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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Rachel atm is being a real cow to wards Tony shutting him out just as if he cant handle looking after baby Harry but she quick enough to make arrangements to round to that guys house to talk while Tony is at footy practice,

Aden collapsing into the veg patch was what was needed as Martha was on hand to give him the shouldier he needed to cry on as she has been through it ,

Jai wants to get over it go and find some one else Annie wasnt for him any way


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Yes maybe they are highlighting single dads, its a good idea.

Re: Slade. I'm talking about the 70s group Slade, whose lead singer Noddy Holder had long blond curly hair and they were all Brummies/ Wolverhampton-ites. I think you are quite young RichLeamington so may not remember, but our Slade knows I take the mick out of his name :wink:

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Well after the high drama in Tuesdays and Wednesdays episodes we needed yesterdays to calm down a bit.

Good for you Brendan, you have hiden talents! Is he going to a different day centre back home because it seems he has come on in leaps and bounds since we last saw him? It certainly seems to have thrown Hugo and Xavier.

You don't need to be a psychologist to know why Sophia is playing up, she is obviously missing her mum. I don't know what Andy has told her about it, but at her age she can't really voice her feelings. Rachel said it herself she is being selfish, there is Tony trying to help but she keeps knocking him back and Andy hasn't got anyone to help him. Where are the grandparants BTW?

Very good advice from Kirsty to Jai, he can't ignore Annie completely but does need to keep his distance.

Shame they waited right until the end for Aden to collapse in tears at the farm, hope they follow it up with him and Martha talking and not just ignore it. In a strange sort of way he had it better because at least he got to say goodbye to Belle which Martha didn't get to do with Jack.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Tony and Rachel were only in one and Colleen and Miles didn't fare much better, appearing in two but only talking in one of them.

Hard to know where to start with that one, unusually all of the storylines were very interconnected so it's hard to talk about them separately.First off, the rehabilitation of Aden, who once more seemed more grieving widower than self-centred jerk.I have to say I thought there was going to be a decent conversation with Martha but all that happened was she told him a few home truths then he had a bit of a cry.I was very glad that he apologised to Morag and Irene but I really, really hope we get a scene of him apologising to Nicole at one point, she seemed to cop more flack than anyone.If in a couple of weeks they're suddenly best friends again without any discussion, I'll feel very cheated.I know that grieving isn't a logical process but it seemed very odd that a couple of weeks ago Aden was so desperate to get out of the house he joined Gibbsy on an illegal abalone fish but here he turns down Irene's offer to return to work.Is it that he doesn't want to be in charge?Got to see, they've made a lot more of Irene inheriting Lou's business than I expected so good on them, even though it isn't exactly a money spinner.Makes you wonder why Donna wanted it in the first place.(Unless she knew about the abalone..?)Liked Morag basically telling Colleen to get lost although it was nice of her to stick up for her.

With Xavier and Ruby, I think I've finally reached the stage where I wouldn't care if they split up but I can sit through their scenes without clenching anything.Although I'm not sure how long I'll have to do so.They both seemed to really be trying their best here, at least until Ruby dropped everything to go off and see Geoff.Their kiss at the dinner table felt a bit like over-compensation.Nice twist that Brendan had been talking about another Ruby.I can kind of understand it but Charlie handled the talk with Ruby really badly.I actually really liked it when Ruby came in and started talking to Charlie about her problems like old times but Charlie didn't seem to be interested and just tried to give her a lecture about Grant.I can understand that she thinks he's dangerous and that it's important to keep Ruby away from him but it's ironic coming from someone who didn't even want to hear his name last week.Here Charlie says outright that Grant was violent so I guess either she's built it up in her mind to be [slightly] more than it was or he was lying.

