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Shall I set up a fan club for you Slade? We'll all wear curly blond wigs and talk in a Brummie accent :whistle:

No way! He's self-opinionated enough as it is!

Well if you’re not going to have an opinion about anything there’s not really much point in posting in a forum such as this.

If you really want to see some strong opinions try venturing into the Australian Discussion thread every so often. You don’t have to look at any of the current Australian episodes but if you check the most recent episode shown in the UK you can look at the corresponding week (or past weeks) and see some of the views of the episodes we discussed here (If you think my comments are bad try reading some of those). Better still try browsing the old archived Appreciation/Deprecation threads. The “Sam Depreciation” and “Anti Rachel” threads are two that spring to mind.

I was only joking, Slade. I don't think your comments are bad. I enjoy reading them and others on this forum. It makes me see that there are other ways of looking at situations.

Keep them coming!

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What a swizz, I think we were cheated out of a good discussion between Martha and Aden about coping without a loved one. The scene between him and Morag where he said he wanted to cook her dinner just seemed disjointed because of that and we never saw that either!

Not quite sure why he is so reluctant to become skipper, perhaps he feels it is just too big a jump from deck hand to being in charge.

I have read he does change his mind but he and Geoff come to blows on the boat.

Maybe it's Charlie that is obssessing, though you can hardly blame her, Ruby just wanted things to be like they used to when she told Charlie all her problems. Is it an unwritten rule that all Yabby Creek cops do things they shouldn't? We have just had Charlie checking up on any unsolved rape cases (though why does she think Grant is a serial rapist anyway) and Jack used the system for his own purposes! :rolleyes:

Loved it that Brendan has a girlfriend coincidently called Ruby. There was Xavier getting worried that he has a crush on his Ruby when he has one of his own!! She is either from his day centre back home or as you say Slade a fast worker (a very fast worker), proves he is a true Austin!

I know Vinnie is in the WPP but don't you think they have taken the new idenity a bit too far? True he used to be a bit of a lad before he meet her but Leah would be totally shocked at what he is getting up to now. :blush:

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I find it interesting that everyone else seems to think Ruby did the wrong thing.Thinking about it, it's not that I think Ruby did the right thing but that I think Charlie did the wrong thing.She had the perfect opportunity to rebuild her relationship with Ruby and she blew it.I get why she was disappointed that Ruby wasn't there to talk about Grant but showing no interest in her problems and only being prepared to talk about what she wanted just alienated her.She should have listened to what Ruby was saying about Geoff and Xavier, offered her advice and maybe brought up Grant afterwards or at a later date instead of pretty much rejecting her.

I agree that I think it's more a case of Ruby being confused than of her stringing both guys along.I think she wants to be with Xavier, mainly because of their history, but things have changed between them and she can't get back what they had.(After all, it's only a few weeks since she lost her virginity to him, I think she'd be very disappointed to find that meant absolutely nothing.)Agreeing to go to dinner and the kiss were her way of trying to make it work.I think her and Geoff's "moment" was less a case of "Something could have happened then if we'd let it" and more a case of her, and possibly him, suddenly realising how they'd been behaving around each other recently and what that meant.

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I agree that I think it's more a case of Ruby being confused than of her stringing both guys along.I think she wants to be with Xavier, mainly because of their history, but things have changed between them and she can't get back what they had.(After all, it's only a few weeks since she lost her virginity to him, I think she'd be very disappointed to find that meant absolutely nothing.)Agreeing to go to dinner and the kiss were her way of trying to make it work.I think her and Geoff's "moment" was less a case of "Something could have happened then if we'd let it" and more a case of her, and possibly him, suddenly realising how they'd been behaving around each other recently and what that meant.


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I was only joking, Slade. I don't think your comments are bad. I enjoy reading them and others on this forum. It makes me see that there are other ways of looking at situations.

Keep them coming!

Don’t worry. Your comment really didn’t bother me it still might be worth looking at those threads though just out of interest.

I find it interesting that everyone else seems to think Ruby did the wrong thing.Thinking about it, it's not that I think Ruby did the right thing but that I think Charlie did the wrong thing.She had the perfect opportunity to rebuild her relationship with Ruby and she blew it.I get why she was disappointed that Ruby wasn't there to talk about Grant but showing no interest in her problems and only being prepared to talk about what she wanted just alienated her.She should have listened to what Ruby was saying about Geoff and Xavier, offered her advice and maybe brought up Grant afterwards or at a later date instead of pretty much rejecting her.

