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What’s CURS? Oh and another thing someone mentioned the other day SORAS? Not sure what either of those acronyms mean.

Dash it, Slade, you let me down, I thought you were paying attention to my ramblings.CURS is my invented acronym for Completely Unrelated Recap Sequence.SORAS is Soap Opera Rapid Ageing Syndrome, the way that characters like Duncan or Martha were deliberately made older than they should have been so they could give them adult or teenage storylines quicker.I think someone mentioned it in relation to the fact Charlie is now 30 when she was [or claimed to be] only 26 when she came in.

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I think Grant has convinced himself that his version of events is the correct one. But what he was saying wasn't making sense: he 'wore Charlie down' and it 'wasn't consensual'. Is that not rape then?! He also questioned why Charlie waited 4 months to tell anyone about the event, as if that was proof she was lying. I thought it was more likely to prove she wasn't lying, but instead a scared young girl trying to pretend it hadn't happened.

As for Leah! She is one of my favourite characters but this time I am really cross with her. What a stupid thing to do: give a total stranger her friend's phone number- not even just that, her own phone number. I would never in a million years do that. Some really dodgy, drunken types came to our door one evening and asked for our neighbour, who is a woman living alone. I just said 'oh, I don't know anyone round here called Julie, sorry.' and shut the door.

I hope Indi, Dex and Jodi come back again, they are an interesting family. I don't think we are 'supposed' to take anyone's side out of them, the Walkers are just another example of soap characters for us to observe and comment on :unsure:

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I think Grant has convinced himself that his version of events is the correct one. But what he was saying wasn't making sense: he 'wore Charlie down' and it 'wasn't consensual'. Is that not rape then?! He also questioned why Charlie waited 4 months to tell anyone about the event, as if that was proof she was lying. I thought it was more likely to prove she wasn't lying, but instead a scared young girl trying to pretend it hadn't happened.

As for Leah! She is one of my favourite characters but this time I am really cross with her. What a stupid thing to do: give a total stranger her friend's phone number- not even just that, her own phone number. I would never in a million years do that. Some really dodgy, drunken types came to our door one evening and asked for our neighbour, who is a woman living alone. I just said 'oh, I don't know anyone round here called Julie, sorry.' and shut the door.

I think that it is most rapists try to do, convince themselves they didn't 'rape' their victim. I did have to admit I could see his point about the fact he was a 15 year old boy and they don't have the control a fully grown man would (or should) have. Also the argument that back then the thinking was even if a girl said no she didn't actually mean it. How exactly did he 'wear her down', even if he didn't use force on her and she just lay there and let him it was still rape. If we didn't know better he would be very believeable. Has Charlie told Ruby her version of that night BTW? According to Grant she had lied to her parents as to where she was going and he knew how tough Ross was which was why she didn't tell them the truth till it was too late. It's a normal (if that is the right word) reaction for someone as young as Charlie was to try and pretend it didn't happen. Good question that about how did he know Charlie was a cop unless he assumed as Ross was one she became one too? :confused: His story about him following her and Charlie didn't ring true, surely if as he said his wife had thrown him out they must have had a few words at least, perhaps he just went back and jumped in his car, then he must have put some speed on to catch up to them, especially as he wouldn't have known which direction they had gone?? You have to admit if we didn't know what he had done he comes across as a real charmer and a nice guy which doesn't explain Leah just handing out her phone number like that. You would think as a woman who used to live alone she ought to be very careful whatever someone tells her. :rolleyes: Angelo could get him on pretending to be a police officer as he said, though that wouldn't hold him for long. You can bet your bippy we haven't seen the last of him!

So mystery solved about when Indy was brought into hospital - the following morning, a pity she didn't believe Nic when she said the kiss was all down to her, but in her place would you knowing what Sid had been like in the past. Poor Annie just getting into a new relationship then off he goes, nice little sceen at the end with Ruby forgetting her problems to comfort her.

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I really enjoyed that episode, it felt as though they took all the plotlines I haven't been particularly impressed with in the past and actually did them right.The characterisation of Aden was spot on for the first time since the funeral episode.(Has he had a haircut, by the way?)He was still moody but in a way that was acceptable and understandable rather than the hostility and extreme behaviour we've seen recently.I liked the little bits with him on the farm and then Morag's chat with Alf.Wonder if Hugo's comment about sheep manure was him being sarcastic:They haven't got any sheep so they didn't get it straight from the source.

I'm enjoying Brendan's visit a lot better than I enjoyed the last one, probably because he's not just a plot device to have Hugo and Xavier get macho with each other every five minutes.Instead we're seeming the three of them get on well.It was a really cute moment when Hugo put Brendan's lunch in his bag in the middle of reciting the checklist.Is it politically incorrect to call Brendan an idiot savant?He was obviously going to either fix that camera or break it completely and I'm glad it was the first one. Loved the way Jai echoed him, saying "Brendan fixed it."And ah yes...Xavier.I've been saying for most of the year that they need to get Ruby away from him but I'm now wondering if the reverse was true as well.(Not that they've actually split up, they just might as well have...)Because...I'm actually liking him at the moment and for the first time he feels like a part of the show rather than an annoyance that's been grafted onto it.The scene with him and Annie summed it up, that's the first time they've actually felt like friends rather than two random characters stuck in a scene together.