Geoff is literally the last person I'd have expected to drop out of school, he's always been so straight-laced.I've said in the past that I'd prefer him and Ruby to stay friends but after that not-much-of-a-moment I wouldn't actually mind, although him falling for his sister's best friend again is kinda ironic. So long as Ruby chooses between him and Xavier soon, it isn't really fair otherwise.Irene calling Ruby to talk to Geoff was a bit odd:I can't think of any better choices(except maybe Annie or Tony)but did she really think she could change his mind?

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Yes maybe they are highlighting single dads, its a good idea.

Re: Slade. I'm talking about the 70s group Slade, whose lead singer Noddy Holder had long blond curly hair and they were all Brummies/ Wolverhampton-ites. I think you are quite young RichLeamington so may not remember, but our Slade knows I take the mick out of his name :wink:

I know Slade, I've lived in Brum for 3 years myself, that's why I asked. Besides Noddy comes from Walsall and not Brum :P

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I don't know who this Slade chap/girl is (can't be bothered to check sorry!) but his/her posts are ace!

Thank you sir! I’m male but I do think Red Ranger is the stellar poster here, certainly in this thread.

And thank you, sir.Thanks for the endorsement and I enjoy reading your posts as well.

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Shall I set up a fan club for you Slade? We'll all wear curly blond wigs and talk in a Brummie accent :whistle:

No way! He's self-opinionated enough as it is!

Well if you’re not going to have an opinion about anything there’s not really much point in posting in a forum such as this.

If you really want to see some strong opinions try venturing into the Australian Discussion thread every so often. You don’t have to look at any of the current Australian episodes but if you check the most recent episode shown in the UK you can look at the corresponding week (or past weeks) and see some of the views of the episodes we discussed here (If you think my comments are bad try reading some of those). Better still try browsing the old archived Appreciation/Deprecation threads. The “Sam Depreciation” and “Anti Rachel” threads are two that spring to mind.

Regarding the previous comment about Jai stalking Annie I thought it was interesting that right at the beginning of the episode even his best mate Xavier used the term “stalking” regarding Jai’s pursuit. I wouldn’t go that far but I do think it’s an infatuation bordering on obsession and if he doesn’t back off soon it will develop into stalking.

Again I thought Ruby didn't come across that well. Selfish and self absorbed once more. Everything just seemed to be about her. Firstly regarding Xavier and Geoff it looks like she’s stringing them both along or more to the point stringing Xavier along in case things don’t work out with Geoff (or perhaps she's simply confussed). For me it felt like she's almost flirting with him and possibly wants a relationship but hasn’t dumped Xavier in case the feeling isn’t reciprocated (I actually think Geoff possibly likes her too). I thought she was slightly out of order when Xavier was opening up in the Diner and she just seemed to run off at the drop of a hat because Geoff wanted to drop out of school (which I actually found a bit disappointing). That was quite insensitive.

I actually felt quite sorry for Xavier. I don’t think he did anything wrong this episode and his attitude/body language almost suggested he was resigned to his fate initially until Ruby decided she was interested at dinner. I found the stuff with Brendan and Ruby (his one that is) quite funny, especially everybody’s reactions when they found out. Never would have guessed that he actually had a girlfriend named Ruby. He’s a fast worker.

As Red Ranger said previously Ruby seemed to empathise with Charlie after meeting Grant but when she went round to speak to her it was about her problems and at first I thought she was oblivious but she just wasn’t interested, told Charlie to calm down as if she was acting irrationally which she wasn’t, seemed dismissive and stormed off like a spoilt brat. How long has she known Charlie and how long has she known Grant? She’s effectively made Charlie do something irrational regarding the unsolved rape cases. Angelo was right. No good can come from this.

At least Aden’s apologising to people now. I really liked the way Morag accepted his dinner offer and bluntly told Coleen she couldn’t tag along (I still remember her expression when she found out Coleen was her sister). Not sure about him and Geoff working together if he does decide to go back to the trawler. I still remember the stuff in the past. It’s one thing playing on the same footie team, another spending eight hours each day on a boat together although they’ve moved on since then.

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