down with it now. Tonights episode will be very interesting.

I have never watched OOTB so don't know the actor who is playing Ruby's dad, but I'm guessing they play the soap hopping game that soap actors/actresses do over here.

Indie was lucky those guys did take her to the hospital even though they did just dump her there. I thought they left her there that night, but then didn't Dex say to Nic the next day she hadn't come home all night so did Sid wait till next day to let Dex know where she was (which doesn't seem likely)? :unsure: Jodie certainly got there quickly. Will Indie tell her mum what she saw do you think? Hopefully Nic really has learnt her lesson now, it certainly seemed like it by the way she was trying to apologise to Sid. Dex did insist she went to the hospital and how could she have got out of it?

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Did we all miss something? The last time we saw Ruby she had only just made contact with Grant via the networking site, next she has his address and is off to see him - when did that happen or has more than a few days passed in HAA land?

Since Ruby posed as one of Grant’s mates and contacted him via a Social Networking website presumably there’s been stuff off-screen where Ruby’s maybe asked for some contact details. She might not have even asked for his address outright. She could have just casually asked the area he was living in and tracked him down via a phonebook or even searched on the net.

Wow that was the first time I’ve ever seen Charlie scared. There were times in the past i.e. Eliot where you could she was freaked out but I never saw as much fear as that. It was apparent the way she slammed the door, pulled down the blind and threatened to call the police. Under normal circumstances she probably would have pulled out her badge and identified herself as a police officer - A Senior Constable even. Even when she saw Ruby talking to Grant she totally freaked out and came across as irrational which was completely understandable of course.

Not quite sure why they showed Leah and Kirsty at the beginning as there was no mention of their argument in the episode. I do wonder about Leah sometimes. The way she just gave her phone number to Grant like that. If it was me I would have taken his phone number to pass onto Charlie and if he was really desperate I would have phoned her and said an old friend was waiting in the Diner. How did Grant even know Charlie was a police officer?

This is just me personally but I have to say during his conversation with Ruby Grant was pretty convincing. I could understand Ruby having doubts especially the way he articulated himself. I also think at times she tries to see the good in people as was indicated by the way she told Charlie she believed he had changed. And I believe part of her just wants to get to know her father. I think it was pretty obvious that he followed them but yesterday before Grant followed Ruby out the house his wife asked him to tell Ruby her allegations weren’t true and he did so she couldn’t have thrown him out then. And after Charlie drove off I don’t think he would have had enough time to go back home and then for his wife just to chuck him out spontaneously and for him to get in the car and follow them. I know Angelo told him to leave the bay but I have a feeling this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him. He might want to get to know Ruby and Angelo or Charlie for that matter can’t force him to stay away as no charges were brought and if he is the father then legally he has rights.

Nicole did try and tell Indy the truth (which must have been hard) and even though Indy told Nicole she hated her again Nicole attempted to apologise afterwards but it was too little too late. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for her and she will take a long hard look at herself. Sid would be well within his rights to tell Miles everything but I don’t think he’s that kind of person. He may have been a womaniser but I don’t think he’s malicious in any way and I’m not sure if there’s anything to gain by it.

I actually felt quite sorry for him because he didn’t do anything wrong. All he tried to do was help Nicole and look what happened. I really liked the way he was with Dexter near the end, telling him he could come round anytime, knowing that Dexter resented him but calmly told Dexter one day he would explain what really happened. I thought Indy was quite harsh with Sid but can’t really blame her as she’s so angry at the moment she’s not prepared to even try and be objective. When the the doctor was talking about the cuts on her face it was reminiscent of when they were treating Matilda for burns after the explosion Zoe caused at Martha and Jack’s wedding and she was freaking out about her appearence. The acting wasn’t too bad but again at times I found it a little hard to understand what Jody was saying. I’m actually quite annoyed again they’ve got in characters I quite liked (certainly in Indy’s case) and they’ve gotten rid of them relatively quickly. I would have quite liked to see what happened with Dex and Annie but now she’s probably going to get back with Jai. At least she cried so we know she must have really liked him. And even Jodi they perhaps could have kept around longer.

Thought it was quite an interesting way to end the episode having scenes with most of the main characters involved feeling down, not saying much as things weren't looking too good for them at present.

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I really had to feel sorry for Sid in that episode.In fact, I came out of it with a very low opinion of both Jody and Indigo.I'll just about accept them automatically thinking the worst of Sid but it was clear that neither of them cared what Dexter wanted and just wanted him to go along with their plans.Indigo in fact came across as very hypocritical.She tells Sid that she's not going to tell anyone about him and Nicole because she cares about her family too much to hurt them, even though he didn't tell her about Nicole for that very reason.And then she goes and tells Dexter in order to get what she wants.Oh and Jody's apparently part French-part Greek-part Russian accent is still present and correct.I'm really not sure where our sympathies are meant to lie and whether we're meant to think Sid's getting what he deserved for being a less than perfect husband and father in the past.I think that's the problem:We've had characters tell us he's been a cad but we don't know them any better than him so we've no reason to take their side when all we've seen is him trying to do the right thing.

I really hope at some point Indi and Dexter come back and make up with Sid because if not I don't know why they were there other than to show us the family he's lost.Dexter had a five minute relationship with Annie then left and after a strong start Indi just stood around feeding Nicole lines, with the hints of a romance with Geoff or Xavier or even Aden coming to nothing.I liked the little scene of Ruby comforting Annie but her and Dexter's farewell didn't have any impact on me because I just couldn't see much of a connection between them.(Jannie reunion?Yes please!)

I agree with you Slade about Charlie, she was completely and understandably terrified of Grant and Esther played it really well.I also agree about how dumb Leah was:A guy rocks up and asks for Charlie's number and she just gives it to him, without checking if Charlie actually knows a Len Brooks and whether she'd want to talk to him if she did.And yeah, Grant saying his wife chucked him out doesn't make any sense if he followed Charlie.Did he maybe go back home in between turning up at her house and speaking to Leah?I actually didn't pick up on him knowing Charlie was a police officer, doubly curious if he didn't know Ruby's name.

I'm a bit disappointed after Ruby finally showed some empathy towards Charlie last episode that she was willing to accept Grant's story at face value, although I agree that he didn't intend to hurt her.I don't know if it's because of what we've been told about him or Charlie's reaction to him but he did seem vaguely sinister.I'm wondering if maybe he's the one who's convinced himself that his version of events is true:Maybe Charlie didn't actually say no that night but didn't say yes either and he just went ahead and did it, with her too scared to try and fight him off.Liked Angelo being supportive, it's nice that Charlie seems completely comfortable with him.Although it would be hard to keep Grant away from Ruby if she wanted to see him, I doubt he's got any parental rights.Even if they put his name on the birth certificate-and why would they?-if she was adopted then Ross is her legal father.

And yes, Leah and Kirsty arguing was definite CURS.

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What’s CURS? Oh and another thing someone mentioned the other day SORAS? Not sure what either of those acronyms mean.

I'm wondering if maybe he's the one who's convinced himself that his version of events is true:Maybe Charlie didn't actually say no that night but didn't say yes either and he just went ahead and did it, with her too scared to try and fight him off.

I forgot to mention this the first time round but I do wonder if Grant was delusional when he was talking about his version of events but he virtually accused Charlie of being the same thing. It actually reminded me of the whole Kane/Dani thing. Kane was obviously as guilty as hell but he’d got it into his mind that he was innocent because although Dani said no, she didn’t actually fight him off so he genuinely believed that she consented. If my memory serves me correctly a couple of years after the rape she confessed to Kit that she froze.

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