Under normal circumstances yes but Charlie isn’t thinking straight at the moment. I think her main priority is dealing with the more immediate threat (in her mind) i.e. Grant and protecting her daughter as opposed to rebuilding her relationship with Ruby. That was evident in today’s episode. I’m glad they are exploring another side to Charlie’s character and it’s quite interesting watching her like this. All logic and reasoning seem to have gone out of the window and in addition to protecting Ruby her actions seem to resemble that of a vendetta bordering on obsessional hatred. I really liked the scene where she threatened to kill Grant in the Diner (rule of the thumb is whenever someone threatens someone and there are witnesses something’s bound to happen). I also liked the reactions of people such as Xavier, Jai Leah & Coleen. To be fair to Grant I could see where he was coming from but does he really think Charlie is just going to drop everything just because he asked her too. I thought Angelo was spot on with his argument, firstly that Grant had been a model citizen for sixteen years and secondly people change. Not sure if this lead she’s got is going to go anywhere and to think she’s actually going to take two days off work. I hope they show any investigation/follow up.

Ruby remains unsure and she’s gone from saying Grant raped Charlie to she was traumatised by the “experience”. Again how did Grant even know where to find her? There was nothing to suggest before that she was not living with Charlie. He would have been more likely to wait outside the school and try to talk to her on her way home. Maybe he did follow her or did he overhear what Coleen said to Charlie just as he walked into the Diner earlier on?

Not sure what to make of Kirsty’s remark to Miles that she couldn’t’ wait for Ollie to get older so he wouldn’t be sick as often. This was compounded by the fact that she suggested that she wasn’t happy about the pregnancy.

Last week I actually thought Nicole was going to try to change her behaviour after the fallout but she’s back on Sid’s case although now I don’t really think it makes any odds as she’s already cost him his family so what has he got to lose. I’m almost certain he’s attracted to her now. I wonder how long he’s going to be able to resist her for. I think quite a few people in his position would have given in by now. The only other thing I can think off would be to simply tell Miles everything. At least he could do something about Nicole. Funny how she thought that alcohol wouldn’t solve his problems but sex would.

Interesting seeing John Palmer back. After Trey’s exit I didn’t think we would see him again. Wonder if we’ll hear anything about Trey at all.

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Oh, Charlie.I was hoping they weren't going to do a Dani and make her out to be some crazy woman who needs to get over it and move on...but it looks like they already have.Or have they?Grant actually seemed really plausible up until his meeting with Ruby.If it's a case that he's a reformed character and Charlie's trying to drag up information about an imaginary crime spree, then she needs to drop it.But he's still denying that her version of events is true which leads me to wonder if there's more to him than meets the eye.Liked Angelo being the voice of reason and liked that Ruby refused to take Grant's side.He could have made a real misstep going to see her, Charlie's going to be horrified to find out that he made contact whether she has reason to be worried or not.And yes, she does seem to have forgotten the first, second or third rule of soap.

But more on that next week...

Miles and Kirsty thankfully seem to have settled down a bit, they seemed slightly more relaxed here and the sniping was kept to a minimum.Although her reasons for not telling Miles earlier were a bit iffy, Kirsty did seem to be genuine when she said she was keeping the baby.It's one thing to say "I don't want another baby right now", it's another thing entirely to get rid of the baby you're already carrying.I did wonder at one point if she was only pretending Ollie was ill to get out of spending time with Miles but it looks like I was wrong.Hopefully, as she suggested, she'll reach the point where she's happy about the baby eventually.One thing:If Jai was supposed to be going to school, shouldn't Miles have been going to work instead of asking Kirsty to go to Yabbee Creek with him or hanging out with Sid?

Nicole and Sid...Yeah.I'm over it.I really hate what they've done to her.It was about this time last year they were doing their best to ruin Melody and now they're doing the same with Nicole.I always find self-destructing teenagers tedious and frustrating to watch and I really hoped she'd turned the corner last week.At first I thought she was genuinely trying to help Sid but then she just came onto him again.And I agree that now he's got nothing to lose he might end up giving in to her, which isn't going to help either of them.I did wonder if he actually wanted her to come round when he mentioned he was going to be at the house alone in front of her.

Martha and Hugo were really cute in that episode.And John Palmer's back, complete with attitude, although I'm not expecting a mention of how Trey and Jenena are doing.I can see Hugo standing against him for council here...

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Again how did Grant even know where to find her? There was nothing to suggest before that she was not living with Charlie. He would have been more likely to wait outside the school and try to talk to her on her way home.