So...Annie and Jai.Like I said, handled a lot better than it has done previously, with them both nicely characterised and Jai coming across as sincere rather than just having his pride wounded.Still, I'm not sure whether both Jai and myself should hang onto the very faint hope of a reunion or just accept that it's over.I liked Kirsty's advice to him and I agree with it, he's told Annie how he feels, she said no, he needs to let it rest, at least for the moment.But, like Jai, I really don't know where this has come from. When they split up, it was over something trivial and it didn't seem to be what either of them wanted. But suddenly Annie's all "I'm over you, we're never getting back together" and I'm not sure why.(Bet if it was Aden trying to get back with Belle no-one would say "get over it and move on", grumble, grumble...)

Tony and Rachel just about squeezed into this episode.Not really a lot to say except that Rachel really does seem to be completely run down and I hope things get better some time.

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I think Brendan would be called 'an autistic savant', like Raymond in 'Rain Man'.

Poor Rachel, I just wanted to hug her and say 'don't worry, it does get better.' When she said something like 'it never stops, its 24 hours a day,' I really felt for her: a friend and I were saying that the other day!

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A good episode with lots of interesting points!

To begin with when Tachel were on the beach and then they seperated I thought Rachel's look back at Tony was significant. It looked to me like she knew she wasn't quite being straight with Tony and she was sorry.

I thought that Annie's photo taking technique was odd. Point and click. I'm sure most of them would have been rubbish in real life, lol.

Poor old Jai and Annie. Although now I'd say Jai is being a bit of a loser I must say when I was his age (14/15?) I had a similar crush on someone and felt a bit like him. I think Annie dealt with it well though and wasn't too harsh and Kirsty gave him some good advice too.

Brendan fixing the camera too. He is fast becoming my favourite character. I used to hate it when he became upset because my cousin is a bit like him. Now he seems more happy most of the time and can do more thing by himself! :D

The Morag/Martha/Aden thing was fab. Morag has been good to Aden and top marks to her for that. But Martha went through Jack's death and I think Aden can relate to that. My favourite quote was "Belle's the one that died, not you". Only someone like Martha could say that and it not be cruel or stupid.

On a lighter note I must say that Christie Hayes is looking stunning with her curves :wub:

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What’s CURS? Oh and another thing someone mentioned the other day SORAS? Not sure what either of those acronyms mean.

Dash it, Slade, you let me down, I thought you were paying attention to my ramblings.CURS is my invented acronym for Completely Unrelated Recap Sequence.SORAS is Soap Opera Rapid Ageing Syndrome, the way that characters like Duncan or Martha were deliberately made older than they should have been so they could give them adult or teenage storylines quicker.I think someone mentioned it in relation to the fact Charlie is now 30 when she was [or claimed to be] only 26 when she came in.

Yeah I usually do. e.g. last week Xavier made four appearances and the week before Alf had five. It was actually me that made the Charlie comment and someone replied with the SORAS acronym but I didn’t think to ask the person what it stood for then.

I don't know who this Slade chap/girl is (can't be bothered to check sorry!) but his/her posts are ace!

Thank you sir! I’m male but I do think Red Ranger is the stellar poster here, certainly in this thread.

IMO it seems as though at the moment it's quite awkward between Tony and Rachel and they are both unhappy. Again he offered to help her but just wasn't having any of it. She seems more relaxed and down to earth with Andy e.g. when he made the comment about struggling I think if that had been Tony she would have taken it the wrong way. I quite like this platonic friendship developing. I know it was innocent but I think inviting herself round to Andy’s could be a bad idea.

Really liked the chat with Kirsty and Jai. I think a lot of us have been there but as she quite correctly stated he really needs to back off. Annie just isn’t interested and the only way for him to move on would be to avoid her altogether so that means no socialising, no friendship but that could prove difficult if they are in the same classes as school. I thought Annie was a bit blunt with him but she tried diplomacy and he just didn’t get the message.

At times it’s really uncomfortable seeing Aden treat people that try to help him like cr*p. I know they are trying to portray his grief realistically but it’s still difficult watching it. I hated the way he was with Morag and the way he spoke to Martha initially. I thought Martha handled herself really well. And I agree that when she was offering advice or telling him how it is she’s the one person he couldn’t say anything back to because she’s been in his position. Quite liked the way she comforted him when he broke down at the end.

I actually did like the stuff with Brendan and Hugo too. I knew he was going to fix the camera. Breaking it would have been the easy option. I agree about Xavier. Not sure if I want he and Ruby to break up but I would rather see more scenes with Ruby and Charlie at the moment. And yes this is a good opportunity to show more interaction with Xavier and other characters as was apparent by the scene with Annie which I enjoyed too.

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I was glad to see poor old Aden collapsing into the veg. patch like that and Martha comforting him. It is just the thing he needed to do. Hopefully after his counselling for the abuse he is better at dealing with his emotions and won't go off like he used to.

It looks like Jai is getting obsessed with Annie... a stalker storyline in the making? :o

I think something may happen between Rachel and Andy: otherwise wouldn't they have made the character female?

Shall I set up a fan club for you Slade? We'll all wear curly blond wigs and talk in a Brummie accent :whistle:

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