Don't forget when Grant rang the house (after Leah gave him the number) Ruby answered so naturally he would think she lived there. I don't think he was expecting Ruby to answer the door he just took advantage of the fact it was Ruby to put pressure on her. He had some nerve though saying to Charlie now that he has lost his family Ruby is all he has left! He hasn't given her a thought in 16 years and 'suddenly' he wants to be her dad! :angry: You can bet your bottom dollar 'something' is going to happen and Charlie is going to regret saying that in front of a load of witnesses. Know what you mean Red

After Charlie kidnaps Grant and tortures himand he blurts something out and Ruby finally knows who was telling the truth.

Angelo is being so good by undertanding how Charlie feels yet also trying to keep things on an even keel.

Thank goodness Kirsty and Miles have sorted things out though I don't suppose it will be plain sailing.

Not sure what to make of Hugo's new plan, did love the way he teased Martha. :D Shame John is back on the scene, nothing seems to have changed with him still the same bully boy. Maybe Hugo will persuade Alf if he doesn't want to run for council.

Nic, Nic why have you reverted back to trying it on with Sid? I agree he is attracted to her, please don't let him give in it would be such a cliche.

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I actually thought Charlie was a one off and that Grant seemed like a good person at heart who had made a mistake but had changed. After watching that episode we can see just how cunning he is and how he can manipulate people to suit his own ends. That was still apparent the way he was trying to convince Ruby to get Charlie to back off (I did think he put his wife up to speaking to her as well initially). I’m really glad because that totally vindicates Charlie of any irrational behaviour as she was right all along and he definitely has to be stopped because he will probably do this sort of thing again. It actually didn’t occur to me how reminiscent this was of Dani a few years ago. I really liked the scene where of the two ladies the one who decided to talk was reluctant at first then Charlie told her about the rape, that she had a daughter and that Grant was in contact with Ruby, had talked her round and the woman told her story burst into tears and Charlie comforted her - The thing that really made me shake my head about that was the fact that girl really liked Grant (well she said she spent all her money on a dress for a night out with him) so if he'd simply been patient he wouldn't have needed to force himself on her but that is neither here nor there. It’s a shame that woman didn’t want make it official because now it looks as though Charlie’s gone and done something really stupid as she felt she was out of options. Not sure what she plans on doing with Grant but she could wind up in really serious trouble if she doesn’t watch herself (as there were already witnesses that heard her threaten to kill him the day before and Xavier saw her leave the Surf Club today) not to mention that she’s a police officer so this could potentially mean the end of her career - Although judging by what happened with Angelo, with a good Lawyer even if she killed Grant she could still probably get her job back.

So Nicole’s taken things a little further and actually made enquiries about a weekend away. I still don’t think she’s thinking straight but what she is doing is tantamount to stalking. Her comment about how being persistent got her results just reaffirms that. At least Sid gave himself a way out and threatened to tell Miles although I think he’s probably bluffing TBH. Either way I don’t think any threats like that will scare Nicole into backing off. Although Annie saw them talking I didn’t think she was perceptive enough to tell what’s going on. Her expression suggested she knows something’s up. Not sure what she’s thinking though.

Good to see there’s still tension, bitterness and rivalry between John Palmer and Hugo. Martha was right mentioning his ungratefulness considering how Hugo helped John before and the way John came across I would have gotten annoyed with him. When Hugo was trying another approach to get him onside and trying to use genuine reasoning, it seemed as thought John only agreed to listen to what Hugo had to say so he could mock him out of pure spite and malice.

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Well, it's now 100% clear that Grant is a very twisted individual.I liked the little scenes of Charlie and the two women, they were both clearly terrified and it underlined everything Charlie's been saying about him.I'm still not sure if Ruby's in danger from him or not but his comments about spending time with her...is he really sick enough to do something to his own daughter?Tracey just came across as deluded in comparison and didn't convince for a moment.Unfortunately, Charlie seems to have not so much torn up the police handbook as set fire to a huge pile of them in the middle of the town square. And three cheers for Irene:She obviously wasn't taken in by Grant for a second and actually seemed to believe Charlie more than Ruby did.I loved the way she kept an eye on Grant when he turned up and stepped in.

Nicole really does seem to have reverted almost completely to the way she was when she first turned up:Part manipulative cow, part lonely and damaged girl who just wants someone to show her affection. It's understandable that, without Roman, Geoff and to all intents and purposes Aden in her life and also with the pain she experienced because she cared about Belle, she'd act like that again but also a bit disappointing and I'm hoping she's back to her old self soon.Annie seeing her with Sid is obviously going to come up at some point, it's interesting that, because of her relationship with Dexter and him leaving, in a sense he's already involved.

John actually suggests Hugo stand for council here, not sure if it'll happen or not.Also not sure whether John actually believes what he's saying or whether he just doesn't like Hugo, he did come up with some sort of counter argument.Loved Brendan's "Heaps!" when Hugo wondered how much scrap metal he'd been left with.

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